Germany brings in nationwide ‘3G’ rules on public transport.

Today's unvaxxed are the Untermenschen. Hitler and the German Progressives did not begin by throwing the Untermenschen into concentration camps, but that's what happened
I wonder if I still can sit on the bank I usually smoke a cigarette on after buying.
Don´t worry, they will let me in.


The Americans have just let me in. Didn’t want to look at anything.
The Brits are not far behind. No dalliances with strangers under the mistletoe, this Christmas. :p :cheers2:
If you compare here the suffer of the Jews under the antisemitism of the Nazis in Europe from 1933-1945 with the suffer which unvaccinated people cause for themselve and others now then I ask myselve what's going on in your head. To inform you: The worst opponents of vaccinations exist in the politcal party AfD in Germany. The AfD is full of Nazis and useful idiots who follow the ideology of this Nazis.

By the way: What shows this picture?

Are you blind? Many on this board are calling for compulsory vaccinations, and jail, or let's call it internment camps, for those who don't. Australia is already locking people up, Austria already has mandatory vaccination, EU is calling for it for whole Europe.

Nazis themselves used the same terminology you just used... "which unvaccinated people cause for themselves", just replace word "unvaccinated" with "Jews" and you can remove your mask and show you Nazi face. Fuck off.
You disqualified yourselve very hard now. The question to be vaccinated or not (if possible to be vaccinated) is not an individiual decision. No one has any right to infect others.

OK little tyrant.... answer this. Can vaccinated get the virus and infect others?
On not any reason should anyone listen to anyone else - except it is true what someone else says. Germany lost about 100,000 people because of covid-19. We are on the way now to lose another 100,000. This will not happen! And the key why this will not happen is called "vaccinations". Not to introduce a duty to have to make a vaccination was a wrong way. But I fear the most idiots in my country will perhaps not agreee with me in this point. I hope they will because I don't like to see covid-19 next year again.
For sure we will need also more booster vacccinations. And we will need to vaccinate also teens (12 years an older). Only in case of the children from 7 years - 11 years we are not able to be absolutelly sure in the moment that vaccinations are better than no vaccination, specially because the best data - US-American data - are in this case not easily comparable with the situation of the children in Germany.
Covid is out mutating the vaccines, the new strain is resistant to the vaccine. You will not only see Covid-19 next year but for the rest of your life. You could have given this vaccine to every person on the planet today and we will still see vaccine resistant strains. Just like we see happens with the flu.
Germany locks down the unvaccinated: Angela Merkel says parliament will debate making shots MANDATORY as she bars the un-jabbed from non-essential shops and leisure facilities.

Germany locks down the unvaccinated: Angela Merkel says parliament will debate making shots MANDATORY as she bars the un-jabbed from non-essential shops and leisure facilities.

They forgot their past... Marching strongly towards concentration camps.


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