GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool

its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge? Did I sleep through some linguistic tectonic shift?

The Tomb of the Prophet Daniel is in Susa, Iran....discovered in 640AD, the Tomb is that curious acorn-type structure:

91764440 (1).jpg
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

:eusa_clap: A linguist too? ::swoon::
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

:eusa_clap: A linguist too? ::swoon::

Sorry, I'm straight....I know, heart-breaking, but I am.
The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

:eusa_clap: A linguist too? ::swoon::

Sorry, I'm straight....I know, heart-breaking, but I am.

Uh.... yeah... so am I.... :confused-84:
What do you mean? Didn't the "people" foolishly go to the streets and remove the "Achameneid" style Shah, and beg for the country to be ruled by Khomeini who was the Arab Islamic cleric that imposed filthy Shariah law? The people are in the prison of Islamic hell and they don't even know it. Most of them are too young anyhow.
iranian hadnt any exprience of religious politican like european
always king and king
when mullah hadnt power.they were kind guys.most of them was poor.and they always talk about freedom and ..........
people thought khomeini was gandhi or martin luther king(black father)
they didnt know ..........

iranian woman protest against shah without hjab
people wanted democracy and freedom



So why are the mullah animals still in power and terrorizing their people and the world, 40 years later?
1:iraq war: iraq war was biggest gift for regime.people died for khomeini.regime could destroy all organize protest because of war

2: regime had 40 years ..... school/media.=brainwashing...

regime have 15 million fan now.iran have 85 million people .but welcome to 21 century.because of can controll 60 million by 15 million

3:iranian havnt official freedom.but iranian can do everything

most iranian have western life now.they have gf/bf.they can drink alcohol drink.

most iranian arent fathet was normal teacher and my mother is housewife.

but i had everything.i am not poor.i have sega and playstation and pc and labtop and car
i listening west music.i watching holywood movie

i was in europe(copenhagen) but believe me.i can do everything in european people
chera joonam ro be khatar bendazam.vase chi? kosam ro mikonam.mashroobam ro miram

baraye chi joonam ro bekhatar bendazam baraye jang ba sepah

4: we have secuirity and safety too .look at paris and san bernadino.look at california.
all school closed in california
because of email.

.when american or paris children are panic because of isis. isis is just joke for iranian children
baba inja middle east hast.yek lahze na aroom beshe.isis miad to khoonat
mifahmi man chi migam.? age geda boodim.faghir boodam.azadi nadashtim.amniat nadashtim
arzesh dasht risk konim baraye enghelab.but we havnt important and necessary reason for revolution

yes i know.regime isnt good.but they give us safety and......
bekhoda man kheyli gay mishnasam ke rahat darand zendegi mikonand .ta zamani ke tablo nashe .regime kari nadare
Yes, the Islamists have loosened it up a little because there is such a huge population of young people about 80% in Iran that is they make life too miserable there will for sure be riots. So they look the other way now, so that there is no danger to the regime. Nobody ever accused the Mullahs of Iran of not being smart. But these secret freedoms you guys are enjoying under the rug, can be taken away overnight, if the leadership decides it is time to be hardline.

And of course, women are still treated like property and cattle, with absolutely no rights whatsoever, and if you dare say anything against the regime you will be arrested, tortured, and probably executed after spending many years in prison, and being tortured.

Other than that Iran is heaven. Ha ha ha ha.
problem is
1:you dont listening me very well
2:you arent in iran
then you cant undrestand me

olagh .torki?
biayim bekhater rezayat netanyahoo and gop party goonemoon ro be khatar bendazim.

iran har chi hast.behtar az mardom bichare israel hast.
ke britania ha kos gir ovordand.jewish haye bichare ro andakhtand vasat jahanam kenar khartarin arabha zendegi konand.
sohb ta shab mizanand bomb .jadidan ham ghaghoo va ghame yad gereftand
gharbiha mard boodan ghesmati az san fransisco ya new york ya ..... ro midadand be yahoodi haye jang zade
na israel be in koochiki ke 90 darsadesh kavire ke 80 sale darand ba tars va badbakhti zendegi mikonnad
I know many that are going and coming back to from Iran, and they're saying the same thing, it's still a shithole, most of the country is suffering from extreme poverty and economic pressure and price inflation, except for the Mullahs and those that have connections.

And you have no idea about Israel, it's like living in a European country. In fact Israel is one of the few countries that did well in the last decade, in spite of the worldwide economic recession.
Iran 40 to 50 years ago was when Islam was pushed back!

No Islam = human beings

With Islam = animals

people dont changed
just force hijab
both of pictures ... are shia too



What do you mean? Didn't the "people" foolishly go to the streets and remove the "Achameneid" style Shah, and beg for the country to be ruled by Khomeini who was the Arab Islamic cleric that imposed filthy Shariah law? The people are in the prison of Islamic hell and they don't even know it. Most of them are too young anyhow.
iranian hadnt any exprience of religious politican like european
always king and king
when mullah hadnt power.they were kind guys.most of them was poor.and they always talk about freedom and ..........
people thought khomeini was gandhi or martin luther king(black father)
they didnt know ..........

iranian woman protest against shah without hjab
people wanted democracy and freedom



So why are the mullah animals still in power and terrorizing their people and the world, 40 years later?
1:iraq war: iraq war was biggest gift for regime.people died for khomeini.regime could destroy all organize protest because of war

2: regime had 40 years ..... school/media.=brainwashing...

regime have 15 million fan now.iran have 85 million people .but welcome to 21 century.because of can controll 60 million by 15 million

3:iranian havnt official freedom.but iranian can do everything

most iranian have western life now.they have gf/bf.they can drink alcohol drink.

most iranian arent fathet was normal teacher and my mother is housewife.

but i had everything.i am not poor.i have sega and playstation and pc and labtop and car
i listening west music.i watching holywood movie

i was in europe(copenhagen) but believe me.i can do everything in european people
chera joonam ro be khatar bendazam.vase chi? kosam ro mikonam.mashroobam ro miram

baraye chi joonam ro bekhatar bendazam baraye jang ba sepah

4: we have secuirity and safety too .look at paris and san bernadino.look at california.
all school closed in california
because of email.

.when american or paris children are panic because of isis. isis is just joke for iranian children
baba inja middle east hast.yek lahze na aroom beshe.isis miad to khoonat
mifahmi man chi migam.? age geda boodim.faghir boodam.azadi nadashtim.amniat nadashtim
arzesh dasht risk konim baraye enghelab.but we havnt important and necessary reason for revolution

yes i know.regime isnt good.but they give us safety and......
bekhoda man kheyli gay mishnasam ke rahat darand zendegi mikonand .ta zamani ke tablo nashe .regime kari nadare

Dani, if you haven't already, I recommend Robert Byron's book "The Road To Oxiana", published in 1937, it's simply incredible and I think you'd appreciate it, probably one of the best books about travel and Middle Eastern Architecture ever written.

The cover picture a little small here, but what that is, is a 1911 photograph taken by A.T. Wilson from the Shiraz in Winter through the Qur'an Gate. Of course you'll know the Qur'an Gate in the north of Shiraz, Iran....I can't determine from the picture which mountain that is, it's either the Baba Kouhi or the Chehel Maqam.


The Road to Oxiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Qur'an Gate today:


You should know by now Dani, that yes, I've been to Iran....from there Damascus, which whats happened to that exceptional and sublime city now makes me very depressed.
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.
Actually although the language is still called "Farsi", after the Arabs invaded the language became 60% Arabic and majority of Iranians today have Arabic names.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

:eusa_clap: A linguist too? ::swoon::

Sorry, I'm straight....I know, heart-breaking, but I am.

Uh.... yeah... so am I.... :confused-84:

Well, I wasn't sure, it's okay, let's not be confused and offended!

A linguist you said, I have a History and Politics Degree from Oxford University and also I did a year with the same at Heidelberg University in Baden-Württemberg.

I also was basically marooned on The Orient Express several years ago, with an Egyptian, a Russian and a Finn.
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.
Actually although the language is still called "Farsi", after the Arabs invaded the language became 60% Arabic and majority of Iranians today have Arabic names.

You are 100% wrong. Farsi is still Farsi, there is NO Arabic there at ALL. Period. Ever.

The ONLY Iranians that have Arabic names are bizarrely the Iranian Christians. The Iranian Persians have Farsi names, many of them derive from the ancient Shahnameh - The Persian Book of Kings - which is a MASSIVE MASSIVE poem, 60,000 verses I'm talking, longest poem in history, written by Persian poet Hakim Abu ʾl-Qasim Ferdowsi Tusi between c. 977 and 1010 CE.

The Farsi language today is nearly identical to the one spoken 1,000 years ago during Ferdowsi's time, and this is because of his Shahnameh, which naturally has had a lasting cultural and linguistic influence.

Here is the statue of Ferdowsi in Delfan, Iran:

Statue_of_Ferdowsi_and_Shahname_in_Delfan (1).jpg
The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.
Actually although the language is still called "Farsi", after the Arabs invaded the language became 60% Arabic and majority of Iranians today have Arabic names.

You are 100% wrong. Farsi is still Farsi, there is NO Arabic there at ALL. Period. Ever.

The ONLY Iranians that have Arabic names are bizarrely the Iranian Christians. The Iranian Persians have Farsi names, many of them derive from the ancient Shahnameh - The Persian Book of Kings - which is a MASSIVE MASSIVE poem, 60,000 verses I'm talking, longest poem in history, written by Persian poet Hakim Abu ʾl-Qasim Ferdowsi Tusi between c. 977 and 1010 CE.

The Farsi language today is nearly identical to the one spoken 1,000 years ago during Ferdowsi's time, and this is because of his Shahnameh, which naturally has had a lasting cultural and linguistic influence.

Here is the statue of Ferdowsi in Delfan, Iran:

View attachment 61179

Roudy admit it, this is what Americans call the slam dunk! Just bow to my superior knowledge here darling, go on, it's painless :wink:

Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

:eusa_clap: A linguist too? ::swoon::

Sorry, I'm straight....I know, heart-breaking, but I am.

Uh.... yeah... so am I.... :confused-84:

Well, I wasn't sure, it's okay, let's not be confused and offended!

A linguist you said, I have a History and Politics Degree from Oxford University and also I did a year with the same at Heidelberg University in Baden-Württemberg.

I also was basically marooned on The Orient Express several years ago, with an Egyptian, a Russian and a Finn.

I would pay to be "marooned" like that. Although I might trade the Russian for a Maylaysian and an African to be named later. (sorry -- American idiom)

Languages have always fascinated me; I try to pick up anything I can from any new speaker I meet. I have a memory of walking down a street in France (probably Mâcon) teaching a German girl from Stuttgart how to pronounce the Arabic word "khara" -- which the Arabs walking behind us found hilarious. Russian I never picked up much but Finnish I can never think of without remembering how Minä rakastan sinä means "I love you", yet if you change one letter and make the R into a P (Minä pakastan sinä) -- you're now saying "I am putting you in the refrigerator".

True story. :D

Anyway I know where languages come from so as soon as I read Roudy's post I knew he was pulling it out of his ass. A place he seems to mine often. And you knew it too. :thup:
Iran 40 to 50 years ago was when Islam was pushed back!

No Islam = human beings

With Islam = animals

people dont changed
just force hijab
both of pictures ... are shia too



What do you mean? Didn't the "people" foolishly go to the streets and remove the "Achameneid" style Shah, and beg for the country to be ruled by Khomeini who was the Arab Islamic cleric that imposed filthy Shariah law? The people are in the prison of Islamic hell and they don't even know it. Most of them are too young anyhow.
iranian hadnt any exprience of religious politican like european
always king and king
when mullah hadnt power.they were kind guys.most of them was poor.and they always talk about freedom and ..........
people thought khomeini was gandhi or martin luther king(black father)
they didnt know ..........

iranian woman protest against shah without hjab
people wanted democracy and freedom



So why are the mullah animals still in power and terrorizing their people and the world, 40 years later?
1:iraq war: iraq war was biggest gift for regime.people died for khomeini.regime could destroy all organize protest because of war

2: regime had 40 years ..... school/media.=brainwashing...

regime have 15 million fan now.iran have 85 million people .but welcome to 21 century.because of can controll 60 million by 15 million

3:iranian havnt official freedom.but iranian can do everything

most iranian have western life now.they have gf/bf.they can drink alcohol drink.

most iranian arent fathet was normal teacher and my mother is housewife.

but i had everything.i am not poor.i have sega and playstation and pc and labtop and car
i listening west music.i watching holywood movie

i was in europe(copenhagen) but believe me.i can do everything in european people
chera joonam ro be khatar bendazam.vase chi? kosam ro mikonam.mashroobam ro miram

baraye chi joonam ro bekhatar bendazam baraye jang ba sepah

4: we have secuirity and safety too .look at paris and san bernadino.look at california.
all school closed in california
because of email.

.when american or paris children are panic because of isis. isis is just joke for iranian children
baba inja middle east hast.yek lahze na aroom beshe.isis miad to khoonat
mifahmi man chi migam.? age geda boodim.faghir boodam.azadi nadashtim.amniat nadashtim
arzesh dasht risk konim baraye enghelab.but we havnt important and necessary reason for revolution

yes i know.regime isnt good.but they give us safety and......
bekhoda man kheyli gay mishnasam ke rahat darand zendegi mikonand .ta zamani ke tablo nashe .regime kari nadare

Dani I say Good Night to you in Persian....Shab Bekheir....I can't write it in Persian as I don't have Persian keypad, I only have German keypad for Umlaut = Ö eg. Österreich Bundesländer, möchten etc. and for Eszett = ß eg. Straße, groß etc.
Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

:eusa_clap: A linguist too? ::swoon::

Sorry, I'm straight....I know, heart-breaking, but I am.

Uh.... yeah... so am I.... :confused-84:

Well, I wasn't sure, it's okay, let's not be confused and offended!

A linguist you said, I have a History and Politics Degree from Oxford University and also I did a year with the same at Heidelberg University in Baden-Württemberg.

I also was basically marooned on The Orient Express several years ago, with an Egyptian, a Russian and a Finn.

I would pay to be "marooned" like that. Although I might trade the Russian for a Maylaysian and an African to be named later. (sorry -- American idiom)

Languages have always fascinated me; I try to pick up anything I can from any new speaker I meet. I have a memory of walking down a street in France (probably Mâcon) teaching a German girl from Stuttgart how to pronounce the Arabic word "khara" -- which the Arabs walking behind us found hilarious. Russian I never picked up much but Finnish I can never think of without remembering how Minä rakastan sinä means "I love you", yet if you change one letter and make the R into a P (Minä pakastan sinä) -- you're now saying "I am putting you in the refrigerator".

True story. :D

Anyway I know where languages come from so as soon as I read Roudy's post I knew he was pulling it out of his ass. A place he seems to mine often. And you knew it too. :thup:

Yes the Egyptian, the Russian and the Finn all very good looking, which is the main thing, because this is how shallow I am!

The Finnish language, bizarre, only the Finns I think understand what Finn's are talking about.

You have been in France teaching Germans Arabic AND Finnish, you obviously are the genius....also, you have the Germanic keypad, you have Umlaut's going on there in the Finnish.

I prefer "I am putting you in the refrigerator", but then maybe I have twisted humour at those times. Lol.

Roudy must be strange man, if he often mines his own ass....Roudy are you reading this, you NEED to stop this strange habit you have, it's not socially acceptable :eek-52: :crybaby::confused-84: :dev2:

I need the bed, so, I wish you Gute Nacht und süße Träume (this Good Night and Sweet Dreams)
people dont changed
just force hijab
both of pictures ... are shia too



What do you mean? Didn't the "people" foolishly go to the streets and remove the "Achameneid" style Shah, and beg for the country to be ruled by Khomeini who was the Arab Islamic cleric that imposed filthy Shariah law? The people are in the prison of Islamic hell and they don't even know it. Most of them are too young anyhow.
iranian hadnt any exprience of religious politican like european
always king and king
when mullah hadnt power.they were kind guys.most of them was poor.and they always talk about freedom and ..........
people thought khomeini was gandhi or martin luther king(black father)
they didnt know ..........

iranian woman protest against shah without hjab
people wanted democracy and freedom



So why are the mullah animals still in power and terrorizing their people and the world, 40 years later?
1:iraq war: iraq war was biggest gift for regime.people died for khomeini.regime could destroy all organize protest because of war

2: regime had 40 years ..... school/media.=brainwashing...

regime have 15 million fan now.iran have 85 million people .but welcome to 21 century.because of can controll 60 million by 15 million

3:iranian havnt official freedom.but iranian can do everything

most iranian have western life now.they have gf/bf.they can drink alcohol drink.

most iranian arent fathet was normal teacher and my mother is housewife.

but i had everything.i am not poor.i have sega and playstation and pc and labtop and car
i listening west music.i watching holywood movie

i was in europe(copenhagen) but believe me.i can do everything in european people
chera joonam ro be khatar bendazam.vase chi? kosam ro mikonam.mashroobam ro miram

baraye chi joonam ro bekhatar bendazam baraye jang ba sepah

4: we have secuirity and safety too .look at paris and san bernadino.look at california.
all school closed in california
because of email.

.when american or paris children are panic because of isis. isis is just joke for iranian children
baba inja middle east hast.yek lahze na aroom beshe.isis miad to khoonat
mifahmi man chi migam.? age geda boodim.faghir boodam.azadi nadashtim.amniat nadashtim
arzesh dasht risk konim baraye enghelab.but we havnt important and necessary reason for revolution

yes i know.regime isnt good.but they give us safety and......
bekhoda man kheyli gay mishnasam ke rahat darand zendegi mikonand .ta zamani ke tablo nashe .regime kari nadare

Dani I say Good Night to you in Persian....Shab Bekheir....I can't write it in Persian as I don't have Persian keypad, I only have German keypad for Umlaut = Ö eg. Österreich Bundesländer, möchten etc. and for Eszett = ß eg. Straße, groß etc.

My keyboard regularly turns itself into German. True story. It's a PITA.

Anyway ... tchüß.
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.
And --- once again --- where is any evidence that them exist at all?

What's the evidence?

You must be joking.... are you living under a stone? don't you read the news??

Exactly --- no one can cite any.
I asked that question immediately upon reading this thread, this morning, without even checking for myself.
I have yet to see an answer.

"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Do you COMPLETELY LACK the ability to READ? How am I posting a f-cking link from reports we're getting from our f-cking organisations....we DON'T provide links to horsecrap MSM sites you know.
Always hold in mind that if the link(s) provided fail to support the current PC narrative, those links will be ignored as if they never existed.

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