Germans on this board, how do you feel about this:

Over 65 mil died in WWII, yet all we hear about is the jewish holocaust. People who think the jews were innocent in this are the foolish ones. Just like in Palestine now, taking land and power away from the inhabitants. The secular Hebrews , Russians really did nothing to help the religious jews of Poland , why they didn't want them to move to Palestine, it was to be a secular state.

This is not about WWII, its about a 95 year old veteran of the geman army going on trial just for being affiliated with the german army in WWII. That is what this post is about.

Where are the German people and where is their rage about this. I guess now your more concerned about the Muslims, funny how this is corresponding to the Holocaust celebration day.

Then stop bringing it up all the time dear, it is you that is fixated on the holocaust and have brought it into 10 threads in the last 24 hours. It is you that brought this up and complained about a mass murdering piece of scum having to face the courts for his actions. As far as you are concerned he is a hero as he was instrumental in killing thousands of innocent people. Not just Jews but Romany, invalids, disabled, terminally ill, anti Nazi's, communists, POW's and mentally disturbed. Only a POS muslim could ever think that this is allowable in the modern world, and shows that you have no place in a civilised nation and should be deported for your islamonazi views and agenda.

This post is about anti Semitism and Jew hatred because that is why you have posted it

Read about what happened to the German Pows after the war. I am sickened by the fact that a 95 year old vet is going to trial accuse of being involved in a no. picked out of thin air. By all rights all of our service men in the Iraq war should be on trial, and the ones at the front line should be Bush, Cheney and Rumsfled.

PS: how many germans, poles, French, brits, Japanese and US citizens died in WWII. Bet you don't even know without looking it up.

And what have you demanded the Israeli government do to their "vets" WHO JUST CARRIED OUT THEIR ORDERS

You have one rule for the Jews and another rule for everyone else, and then try and deny that you are a JEW HATING NAZI

do not blast our dear Penny------she simply parrots standard islamo Nazi partyline

I don't take him seriously, I imagine he dislikes Jew atheist Marx as much as Hitler.

So once again you admit that Jew is a race, because if it was a Religion then they could not be atheist could they. And that would make him Marx the atheist Russian
Then stop bringing it up all the time dear, it is you that is fixated on the holocaust and have brought it into 10 threads in the last 24 hours. It is you that brought this up and complained about a mass murdering piece of scum having to face the courts for his actions. As far as you are concerned he is a hero as he was instrumental in killing thousands of innocent people. Not just Jews but Romany, invalids, disabled, terminally ill, anti Nazi's, communists, POW's and mentally disturbed. Only a POS muslim could ever think that this is allowable in the modern world, and shows that you have no place in a civilised nation and should be deported for your islamonazi views and agenda.

This post is about anti Semitism and Jew hatred because that is why you have posted it

Read about what happened to the German Pows after the war. I am sickened by the fact that a 95 year old vet is going to trial accuse of being involved in a no. picked out of thin air. By all rights all of our service men in the Iraq war should be on trial, and the ones at the front line should be Bush, Cheney and Rumsfled.

PS: how many germans, poles, French, brits, Japanese and US citizens died in WWII. Bet you don't even know without looking it up.

And what have you demanded the Israeli government do to their "vets" WHO JUST CARRIED OUT THEIR ORDERS

You have one rule for the Jews and another rule for everyone else, and then try and deny that you are a JEW HATING NAZI

do not blast our dear Penny------she simply parrots standard islamo Nazi partyline

I don't take him seriously, I imagine he dislikes Jew atheist Marx as much as Hitler.

So once again you admit that Jew is a race, because if it was a Religion then they could not be atheist could they. And that would make him Marx the atheist Russian

No, but he had jewish parents, but he was an atheist. Jew is not a race and neither if Russian or German, but they are nationalities, and a jew is someone from Judea who practices Judaism. But for the sake of this thread, he said his parents were jewish. There are no jews today except those who practice Judaism which is a religion.
is it good or bad. How do you feel about those who carpet bombed Germany?

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

Decision reverses previous ruling that deemed Hubert Z, accused of being accessory to murder of at least 3,681 people, too frail for legal proceedings

A German appeals court has cleared the way for the trial of a 95-year-old man accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp.

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

What has this to do with the allies bombing Germany during WW2, ask the British how they felt about being bombed during WW2. Then ask how they felt about having rockets fired at them constantly.

If he is fit to stand trial then he should be made to pay for his crimes
is it good or bad. How do you feel about those who carpet bombed Germany?

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

Decision reverses previous ruling that deemed Hubert Z, accused of being accessory to murder of at least 3,681 people, too frail for legal proceedings

A German appeals court has cleared the way for the trial of a 95-year-old man accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp.

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

What has this to do with the allies bombing Germany during WW2, ask the British how they felt about being bombed during WW2. Then ask how they felt about having rockets fired at them constantly.

If he is fit to stand trial then he should be made to pay for his crimes

Are you German? He was in a war and following orders and there is no proof he killed anyone.

So the same applies to any member of the IDF then, and you wont be racially attacking them any more for carrying out their orders, Or do you have different rules for the Jews ?

He could have refused those orders on humanitarian grounds and been posted to a medical corps unit.

I was wondering the same thing.

"They were just following orders" should be her signature, instead of that Antisemitic garbage.
Read about what happened to the German Pows after the war. I am sickened by the fact that a 95 year old vet is going to trial accuse of being involved in a no. picked out of thin air. By all rights all of our service men in the Iraq war should be on trial, and the ones at the front line should be Bush, Cheney and Rumsfled.

PS: how many germans, poles, French, brits, Japanese and US citizens died in WWII. Bet you don't even know without looking it up.

And what have you demanded the Israeli government do to their "vets" WHO JUST CARRIED OUT THEIR ORDERS

You have one rule for the Jews and another rule for everyone else, and then try and deny that you are a JEW HATING NAZI

do not blast our dear Penny------she simply parrots standard islamo Nazi partyline

I don't take him seriously, I imagine he dislikes Jew atheist Marx as much as Hitler.

So once again you admit that Jew is a race, because if it was a Religion then they could not be atheist could they. And that would make him Marx the atheist Russian

No, but he had jewish parents, but he was an atheist. Jew is not a race and neither if Russian or German, but they are nationalities, and a jew is someone from Judea who practices Judaism. But for the sake of this thread, he said his parents were jewish. There are no jews today except those who practice Judaism which is a religion.

as to whether or not Marx-----who was a scholar of economics and sociology was
or was not a jew------would depend on how Karl Marx defined HIMSELF----not
on the musings of a semi-literate slut of French Canadian background. The facts
are that his family of origin rejected religion and so-----for the sake of society---
called themselves Lutherans and Karl Marx was baptized in that church as a child
and LIVED his life as a secular Lutheran. His ideology was SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM---he died in middle age of sickness
And what have you demanded the Israeli government do to their "vets" WHO JUST CARRIED OUT THEIR ORDERS

You have one rule for the Jews and another rule for everyone else, and then try and deny that you are a JEW HATING NAZI

do not blast our dear Penny------she simply parrots standard islamo Nazi partyline

I don't take him seriously, I imagine he dislikes Jew atheist Marx as much as Hitler.

So once again you admit that Jew is a race, because if it was a Religion then they could not be atheist could they. And that would make him Marx the atheist Russian

No, but he had jewish parents, but he was an atheist. Jew is not a race and neither if Russian or German, but they are nationalities, and a jew is someone from Judea who practices Judaism. But for the sake of this thread, he said his parents were jewish. There are no jews today except those who practice Judaism which is a religion.

as to whether or not Marx-----who was a scholar of economics and sociology was
or was not a jew------would depend on how Karl Marx defined HIMSELF----not
on the musings of a semi-literate slut of French Canadian background. The facts
are that his family of origin rejected religion and so-----for the sake of society---
called themselves Lutherans and Karl Marx was baptized in that church as a child
and LIVED his life as a secular Lutheran. His ideology was SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM---he died in middle age of sickness

I can read, so then you agree Jew is not a race, good glad we have that settled.
do not blast our dear Penny------she simply parrots standard islamo Nazi partyline

I don't take him seriously, I imagine he dislikes Jew atheist Marx as much as Hitler.

So once again you admit that Jew is a race, because if it was a Religion then they could not be atheist could they. And that would make him Marx the atheist Russian

No, but he had jewish parents, but he was an atheist. Jew is not a race and neither if Russian or German, but they are nationalities, and a jew is someone from Judea who practices Judaism. But for the sake of this thread, he said his parents were jewish. There are no jews today except those who practice Judaism which is a religion.

as to whether or not Marx-----who was a scholar of economics and sociology was
or was not a jew------would depend on how Karl Marx defined HIMSELF----not
on the musings of a semi-literate slut of French Canadian background. The facts
are that his family of origin rejected religion and so-----for the sake of society---
called themselves Lutherans and Karl Marx was baptized in that church as a child
and LIVED his life as a secular Lutheran. His ideology was SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM---he died in middle age of sickness

I can read, so then you agree Jew is not a race, good glad we have that settled.

being able to read is a very basic skill for homo-sapiens. The homo-sapien brain
is well fitted for the attainment of that skill. Except in cases of defect---ALL homo-sapiens have brains equally and virtually identically well fitted for the attainment
of that skill-----just as all Homo-sapien brains are well fitted to attain an erect posture. As to an issue "we have settled"------your statement is presumptuous
and idiotic. "We" did not settle anything in conjuction with each other. I have
maintained-----FOR YEARS, on this messageboard-----that the term "race"
has virtually no meaning when ascribed to various groups of homo-sapiens
I don't take him seriously, I imagine he dislikes Jew atheist Marx as much as Hitler.

So once again you admit that Jew is a race, because if it was a Religion then they could not be atheist could they. And that would make him Marx the atheist Russian

No, but he had jewish parents, but he was an atheist. Jew is not a race and neither if Russian or German, but they are nationalities, and a jew is someone from Judea who practices Judaism. But for the sake of this thread, he said his parents were jewish. There are no jews today except those who practice Judaism which is a religion.

as to whether or not Marx-----who was a scholar of economics and sociology was
or was not a jew------would depend on how Karl Marx defined HIMSELF----not
on the musings of a semi-literate slut of French Canadian background. The facts
are that his family of origin rejected religion and so-----for the sake of society---
called themselves Lutherans and Karl Marx was baptized in that church as a child
and LIVED his life as a secular Lutheran. His ideology was SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM---he died in middle age of sickness

I can read, so then you agree Jew is not a race, good glad we have that settled.

being able to read is a very basic skill for homo-sapiens. The homo-sapien brain
is well fitted for the attainment of that skill. Except in cases of defect---ALL homo-sapiens have brains equally and virtually identically well fitted for the attainment
of that skill-----just as all Homo-sapien brains are well fitted to attain an erect posture. As to an issue "we have settled"------your statement is presumptuous
and idiotic. "We" did not settle anything in conjuction with each other. I have
maintained-----FOR YEARS, on this messageboard-----that the term "race"
has virtually no meaning when ascribed to various groups of homo-sapiens

Well unless you practice Judaism , your not a jew, You can call yourself whatever you want and I find it very convenient among people who love to say, Marx was not a jew, he was an atheist, and then an atheist claiming they are jewish. Christians do it as well. If there is a bad Christian, well he was not really a Christian or he would not of done that. The thing with Christianity is we know being born to a Christian does not make one a Christian. RC's use to believe that as well, because, ding , ding, ding, the women brings up the child.
So once again you admit that Jew is a race, because if it was a Religion then they could not be atheist could they. And that would make him Marx the atheist Russian

No, but he had jewish parents, but he was an atheist. Jew is not a race and neither if Russian or German, but they are nationalities, and a jew is someone from Judea who practices Judaism. But for the sake of this thread, he said his parents were jewish. There are no jews today except those who practice Judaism which is a religion.

as to whether or not Marx-----who was a scholar of economics and sociology was
or was not a jew------would depend on how Karl Marx defined HIMSELF----not
on the musings of a semi-literate slut of French Canadian background. The facts
are that his family of origin rejected religion and so-----for the sake of society---
called themselves Lutherans and Karl Marx was baptized in that church as a child
and LIVED his life as a secular Lutheran. His ideology was SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM---he died in middle age of sickness

I can read, so then you agree Jew is not a race, good glad we have that settled.

being able to read is a very basic skill for homo-sapiens. The homo-sapien brain
is well fitted for the attainment of that skill. Except in cases of defect---ALL homo-sapiens have brains equally and virtually identically well fitted for the attainment
of that skill-----just as all Homo-sapien brains are well fitted to attain an erect posture. As to an issue "we have settled"------your statement is presumptuous
and idiotic. "We" did not settle anything in conjuction with each other. I have
maintained-----FOR YEARS, on this messageboard-----that the term "race"
has virtually no meaning when ascribed to various groups of homo-sapiens

Well unless you practice Judaism , your not a jew, You can call yourself whatever you want and I find it very convenient among people who love to say, Marx was not a jew, he was an atheist, and then an atheist claiming they are jewish. Christians do it as well. If there is a bad Christian, well he was not really a Christian or he would not of done that. The thing with Christianity is we know being born to a Christian does not make one a Christian. RC's use to believe that as well, because, ding , ding, ding, the women brings up the child.

your post-----as is the usual case----makes no sense. You are expressing an
OPINION is if it is a demonstrable solid fact. You have succeeded in
demonstrating your vulgarity.. You have also fallen,, AGAIN, into that
idiot "we know..." habit. In context --------the phrase should be "I KNOW"
No, but he had jewish parents, but he was an atheist. Jew is not a race and neither if Russian or German, but they are nationalities, and a jew is someone from Judea who practices Judaism. But for the sake of this thread, he said his parents were jewish. There are no jews today except those who practice Judaism which is a religion.

as to whether or not Marx-----who was a scholar of economics and sociology was
or was not a jew------would depend on how Karl Marx defined HIMSELF----not
on the musings of a semi-literate slut of French Canadian background. The facts
are that his family of origin rejected religion and so-----for the sake of society---
called themselves Lutherans and Karl Marx was baptized in that church as a child
and LIVED his life as a secular Lutheran. His ideology was SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM---he died in middle age of sickness

I can read, so then you agree Jew is not a race, good glad we have that settled.

being able to read is a very basic skill for homo-sapiens. The homo-sapien brain
is well fitted for the attainment of that skill. Except in cases of defect---ALL homo-sapiens have brains equally and virtually identically well fitted for the attainment
of that skill-----just as all Homo-sapien brains are well fitted to attain an erect posture. As to an issue "we have settled"------your statement is presumptuous
and idiotic. "We" did not settle anything in conjuction with each other. I have
maintained-----FOR YEARS, on this messageboard-----that the term "race"
has virtually no meaning when ascribed to various groups of homo-sapiens

Well unless you practice Judaism , your not a jew, You can call yourself whatever you want and I find it very convenient among people who love to say, Marx was not a jew, he was an atheist, and then an atheist claiming they are jewish. Christians do it as well. If there is a bad Christian, well he was not really a Christian or he would not of done that. The thing with Christianity is we know being born to a Christian does not make one a Christian. RC's use to believe that as well, because, ding , ding, ding, the women brings up the child.

your post-----as is the usual case----makes no sense. You are expressing an
OPINION is if it is a demonstrable solid fact. You have succeeded in
demonstrating your vulgarity.. You have also fallen,, AGAIN, into that
idiot "we know..." habit. In context --------the phrase should be "I KNOW"

This post is off topic. Point is that German Vet should not be on trial.

Heres a video of who a jew is by a the President of the American Atheist, who used to be a jew.
Do you know as the RCC told us if we leave the church we will go to hell, but once a RC always a RC and we can always make amends and return to the RCC, otherwise we were doomed to hell.

This discussion has run it course. I feel for that 95 year old on trial.

Germans on this board, how do you feel about this:
as to whether or not Marx-----who was a scholar of economics and sociology was
or was not a jew------would depend on how Karl Marx defined HIMSELF----not
on the musings of a semi-literate slut of French Canadian background. The facts
are that his family of origin rejected religion and so-----for the sake of society---
called themselves Lutherans and Karl Marx was baptized in that church as a child
and LIVED his life as a secular Lutheran. His ideology was SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM---he died in middle age of sickness

I can read, so then you agree Jew is not a race, good glad we have that settled.

being able to read is a very basic skill for homo-sapiens. The homo-sapien brain
is well fitted for the attainment of that skill. Except in cases of defect---ALL homo-sapiens have brains equally and virtually identically well fitted for the attainment
of that skill-----just as all Homo-sapien brains are well fitted to attain an erect posture. As to an issue "we have settled"------your statement is presumptuous
and idiotic. "We" did not settle anything in conjuction with each other. I have
maintained-----FOR YEARS, on this messageboard-----that the term "race"
has virtually no meaning when ascribed to various groups of homo-sapiens

Well unless you practice Judaism , your not a jew, You can call yourself whatever you want and I find it very convenient among people who love to say, Marx was not a jew, he was an atheist, and then an atheist claiming they are jewish. Christians do it as well. If there is a bad Christian, well he was not really a Christian or he would not of done that. The thing with Christianity is we know being born to a Christian does not make one a Christian. RC's use to believe that as well, because, ding , ding, ding, the women brings up the child.

your post-----as is the usual case----makes no sense. You are expressing an
OPINION is if it is a demonstrable solid fact. You have succeeded in
demonstrating your vulgarity.. You have also fallen,, AGAIN, into that
idiot "we know..." habit. In context --------the phrase should be "I KNOW"

This post is off topic. Point is that German Vet should not be on trial.

Heres a video of who a jew is by a the President of the American Atheist, who used to be a jew.
Do you know as the RCC told us if we leave the church we will go to hell, but once a RC always a RC and we can always make amends and return to the RCC, otherwise we were doomed to hell.

This discussion has run it course. I feel for that 95 year old on trial.

Germans on this board, how do you feel about this:

I do not know to what post you allude by writing "this post is off topic".
The germans have their own legal code and they have decided to
prosecute world war II people who voluntarily and directly engaged in work vital to
the organized genocide of civilian men women and children-----.
I see no LINK between THE TOPIC which you now claim is your own
emotional status-----to the fact that a person who is either identified as a
Jew----by jews or so self-identifies--------is an atheist------OR----the
teachings you learned in catholic grammar school
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?
Could this have anything to do with Germany being ranked number one best country in the world? Are you a conservative? Just curious.
Efraim Zuroff is the jew headhunter.

Efraim Zuroff is a scholar of history and has been active in seeking out
indicted and unindicted murderers-------There is no statute of limitations
for the crime of murder in the USA------the same may be true in Germany
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?
Could this have anything to do with Germany being ranked number one best country in the world?

You sure do seem convinced of that. Too bad your lack of spine prevents you from packing your bags, fish.
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?
Could this have anything to do with Germany being ranked number one best country in the world?

You sure do seem convinced of that. Too bad your lack of spine prevents you from packing your bags, fish.
Maybe I will
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?
Could this have anything to do with Germany being ranked number one best country in the world?

You sure do seem convinced of that. Too bad your lack of spine prevents you from packing your bags, fish.
Maybe I will

You won't. You're nothing but empty talk, fish.
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?
Could this have anything to do with Germany being ranked number one best country in the world?

You sure do seem convinced of that. Too bad your lack of spine prevents you from packing your bags, fish.
Maybe I will

You won't. You're nothing but empty talk, fish.
What did you say to me? Why I aughta! God id kill you in wrestling. How much do you weigh?
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?
Could this have anything to do with Germany being ranked number one best country in the world?

You sure do seem convinced of that. Too bad your lack of spine prevents you from packing your bags, fish.
Maybe I will

You won't. You're nothing but empty talk, fish.
Do you know I used to practice with Olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser? Fish couldn't do that.
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?
Could this have anything to do with Germany being ranked number one best country in the world?

You sure do seem convinced of that. Too bad your lack of spine prevents you from packing your bags, fish.
Maybe I will

You won't. You're nothing but empty talk, fish.
What did you say to me? Why I aughta! God id kill you in wrestling.

Keep dreaming,fish.

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