Germany does it again

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Germany Sets New Record, Generating 74 Percent Of Energy Needs From Renewable Energy | ThinkProgress

On Sunday, Germany’s impressive streak of renewable energy milestones continued, with renewable energy generation surging to a record portion — nearly 75 percent — of the country’s overall energy demand by midday. With wind and solar in particular filling such a huge portion of the country’s power demand, electricity prices actually dipped into the negative for much of the afternoon, according to Renewables International.

In the first quarter of 2014, renewable energy sources met a record 27 percent of the country’s electricity demand, thanks to additional installations and favorable weather. “Renewable generators produced 40.2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, up from 35.7 billion kilowatt-hours in the same period last year,” Bloomberg reported. Much of the country’s renewable energy growth has occurred in the past decade and, as a point of comparison, Germany’s 27 percent is double the approximately 13 percent of U.S. electricity supply powered by renewables as of November 2013.

The US says they want to be energy independent but what we really want is to give the worst offenders more money to pollute.
I'm all for renewable energy if and when it becomes TRULY more efficient than fossil-based energy. I don't doubt that Germany is more efficient than the USA. They're allowed to innovate without government regulations costing them two arms and a leg.

You do realize that you just criticized the Obama-god ... don't you? Is he not perpetuating policies that you abhor?
I'm all for renewable energy if and when it becomes TRULY more efficient than fossil-based energy. I don't doubt that Germany is more efficient than the USA. They're allowed to innovate without government regulations costing them two arms and a leg.

You do realize that you just criticized the Obama-god ... don't you? Is he not perpetuating policies that you abhor?

OK, links showing there are no regulations in Germany concerning generating power. You do realize that you just said to not build any more nukes, right? Because the nukes are impossible to build without government financing and support. And don't even consider insurance on a nuke, no private company can do that.
That's because Germany doesn't have a complete scumbag who hates their country in charge.
I'm all for renewable energy if and when it becomes TRULY more efficient than fossil-based energy. I don't doubt that Germany is more efficient than the USA. They're allowed to innovate without government regulations costing them two arms and a leg.

You do realize that you just criticized the Obama-god ... don't you? Is he not perpetuating policies that you abhor?

OK, links showing there are no regulations in Germany concerning generating power. You do realize that you just said to not build any more nukes, right? Because the nukes are impossible to build without government financing and support. And don't even consider insurance on a nuke, no private company can do that.

What a fucking moron.

The Fed makes it nearly impossible to build a nuke plant
Germany Sets New Record, Generating 74 Percent Of Energy Needs From Renewable Energy | ThinkProgress

On Sunday, Germany’s impressive streak of renewable energy milestones continued, with renewable energy generation surging to a record portion — nearly 75 percent — of the country’s overall energy demand by midday. With wind and solar in particular filling such a huge portion of the country’s power demand, electricity prices actually dipped into the negative for much of the afternoon, according to Renewables International.

In the first quarter of 2014, renewable energy sources met a record 27 percent of the country’s electricity demand, thanks to additional installations and favorable weather. “Renewable generators produced 40.2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, up from 35.7 billion kilowatt-hours in the same period last year,” Bloomberg reported. Much of the country’s renewable energy growth has occurred in the past decade and, as a point of comparison, Germany’s 27 percent is double the approximately 13 percent of U.S. electricity supply powered by renewables as of November 2013.

The US says they want to be energy independent but what we really want is to give the worst offenders more money to pollute.

That's fantastic for Germany. Hasn't the Obama administration tried to support wind and solar power but the American people resist it because of the cost?

During the first four years of President Obama's administration, US electricity from wind and solar more than doubled, according to two new reports released today by the Department of Energy

Here's an article outlining the problem the administration have had with wind power because of bird deaths. Seems Obama is trying but is experiencing obstacles.
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If the sun is shining and the wind is blowing Germany can hit a daytime peak of 74% from renewable energy. At present renewable energy provides some 27% of Germany's energy needs. But it comes at a significant cost:

"Germans already have some of the highest energy bills in the world. From 2002 to 2012, the cost of energy here rose 83 percent - faster than in any other industrial country, according to figures released Monday by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics."

Shift to renewables chips away at E.ON's profits | Business | DW.DE | 13.05.2014

The effect of higher energy costs will reduce Germany's competitiveness and that could cause difficulty for the German economy and in time the well-being of its citizens:

"Germany's current energy policy of rapid renewables deployment under the Energiewende has resulted in rapidly increasing energy costs that will make Germany less competitive in the world economy, says a new study by IHS, the leading global source of critical information, analytics and insight."

A More Competitive Energiewende Would Increase German Jobs and Economic Competitiveness with Limited Impact to Emissions Levels, IHS Study Finds -

The US has cheap energy and can use that to attract industries to the US, increasing employment opportunities for Americans. Sad that we have a president that refuses to see this.

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Germany Sets New Record, Generating 74 Percent Of Energy Needs From Renewable Energy | ThinkProgress

On Sunday, Germany’s impressive streak of renewable energy milestones continued, with renewable energy generation surging to a record portion — nearly 75 percent — of the country’s overall energy demand by midday. With wind and solar in particular filling such a huge portion of the country’s power demand, electricity prices actually dipped into the negative for much of the afternoon, according to Renewables International.

In the first quarter of 2014, renewable energy sources met a record 27 percent of the country’s electricity demand, thanks to additional installations and favorable weather. “Renewable generators produced 40.2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, up from 35.7 billion kilowatt-hours in the same period last year,” Bloomberg reported. Much of the country’s renewable energy growth has occurred in the past decade and, as a point of comparison, Germany’s 27 percent is double the approximately 13 percent of U.S. electricity supply powered by renewables as of November 2013.
The US says they want to be energy independent but what we really want is to give the worst offenders more money to pollute.

Your post is a prime example just how how gullible and ignoarant your lot is.
Kiley Kroh, a "democratic candidate advisor" and "media consultant" tells you that Germany produces over 3 times it`s energy from renewables and you take that for the gospel truth without even checking and post it here.
This graph is how Germany generates power according to this liar:

Since you don`t speak German and don`t have clue what`s going on in general, let alone in Germany I`ll translate it..not for you, (that would be a waste of time,) but for the rest of the guys that are interested in facts instead of propaganda:
Energiemix ? Wikipedia

In Deutschland basiert die Energieversorgung hauptsächlich auf fossilen Energiequellen (2011: 78,7 %, darin Mineralöl (34 %), Braunkohle (11,7 %), Steinkohle (12,6 %), Erdgas (20,4 %)). Die Kernenergie (8,8 %) und die erneuerbaren Energien (10,9 %) stellen gut 20 % der Primärenergie.[2]
German energy sources are 78.7 % fossil fuels which consist of 34% oil, 24.3 % coal and 20.4 % gas.
Nuclear is 8.8% and renewables are 10.9%.
Renewable CAPACITY is only ~20 % of the mix and is not to be confused with the actual amount of energy that is available on the power grid.

In fact coal consumption in Germany is on the increase, 4% p.a.:

Your democrat mouth piece blabbered also that:

With wind and solar in particular filling such a huge portion of the country’s power demand, electricity prices actually dipped into the negative for much of the afternoon,
Knowing full well that her readers are total dimwits who don`t know the difference between a stock exchange spot price and what consumers are paying:
Energiekosten : So teuer wird Strom 2014 in Deutschland - Nachrichten Geld - Verbraucher - DIE WELT

So teuer wird Strom 2014 in Deutschland

Bis zu neun Prozent wird es teurer – ein Haushalt muss im Schnitt 100 Euro mehr zahlen.
Gut die Hälfte des Strompreises machen mittlerweile Steuern und Abgaben aus. Insbesondere die Förderung der erneuerbaren Energien in Form der EEG-Umlage gilt vielen als Preistreiber. Sie erhöht sich zum Jahreswechsel von 5,28 auf 6,23 Cent pro Kilowattstunde.
Electricity prices are up by 9% compared to last year because the tax to help finance renewables increases to 6.23 Euro-cents per Kwhour.
In total over 1/2 of the cost of 1 Kwh Germans have to pay are now taxes to cover the extra cost of "green ergery".
Germany Sets New Record, Generating 74 Percent Of Energy Needs From Renewable Energy | ThinkProgress

On Sunday, Germany’s impressive streak of renewable energy milestones continued, with renewable energy generation surging to a record portion — nearly 75 percent — of the country’s overall energy demand by midday. With wind and solar in particular filling such a huge portion of the country’s power demand, electricity prices actually dipped into the negative for much of the afternoon, according to Renewables International.

In the first quarter of 2014, renewable energy sources met a record 27 percent of the country’s electricity demand, thanks to additional installations and favorable weather. “Renewable generators produced 40.2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, up from 35.7 billion kilowatt-hours in the same period last year,” Bloomberg reported. Much of the country’s renewable energy growth has occurred in the past decade and, as a point of comparison, Germany’s 27 percent is double the approximately 13 percent of U.S. electricity supply powered by renewables as of November 2013.
The US says they want to be energy independent but what we really want is to give the worst offenders more money to pollute.

Damn, you believe everything you read, don't you? I actually made a thread about how to detect bullshit, you should read it.
Germany Sets New Record, Generating 74 Percent Of Energy Needs From Renewable Energy | ThinkProgress

On Sunday, Germany’s impressive streak of renewable energy milestones continued, with renewable energy generation surging to a record portion — nearly 75 percent — of the country’s overall energy demand by midday. With wind and solar in particular filling such a huge portion of the country’s power demand, electricity prices actually dipped into the negative for much of the afternoon, according to Renewables International.

In the first quarter of 2014, renewable energy sources met a record 27 percent of the country’s electricity demand, thanks to additional installations and favorable weather. “Renewable generators produced 40.2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, up from 35.7 billion kilowatt-hours in the same period last year,” Bloomberg reported. Much of the country’s renewable energy growth has occurred in the past decade and, as a point of comparison, Germany’s 27 percent is double the approximately 13 percent of U.S. electricity supply powered by renewables as of November 2013.

The US says they want to be energy independent but what we really want is to give the worst offenders more money to pollute.

That's fantastic for Germany. Hasn't the Obama administration tried to support wind and solar power but the American people resist it because of the cost?

During the first four years of President Obama's administration, US electricity from wind and solar more than doubled, according to two new reports released today by the Department of Energy
Good news! Wind and solar power double under Obama : TreeHugger

Here's an article outlining the problem the administration have had with wind power because of bird deaths. Seems Obama is trying but is experiencing obstacles. Obama's Wind Push Hardly Making Dent in Energy Needs

Exactly. But the other configuration of "wind mills" doesn't kill birds.

Other countries can move forward but not the US. We're still going to be babysitting the damn Repubs as we circle the drain. If it doesn't benefit the 1% (Kochs), the Repubs will fight it.
If the sun is shining and the wind is blowing Germany can hit a daytime peak of 74% from renewable energy. At present renewable energy provides some 27% of Germany's energy needs. But it comes at a significant cost:

"Germans already have some of the highest energy bills in the world. From 2002 to 2012, the cost of energy here rose 83 percent - faster than in any other industrial country, according to figures released Monday by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics."

Shift to renewables chips away at E.ON's profits | Business | DW.DE | 13.05.2014

The effect of higher energy costs will reduce Germany's competitiveness and that could cause difficulty for the German economy and in time the well-being of its citizens:

"Germany's current energy policy of rapid renewables deployment under the Energiewende has resulted in rapidly increasing energy costs that will make Germany less competitive in the world economy, says a new study by IHS, the leading global source of critical information, analytics and insight."

A More Competitive Energiewende Would Increase German Jobs and Economic Competitiveness with Limited Impact to Emissions Levels, IHS Study Finds -

The US has cheap energy and can use that to attract industries to the US, increasing employment opportunities for Americans. Sad that we have a president that refuses to see this.


Thanks for setting the record straight. That about wraps this thread up. Time to move on.

The right seems to be raising all over the western world...Doing the same thing = killing solar and wind.

Germany = more coal
Austrial a nut case government wants more coal

Why? Because renewable energy (in its current state of technology) is somewhat of a money-losing joke while fossil fuels have been proven to work. If it works ... why fix it?
I'm laughing......Germany is also opening up 20 new coal firing plants between now and 2019!!

Link somewhere in the epic thread.
I'm laughing......Germany is also opening up 20 new coal firing plants between now and 2019!!

Link somewhere in the epic thread.

To add to that carbon emissions were up in America in 2013, up in japan and Brition is scaling back on the onshore wind farms.

We will have to wait and see but if 2014 is up again = :eek:
The only reason emissions in the Eu didn't go up is because of Spain and Greece. Their economies must be collapsing as those numbers don't look possible.

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