Germany brings in nationwide ‘3G’ rules on public transport.

My parents stomped your asses. You deserved it. You butchered the jews

Why should my German Jewish relatives butcher Jews? Why anyone else in my family? And what have the people in Munich with it to do - who became this week a victim of world war 2 because a construction worker overlooked a bomb of world war 2?

and caused the deaths of 10s of millions of people in the world.

10 millions? 6 million Jews, 2 million Russian pows and who were the other 2 millions? Soldiers?

The U.S. just bombed your asses into oblivion because you were FASCIST GENOCIDAL MANIACS.

Never Germany did do anything bad to the USA in all history. Neverthells you had been the worst enemy Germany ever had in history. Really a reason to be proud? Specially for such an old veteran of world war 1+2 like you who likes to kill the own people?

Why should my German Jewish relatives butcher Jews? Why anyone else in my family? And what have the people in Munich with it to do - who became this week a victim of world war 2 because a construction worker overlooked a bomb of world war 2?

10 millions? 6 million Jews, 2 million Russian pows and who were the other 2 millions? Soldiers?

Never Germany did do anything bad to the USA in all history. Neverthells you had been the worst enemy Germany ever had in history. Really a reason to be proud? Specially for such an old veteran of world war 1+2 like you who likes to kill the own people?

My parents fought that war. And you deserved it. Oh well. Now you go FULL NAZI again over a stinking virus.

Sucks to be you.
I gotta comment this.

Not so long ago, you Germans didn't have tolerance towards Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, undesirables...

What's by the way wrong. In my Germany nearly no one had problems with Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and others. We had only some problems with Prussians.

You called them exactly that... "infection" to Germany,

I never said anything in such a direction. You should perhaps try to read what I say.

you call them greedy and selfish,

What do I do? Where did I say this?

you put them in camps, gas them, experimented on them, kill them...

I do what?

The whole world got together to beat the shit out of you for what you did.

Can it be you have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about?

What's funny, for the last 75 years, Germany was trying to prove whole world that you changed, that you're good guys now, you paid reparations to everyone multiple times, you created laws to criminalize Nazism, you arrested and prosecuted sympathizers of the Nazis.

But deep inside of you there was always that little Nazi just waiting to jump out and do it all over again. This time it's not a Jew, it's "unvaccinated" and you can't wait to go after them. You found your new Jew. You and Austrians together, again.

"Deutschland Über Alles"

The expression "Deutschland über alles" - the correct translation would be "Germany first" - comes from the early 19th century after the death of the Holy Empire under the new idea that Germany should become a nation like all others and not stay to be a conglomerate of many little states with an own sovereignity. Heinrich von Fallersleben wrote in 1841 in his "Lied der Deutschen" (hymn of the Germans) that all German speaking people should be in a common country. This hated all nations around Germany who owned German speaking territories. But meanwhile no one speaks German in very most of this regions any longer. Many people were murdered and displaced - or how you express this: "The whole world got together to beat the shit out of you for what you did." But the real situaion had been "for what they had done before." What you did do had been very simple: Every US-American from the year 1913 has today 3 descendents. Every German from the year 1913 has today 1/3 descendent.
What's by the way wrong. In my Germany nearly no one had problems with Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and others. We had only some problems with Prussians.

I never said anything in such a direction. You should perhaps try to read what I say.

What do I do? Where did I say this?

I do what?

Can it be you have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about?

The expression "Deutschland über alles" - the correct translation would be "Germany first" - comes from the early 19th century after the death of the Holy Empire under the new idea that Germany should become a nation like all others and not stay to be a conglomerate of many little states with an own sovereignity. Heinrich von Fallersleben wrote in 1841 in his "Lied der Deutschen" (hymn of the Germans) that all German speaking people should be in a common country. This hated all nations around Germany who owned German speaking territories. But meanwhile no one speaks German in very most of this regions any longer. Many people were murdered and displaced - or how you express this: "The whole world got together to beat the shit out of you for what you did." But the real situaion had been "for what they had done before." What you did do had been very simple: Every US-American from the year 1913 has today 3 descendents. Every German from the year 1913 has today 1/3 descendent.

You should stop chopping off my sentences and paragraphs, because they're written to make sense as whole. If you're not capable to understand them, that's your problem, not mine, so stop cutting them off and editing them to suit your narrative. By the way, that's exactly what socialists, including national socialists, were doing, and you're still doing it now.

"Deutschland über alles", actually means "Germany above all".
You should stop chopping off my sentences and paragraphs, because they're written to make sense as whole.

You are weird - that's it. You need the shortcut "Germans = Nazis" to be a "hero" who likes to murder US-Americans in the name of your awry ideas about pseudo-freedom. I doubt by the way that you parents really had been US-Americans who had fought against Germans in Germany during world war 2 - because in this case you should know what you try to speak about.

If you're not capable to understand them, that's your problem, not mine, so stop cutting them off and editing them to suit your narrative. By the way, that's exactly what socialists, including national socialists, were doing, and you're still doing it now.

"Deutschland über alles", actually means "Germany above all".

It meant (19th century!) to think first of all about the "nation" Germany - and not about particularism, sectionalism. The correct translaion of this idea is not that Germans had to be above all other nations - it meant that Germans should first think about Germany and not to be only local patriots. Correct translation for this thought is "Germany first". This way to think never stopped and will never stop. Today we could also say "Europe first" and one day it will be for sure "world first". This is the way for all mankind.

The very strange thing in this context: The "USA first" from Donald Trump means exactly this "above all other nations" and not the "together to be a nation like all other nations". The "USA first" from John F. Kennedy "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country" has a clear answer for "your country" and "your world": Make a vaccination - that's in average the very best what someone is able to do for the own person and for all others: in your community, your village, town, city, your state, your country, your world. The brutal reality "Covid-19" is also a teacher in this direction: Either we all will win together or we all will lose.

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Make a vaccination - that's in average the very best what someone is able to do for the own person and for all others: in your community, your village, town, city, your state, your country, your world. The brutal reality "Covid-19" is also a teacher in this direction: Either we all will win together or we all will lose.
Nations that have ignored us have done Far better. At some point you need to ask yourself if going Fascist over vaccines on your own people gonna work. Data from other nations say you SUCK ASS at it.

These are experimental vaccines. Covaxin is the only one I know of that is a traditional vector vaccine. Might be one in China.

You are pandering experimental vaccines and we don't agree.
Nations that have ignored us have done Far better.

Germany never had done anything bad to the USA. "You" attacked Germany in World War 1 without any reason to have to do so.

At some point you need to ask yourself if going Fascist over vaccines on your own people gonna work.

You still call me a Nazi? How long do you like to repeat so before you will land without the help of god in your self-made hell?

Data from other nations say you SUCK ASS at it.

Not any idea what you like to say with such a totally stupid sentence.

These are experimental vaccines.


Covaxin is the only one I know of that is a traditional vector vaccine.

Covaxin is not a vector vaccine. It's a dead vaccine.

Might be one in China.

You are pandering experimental vaccines and we don't agree.

Idiot! Vaccines which are used only in Germany for more than 57 million people are not "experimental".
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Covaxin is not a vector vaccine.
yes. That is correct. I got the 2 from India confused. It is a traditional vaccine and not an experimental vaccine. Covishield is the vector vaccine there.
Germany never had done anything bad to the USA. "You" attacked Germnany in world war 1 without any reason to have to do so.
Why did Germany start that war then? Why did Germany slaughter the jews? And now you are doing the same damn thing over Covid. Sucks to be you.
BS. They have never had extensive human trials and only real trials before this were from Ebola.
Yes. You are a Fascist idiot.
yes. That is correct. I got the 2 from India confused. It is a traditional vaccine and not an experimental vaccine. Covishield is the vector vaccine there.

A totally unimportant information for me.

Why did Germany start that war then?

Germany did not start World War 1. And Hitler and Stalin (the right and left jawbone of the devil) started together World War 2 - in the secret part of the Ribbentrop-Molotow pact.

Why did Germany slaughter the jews?

The Nazis mass-murdered the German Jews (German and Yiddish speaking Jews) because of their propagated anitisemitism. Specially they made "the Jews" (Germans like all others who had lived in very little groups all over Germany, 0.5% of the population) responsible for the murderous Soviets in Russia and and for the murderous Capitalists of the USA. Because of wrong darwinistic race theories the Nazis saw in Germans (=Whites) a superior race (so called "Aryans" (what's totally stupid)). This Aryans were in their weird view able to rule the world but it existed a problem: Specially Heinrich Himmler saw in Jews also a superior race and that's why the Nazis tried to eliminate all Jews - men, women, children - even babies. They tried to eliminate all genetical information about Jews. In my case they had been successless and I would not only be a little astonished if you would be an antisemite on your own.

And now you are doing the same damn thing over Covid. Sucks to be you.

What a nonsense.

BS. They have never had extensive human trials and only real trials before this were from Ebola.

Yes. You are a Fascist idiot.

I'm only able to repeat it again: God likes to speak with you! Do not try to tell him I did not inform you!

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What's by the way wrong. In my Germany nearly no one had problems with Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and others.

You're lying as always
Any small letter in your posts is a cheap propaganda of Merkel/Scholz criminale satanic 'state'
Go away from here to German forums where gullible YES - morons will believe you and your shitty (and paid by Merkel & Co) propaganda, Mrs Merkel Troll

"We know that anti-Semitism is on the rise in Germany today,” Merkel told a press conference. “I have once again made it clear here on behalf of the entire Federal Government that we will resolutely defend ourselves against all manifestations of anti-Semitism."

Hate crimes against LGBT+ people in Germany rise 36% in 2020​

BERLIN (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Hate crimes against LGBT+ people increased by 36% in Germany in 2020, highlighting an increase in homophobic attacks and politically motivated violence in the country in recent years, the government and campaigners said on Tuesday.

Sinti, Roma face systemic prejudice in Germany​

You still call me a Nazi?

You're a Nazi, a Jewish Nazi, first of all you shall curse your Nazi 'Religion' before condemn others

Judaism in its Own Words

"You are Adam ["man"], but goyim [gentiles] are not called Adam ["man"]." Kerithoth 6b

"The seed of the goyim is like an animal." Sanhedrin 74b

"All Gentile children are animals." Yebamoth 98a

"The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull; the best of women: is filled with witchcraft." Kiddushin 66c The uncensored version of this text appears in Tractate Soferim (New York, M. Higer, 1937), 15:7, p. 282. "The best of the gentiles should all be killed" ( From the original Hebrew of the Babylonian Talmud as quoted by the 1907 Jewish Encyclopedia published by Funk and Wagnalls and compiled by Isidore Singer, under the entry, 'Gentile,' (p. 617).

The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews (Ma'ariv 09.11.09 (p. 2) by Roi Sharon) Here is a full translation of the article in the Maariv newspaper of Israel

Rabbi Eliyahu exhorts the killing of women and children:

Rabbis Yitzhak Ginzburg and Yaakov Yosef endorse Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro's 2009 book endorsing the killing of babies and children, adding "It is permissable to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for [threatening Israel]. If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments—because we care about the commandments—there is nothing wrong with the murder" (

"Who is funding the rabbis who endorse killing Gentile babies?" By Akiva Eldar, Ha'aretz, 11/17/09
". . . For example, [Israel's] government ministries regularly transfer support and funding to a yeshiva whose rabbi determined that it is permissible to kill gentile babies "because their presence assists murder, and there is reason to harm children if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us . . . it is permissible to harm the children of a leader in order to stop him from acting evilly . . . we have seen in the Halakha that even babies of gentiles who do not violate the seven Noahide laws, there is cause to kill them because of the future threat that will be caused if they are raised to be wicked people like their parents. . ." (

". . . 'living soul' designates Israel because they are children of the Almighty, and their souls, which are holy, come from Him. From whence come the souls of other peoples? R[abbi] Eleazar said: 'They obtain souls from those sides of the left which convey impurity, and therefore they are all impure and defile those who have contact with them.'. . .'living soul' refers to Israel, who have holy living souls from above, and 'cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth,' to the other peoples who are not 'living soul," but who are as we have said." Bereshith 47a

"Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever . . . their material abundance derives from supernal refuse. Indeed, they themselves derive from refuse, which is why they are more numerous than the Jews. . ." Abraham Foxbrunner. Habad: The Hasidism of Schneur Zalman of Lyady. Northvale NJ: Jason Aronson Inc., 1983. p. 108-109.

Rabbinic Text or Call to Terror? By Daniel Estrin, Published January 20, 2010, issue of January 29, 2010.
JERUSALEM—The marble-patterned, hardcover book embossed with gold Hebrew letters looks like any other religious commentary you'd find in an Orthodox Judaica bookstore—but reads like a rabbinic instruction manual outlining acceptable scenarios for killing non-Jewish babies, children and adults.

"The prohibition 'Thou Shalt Not Murder'" applies only "to a Jew who kills a Jew," write Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are "uncompassionate by nature" and attacks on them "curb their evil inclination," while babies and children of Israel's enemies may be killed since "it is clear that they will grow to harm us" (

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [N.Y. Times, February 28, 1994, p. 1] at the eulogy for Dr. Baruch Goldstein, Kach Party terrorist who used a machine gun to murder at least 39 Palestinians worshipping at Cave of the Patriarchs mosque in Hebron. Rabbis praised his mass murder and then Prime Minister Yitshak Rabin gave permission for a memorial to honor Goldstein. Here's a picture of the shrine to the mass murderer.

"The Jew by his source and in his very essence is entirely good. The goy, by his source and his very essence, is completely evil. This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of two completely different species." Rabbi Saadya Grama, Romemut Yisrael Ufarashat Hagalut ("Jewish Superiority and the Question of Exile") 2003.

"Souls of non-Jews come entirely from the female part of the Satanic sphere. For this reason souls of non-Jews are called evil." [Yesaiah Tishbi, Torat ha-Rave-ha-Kelippahnbe-Kabbalat ha-Ari (The Theory of Evil and the Satanic Sphere in Kabbalah) 1942, reprinted 1982] The Messianic age of restoration and redemption (tikkun olam) forecast by the religion of Judaism and spoon-fed to their partisans among the goyim, posits a world restored to universal harmony and justice. That's the cover story, anyway. But the truth is it is somewhat more macabre, as Tishby relates: ". . . the presence of Israel among the nations mends the world, but not the nations of the world . . . . It does not bring the nations closer to holiness, but rather it extracts the holiness from them and thereby destroys their ability to exist . . . [T]he purpose of the full redemption is to destroy the vitality of all the peoples"], Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition, and Deceit, ISBN 13: 9780970378453, p.774-775

"Even when we seek revenge, it is important to make one thing clear—the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs. The Talmud states that if gentiles rob Israel of silver they will pay it back in gold, and all that is taken will be paid back in folds, but in cases like these there is nothing to pay back, since as I said—the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs" ("Rabbi Eliyahu: Life of one yeshiva boy worth more than 1,000 Arabs," Kobi Nahshoni, Ynet, April 3, 2008,

Because Gentiles are not human, Gentiles are owed no debt of morality or decency—not honesty [Baba Kamma 113a], not property [Baba Mezia 24a], not even life!—"The best of the Gentiles should all be killed" Soferim 15, 10.

"Some of the Turks and the nomads in the North, and the Blacks and the nomads in the South, and those who resemble them in our climates. And their nature is like the nature of mute animals, and according to my opinion they are not on the level of human beings, and their level among existing things is below that of a man and above that of a monkey, because they have the image and the resemblance of a man more than a monkey does." Maimonides explaining who is not fit "to participate in the world to come" (Guide for the Perplexed, Book III, chapter 51 cited in Israel Shahak, Hebrew University Professor, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years. London: Pluto Press, 1997. p. 25).

". . . the explanation of the matter, [is to be found] in light of what Rabbi Chayim Vital wrote in Shaar HaKedushah (and in Etz Chayim, Portal 5, ch. 2)—that every Jew, whether righteous or wicked, possesses two souls, as it is written, "And neshamot (souls) which I have made. . . The second, uniquely Jewish, soul is truly "a part of G-d above, The souls of the nations of the world (the Gentiles), however, emanate from the other, unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever, as is written in Etz Chayim, Portal 40, ch. 3, that all the good that (Gentiles) do, is done out of selfish motives. So the Gemara comments on the verse, "The kindness of (Gentiles) is sin"—that all the charity and kindness done by (Gentiles) of the world is only for their self-glorification. . ." (Chapters 1 and 2) The lower category consists of three completely unclean and evil kelipot, containing no good whatever. . . From them flow and are derived the souls of all the nations of the world (Gentiles), and the sustaining force of their bodies. Also derived from these kelipot are the souls of all living creatures that are unclean and forbidden to be eaten, and the sustaining force of their bodies" (Tanya, Chapter 6 (

"Rabbi Kook the Elder, the revered father of the messianic tendency in Jewish fundamentalism, said, 'The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews—all of them in all different levels—is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.' Rabbi Kook's entire teaching. . . is followed devoutly by, among others, those who have led the settler movement in the occupied West Bank. . . According to the ideologies which underlie Gush Emunum, the militant West Bank settlers group, and Hasidism, non-Jews have 'Satanic souls'. . . Members of Gush Emunum argue that 'what appears to be confiscation of Arab-owned land for subsequent settlement by Jews is in reality not an act of stealing but one of sanctification.' From their perspective the land is redeemed by being transferred from the Satanic to the divine sphere. . . Common to both the Talmud and the Halacha, Orthodox religious law, is a differentiation between Jews and non-Jews. The highly revered Rabbi Menachem Mandel Schneerson, who headed the Chabad movement and wielded great influence in Israel as well [and proclaimed himself messiah], explained that 'The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of all nations of the world.'" Allan C. Brownfield, "It Is Time to Confront the Exclusionary Ethnocentrism," Issues of the American Council for Judaism, Winter 2000, cited in Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered, p.365-366.

Chabad leader Rebbe Schneerson taught that Christianity is a form of mental illness.See his video here: More on Chabad:

"And for Christians let there be no hope. . ." Birkat HaMinim, "Benediction" #12 of the Shmone Esreh.

Etc. etc. etc.


If you did not notice it: You call Jews Nazis. What shows to me very clear that you are on your own a structural Nazi - including the deadly antisemitism of the Nazis. And this special form of antisemitism had been a racism with a marker. Or with other words: You are extremely dangerous for everyone who lives, preacher of hate.
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If you did not notice it: You call Jews Nazis. What shows to me very clear that you are on your own a structural Nazi - including the deadly antisemitism of the Nazis. And this special form of antisemitism had been a racism with a marker. Or with other words: You are extremely dangerous for everyone who lives, preacher of hate.


you're a Zionist, a Jewish Nazi who strolling around and cursing patriots of another nations if they don't fit in your fascist agenda.I guess you have enough to do on forums in Germany, go there and spread your lies.

you're a Zionist, a Jewish Nazi who strolling around and cursing patriots of another nations if they don't fit in your fascist agenda.I guess you have enough to do on forums in Germany, go there and spread your lies.

Says an "expert" for Germany like you in the USA? No wonder that all US-Americans are idiots in their politics against Europe and Germany if they believe in ... whatever you could be ...

Says an "expert" for Germany like you in the USA? No wonder that all US-Americans are idiots in their politics against Europe and Germany if they believe in ... whatever you could be ...

Go away from here!
Go away from here!

Where is your "here"? In a bunker? What you said to me - to identify an indirect victim of a genocide with the murderers in this genocide - is by the way in many nations of the world a crime. Also in Germany, "expert" for Germany, who never said anything what made any sense about Germany.

And I am in this concrete context not sure whether you said "Go away from here" only to me or specially to the pregnant mother Mary, when she was looking for a safe place to bear her baby.

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Where is your "here"? In a bunker? What you said to me - to identify an indirect victim of a genocide with the murderers in this genocide - is by the way in many nations of the world a crime. Also in Germany, "expert" for Germany, who never said anything what made any sense about Germany.

And I am in this concrete context not sure whether you said "Go away from here" only to me or specially to the pregnant mother Mary, when she was looking for a safe place to bear her baby.

The meaning of 'here' is the US server of USMB.
Germany is a country of idiots run by criminals, so you completely comply with and should go to German servers where you can fool 24/7 your moronic compatriots.
All news from Germany belongs either to tabloid's sector 'Funny' or to Facebook groups 'Muslim Paradises'
Who takes Germany seriously today?
Only parasites with twenty children, no working skills and good knowledge of Quran.

One Litwin is enough here, two Litwins is too much

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