Germans charge 91 year old woman w 260,000 counts of accessory to murder. Operated radio at Auschwit

So many books based on FACTS that I could point you to but really would it do any good?
Odious, how ya been? Deathly ill I hope. :thup:
So many books based on interpretation and selective (out of context) plucking is what you mean, you creatures' stock in trade.
Nope books from renowned historians and professors and those that dealt with the holohoax that prove it was just that. A hoax. A way to get what jews wanted. A nation of their own and white guilt for going on 70 years now. They have spent that time raping and robbing our nations we have spent it kissing their ass.
Yeah , I've read some of your "renowned" (code for not taken seriously by legitimate historians) authors and "professors". Good luck with that approach, hasn't worked yet except on a few other mental midgets. :lmao:
Few other huh? Well if you want to fool yourself. That's your right.So please inform us who and what have you read? I can name SEVERAL off top of my head.
Please do, this aught to be fun.......
I am waiting. I asked you to do so...come on chop chop.
Odious, how ya been? Deathly ill I hope. :thup:
So many books based on interpretation and selective (out of context) plucking is what you mean, you creatures' stock in trade.
Nope books from renowned historians and professors and those that dealt with the holohoax that prove it was just that. A hoax. A way to get what jews wanted. A nation of their own and white guilt for going on 70 years now. They have spent that time raping and robbing our nations we have spent it kissing their ass.
Yeah , I've read some of your "renowned" (code for not taken seriously by legitimate historians) authors and "professors". Good luck with that approach, hasn't worked yet except on a few other mental midgets. :lmao:
Few other huh? Well if you want to fool yourself. That's your right.So please inform us who and what have you read? I can name SEVERAL off top of my head.
Please do, this aught to be fun.......
I am waiting. I asked you to do so...come on chop chop.
Ah yes, deflection, just as i suspected.
Nope books from renowned historians and professors and those that dealt with the holohoax that prove it was just that. A hoax. A way to get what jews wanted. A nation of their own and white guilt for going on 70 years now. They have spent that time raping and robbing our nations we have spent it kissing their ass.
Yeah , I've read some of your "renowned" (code for not taken seriously by legitimate historians) authors and "professors". Good luck with that approach, hasn't worked yet except on a few other mental midgets. :lmao:
Few other huh? Well if you want to fool yourself. That's your right.So please inform us who and what have you read? I can name SEVERAL off top of my head.
Please do, this aught to be fun.......
I am waiting. I asked you to do so...come on chop chop.
Ah yes, deflection, just as i suspected.
Blind are we? I said SO PLEASE INFORM US WHO AND WHAT YOU HAVE READ....that was BEFORE you asked me are you lying or are you going to fill us in?
Yeah , I've read some of your "renowned" (code for not taken seriously by legitimate historians) authors and "professors". Good luck with that approach, hasn't worked yet except on a few other mental midgets. :lmao:
Few other huh? Well if you want to fool yourself. That's your right.So please inform us who and what have you read? I can name SEVERAL off top of my head.
Please do, this aught to be fun.......
I am waiting. I asked you to do so...come on chop chop.
Ah yes, deflection, just as i suspected.
Blind are we? I said SO PLEASE INFORM US WHO AND WHAT YOU HAVE READ....that was BEFORE you asked me are you lying or are you going to fill us in?
Still deflecting I see. Just as I knew you would, you asked but then made a specific claim, back up your claim. Oh and I"m willing to bet the proven liar (Hitler worshiper) David Irving is on your list.......
Few other huh? Well if you want to fool yourself. That's your right.So please inform us who and what have you read? I can name SEVERAL off top of my head.
Please do, this aught to be fun.......
I am waiting. I asked you to do so...come on chop chop.
Ah yes, deflection, just as i suspected.
Blind are we? I said SO PLEASE INFORM US WHO AND WHAT YOU HAVE READ....that was BEFORE you asked me are you lying or are you going to fill us in?
Still deflecting I see. Just as I knew you would, you asked but then made a specific claim, back up your claim. Oh and I"m willing to bet the proven liar (Hitler worshiper) David Irving is on your list.......
So you lied and want to point fingers at someone else. Oh and no Irving isn't on my list as far as authors that have shown the holohoax never happened...he writes good books though. So gonna tell us who you have read?
Please do, this aught to be fun.......
I am waiting. I asked you to do so...come on chop chop.
Ah yes, deflection, just as i suspected.
Blind are we? I said SO PLEASE INFORM US WHO AND WHAT YOU HAVE READ....that was BEFORE you asked me are you lying or are you going to fill us in?
Still deflecting I see. Just as I knew you would, you asked but then made a specific claim, back up your claim. Oh and I"m willing to bet the proven liar (Hitler worshiper) David Irving is on your list.......
So you lied and want to point fingers at someone else. Oh and no Irving isn't on my list as far as authors that have shown the holohoax never happened...he writes good books though. So gonna tell us who you have read?
You're still deflecting. Okay I'll name personal sources I've met, Donald Speirs, Dick Winters, 'Babe' Hefron, plus a few holocaust survivors, read the Nazi statements on the "Jewish Question", Auschwitz documents, the Jager Report, the Stroop Report, Himmler's quotes on the subject, Ordinary Men (Christopher Browning), etc, etc, etc.......
I am waiting. I asked you to do so...come on chop chop.
Ah yes, deflection, just as i suspected.
Blind are we? I said SO PLEASE INFORM US WHO AND WHAT YOU HAVE READ....that was BEFORE you asked me are you lying or are you going to fill us in?
Still deflecting I see. Just as I knew you would, you asked but then made a specific claim, back up your claim. Oh and I"m willing to bet the proven liar (Hitler worshiper) David Irving is on your list.......
So you lied and want to point fingers at someone else. Oh and no Irving isn't on my list as far as authors that have shown the holohoax never happened...he writes good books though. So gonna tell us who you have read?
You're still deflecting. Okay I'll name personal sources I've met, Donald Speirs, Dick Winters, 'Babe' Hefron, plus a few holocaust survivors, read the Nazi statements on the "Jewish Question", Auschwitz documents, the Jager Report, the Stroop Report, Himmler's quotes on the subject, Ordinary Men (Christopher Browning), etc, etc, etc.......
You said you had read some of the books I was talking about...Those are ALL people that believe the lies of the holohoax....
Ah yes, deflection, just as i suspected.
Blind are we? I said SO PLEASE INFORM US WHO AND WHAT YOU HAVE READ....that was BEFORE you asked me are you lying or are you going to fill us in?
Still deflecting I see. Just as I knew you would, you asked but then made a specific claim, back up your claim. Oh and I"m willing to bet the proven liar (Hitler worshiper) David Irving is on your list.......
So you lied and want to point fingers at someone else. Oh and no Irving isn't on my list as far as authors that have shown the holohoax never happened...he writes good books though. So gonna tell us who you have read?
You're still deflecting. Okay I'll name personal sources I've met, Donald Speirs, Dick Winters, 'Babe' Hefron, plus a few holocaust survivors, read the Nazi statements on the "Jewish Question", Auschwitz documents, the Jager Report, the Stroop Report, Himmler's quotes on the subject, Ordinary Men (Christopher Browning), etc, etc, etc.......
You said you had read some of the books I was talking about...Those are ALL people that believe the lies of the holohoax....
Oh yeah, the eyewitnesses....... Damn are you pathetic!! :lmao:
No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to, doesn't mean I haven't and dismissed the authors as the know-nothing revisionist assholes they are simply looking to make money off of books and promptly forgot about them.
Tell ya what, ISIS believes as you do and they're looking for recruits........ Who knows, ya might last 5 minutes...... :thup:
Blind are we? I said SO PLEASE INFORM US WHO AND WHAT YOU HAVE READ....that was BEFORE you asked me are you lying or are you going to fill us in?
Still deflecting I see. Just as I knew you would, you asked but then made a specific claim, back up your claim. Oh and I"m willing to bet the proven liar (Hitler worshiper) David Irving is on your list.......
So you lied and want to point fingers at someone else. Oh and no Irving isn't on my list as far as authors that have shown the holohoax never happened...he writes good books though. So gonna tell us who you have read?
You're still deflecting. Okay I'll name personal sources I've met, Donald Speirs, Dick Winters, 'Babe' Hefron, plus a few holocaust survivors, read the Nazi statements on the "Jewish Question", Auschwitz documents, the Jager Report, the Stroop Report, Himmler's quotes on the subject, Ordinary Men (Christopher Browning), etc, etc, etc.......
You said you had read some of the books I was talking about...Those are ALL people that believe the lies of the holohoax....
Oh yeah, the eyewitnesses....... Damn are you pathetic!! :lmao:
No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to, doesn't mean I haven't and dismissed the authors as the know-nothing revisionist assholes they are simply looking to make money off of books and promptly forgot about them.
Tell ya what, ISIS believes as you do and they're looking for recruits........ Who knows, ya might last 5 minutes...... :thup:
So you take 1 side of the argument and run with it. Gotcha. Thanks for proving my point that you have no clue if it happened or not. See we are attacked with the propaganda in school...I can clearly remembering failing 6th grade literature/english class because I refused to read that BORING fucking book Diary of Anne Frank. The movie holy shit thank goodness I took a book worth reading to school that day...spent like 6 weeks on that garbage...had to get the other side its just the way I am....I never take one side of ANY argument.
The holohoax never happened. The WW2 Allies invented the myth to deflect criticism of them for killing MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing.

91-year-old German woman charged on allegations she served with SS at Auschwitz death camp

sep 21 2015 BERLIN – German prosecutors say they've charged a 91-year-old woman with 260,000 counts of accessory to murder on allegations she was a member of the Nazi SS who served in the Auschwitz death camp complex.

Schleswig-Holstein prosecutors' spokesman Heinz Doellel said Monday the woman, whose name wasn't disclosed due to German privacy laws, is alleged to have served as a radio operator for the camp commandant from April to July 1944.

Yea, because the Allies gave a flying fuck about criticism of them bombing Nazis and Japs.

"ShootSpeeders" proves once again what a world class moron he is.
Still deflecting I see. Just as I knew you would, you asked but then made a specific claim, back up your claim. Oh and I"m willing to bet the proven liar (Hitler worshiper) David Irving is on your list.......
So you lied and want to point fingers at someone else. Oh and no Irving isn't on my list as far as authors that have shown the holohoax never happened...he writes good books though. So gonna tell us who you have read?
You're still deflecting. Okay I'll name personal sources I've met, Donald Speirs, Dick Winters, 'Babe' Hefron, plus a few holocaust survivors, read the Nazi statements on the "Jewish Question", Auschwitz documents, the Jager Report, the Stroop Report, Himmler's quotes on the subject, Ordinary Men (Christopher Browning), etc, etc, etc.......
You said you had read some of the books I was talking about...Those are ALL people that believe the lies of the holohoax....
Oh yeah, the eyewitnesses....... Damn are you pathetic!! :lmao:
No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to, doesn't mean I haven't and dismissed the authors as the know-nothing revisionist assholes they are simply looking to make money off of books and promptly forgot about them.
Tell ya what, ISIS believes as you do and they're looking for recruits........ Who knows, ya might last 5 minutes...... :thup:
So you take 1 side of the argument and run with it. Gotcha. Thanks for proving my point that you have no clue if it happened or not. See we are attacked with the propaganda in school...I can clearly remembering failing 6th grade literature/english class because I refused to read that BORING fucking book Diary of Anne Frank. The movie holy shit thank goodness I took a book worth reading to school that day...spent like 6 weeks on that garbage...had to get the other side its just the way I am....I never take one side of ANY argument.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

You're a propagandist nothing more, nothing less. Unlike you I've studied history all my life, not just in high school. My "second calling" was as a serious living historian, unlike many who approach it as a hobby we had to know all the history, all the minutia from major events down to daily life and the cultural thinking of the times and peoples involved.
Are there still some unanswered questions for every era/event? Of course there are but the Holocaust is one of the most documented events in history, deny it all you want, just proves you only believe what you choose to believe, that's called dismissive bias based on dogmatic ideology.
So you lied and want to point fingers at someone else. Oh and no Irving isn't on my list as far as authors that have shown the holohoax never happened...he writes good books though. So gonna tell us who you have read?
You're still deflecting. Okay I'll name personal sources I've met, Donald Speirs, Dick Winters, 'Babe' Hefron, plus a few holocaust survivors, read the Nazi statements on the "Jewish Question", Auschwitz documents, the Jager Report, the Stroop Report, Himmler's quotes on the subject, Ordinary Men (Christopher Browning), etc, etc, etc.......
You said you had read some of the books I was talking about...Those are ALL people that believe the lies of the holohoax....
Oh yeah, the eyewitnesses....... Damn are you pathetic!! :lmao:
No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to, doesn't mean I haven't and dismissed the authors as the know-nothing revisionist assholes they are simply looking to make money off of books and promptly forgot about them.
Tell ya what, ISIS believes as you do and they're looking for recruits........ Who knows, ya might last 5 minutes...... :thup:
So you take 1 side of the argument and run with it. Gotcha. Thanks for proving my point that you have no clue if it happened or not. See we are attacked with the propaganda in school...I can clearly remembering failing 6th grade literature/english class because I refused to read that BORING fucking book Diary of Anne Frank. The movie holy shit thank goodness I took a book worth reading to school that day...spent like 6 weeks on that garbage...had to get the other side its just the way I am....I never take one side of ANY argument.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

You're a propagandist nothing more, nothing less. Unlike you I've studied history all my life, not just in high school. My "second calling" was as a serious living historian, unlike many who approach it as a hobby we had to know all the history, all the minutia from major events down to daily life and the cultural thinking of the times and peoples involved.
Are there still some unanswered questions for every era/event? Of course there are but the Holocaust is one of the most documented events in history, deny it all you want, just proves you only believe what you choose to believe, that's called dismissive bias based on dogmatic ideology.
"history" study what you WANT and as you have shown you only study/read etc the side you want to believe because the truth is to uncomfortable for you.
You're still deflecting. Okay I'll name personal sources I've met, Donald Speirs, Dick Winters, 'Babe' Hefron, plus a few holocaust survivors, read the Nazi statements on the "Jewish Question", Auschwitz documents, the Jager Report, the Stroop Report, Himmler's quotes on the subject, Ordinary Men (Christopher Browning), etc, etc, etc.......
You said you had read some of the books I was talking about...Those are ALL people that believe the lies of the holohoax....
Oh yeah, the eyewitnesses....... Damn are you pathetic!! :lmao:
No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to, doesn't mean I haven't and dismissed the authors as the know-nothing revisionist assholes they are simply looking to make money off of books and promptly forgot about them.
Tell ya what, ISIS believes as you do and they're looking for recruits........ Who knows, ya might last 5 minutes...... :thup:
So you take 1 side of the argument and run with it. Gotcha. Thanks for proving my point that you have no clue if it happened or not. See we are attacked with the propaganda in school...I can clearly remembering failing 6th grade literature/english class because I refused to read that BORING fucking book Diary of Anne Frank. The movie holy shit thank goodness I took a book worth reading to school that day...spent like 6 weeks on that garbage...had to get the other side its just the way I am....I never take one side of ANY argument.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

You're a propagandist nothing more, nothing less. Unlike you I've studied history all my life, not just in high school. My "second calling" was as a serious living historian, unlike many who approach it as a hobby we had to know all the history, all the minutia from major events down to daily life and the cultural thinking of the times and peoples involved.
Are there still some unanswered questions for every era/event? Of course there are but the Holocaust is one of the most documented events in history, deny it all you want, just proves you only believe what you choose to believe, that's called dismissive bias based on dogmatic ideology.
"history" study what you WANT and as you have shown you only study/read etc the side you want to believe because the truth is to uncomfortable for you.
You projection is absolute!!! You should see someone about that, I hear they're doing wonders these days with psychotherapy. :thup:
You said you had read some of the books I was talking about...Those are ALL people that believe the lies of the holohoax....
Oh yeah, the eyewitnesses....... Damn are you pathetic!! :lmao:
No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to, doesn't mean I haven't and dismissed the authors as the know-nothing revisionist assholes they are simply looking to make money off of books and promptly forgot about them.
Tell ya what, ISIS believes as you do and they're looking for recruits........ Who knows, ya might last 5 minutes...... :thup:
So you take 1 side of the argument and run with it. Gotcha. Thanks for proving my point that you have no clue if it happened or not. See we are attacked with the propaganda in school...I can clearly remembering failing 6th grade literature/english class because I refused to read that BORING fucking book Diary of Anne Frank. The movie holy shit thank goodness I took a book worth reading to school that day...spent like 6 weeks on that garbage...had to get the other side its just the way I am....I never take one side of ANY argument.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

You're a propagandist nothing more, nothing less. Unlike you I've studied history all my life, not just in high school. My "second calling" was as a serious living historian, unlike many who approach it as a hobby we had to know all the history, all the minutia from major events down to daily life and the cultural thinking of the times and peoples involved.
Are there still some unanswered questions for every era/event? Of course there are but the Holocaust is one of the most documented events in history, deny it all you want, just proves you only believe what you choose to believe, that's called dismissive bias based on dogmatic ideology.
"history" study what you WANT and as you have shown you only study/read etc the side you want to believe because the truth is to uncomfortable for you.
You projection is absolute!!! You should see someone about that, I hear they're doing wonders these days with psychotherapy. :thup:
You said it yourself.

No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to

Those are YOUR own words. Not mine.
Oh yeah, the eyewitnesses....... Damn are you pathetic!! :lmao:
No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to, doesn't mean I haven't and dismissed the authors as the know-nothing revisionist assholes they are simply looking to make money off of books and promptly forgot about them.
Tell ya what, ISIS believes as you do and they're looking for recruits........ Who knows, ya might last 5 minutes...... :thup:
So you take 1 side of the argument and run with it. Gotcha. Thanks for proving my point that you have no clue if it happened or not. See we are attacked with the propaganda in school...I can clearly remembering failing 6th grade literature/english class because I refused to read that BORING fucking book Diary of Anne Frank. The movie holy shit thank goodness I took a book worth reading to school that day...spent like 6 weeks on that garbage...had to get the other side its just the way I am....I never take one side of ANY argument.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

You're a propagandist nothing more, nothing less. Unlike you I've studied history all my life, not just in high school. My "second calling" was as a serious living historian, unlike many who approach it as a hobby we had to know all the history, all the minutia from major events down to daily life and the cultural thinking of the times and peoples involved.
Are there still some unanswered questions for every era/event? Of course there are but the Holocaust is one of the most documented events in history, deny it all you want, just proves you only believe what you choose to believe, that's called dismissive bias based on dogmatic ideology.
"history" study what you WANT and as you have shown you only study/read etc the side you want to believe because the truth is to uncomfortable for you.
You projection is absolute!!! You should see someone about that, I hear they're doing wonders these days with psychotherapy. :thup:
You said it yourself.

No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to

Those are YOUR own words. Not mine.
You can't find the following qualifier in that where I said I most likely did and promptly dismissed them. You have no clue how many "history" books/articles (spanning most of history) I've read and saw the agenda/omissions/interpretations that I (and real historians) dismissed because those writings are bull shit, at least a hundred.
So you take 1 side of the argument and run with it. Gotcha. Thanks for proving my point that you have no clue if it happened or not. See we are attacked with the propaganda in school...I can clearly remembering failing 6th grade literature/english class because I refused to read that BORING fucking book Diary of Anne Frank. The movie holy shit thank goodness I took a book worth reading to school that day...spent like 6 weeks on that garbage...had to get the other side its just the way I am....I never take one side of ANY argument.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

You're a propagandist nothing more, nothing less. Unlike you I've studied history all my life, not just in high school. My "second calling" was as a serious living historian, unlike many who approach it as a hobby we had to know all the history, all the minutia from major events down to daily life and the cultural thinking of the times and peoples involved.
Are there still some unanswered questions for every era/event? Of course there are but the Holocaust is one of the most documented events in history, deny it all you want, just proves you only believe what you choose to believe, that's called dismissive bias based on dogmatic ideology.
"history" study what you WANT and as you have shown you only study/read etc the side you want to believe because the truth is to uncomfortable for you.
You projection is absolute!!! You should see someone about that, I hear they're doing wonders these days with psychotherapy. :thup:
You said it yourself.

No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to

Those are YOUR own words. Not mine.
You can't find the following qualifier in that where I said I most likely did and promptly dismissed them. You have no clue how many "history" books/articles (spanning most of history) I've read and saw the agenda/omissions/interpretations that I (and real historians) dismissed because those writings are bull shit, at least a hundred.
Lol you are full of shit. Name just a few you read and dismissed and WHY since you are such a high profile historian you dismissed them....they must have had some information that wasn't true.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

You're a propagandist nothing more, nothing less. Unlike you I've studied history all my life, not just in high school. My "second calling" was as a serious living historian, unlike many who approach it as a hobby we had to know all the history, all the minutia from major events down to daily life and the cultural thinking of the times and peoples involved.
Are there still some unanswered questions for every era/event? Of course there are but the Holocaust is one of the most documented events in history, deny it all you want, just proves you only believe what you choose to believe, that's called dismissive bias based on dogmatic ideology.
"history" study what you WANT and as you have shown you only study/read etc the side you want to believe because the truth is to uncomfortable for you.
You projection is absolute!!! You should see someone about that, I hear they're doing wonders these days with psychotherapy. :thup:
You said it yourself.

No I never said I read the "books" you're referring to

Those are YOUR own words. Not mine.
You can't find the following qualifier in that where I said I most likely did and promptly dismissed them. You have no clue how many "history" books/articles (spanning most of history) I've read and saw the agenda/omissions/interpretations that I (and real historians) dismissed because those writings are bull shit, at least a hundred.
Lol you are full of shit. Name just a few you read and dismissed and WHY since you are such a high profile historian you dismissed them....they must have had some information that wasn't true.
They were dismissed for valid historical/cultural omissions/misinterpretations/misinterpretations reasons (intentional or otherwise) as any and all real academics do.
The only one here that should avoid an enema and consumption of fiber at all costs is you, it would be the death of you.........
The holohoax never happened. The WW2 Allies invented the myth to deflect criticism of them for killing MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing.

There is a mountain of evidence of your forebears crimes against European civilians, including but not limited to the systematic slaughter of millions of non-combatants and the Nazis' obsession with EXTERMINATION of Jews.
What evidence do you have to support your contention?

The Holocaust/Holocaust denial - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
The holohoax never happened. The WW2 Allies invented the myth to deflect criticism of them for killing MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing.

91-year-old German woman charged on allegations she served with SS at Auschwitz death camp

sep 21 2015 BERLIN – German prosecutors say they've charged a 91-year-old woman with 260,000 counts of accessory to murder on allegations she was a member of the Nazi SS who served in the Auschwitz death camp complex.

Schleswig-Holstein prosecutors' spokesman Heinz Doellel said Monday the woman, whose name wasn't disclosed due to German privacy laws, is alleged to have served as a radio operator for the camp commandant from April to July 1944.

Yea, because the Allies gave a flying fuck about criticism of them bombing Nazis and Japs.

"ShootSpeeders" proves once again what a world class moron he is.

The board notes that you are correct this time. :thup:

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