Germany: Migrants Riot in Church, Steal From Stores, Defecate on Gardens


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Just imagine what would be happen if millions of Christian refuges go to Saudi Arabia, demolish mosques, rape imams and defecate on streets while 24/7 insulting Quran and Muhammad.

In 'tolerant' Merkel DDR 2. 0 anything is possible, Merkel's gang of socialist which still run the country found for themselves a new people, new ( better ) Germans allow Muslims do anything they want and force Germans to feed arrogant freeloaders.

read here:

Residents who criticize behavior of asylum seekers labeled "Nazis"

Residents in the German town of Ellwangen are reporting that thousands of migrants who recently arrived are defecating on people’s gardens, staging riots in church and stealing from local stores, while police in the area struggle to cope with the disorder.

German Town: Migrants Riot in Church, Steal From Stores, Defecate on Gardens
Just imagine what would be happen if millions of Christian refuges go to Saudi Arabia, demolish mosques, rape imams and defecate on streets while 24/7 insulting Quran and Muhammad.

In 'tolerant' Merkel DDR 2. 0 anything is possible, Merkel's gang of socialist which still run the country found for themselves a new people, new ( better ) Germans allow Muslims do anything they want and force Germans to feed arrogant freeloaders.

read here:

Residents who criticize behavior of asylum seekers labeled "Nazis"

Residents in the German town of Ellwangen are reporting that thousands of migrants who recently arrived are defecating on people’s gardens, staging riots in church and stealing from local stores, while police in the area struggle to cope with the disorder.

German Town: Migrants Riot in Church, Steal From Stores, Defecate on Gardens
Well, to put it mildly, the internet is not the best source of information. The link is not from a source I would call trustworthy. As far as I know, most news about stealing, defecating and rioting refugees are either sexed up, or totally wrong. In every case I have heard from, police found out that they are all wrong or way older or simply made up.As usual, when you put some hundred people extra in a small town, people start to fear the new people. According to my (not representative) experience ( I live in a very normal quarter of one bigger city in Germany) it is even difficult to meet refugees around. Next to my flat (500 m) is a home for refugees (400 people). I even haven´t met anyone of them around. In smaller towns and villages this might be different. I can only say, that somy little kids from Syria are with my daughter now in school. They now talk after six months very good german and they are very polite, well-educated little boys and girls. One time I have met some of their parents: normal people, trying to build a new life. I imagine myself having to run from my homecountry and I think I would be more than grateful to be welcome somewhere else. And now the klilings in Paris. One of my first thoughts was: Shit, they will blame it on the refugees now. Which is funny. Most of them fled because of this terror to Europe. And now they meet the same idiots here. And our only idea is: get rid of them all. Stupid. And yes, I have welcomed the refugees and I will welcome them in the future. There will be problems, but with some good will and hard work we can solve them. And now the shitstorm may begin, I do not care.

ze germanguy
This is what happens with climate change and a lack of water.

Did anyone even offer them a drink?
Just imagine what would be happen if millions of Christian refuges go to Saudi Arabia, demolish mosques, rape imams and defecate on streets while 24/7 insulting Quran and Muhammad.

In 'tolerant' Merkel DDR 2. 0 anything is possible, Merkel's gang of socialist which still run the country found for themselves a new people, new ( better ) Germans allow Muslims do anything they want and force Germans to feed arrogant freeloaders.

read here:

Residents who criticize behavior of asylum seekers labeled "Nazis"

Residents in the German town of Ellwangen are reporting that thousands of migrants who recently arrived are defecating on people’s gardens, staging riots in church and stealing from local stores, while police in the area struggle to cope with the disorder.

German Town: Migrants Riot in Church, Steal From Stores, Defecate on Gardens
Well, to put it mildly, the internet is not the best source of information. The link is not from a source I would call trustworthy. As far as I know, most news about stealing, defecating and rioting refugees are either sexed up, or totally wrong. In every case I have heard from, police found out that they are all wrong or way older or simply made up.As usual, when you put some hundred people extra in a small town, people start to fear the new people. According to my (not representative) experience ( I live in a very normal quarter of one bigger city in Germany) it is even difficult to meet refugees around. Next to my flat (500 m) is a home for refugees (400 people). I even haven´t met anyone of them around. In smaller towns and villages this might be different. I can only say, that somy little kids from Syria are with my daughter now in school. They now talk after six months very good german and they are very polite, well-educated little boys and girls. One time I have met some of their parents: normal people, trying to build a new life. I imagine myself having to run from my homecountry and I think I would be more than grateful to be welcome somewhere else. And now the klilings in Paris. One of my first thoughts was: Shit, they will blame it on the refugees now. Which is funny. Most of them fled because of this terror to Europe. And now they meet the same idiots here. And our only idea is: get rid of them all. Stupid. And yes, I have welcomed the refugees and I will welcome them in the future. There will be problems, but with some good will and hard work we can solve them. And now the shitstorm may begin, I do not care.

ze germanguy
Hu? Wrong? Wrong is just this: to limit it to Ellwangen...

Flüchtlingshelfer in Ellwangen - "Wir können nicht mehr!"

Gemeinde schreibt Knigge für Flüchtlinge

Umstrittene Benimmregeln für Flüchtlinge: "Unsere Notdurft verrichten wir auf Toiletten" -
For anybody who can not read german:
The above links lead to the pages of a german newschannel and a local newspaper. Two articles are about a leaflet which is handed ouit to the refugees in a small town in Hessia. This leaflet is a "How to behave here" thing (hence Knigge just google the name). It was handed out to refugees and states (to put it blunt): In this town we use toilets, do not steal apples etc. There was no specific incident which made the mayor to produce this. So, I read it as a result of prejudices.
The second point is, that in the city of Ellwangen more than 400 people have to share 2 toilets in a refugee camp. This fact says a little bit more about the difficulties to house so many people on an instant and nothing about refugees who are used to shit on streets. But as usual. Facts are boring, complicated and not sexy. So let´s make things up, exaggerate things or put them in the wrong context. In the end people will get hurt. So be careful.

ze germanguy

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