German opposition wins major state vote

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
The Associated Press: German opposition wins major state vote

BERLIN (AP) — Voters in Germany's most populous state strengthened a center-left regional government which Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives had portrayed as irresponsibly spendthrift, and inflicted an embarrassingly heavy defeat Sunday on the German leader's party, projections showed.
The center-left Social Democrats and Greens — Germany's main opposition parties — won combined support of about 51 percent in the election in North Rhine-Westphalia state, according to ARD television projections based on exit polls and early counting.
That would be enough to give them a majority in the state legislature, which they narrowly missed in the last regional election two years ago. Meanwhile, support for Merkel's Christian Democrats was seen dropping to 26 percent from more than 34 percent, their worst showing in the state since World War II.
Oh cool. The left are gonna destroy the only remaining economically stable country in the EU. That'll be fun to watch. Who's gonna bail out the Eurozone then? :lol:
In this particular case it was the incumbent SPD-Green government in NRW which won the elections, thanks in part to a popular regional government leader. Indeed a very bad result for the CDU in NRW, but nationally things don't look that bad for them.
Oh cool. The left are gonna destroy the only remaining economically stable country in the EU. That'll be fun to watch. Who's gonna bail out the Eurozone then? :lol:

Um....I think you'll find the left in Germany has a good record of developing economic growth and prosperity. Just as they do in a dozen other countries.

Not everyone is so hysterically wedded to the "left" team or thr "right" team that they can't support the person or party they think is going to be the best at that time. I think most successful economies have moved back and forth between centre-left and centre-right, depending on the economic situation and the key issues at that time.
Oh cool. The left are gonna destroy the only remaining economically stable country in the EU. That'll be fun to watch. Who's gonna bail out the Eurozone then? :lol:


North Rhine-Westphalia (biggest GDP of all Federal States within Federal Republic of Germany) is generally a stronghold of SPD, and since establishment of the Federal Republic after WW2 the majority of governments in North Rhine-Westphalia were led by SPD.
Current SPD Prime Minister rules in North Rhine-Westphalia already since 2010.
Hannelore Kraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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