Germany and France Say "No" to the American Dictatorship?

="peach174, post: 19215434, member: 23262"][QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19215330, member: 67922"="peach174, post: 19214947, member: 23262"

Americans are not free in their criticisms of their own government?
Yes they are it's called the 1st amendment.

Open boarders has consequences and now you see the German women living in fear.
The left ideology in this country wants the same thing, open boarders and lawlessness.

AF: I think you're exaggerating. The Germans OPENLY criticize their government, which even for me was somewhat unexpected. And this despite the fact that ordinary Germans live better than ordinary Americans. I've just arrived in my city, Silverdale, and was extremely surprised when my close friend said that they do not even criticize the American government in the kitchen - they go out into the yard.
The period of the Bush-Alcoholic presidency has left a deep scratch in the American social psyche - it has again awakened, after McCarthyism, fear of special services, which might be not so unfounded: the recent scandal involving the FBI bugging of Trump's colleagues might probably reinfoeced my friend's fears ...

As for the German police, it is really much more polite in dealing with citizens than the American one. But it works and today does not allow uninvited guests to behave like they did themselves only six months ago

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”
America does not seek to be a dictatorship in the first place, jackass.
="Muhammed, post: 19216204, member: 27210"][QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

America does not seek to be a dictatorship in the first place, jackass.

AF: When I read the rules of the Forum, it seemed to me that there it was said that an insult to an opponent is inadmissible - or did it just seem to me ??

As for the dictatorship, I do not assert that "the country" is trying to establish its dominance over the world. I write that the American cryptoneosessionists, who make up the majority of the American political establishment, are eager for this by deploying more than 800 military bases around the world

AF: “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”

="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19210271, member: 59340"]="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19203592, member: 67922"]="The Sage of Main Street, post:


Islam is an existential threat to evolved humans.

AF: This thesis is only for uneducated, ignorant people who do not know (or do not want to know) the history of human civilization.

When in the obscure "Christian" Europe, which was in decline, the Christian monks sent to a bonfire or in a vat of boiling tar beautiful European women who refused to have sex with them and scientists who aspired to cognition,Islamic culture in the caliphate was characterized by a rapid rise in all areas of science accessible to the human mind of that era: chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography, medicine, astronomy, historiography, pharmacology, linguistics, philosophy.

For almost three hundred years the Muslim civilization has outstripped the Renaissance in Europe.

Contrary to some modern Christian communities in the "citadel of democracy" the Muslim law already in medieval times condemned ignorance, ignorance of Muslims in any field of science impose a sin on the entire world Muslim community, until a sufficient number of its members master this knowledge in perfection.

The Muslim world introduced many agricultural products to Europe. In the VIII century, Muslims cultivated rice in Spain, pomegranate tree, date palm, introduced silkworms, began to grow cotton.

Irrigated agriculture has found application in Europe thanks to the Arabs, who taught the Europeans how to raise water, irrigate and drain the soil.

The Arabs also distributed in Europe a system of irrigation canals with public control over the distribution of water.

Already in the VIII century in Samarkand and Bukhara worked paper workshops. Only four centuries later in Europe, thanks to the paper brought by the Arabs to Spain, paper mills were made.

The workshops of the cities of Muslim Spain knew no equal in the manufacture of silk, brocade, woolen fabrics, expensive grades of leather with embossing and gilding, glass and bronze ware with drawings and enamel, fine ceramics, ivory and weapons - armor and sabers with the finest carved trim of the hilt and sheath.

Thanks to the Muslims of Andalusia, the first glimpses of pottery production and the manufacture of earthenware appeared in Europe.

In the reign of the Abbasid Caliphate, Muslim science received special development. Under Khalifa Harun al-Rashid (786-808) and his son Al-Mamun, the scientific activity experienced a period of recovery: astronomical observatories, buildings for scientific and translation work, libraries were built. Muslims achieve bright successes in mathematics, geography and chemistry.

In the latter particularly manifested Jabir ben Khyan (721-805), named in the British Encyclopedia the founder of chemistry. It was he who introduced the basic concepts of chemistry: crystallization, dissolution, distillation. Mixing of coloring substances, coloring, extraction of minerals and metals, melting - all these technical means at an unmatched level were used by Muslims for production purposes.

Astronomy was enriched with important discoveries, thanks to the research of Muslim scholars. Al-Mamun, caliph and at the same time a scientist, an attempt was made to measure the circumference of the earth.

At his court worked mathematician al-Khorezmi (787 - about 850). It was thanks to his writings that digital symbolism with zero spread in Europe.

From the Arabic word "syfr" ("zero", "empty"), the Latin word cifra ("digit") occurred, originally also referring to zero, whence the Russian word "cipher" came from the French word chifrre.

Al-Khorezmi is the author of the scientific treatise The Book of Restoration and Use (Kitab al-Jebr al-Mukaballah), in which the rules for solving equations were given, and the term al-Jabr was used, hence the name of European algebra .

The Latin term algorithmi ("algorithm") is the transliteration of the Arabic name al-Khwarizmi.

Today, the algorithm is one of the basic concepts of mathematics and cybernetics.

Europeans got acquainted with astronomy, flat and spherical trigonometry. Thanks to the famous astronomer al-Hazini and al-Batani, the Europeans got compile tables of cotangents.

Of particular importance for the development of world mineralogy was the work of the great scientist al-Biruni (973-1050) "Collection of information on the knowledge of precious metals," in which more than 50 minerals, ores, metals, and alloys are described in detail.

Al-Biruni first established the density and specific gravity of many minerals and metals. Only four centuries later in Europe the German scientist Georg Agricola (1494-1555) created the foundations of scientific mineralogy.

Al-Biruni widely applied mathematical analysis, created capital works on mathematics, astronomy, botany, geography, general geology, determined the length of the circumference of the Earth and long before Copernicus (1543) expressed the opinion that the earth can move around the sun ...With the only difference no one for it did not forbid his works and did not betray him anathema (the work of Nikolai Copernicus "On the conversion of heavenly spheres" was banned by the Christian church until 1828).

It is no accident that the famous historian George Sarton called the first half of the eleventh century the era of al-Biruni.

Medicine flourishes in the Muslim Caliphate.

Muslim surgeons used anesthetics when in Europe they did not even think about it. At that time, European doctors "turned off" their patients by striking hard objects on the head. No one gave guarantees of an awakening from such anesthesia.

Bertrand Russell, an English scientist and philosopher of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner wrote: "The superiority of the East was not only military: science, philosophy, poetry and all kinds of art flourished in the world of Muhammad, while Europe was plunged into barbarism."

Europeans with their inexcusable narrowness views call this period a "dark age," but only in Europe it was dark, in fact only in Christian Europe, since Spain, which was Muhammadan, had a brilliant culture. "

In the field of anatomy, the Arab scholar Ibn al-Nafis in the 13th century gave the first description of the circulatory system.

In 975, the Persian scholar Abu Mansour al-Harawi published the Treatise on the Basics of Pharmacology, in which he outlined the therapeutic properties of various natural and chemical substances. In Baghdad alone, pharmaceutical laboratories were created, in which new medicines were created and unfamiliar medicinal plants were studied, there were about 60 pharmacies. For comparison, it is enough to say that in Russia the first pharmacy appeared only eight centuries under Tsar Peter I.

In the field of optics, Muslim scholars also had a significant impact on European science. In the thirteenth century the Polish scientist Vitello wrote an essay on optics, which in fact is only the processing (compilation) of the famous work "al-Manazir", created by the hands of the Muslim scholar Ibn al-Haytham back in the 10th century.

For the first time artillery guns were used in the siege of Constantinople during the time of the conqueror of Constantinople, Sultan Fatih Mehmed (1478)

In 1633, the inventor Ahmet Celebi Hezarfen jumped from the famous Galata Tower in Istanbul, more than sixty meters tall on leather wings, flying from the European to the Asian part of the Bosphorus.

A real passenger rocket in the form of a shell with powder chambers and a cage for the pilot was invented and built by Lahari Hassan Celebi, Ahmet's brother Hazarfen.
This was the first sample of a manned vehicle with an artificial engine. With a large crowd of people, in the Topkapi Castle, on the birthday of the Sultan's daughter, Lagari saddled this device, set fire to the wick and soared into the sky with a roar. The flight lasted about twenty seconds. The fuel ended at an altitude of about three hundred meters, spectators expected that the madman would collapse down and be smashed to death, but he opened his wings attached to the body and planned into the waters of the Bosporus.

The technology of landing on the sea surface is very much like landing on the surface of the water with the help of parachutes, practiced by American astronauts after their return from space. The story is different, the moon would have a green flag with a crescent for a long time already.

Many Europeans are still convinced that the glider and helicopter was invented by Europeans. But the Arabs began to take the first steps in aviation even when many Europeans worshiped pagan gods.

Many experts believe that the merits of Leonardo da Vinci are exaggerated. "From childhood we were taught that Leonardo da Vinci drew a hang gliding plan, yes, his designs existed in the drawings, but he never flew on his vehicles, and some, for example, his famous prototype helicopter with people on board, had serious shortcomings. ..

The introduction of higher education by Muslims, Arabic numerals, advanced methods in agriculture, medicine, architecture and navigation led to the gradual development of Europe, eventually ending with the Renaissance.

Apparently not in vain Stenwood Cobb, the founder of the World Association for Progressive Enlightenment, said:

"Islam was in fact the ancestor of the Renaissance in Europe."

The Religion of Cain

Those achievements were made by the people Islam conquered, but never converted to its subhuman creed. It took centuries for those predatory thrill-killers to gain control away from their Dhimmi flunkies.

The wolf is at the door, its fangs dripping with blood and oil. The wolf is Islam. Don't pet it.
="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19224015, member: 59340"]
[I said:
Apparently not in vain Stenwood Cobb, the founder of the World Association for Progressive Enlightenment, said:

"Islam was in fact the ancestor of the Renaissance in Europe."


The Religion of Cain

Those achievements were made by the people Islam conquered, but never converted to its subhuman creed. It took centuries for those predatory thrill-killers to gain control away from their Dhimmi flunkies.

The wolf is at the door, its fangs dripping with blood and oil. The wolf is Islam. Don't pet it.

="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19224015, member: 59340"]
[I said:
Apparently not in vain Stenwood Cobb, the founder of the World Association for Progressive Enlightenment, said:

"Islam was in fact the ancestor of the Renaissance in Europe."


The Religion of Cain

Those achievements were made by the people Islam conquered, but never converted to its subhuman creed. It took centuries for those predatory thrill-killers to gain control away from their Dhimmi flunkies.

The wolf is at the door, its fangs dripping with blood and oil. The wolf is Islam. Don't pet it.

="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19224462, member: 67922"]="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19224015, member: 59340"=

Apparently not in vain Stenwood Cobb, the founder of the World Association for Progressive Enlightenment, said:

"Islam was in fact the ancestor of the Renaissance in Europe."

The Religion of Cain

Those achievements were made by the people Islam conquered, but never converted to its subhuman creed. It took centuries for those predatory thrill-killers to gain control away from their Dhimmi flunkies.

The wolf is at the door, its fangs dripping with blood and oil. The wolf is Islam. Don't pet it.

AF: This is a primitive ideological stamp, circulated by American cryptoneozionist media and the so-called "Christian" churches.

You could not refute ANY of the examples I cited of the invaluable contribution of Islamic culture to European and transatlantic culture.

In the History of Humanity I do not know any other more misanthropic religion than CHRISTIANITY, which in the name of its god would kill so many millions of innocent people.

I will only recall you one anti-human crime of American "Christians", among whom, by the way, there were quite a few cryptoneozionists: the genocide of Native Americans.

Your ancestors killed between 100 and 110 million innocent people, the only fault of which was that they were born in the land of their ancestors ...

Don't you want to repent of the sins of your ancestors ???

Have you been to ANY Islamic country ??

Were you generally somewhere abroad but Mexican Algodones ???

I travel a lot around the world, I was in many countries of the Muslim world, I lived among these people and I know what I'm writing about.

In South Beirut - the "lair" of Hisbollah, I was often asked where I came from. And EVERY TIME I said I was from the US, I was met with the words "Welcome!".

In the same area businessmen refused to take payment for the

Mediterranean confectionery, which I wanted to bring home, and for a gudget for my computer.

In the hotel a manager, when he found out that I was from the USA, transfered me the "suite" without additional payment - the suit where General Yasser Arafat had stayed before. And I was provided with the charming guide - a young lady from Ethiopia ...

In Damascus (before the war, unleashed by the American cryptoneozionist special services), I walked around the city at night and everywhere I met only smiles. In the restaurant a completely unknown person made me a gift - payed for a dancer who performed oriental dances for more than an hour for me.

In Tehran ONLY ONCE I met an openly hostile old woman in black, but she did not dare to say anything ... Just looked at me... She either lost her husband or her son, or was just as "brainwashed" as you were. And I was driven to the airport by a car from the presidential motorcade. And this despite the fact that not everything I said to the Iranian officials, they liked ...

You are simply engaged in malice and irradiate HATE.

Last edited:
="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19224462, member: 67922"]="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19224015, member: 59340"=

Apparently not in vain Stenwood Cobb, the founder of the World Association for Progressive Enlightenment, said:

"Islam was in fact the ancestor of the Renaissance in Europe."

The Religion of Cain

Those achievements were made by the people Islam conquered, but never converted to its subhuman creed. It took centuries for those predatory thrill-killers to gain control away from their Dhimmi flunkies.

The wolf is at the door, its fangs dripping with blood and oil. The wolf is Islam. Don't pet it.

AF: This is a primitive ideological stamp, circulated by American cryptoneozionist media and the so-called "Christian" churches.

You could not refute ANY of the examples I cited of the invaluable contribution of Islamic culture to European and transatlantic culture.

In the History of Humanity I do not know any other more misanthropic religion than CHRISTIANITY, which in the name of its god would kill so many millions of innocent people.

I will only recall you one anti-human crime of American "Christians", among whom, by the way, there were quite a few cryptoneozionists: the genocide of Native Americans.

Your ancestors killed between 100 and 110 million innocent people, the only fault of which was that they were born in the land of their ancestors ...

Don't you want to repent of the sins of your ancestors ???

Have you been to ANY Islamic country ??

Were you generally somewhere abroad but Mexican Algodones ???

I travel a lot around the world, I was in many countries of the Muslim world, I lived among these people and I know what I'm writing about.

In South Beirut - the "lair" of Hisbollah, I was often asked where I came from. And EVERY TIME I said I was from the US, I was met with the words "Welcome!".

In the same area businessmen refused to take payment for the

Mediterranean confectionery, which I wanted to bring home, and for a gudget for my computer.

In the hotel a manager, when he found out that I was from the USA, transfered me the "suite" without additional payment - the suit where General Yasser Arafat had stayed before. And I was provided with the charming guide - a young lady from Ethiopia ...

In Damascus (before the war, unleashed by the American cryptoneozionist special services), I walked around the city at night and everywhere I met only smiles. In the restaurant a completely unknown person made me a gift - payed for a dancer who performed oriental dances for more than an hour for me.

In Tehran ONLY ONCE I met an openly hostile old woman in black, but she did not dare to say anything ... Just looked at me... She either lost her husband or her son, or was just as "brainwashed" as you were. And I was driven to the airport by a car from the presidential motorcade. And this despite the fact that not everything I said to the Iranian officials, they liked ...

You are simply engaged in malice and irradiate HATE.

Fools Rush In Where Anglos Fear to Tread

You Dhimmi suckers are headed for a beheading.

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

The largest nationality in the US is German and we have ourselves a German Potus.

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

The largest nationality in the US is German and we have ourselves a German Potus.
Would you at least try proving the bullshit you post? It is called "sourcing".
="Muhammed, post: 19216204, member: 27210"][QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

America does not seek to be a dictatorship in the first place, jackass.

AF: When I read the rules of the Forum, it seemed to me that there it was said that an insult to an opponent is inadmissible - or did it just seem to me ??

As for the dictatorship, I do not assert that "the country" is trying to establish its dominance over the world. I write that the American cryptoneosessionists, who make up the majority of the American political establishment, are eager for this by deploying more than 800 military bases around the world

AF: “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”


I agree look at our military bases, we are like an empire, we do exert control over all nations, with sanctions or our military. Germany would not have the influx of Muslims if we, Israel , SA and Turkey didn't want Assad out, Israel and SA mainly. We have caused this. We are an empire, its just not talked about.
[QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922
Germany and France Say "No" to the American Dictatorship?

It's easy to say when they already have one of their own. "American Dictatorship" is group-think for "America is no longer playing like a piece of soft putty in our hands."

Thank you, Donald.

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

The largest nationality in the US is German and we have ourselves a German Potus.
Would you at least try proving the bullshit you post? It is called "sourcing".

Check it out, both are true, and I assume you can google. It won't be long it won't be Germans though, Hispanics are catching up quickly.

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

The largest nationality in the US is German and we have ourselves a German Potus.
Would you at least try proving the bullshit you post? It is called "sourcing".

Check it out, both are true, and I assume you can google. It won't be long it won't be Germans though, Hispanics are catching up quickly.
No, you back it up, or just do not say it. No one is here to research your bullshit, that is your job.

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

The largest nationality in the US is German and we have ourselves a German Potus.
Would you at least try proving the bullshit you post? It is called "sourcing".

Check it out, both are true, and I assume you can google. It won't be long it won't be Germans though, Hispanics are catching up quickly.
No, you back it up, or just do not say it. No one is here to research your bullshit, that is your job.

Put in google, the largest nationality of the US and many sites will come up. I'm afraid I'd waste my time since you will not believe me anyway. Are you trying to say Donald Duck is not German?? We all know he is.
The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

The largest nationality in the US is German and we have ourselves a German Potus.
Would you at least try proving the bullshit you post? It is called "sourcing".

Check it out, both are true, and I assume you can google. It won't be long it won't be Germans though, Hispanics are catching up quickly.
No, you back it up, or just do not say it. No one is here to research your bullshit, that is your job.

Put in google, the largest nationality of the US and many sites will come up. I'm afraid I'd waste my time since you will not believe me anyway. Are you trying to say Donald Duck is not German?? We all know he is.
People like you bitch bout racism and then say nationality has something to do with how Trump will govern? Childish is too good a word to describe your opinions.
="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19229284, member: 59340"=

You are simply engaged in malice and irradiate HATE.

Fools Rush In Where Anglos Fear to Tread

You Dhimmi suckers are headed for a beheading.

AF: Like this???

Like this?


Or like this???


or like THIS???


or like THIS???!


In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

The largest nationality in the US is German and we have ourselves a German Potus.

I think you are talking about ethnicity. I am talking about nationality.
="theHawk, post: 19239576, member: 2921"="theHawk, post: 19172661, member: 2921"]="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

The largest nationality in the US is German and we have ourselves a German Potus.

I think you are talking about ethnicity. I am talking about nationality.

t is known that the first Jews who came to the US were German Jews - well educated, hardworking and poor. Then Jews from other countries started to arrive. What's amazing is that people who, by their physiognomic characteristics, are explicit Ashkenazi, without blinking an eye call themselves "Germans", "Czechs", "Poles", "Hungarians"...

As far as "nationality" vs. "ethnicity". Yes, perhaps this is confusing. But this "confusion" was planned initially, so that some could hide their ethnic origins. However, what did Mrs. Bush, Bush the Alcoholic's mother mean, when she called him "the first Jewish president of America" ???

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