Germany and France Say "No" to the American Dictatorship?

="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19180658, member: 67922"="Correll, post: 19180494, member: 53993"][QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

Maybe she should take some steps to even out the 65 billions dollar trade surplus they have with US.

Anything else is just the whining of an irresponsible child
="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19180682, member: 67922"="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19180658, member: 67922"="Correll, post: 19180494, member: 53993"="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

Maybe she should take some steps to even out the 65 billions dollar trade surplus they have with US.

Anything else is just the whining of an irresponsible child

AF: Yes, Mrs. Merkel has already stated in this regard that this increase is "an indicator of a strong economy." This statement was made after Mr. Trump criticized Germany's dependence on exports.

As for the condescending tone towards the EU and Germany, this is a clear consequence of the pernicious American habit of looking down on everyone. Europe is really tired of the machinations of American сryptoneozionists against Russia. It has its own interests, which increasingly diverge from the interests of their overseas "partners".

And the potential - human, cultural, financial, technological, the EU has higher than the US ...
="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19180604, member: 59340")
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

The Bushes and all other aristocrats are unAmerican and should go live in the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. The road to perdition is patrician.

Out of shame at their submission to unearned privilege, Americans won't tell you this, but cowardly traitor George W. begged his Daddy to get him out of having to fight in Vietnam, after all the brainwashing by his birth-class that we had to pay any price to stop the spread of Communism. Those who got rich by bootlicking such trash also got out of the fighting by running away to college.

AF: Yes, I am well aware of the circumstances of the actual desertion of Bush the Alcoholic, who seemed to be hiding in the ranks of the National Guard Air Force ... What a shame! In general, America is a great country - the grandson of the Nazi collaborator becomes president, and later - and great-grandson, who never got rid of alcoholism ...

What I do not understand is why you are sending these unworthy people to Europe?

Bush the Alcoholic's Mom said that he was "the first Jewish president in the history of America," which was untrue, because a whole pleiad of American presidents simply hid their cryptoneosionist origins. I guess they should go to Israel whose interests the Bush family so hard defended.

="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19180865, member: 67922"]="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19180604, member: 59340")
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

The Bushes and all other aristocrats are unAmerican and should go live in the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. The road to perdition is patrician.

Out of shame at their submission to unearned privilege, Americans won't tell you this, but cowardly traitor George W. begged his Daddy to get him out of having to fight in Vietnam, after all the brainwashing by his birth-class that we had to pay any price to stop the spread of Communism. Those who got rich by bootlicking such trash also got out of the fighting by running away to college.

AF: Yes, I am well aware of the circumstances of the actual desertion of Bush the Alcoholic, who seemed to be hiding in the ranks of the National Guard Air Force ... What a shame! In general, America is a great country - the grandson of the Nazi collaborator becomes president, and later - and great-grandson, who never got rid of alcoholism ...

What I do not understand is why you are sending these unworthy people to Europe?

Bush the Alcoholic's Mom said that he was "the first Jewish president in the history of America," which was untrue, because a whole pleiad of American presidents simply hid their cryptoneosionist origins. I guess they should go to Israel whose interests the Bush family so hard defended.


="PredFan, post: 19180909, member: 33194"

Look what is going on in those two countries. Why should we give a fuck what they think?

What countries do you mean ???
="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19180604, member: 59340")
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

The Bushes and all other aristocrats are unAmerican and should go live in the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. The road to perdition is patrician.

Out of shame at their submission to unearned privilege, Americans won't tell you this, but cowardly traitor George W. begged his Daddy to get him out of having to fight in Vietnam, after all the brainwashing by his birth-class that we had to pay any price to stop the spread of Communism. Those who got rich by bootlicking such trash also got out of the fighting by running away to college.

AF: Yes, I am well aware of the circumstances of the actual desertion of Bush the Alcoholic, who seemed to be hiding in the ranks of the National Guard Air Force ... What a shame! In general, America is a great country - the grandson of the Nazi collaborator becomes president, and later - and great-grandson, who never got rid of alcoholism ...

What I do not understand is why you are sending these unworthy people to Europe?

Bush the Alcoholic's Mom said that he was "the first Jewish president in the history of America," which was untrue, because a whole pleiad of American presidents simply hid their cryptoneosionist origins. I guess they should go to Israel whose interests the Bush family so hard defended.

Epitaph at Arlington Cemetery: PROUD TO DIE TAKING A RICH KID'S PLACE

It's a contradiction for the Bushes to be pro-Jewish after being pro-Nazi. Dubya's Daddy kept his class's WASP antagonism to Jews all his life. He blamed his Gulf War on previous Presidents not doing enough to satisfy Arab demands against Israel. That was the first thing he announced after driving the Iraqis out of Chickenhawk Kuwait.

"Rich man's war, poor man's fight" has a long tradition in America. Lincoln who let the unpatriotic patrician parasites buy their way out of the draft, wriggled out of guilt by preaching, "This is the way things have always been done." In LIncoln's war, the Bushes' ancestor bought his way out of serving and made a lot of money selling merchandise to the troops.
Germany and France Say "No" to the American Dictatorship?
The reason that Germany and France say "No" to American Dictatorship is quite simple; both of those countries have proven time and again that they're perfectly capable of coming up with their own home-grown dictatorships.

Of course, when it comes to dealing with the negative consequences and mayhem created by those dictatorships they're more than happy to accept our assistance.:p
["The Sage of Main Street, post: 19186965, member: 59340"


Epitaph at Arlington Cemetery: PROUD TO DIE TAKING A RICH KID'S PLACE

It's a contradiction for the Bushes to be pro-Jewish after being pro-Nazi. Dubya's Daddy kept his class's WASP antagonism to Jews all his life. He blamed his Gulf War on previous Presidents not doing enough to satisfy Arab demands against Israel. That was the first thing he announced after driving the Iraqis out of Chickenhawk Kuwait.

"Rich man's war, poor man's fight" has a long tradition in America. Lincoln who let the unpatriotic patrician parasites buy their way out of the draft, wriggled out of guilt by preaching, "This is the way things have always been done." In LIncoln's war, the Bushes' ancestor bought his way out of serving and made a lot of money selling merchandise to the troops.

AF: Yes, American politicians so easily foment armed conflicts, because THEIR CHILDREN do not die on the battlefield. The American boys and girls from poor families are fighting and dying in the hope of getting out of the stifling tentacles of the ugly cryptoneosionist octopus - debts to banks - and to achieve the "American dream" - to get a bachelor's degree in college.

Will real change ever come to America of the poor? Will THIS America succeed in destroying the moloch, which deprives young Americans of their lives and health? And how many thousands of them will it cost a life???
As far as I care, the whole of Europe can go straight to hell.
="jc456, post: 19172417, member: 46512"="BluesLegend, post: 19144853, member: 51009"]Germany and France say no to an American dictatorship that does not exist? Are they high on crack or just dumb?
funny how they don't understand it. we don't need them, they need us. Always will. what they say publicly will be different than the walk they must walk.

AF:WHERE IS such confidence that Europe needs America ??? Rather, on the contrary, given the upcoming catastrophe on the North American tectonic plate

By the way, the US is borrowing money from Europe - not Europe - from the US ...

="jc456, post: 19172867, member: 46512"="whitehall, post: 19172450, member: 27324"The German chancellor condemns "national egotism". You can't make this stuff up.

well she should just merge with france and quit. it's time Germany no longer exist.

AF: You need to be serious: Germany is not the USA, and France is not Israel ...
I was very serious.
QUOTE="NightFox, post: 19187064, member: 44607"
Germany and France Say "No" to the American Dictatorship?

The reason that Germany and France say "No" to American Dictatorship is quite simple; both of those countries have proven time and again that they're perfectly capable of coming up with their own home-grown dictatorships.

Of course, when it comes to dealing with the negative consequences and mayhem created by those dictatorships they're more than happy to accept our assistance.:p

AF: Well, you can, of course, joke, but in a real world America itself needs to cope with its internal problems, the first of which is the crying poverty of the population. America needs to deal with the dictatorship of the cryptoneozionists, who divided the nation into extremely rich and extremely poor and tries to transfer this pernicious practice to the whole world.

It should be recognized that the Western European model of social order is much more humane: it forces the rich to share more with the poor, and this model works.

You, of course, can refer to the rich, who give up French citizenship and leave for Russia, but this is not an argument: super-rich Americans renounce their US citizenship with the same ease...

="miketx, post: 19188321, member: 56416"]As far as I care, the whole of Europe can go straight to hell.

AF: As I understand it, a "true Christian" joined our conversation ... And why do you dislike Europe so much? Call of ancestors ??? Have you ever been to Europe???
="PredFan, post: 19180909, member: 33194"Look what is going on in those two countries. Why should we give a fuck what they think?

AF: A typical example of mentality of the American "red-neck" or cryptoneozionist Nazi

="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19188427, member: 67922"]="NightFox, post: 19187064, member: 44607"
Germany and France Say "No" to the American Dictatorship?

The reason that Germany and France say "No" to American Dictatorship is quite simple; both of those countries have proven time and again that they're perfectly capable of coming up with their own home-grown dictatorships.

Of course, when it comes to dealing with the negative consequences and mayhem created by those dictatorships they're more than happy to accept our assistance.:p

AF: "Changes in the international political arena, including those that might be caused by the "Kremlin list" published by the US Treasury, will not affect relations between Moscow and Beijing, the Foreign Ministry of the PRC said on Wednesday, commenting on the document of the US department.


In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

Old Angie knows we didn't ignore the great conflicts of the 20th Century.
We did in 1918, but not in 1945.

Germany started both conflicts and when we finished routing them in
1945, we stayed there...just so those folks wouldn't get any ideas
for the future.

We knew we couldn't trust the Germans.
Americans, lead by GOP big isolationist dingbats very similar to today's, also ignored the world from 1918 to 1941 December 7th to be exact. Many thanks to the GOP for destroying the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles, and once again the world economy that led to the chaos and fascism we can see a little of today again... See Putin and Trump and the rise of right-wingers a lot of places. Thank God Democrats and socialists were around to avert another full-blown World depression this time...

1945 and since was different because the GOP realized all the money that could be made with defense... They are always a bought off disaster...
Americans, lead by GOP big isolationist dingbats very similar to today's, also ignored the world from 1918 to 1941 December 7th to be exact. Many thanks to the GOP for destroying the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles, and once again the world economy that led to the chaos and fascism we can see a little of today again... See Putin and Trump and the rise of right-wingers a lot of places. Thank God Democrats and socialists were around to avert another full-blown World depression this time...

1945 and since was different because the GOP realized all the money that could be made with defense... They are always a bought off disaster...

AF: The paradox of the current situation is that both Trump and Putin are henchmen of international cryptoneozionism. This is a purely intra-Jewish conflict, which is presented to common people as a confrontation between the "American" and "Russian" value systems.

In fact, both in the American and Russian administrations the overwhelming majority belongs to cryptoneozionists. In 1993, international kryptoneozionists, led by Clinton administration, organized a bloody coup d'état in Moscow during which mercenaries for three days and three nights fired Russki guys and girls. A political power was seized and handed over to Yeltsin and his cryptoneozionist team, led by his cryptojewish daughter.

The cryptoneozionist team of Putin (and in the Russian government more than 90% - are cryptojews), inheriting power from Yeltsin, whom most Russian citizens consider a state traitor, simply violated the "rules of the game", the essence of which was that Russia in the eyes of the international cryptoneozionism was seen as a raw colony, began to pursue an independent policy. Now so-called "Anglo-Saxons" are trying to suffocate Putin's government financially and provoke a regime change ...

The immorality of the American cryptoneozionist political elite is that when the Russian cryptoneozionists came to power and started robbing the indigenous peoples of the state - it was silent. "Sanctions" began to be introduced only after Putin's regime started to pursue a somewhat independent political course...

Americans, lead by GOP big isolationist dingbats very similar to today's, also ignored the world from 1918 to 1941 December 7th to be exact. Many thanks to the GOP for destroying the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles, and once again the world economy that led to the chaos and fascism we can see a little of today again... See Putin and Trump and the rise of right-wingers a lot of places. Thank God Democrats and socialists were around to avert another full-blown World depression this time...

1945 and since was different because the GOP realized all the money that could be made with defense... They are always a bought off disaster...

AF: The paradox of the current situation is that both Trump and Putin are henchmen of international cryptoneozionism. This is a purely intra-Jewish conflict, which is presented to common people as a confrontation between the "American" and "Russian" value systems.

In fact, both in the American and Russian administrations the overwhelming majority belongs to cryptoneozionists. In 1993, international kryptoneozionists, led by Clinton administration, organized a bloody coup d'état in Moscow during which mercenaries for three days and three nights fired Russki guys and girls. A political power was seized and handed over to Yeltsin and his cryptoneozionist team, led by his cryptojewish daughter.

The cryptoneozionist team of Putin (and in the Russian government more than 90% - are cryptojews), inheriting power from Yeltsin, whom most Russian citizens consider a state traitor, simply violated the "rules of the game", the essence of which was that Russia in the eyes of the international cryptoneozionism was seen as a raw colony, began to pursue an independent policy. Now so-called "Anglo-Saxons" are trying to suffocate Putin's government financially and provoke a regime change ...

The immorality of the American cryptoneozionist political elite is that when the Russian cryptoneozionists came to power and started robbing the indigenous peoples of the state - it was silent. "Sanctions" began to be introduced only after Putin's regime started to pursue a somewhat independent political course...

As plotted in the "Project for a New American Century," the international hereditary dynasties collaborated to impose globalist rule under the totalitarian economics that benefit their own clans by stripping all revenue except subsistence wages from the workers of the world. These snakes always blame everything on the Jews.
QUOTE="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19195100, member: 59340"]


As plotted in the "Project for a New American Century," the international hereditary dynasties collaborated to impose globalist rule under the totalitarian economics that benefit their own clans by stripping all revenue except subsistence wages from the workers of the world. These snakes always blame everything on the Jews.

AF: It could be. But they are well concealed by the Jews - any criticism against them is declared "anti-Semitism". In this sense, you start to suspect this cryptoneozionist group of global special interests in the deliberate provocation of the Holocaust.
QUOTE="The Sage of Main Street, post: 19195100, member: 59340"]


As plotted in the "Project for a New American Century," the international hereditary dynasties collaborated to impose globalist rule under the totalitarian economics that benefit their own clans by stripping all revenue except subsistence wages from the workers of the world. These snakes always blame everything on the Jews.

AF: It could be. But they are well concealed by the Jews - any criticism against them is declared "anti-Semitism". In this sense, you start to suspect this cryptoneozionist group of global special interests in the deliberate provocation of the Holocaust.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

Once you get hooked on your Masters' drug of Judeophobia, you are permanently addicted and should do the world a favor and by overdosing. ISIS will honor you by burying you.

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