Germany calls our President a LIAR!

Comes a week after England called Trump a liar and a month after Mexico called Trump a liar
Trump's foreign policy - kiss Putin's ass, slap allies in the face, aimlessly throw money at the military.
The entire planet knows Don is untethered to objective reality. And in a sense, so is america.
Open the account books, Trump, and show us, because your word is shit.

Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL liar--so I'll take Germany's word on this one.

Just another Outrage of The Day on the Lefty Wheel of Misfortune where every space is labeled "Morally Bankrupt."
Troll On.
Maybe the low information left is used to arguing by way of calling people names. Germany never called the President a liar. They did what any country would do and denied that they owed money to NATO when the U.S. has been supporting the antiquated organization since it started.
Maybe the low information left is used to arguing by way of calling people names. Germany never called the President a liar. They did what any country would do and denied that they owed money to NATO when the U.S. has been supporting the antiquated organization since it started.

They provided alternative facts......what is known as the truth

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