Germans charge 91 year old woman w 260,000 counts of accessory to murder. Operated radio at Auschwit

The holohoax never happened. The WW2 Allies invented the myth to deflect criticism of them for killing MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing.

There is a mountain of evidence of your forebears crimes against European civilians, including but not limited to the systematic slaughter of millions of non-combatants and the Nazis' obsession with EXTERMINATION of Jews.

Are you saying the allies did NOT kill millions of civilians??? HAHAHA. They've admitted it you dunce. And not after having their testicles crushed like the confessors at Nuremburg .

1) I neither said nor inferred that the allies did not kill civilians during the course of fighting WW2 but equating those deaths with the systematic slaughter of millions in Nazi death camps proves you've been sniffing way too much of that Nazi glue.

2) You are big on apologizing for the actions of your Nazi forebears but in case you haven't noticed, only fellow knuckle-draggers like Pene, Odious and SunniBoy seem to agree with you. There is no perspective from which the Nazis were not subhuman sludge justifiably treated by the allies as such.
I feel no sympathy for how they and the Germans suffered.

I wish we had four more Nurembergs to bomb before the war concluded.

Fuck Nazis, fuck socialists and to hell with all the libtards that infest our society.
RWrs on parade.

Huh??? Anti-Jewish comments are "right wingers" on parade? A certain black Democrat president sat in a church for 20 years that had quite a few things to say about the Jews. Many Democrats have. In guys founded the KKK to deal with blacks and Jews. Fact.
Yeah, conservatives like ShootSpeeders and Odium

Umm ... Odious claims to be some sort of socialist. Maybe National Socialist, eh?
SS, OTOH, is just a hate-filled POS who would shoot speeders.
That said I find the bigots and racists who identify with conservatism to be the lib's best friends, causing many of us to vote Dem just to get away from the stench.
That said I find the bigots and racists who identify with conservatism to be the lib's best friends, causing many of us to vote Dem just to get away from the stench.

That is why most of them are actually libtards posing as conservatives.

It is a common thing to find.
RWrs on parade.

Huh??? Anti-Jewish comments are "right wingers" on parade? A certain black Democrat president sat in a church for 20 years that had quite a few things to say about the Jews. Many Democrats have. In guys founded the KKK to deal with blacks and Jews. Fact.
Yeah, conservatives like ShootSpeeders and Odium
I am NOT a disgusting conservative. As a hero of mine said A Conservative is more worried about saving his money,A National Socialist is worried about saving his race.

I am no NS I am a Racial Socialist but the sentiment is the same.
That said I find the bigots and racists who identify with conservatism to be the lib's best friends, causing many of us to vote Dem just to get away from the stench.
That is why most of them are actually libtards posing as conservatives. It is a common thing to find.

They may be that devious but I don't believe they are smart enough - esp those on this board - to pull off the deception.
I am NOT a disgusting conservative. As a hero of mine said A Conservative is more worried about saving his money,A National Socialist is worried about saving his race.

I am no NS I am a Racial Socialist but the sentiment is the same.

A National Socialist is a leftwing racist, to be concise.

The problem with racism is that it is inherently unjust. While it makes a lot of sense to classify cars by make and model and refuse to buy say a Yugo, withhuman beings it is unjust because human behavior is not driven by race or genetics. These things are influences but there is no determining factor to human behavior other than the choice of the individual.

And so we have heroic men of all races from Jesus Christ, to Gandhi to MLK to Nelson Mandela, and we also have evil bastards from Adolf Hitler, to Nero, to Atilla the Hun to Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Hirohito.

Race is simply an artificial contrivance for European colonizers to justify the way they treated third world populations.

That day is over and only fools put new wine in old wine skins.
That said I find the bigots and racists who identify with conservatism to be the lib's best friends, causing many of us to vote Dem just to get away from the stench.
That is why most of them are actually libtards posing as conservatives. It is a common thing to find.

They may be that devious but I don't believe they are smart enough - esp those on this board - to pull off the deception.
No, I know for a fact that some do.
I am NOT a disgusting conservative. As a hero of mine said A Conservative is more worried about saving his money,A National Socialist is worried about saving his race.

I am no NS I am a Racial Socialist but the sentiment is the same.

A National Socialist is a leftwing racist, to be concise.

The problem with racism is that it is inherently unjust. While it makes a lot of sense to classify cars by make and model and refuse to buy say a Yugo, withhuman beings it is unjust because human behavior is not driven by race or genetics. These things are influences but there is no determining factor to human behavior other than the choice of the individual.

And so we have heroic men of all races from Jesus Christ, to Gandhi to MLK to Nelson Mandela, and we also have evil bastards from Adolf Hitler, to Nero, to Atilla the Hun to Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Hirohito.

Race is simply an artificial contrivance for European colonizers to justify the way they treated third world populations.

That day is over and only fools put new wine in old wine skins.
Racism is a word invented by a communist jew. What you call racism is actually a normal natural development of wanting to be around,breed with,interact with etc etc with ones OWN KIND. The jew is the worst evil on earth and nothing will be fixed until that problem is solved for good.
Racism is a word invented by a communist jew.

It replaced the word 'racialism', so what?

What you call racism is actually a normal natural development of wanting to be around,breed with,interact with etc etc with ones OWN KIND.

No that is bigotry. What racism is is any ideological system of though that measures, evaluates and erects legal processes by race among other factors such as class.

The most prominent racist of our time are those promoting the 'Identity Politics' ideology that again splits the working class into subsets and puts them striving against each other to the benefit of the Oligarchs who usually are found to be the sponsors of such programs in our higher educational system.

The jew is the worst evil on earth and nothing will be fixed until that problem is solved for good.

Untill you realize that you are being played by the same oligarch families that have been playing working class people against each other for thousands of years, you will never really grasp the essence of the problem
RWrs on parade.

Huh??? Anti-Jewish comments are "right wingers" on parade? A certain black Democrat president sat in a church for 20 years that had quite a few things to say about the Jews. Many Democrats have. In guys founded the KKK to deal with blacks and Jews. Fact.
Yeah, conservatives like ShootSpeeders and Odium
I am NOT a disgusting conservative. As a hero of mine said A Conservative is more worried about saving his money,A National Socialist is worried about saving his race.

I am no NS I am a Racial Socialist but the sentiment is the same.

You conveniently forgot to identify the Nazi you quoted and I find National Socialists to be very similar to plain old socialists ... the former sells race war and the latter class war.
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I am NOT a disgusting conservative. As a hero of mine said A Conservative is more worried about saving his money,A National Socialist is worried about saving his race.

I am no NS I am a Racial Socialist but the sentiment is the same.

A National Socialist is a leftwing racist, to be concise.

The problem with racism is that it is inherently unjust. While it makes a lot of sense to classify cars by make and model and refuse to buy say a Yugo, withhuman beings it is unjust because human behavior is not driven by race or genetics. These things are influences but there is no determining factor to human behavior other than the choice of the individual.

And so we have heroic men of all races from Jesus Christ, to Gandhi to MLK to Nelson Mandela, and we also have evil bastards from Adolf Hitler, to Nero, to Atilla the Hun to Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Hirohito.

Race is simply an artificial contrivance for European colonizers to justify the way they treated third world populations.

That day is over and only fools put new wine in old wine skins.
Racism is a word invented by a communist jew. What you call racism is actually a normal natural development of wanting to be around,breed with,interact with etc etc with ones OWN KIND. The jew is the worst evil on earth and nothing will be fixed until that problem is solved for good.

As always the Nazi must lie:

The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902. Pratt was railing against the evils of racial segregation.

Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.

The Ugly, Fascinating History Of The Word 'Racism'
RWrs on parade.

Huh??? Anti-Jewish comments are "right wingers" on parade? A certain black Democrat president sat in a church for 20 years that had quite a few things to say about the Jews. Many Democrats have. In guys founded the KKK to deal with blacks and Jews. Fact.
Yeah, conservatives like ShootSpeeders and Odium
I am NOT a disgusting conservative. As a hero of mine said A Conservative is more worried about saving his money,A National Socialist is worried about saving his race.

I am no NS I am a Racial Socialist but the sentiment is the same.

You conveniently forgot to identify the Nazi you quoted and I find National Socialists to be very similar to plain old socialists. the former sells race war and the latter class war.

Class warfare is an easy sell since the nobles of Europe have been engaging in it for millennia.
RWrs on parade.

Huh??? Anti-Jewish comments are "right wingers" on parade? A certain black Democrat president sat in a church for 20 years that had quite a few things to say about the Jews. Many Democrats have. In guys founded the KKK to deal with blacks and Jews. Fact.
Yeah, conservatives like ShootSpeeders and Odium

Umm ... Odious claims to be some sort of socialist. Maybe National Socialist, eh?
SS, OTOH, is just a hate-filled POS who would shoot speeders.
That said I find the bigots and racists who identify with conservatism to be the lib's best friends, causing many of us to vote Dem just to get away from the stench.
National Socialists are rightwing, which possibly explains why I've seen Odium attacking the left. ShootSpeeders is a hate-filled POS, I can't argue there. And he seems to hate both sides ... along with everyone else. As far as who you find cozying up to racists, the conservative south has always been the hotbed of racism in America. That by no means is to says there aren't racists elsewhere (every region has 'em) or that there are no Liberal racists (they come in all flavors), but the south more than anywhere else. They even fought the Civil war to keep their slaves. And while much of the south flipped from Democrat to Republican over the years, they've always been mostly conservative.
The holohoax never happened. The WW2 Allies invented the myth to deflect criticism of them for killing MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing.

91-year-old German woman charged on allegations she served with SS at Auschwitz death camp

sep 21 2015 BERLIN – German prosecutors say they've charged a 91-year-old woman with 260,000 counts of accessory to murder on allegations she was a member of the Nazi SS who served in the Auschwitz death camp complex.

Schleswig-Holstein prosecutors' spokesman Heinz Doellel said Monday the woman, whose name wasn't disclosed due to German privacy laws, is alleged to have served as a radio operator for the camp commandant from April to July 1944.

Germany needs to be ashamed of themselves, We have lots of men still alive who served in WWII, or for that matter, lets arrest everyone who fought in a war,

that goes for those who fought in Iraq under the orders of Bush as well. Bush himself is a war criminal. I get so tired of this BS , esp. when people were only following orders.

Your right about that , we dropped two atom bombs, and we and Britain did terror bombing with white phosphorus, Dresden Fire. Those elite Jews who got out of Germany, didn't give a rip about the Polish Jews,

all of this to get the state of Israel.

...and the closet Nazis are coming out.

Nazis are the name of the German Army, that is all. Nazi's believed in a strong Germany, just we are now all listening to the want to be Presidents in the US all want us to be a world power, the strongest nation in the world. So lets put this in perspective. Also I encourage you to read Germany's ,Poland's, and Russian history

Name calling does not a thing to me. You also might want to read about Britain and Churchill, because its snide comments like yours, that just shows how ignorant people can be when it comes to history.

PS: The largest nationality in the US are Germans.
Wrong as usual, Nazis were the political party, the Army was the Wehrmacht and for a short time was a potential power unto themselves made up of people from a multitude of political ideologies including some Nazis.
The Waffen SS was the armed branch of the Nazi party originally under the control of the Wehrmacht and in the beginning required it's members to be "pure Aryan". That requirement quickly went by the wayside as the war progressed.
The holohoax never happened. The WW2 Allies invented the myth to deflect criticism of them for killing MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS by their policy of urban bombing.

91-year-old German woman charged on allegations she served with SS at Auschwitz death camp

sep 21 2015 BERLIN – German prosecutors say they've charged a 91-year-old woman with 260,000 counts of accessory to murder on allegations she was a member of the Nazi SS who served in the Auschwitz death camp complex.

Schleswig-Holstein prosecutors' spokesman Heinz Doellel said Monday the woman, whose name wasn't disclosed due to German privacy laws, is alleged to have served as a radio operator for the camp commandant from April to July 1944.

Germany needs to be ashamed of themselves, We have lots of men still alive who served in WWII, or for that matter, lets arrest everyone who fought in a war,

that goes for those who fought in Iraq under the orders of Bush as well. Bush himself is a war criminal. I get so tired of this BS , esp. when people were only following orders.

Your right about that , we dropped two atom bombs, and we and Britain did terror bombing with white phosphorus, Dresden Fire. Those elite Jews who got out of Germany, didn't give a rip about the Polish Jews,

all of this to get the state of Israel.

...and the closet Nazis are coming out.

Nazis are the name of the German Army, that is all. Nazi's believed in a strong Germany, just we are now all listening to the want to be Presidents in the US all want us to be a world power, the strongest nation in the world. So lets put this in perspective. Also I encourage you to read Germany's ,Poland's, and Russian history

Name calling does not a thing to me. You also might want to read about Britain and Churchill, because its snide comments like yours, that just shows how ignorant people can be when it comes to history.

PS: The largest nationality in the US are Germans.
Wrong as usual, Nazis were the political party, the Army was the Wehrmacht and for a short time was a potential power unto themselves made up of people from a multitude of political ideologies including some Nazis.
The Waffen SS was the armed branch of the Nazi party originally under the control of the Wehrmacht and in the beginning required it's members to be "pure Aryan". That requirement quickly went by the wayside as the war progressed.

I know its a political party, and Arabs are also Semites, but as Jews are Semites today, everyone that served in the German Army is considered a Nazi. That is what makes this so stupid.
They say 65 to 85 MILLION died in WWII, and now In some places they put the no. of jews down to 3 million, even at 6 million its drop in the bucket. How many Polish, Japanese, Russians, British and Americans died, how about Indians? Most don't know and don't care.
What happened to the German families and Pow's , who in the hell cares. What happened to the Zionist partisan groups that were fighting and killing, who cares.
Who made out and was the winner of the war, NO DOUBT

We all know there was plenty of food to go around and there were no diseases as well. Good grief, the Germans were fighting Russia, Britain, Polish, and America.

Who made out and was the winner of the war, NO DOUBT.
The jews.
I am NOT a disgusting conservative. As a hero of mine said A Conservative is more worried about saving his money,A National Socialist is worried about saving his race.

I am no NS I am a Racial Socialist but the sentiment is the same.
That doesn't even make sense. A nation isn't a race, why would one be a national socialist if it was a race they were fighting for. I'll bet you retards drool on the floor while you are trying to think of some kind of reason to live.
The holocaust is a hoax? You do realize Gen. Patton had the Germans march through the camps to show them the good works, don't you?
A US officer said to photograph the camps because one day someone would say that it did not happen.
The Holocaust happened.

Criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths kill people.

Deal with it.

IF it did happen which we know it didn't it was a Patriotic Natural Leader defending his nation against the international jew and its goal of world domination.
Setting the holocaust aside, that "patriotic natural leader" invaded adjacent countries and killed American soldiers for what glorious purpose?

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