GERMANY: Are we witnessing the beginnings of a new ‘Islamic Republic’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Modern Germany is a good example how western mainstream parties perform genocide on native folks.According to their agenda all non-Muslims shall disappear within one - two generations.Germany is a country with one of the toughest anti-gun laws in the world. Look what politicians can do with disarmed folks.

Germany’s Interior Minister, Thomas De Maizière, has just announced that he is “ready to discuss” recognition of Islamic holidays in regions of the country which already have become Muslim-dominant. Federal recognition is not yet on the agenda, but likely could come at a later time

GERMANY: Are we witnessing the beginnings of a new ‘Islamic Republic’ as German politicians consider recognition of Muslim holidays?


Modern Germany is a good example how western mainstream parties perform genocide on native folks.According to their agenda all non-Muslims shall disappear within one - two generations.Germany is a country with one of the toughest anti-gun laws in the world. Look what politicians can do with disarmed folks.

Germany’s Interior Minister, Thomas De Maizière, has just announced that he is “ready to discuss” recognition of Islamic holidays in regions of the country which already have become Muslim-dominant. Federal recognition is not yet on the agenda, but likely could come at a later time

GERMANY: Are we witnessing the beginnings of a new ‘Islamic Republic’ as German politicians consider recognition of Muslim holidays?




It is ironic that a country that was bent on taking over the world is now allowing itself to be taken over from within.
I'm going to just go ahead and call bullshit on this thread.

It is ironic that a country that was bent on taking over the world is now allowing itself to be taken over from within.

Why is that surprising? They let Nazi's take over... It'd ultimately be a repeat of history as the "new republic" would very likely follow in the footsteps of Hitler and attempt to "take over" Europe afterwards.
Good. Never have I seen two groups of American-hating pigs who deserve each other more than Germans and muslims, it's a match made in heaven.
Modern Germany is a good example how western mainstream parties perform genocide on native folks.According to their agenda all non-Muslims shall disappear within one - two generations.Germany is a country with one of the toughest anti-gun laws in the world. Look what politicians can do with disarmed folks.

Germany’s Interior Minister, Thomas De Maizière, has just announced that he is “ready to discuss” recognition of Islamic holidays in regions of the country which already have become Muslim-dominant. Federal recognition is not yet on the agenda, but likely could come at a later time

GERMANY: Are we witnessing the beginnings of a new ‘Islamic Republic’ as German politicians consider recognition of Muslim holidays?



^ :cuckoo:
Germans are prohibited by law to defend themselves against Muslim apes.If for example this boy will fight against the ape he can accused due to 'racism' and became object of police investigations. German 'police' doing nothing against Muslim monkeys who are allowed to do anything they please without to be punished.
Muslims are superior beings in Germany, they are allow never work, commit any crime they desire, rape any woman, import their entirely tribe and live on welfare etc. etc. etc.
Anything is possible in Muslim Paradise Germany

The Right says the same about the US. :rolleyes:

The problem is everywhere in the western world: mainstream parties fight against white christian man and want to replace him by IQ60 muslims who due to their inborn stupidity can believe in socialist utopia

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