Germany and France Say "No" to the American Dictatorship?

="jc456, post: 19172417, member: 46512"="BluesLegend, post: 19144853, member: 51009"]Germany and France say no to an American dictatorship that does not exist? Are they high on crack or just dumb?
funny how they don't understand it. we don't need them, they need us. Always will. what they say publicly will be different than the walk they must walk.

AF:WHERE IS such confidence that Europe needs America ??? Rather, on the contrary, given the upcoming catastrophe on the North American tectonic plate

By the way, the US is borrowing money from Europe - not Europe - from the US ...

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Germany has censorship. France has enough Muslims to form political parties. They will have their own dictatorships long before America does.

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”
Merkel is a junior partner. Why should America give a damn whether she likes it or not?
More sniveling, pussified, paranoid Eurocoward bullshit. How DARE your continental disgrace to my race call America a dictatorship when EUROPE is the continent that puts people in jail for having the wrong opinion of Islam barbarity. EUROPE is the continent that invented Communism, Naziism and Fascism. Everything about Europeans is so hypocritical, so phony, I believe that continent gets off on their lack of a moral compass. Europeans are such jaw-dropping scumbags, they won't (and never will) lift a finger about muslim inbreds raping their wives and daughters. Which makes them an omega-male disgrace to my gender, as well.

Never have I seen two groups of fanatically American-hating reprobates who deserve each other more than Europe and Islam. As far as I'm concerned, killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done.
="Lastamender, post: 19172518, member: 34656"]Germany has censorship. France has enough Muslims to form political parties. They will have their own dictatorships long before America does.

AF: What's your opinion on Dave Brown's following words:

"... terrorism has nothing to do with religion. I am convinced of this. The feelings of believers are always covered by incitement to political violence. I think that the sources of terrorism must be sought in political injustice, inequality.


Religious beliefs in this case are simply used as an excuse, because genuine faith only inspires people
. Today we associate international terrorism exclusively with Muslims and Islam, but if we look at the situation more closely, it can be seen that many different religions and philosophical ideas are put there. In my own country, strange things are happening all the time, forcing to recall the trials of witches and the holy Inquisition. Religion has always been used to incite violence, which, it seems to me, is always politically motivated." ???

In general, Thans-Atlantic culture owes much to Muslim culture.

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.
="WillMunny, post: 19172598, member: 56675"More sniveling, pussified, paranoid Eurocoward bullshit. How DARE your continental disgrace to my race call America a dictatorship when EUROPE is the continent that puts people in jail for having the wrong opinion of Islam barbarity. EUROPE is the continent that invented Communism, Naziism and Fascism. Everything about Europeans is so hypocritical, so phony, I believe that continent gets off on their lack of a moral compass. Europeans are such jaw-dropping scumbags, they won't (and never will) lift a finger about muslim inbreds raping their wives and daughters. Which makes them an omega-male disgrace to my gender, as well.

Never have I seen two groups of fanatically American-hating reprobates who deserve each other more than Europe and Islam. As far as I'm concerned, killing Europeans is the first good thing Islam has ever done.

It's a fanatical, paranoid nonsense. You, probably, go to the church or to the synagogue, don't you? Is THAT what you learnr there???

Muslims simply can not keep up with "true Christians" from America, who, in the name of their faith with the name of the Almighty, sent tens and hundreds of millions of people to the "next world", and not so long ago ...

And I categorically condemn such misanthropic utterances

EUROPE is the continent that invented Communism, Naziism and Fascism.


As for fascism, I do not see a big sin here: fascism sometimes, under extreme conditions, is a VERY EFFECTIVE system of government.

As for "communism" - this is, rather, a claim to the Jew Karl Marx. I also consider disgusting the cryptoneozionist present day Nazism of the American "brand"...

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"theHawk, post: 19172661, member: 2921"="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

The last people in the world we should ever listen to are Germans. They are always on the wrong side of history. They were responsible for two world wars, and are about to cause another with their immigration insanity.

AF:It seems that you do not read the message: there are political scientists who insist that those were the American and English collaborators and cryptoneozionists like Bush's relatives who led to World War II
="jc456, post: 19172867, member: 46512"="whitehall, post: 19172450, member: 27324"The German chancellor condemns "national egotism". You can't make this stuff up.

well she should just merge with france and quit. it's time Germany no longer exist.

AF: You need to be serious: Germany is not the USA, and France is not Israel ...
="Thinker101, post: 19146406, member: 62408"]QUOTE="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

First off, I'm not seeing a dictatorship. Second, Paris and Berlin is not France and Germany. Merkel is way too busy pandering to Muslims so who the hell cares what she has to say.

AF:I agree with you that it would be naive to believe that two people determine the course of European politics. Both the German Chancellor and the President of France are only speakers of various economic circles that have gained access to power. You could add a still unresolved political crisis in Germany, and also would be right.

Unfortunately, the fact that America's cryptoneosessionist political elite doesn't give up the embition to stop or at least slow down the course of history and maintain its hegemony is also a fact that it would be frivolous to deny. And this is felt by Americans, 68% of whom believe, as the Pew poll shows, that the United States is disliked in the world today more than it used to be (Pew research Center, NOVEMBER 9, 2017:
Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S. Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S.).

This also affects the attitude of Europeans towards America. In Europe, America continues to be treated favorably, but it is noteworthy that its rating has fallen in recent years. At least in part, one person is to blame for this - Edward Snowden, who revealed the activities of the NSA, which bugged the Europeans and European leaders. .

Polls show that among Germans, which many political scientists and politicians in America consider the main American allies in Old World, only half treats the United States positively, and 45% refer to the Americans negatively.

I think that it is time for us to ponder over these figures...

Not that there's necessarily a solution, but we may have been pondering these figures way too long.
[="Thinker101, post: 19173635, member: 62408"]
="Thinker101, post: 19146406, member: 62408"="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

First off, I'm not seeing a dictatorship. Second, Paris and Berlin is not France and Germany. Merkel is way too busy pandering to Muslims so who the hell cares what she has to say.

AF:I agree with you that it would be naive to believe that two people determine the course of European politics. Both the German Chancellor and the President of France are only speakers of various economic circles that have gained access to power. You could add a still unresolved political crisis in Germany, and also would be right.

Unfortunately, the fact that America's cryptoneosessionist political elite doesn't give up the embition to stop or at least slow down the course of history and maintain its hegemony is also a fact that it would be frivolous to deny. And this is felt by Americans, 68% of whom believe, as the Pew poll shows, that the United States is disliked in the world today more than it used to be (Pew research Center, NOVEMBER 9, 2017:
Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S. Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S.).

This also affects the attitude of Europeans towards America. In Europe, America continues to be treated favorably, but it is noteworthy that its rating has fallen in recent years. At least in part, one person is to blame for this - Edward Snowden, who revealed the activities of the NSA, which bugged the Europeans and European leaders. .

Polls show that among Germans, which many political scientists and politicians in America consider the main American allies in Old World, only half treats the United States positively, and 45% refer to the Americans negatively.

I think that it is time for us to ponder over these figures...

Not that there's necessarily a solution, but we may have been pondering these figures way too long.
[="Thinker101, post: 19173635, member: 62408"]
="Thinker101, post: 19146406, member: 62408"="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

First off, I'm not seeing a dictatorship. Second, Paris and Berlin is not France and Germany. Merkel is way too busy pandering to Muslims so who the hell cares what she has to say.

AF:I agree with you that it would be naive to believe that two people determine the course of European politics. Both the German Chancellor and the President of France are only speakers of various economic circles that have gained access to power. You could add a still unresolved political crisis in Germany, and also would be right.

Unfortunately, the fact that America's cryptoneosessionist political elite doesn't give up the embition to stop or at least slow down the course of history and maintain its hegemony is also a fact that it would be frivolous to deny. And this is felt by Americans, 68% of whom believe, as the Pew poll shows, that the United States is disliked in the world today more than it used to be (Pew research Center, NOVEMBER 9, 2017:
Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S. Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S.).

This also affects the attitude of Europeans towards America. In Europe, America continues to be treated favorably, but it is noteworthy that its rating has fallen in recent years. At least in part, one person is to blame for this - Edward Snowden, who revealed the activities of the NSA, which bugged the Europeans and European leaders. .

Polls show that among Germans, which many political scientists and politicians in America consider the main American allies in Old World, only half treats the United States positively, and 45% refer to the Americans negatively.

I think that it is time for us to ponder over these figures...

Not that there's necessarily a solution, but we may have been pondering these figures way too long.
[="Thinker101, post: 19173635, member: 62408"]
="Thinker101, post: 19146406, member: 62408"="Alexandre Fedorovski, post: 19144684, member: 67922"

First off, I'm not seeing a dictatorship. Second, Paris and Berlin is not France and Germany. Merkel is way too busy pandering to Muslims so who the hell cares what she has to say.

AF:I agree with you that it would be naive to believe that two people determine the course of European politics. Both the German Chancellor and the President of France are only speakers of various economic circles that have gained access to power. You could add a still unresolved political crisis in Germany, and also would be right.

Unfortunately, the fact that America's cryptoneosessionist political elite doesn't give up the embition to stop or at least slow down the course of history and maintain its hegemony is also a fact that it would be frivolous to deny. And this is felt by Americans, 68% of whom believe, as the Pew poll shows, that the United States is disliked in the world today more than it used to be (Pew research Center, NOVEMBER 9, 2017:
Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S. Partisans Have Starkly Different Opinions About How the World Views the U.S.).

This also affects the attitude of Europeans towards America. In Europe, America continues to be treated favorably, but it is noteworthy that its rating has fallen in recent years. At least in part, one person is to blame for this - Edward Snowden, who revealed the activities of the NSA, which bugged the Europeans and European leaders. .

Polls show that among Germans, which many political scientists and politicians in America consider the main American allies in Old World, only half treats the United States positively, and 45% refer to the Americans negatively.

I think that it is time for us to ponder over these figures...

Not that there's necessarily a solution, but we may have been pondering these figures way too long.

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

Maybe she should take some steps to even out the 65 billions dollar trade surplus they have with US.

Anything else is just the whining of an irresponsible child.
AF: it seems that Europe is really starting to build an independent from the US foreign policy: today the leaders of the leading European powers said that they WOULD NOT impose new sanctions against Russia. And this - against the backdrop of the notorious sanctions list against Russian statesmen and businessmen, which had been published by the US Department of the Treasury

="Correll, post: 19180494, member: 53993"]

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

Maybe she should take some steps to even out the 65 billions dollar trade surplus they have with US.

Anything else is just the whining of an irresponsible child.
="DJT for Life, post: 19145135, member: 64285"]
Bush Family Funded Adolf Hitler[/URL])[/I]
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

The Bushes and all other aristocrats are unAmerican and should go live in the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. The road to perdition is patrician.

Out of shame at their submission to unearned privilege, Americans won't tell you this, but cowardly traitor George W. begged his Daddy to get him out of having to fight in Vietnam, after all the brainwashing by his birth-class that we had to pay any price to stop the spread of Communism. Those who got rich by bootlicking such trash also got out of the fighting by running away to college.
="Correll, post: 19180494, member: 53993"]

In 2009, during his "European tour", the goal of which was to participate in the celebration of the 60-th anniversary of NATO, President Obama, in particular, visited the Czech Republic. The "Public" was offered his famous speech on the reduction and complete destruction of nuclear weapons in the world. In a "narrow circle" of American diplomats in Prague, the message from the White House contained a different policy setting: "Yes” – to NATO ", “No” - to the European Union". Presidents come and go, but the interests of the US economic and political elite remain unchanged: the US and the Anglo-Saxon cryptoneozionist partners in Britain DO NOT NEED a strong economic rival in Europe.

If we agree that the "mother of all the world's troubles" is in fact in London, to which America owes a lot of money, then it is not surprising that President Trump continues the policy of his predecessor in relation to the EU, which doesn’t suit Germany and France - now the two leading economies of Europe.

It seems that Paris and Berlin decided to warn their American partner that the role of the "junior partner" assigned to Europe by the current Washington administration is not acceptable to either Paris or Berlin. And it seems that Berlin and Paris decided to put Trump in his place.

Speaking at the International Forum in Davos, Chancellor Merkel made a number of political statements that are likely to lead to another situation in which President Trump will again refuse to shake hands with Mrs. Merkel. Without naming the name of President Trump, she criticized his policy, particularly, rejection of multilateralism and his doctrine of "America First".

Chancellor Merkel condemned the rise of" national egotism" saying that this style of politics ignores the lessons of the great conflicts of the 20th Century, such as the First World War, when the world leaders “almost sleepwalked into a horrendous situation” and called upon Europeans “to take their destiny into their own hands.”

Maybe she should take some steps to even out the 65 billions dollar trade surplus they have with US.

Anything else is just the whining of an irresponsible child

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