Germany must end "welcome culture" for refugees

At this point I question Merkels sanity.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?

(X)Whites are the only racists on earth according to the lame duck zionist lieberal media. We can never do anything right. 80% of new immigrants coming to Canada are coming from non-white countries, and this has been going on for several decades, starting with the lieberals and punk kid Turdeau's old man Pierre, the destroyer of Canada. Talk about wanting to commit racial suicide, eh? Multiculturalism does not unite and it will destroy all the white countries of the world if they do not unite as a people, and start standing up and fighting for our race. Caucasians are approx. 8-9% of world population which makes us a minority already in the world. And we are going down every year thanks to agendas and anti-white programs like multiculturalism,third world immigration,the promotion of homosexuality and inter-racial marriage which the media and TV Hollywood keep trying to push, and make it appear as normal. Of course there are the dummy whites out there who will try to make this post appear to be nothing more than trying to push white racism, which is the contrary. Too want to talk about being white and being proud of your white heritage and race is suppose to be racist then so be it.

Personally, I take it as an honor when someone calls me a racist because I know that I am just pissing off another lieberal who hates the white race. Aw too bad, so sad.
A single race does not represent one single culture...

European Culture has been white for many thousands of years, from art to music to architecture to literature etc.

Blacks and Muslims have contributed zero to European Culture, they have no right to be part of our Continent. I don't wish them harm, they need to all go back to their own natural habitats amongst their own people and their own whatever culture.

Europe for Europeans. Africa for Africans. Muslim for Islamic nations.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?

(X)Whites are the only racists on earth according to the lame duck zionist lieberal media. We can never do anything right. 80% of new immigrants coming to Canada are coming from non-white countries, and this has been going on for several decades, starting with the lieberals and punk kid Turdeau's old man Pierre, the destroyer of Canada. Talk about wanting to commit racial suicide, eh? Multiculturalism does not unite and it will destroy all the white countries of the world if they do not unite as a people, and start standing up and fighting for our race. Caucasians are approx. 8-9% of world population which makes us a minority already in the world. And we are going down every year thanks to agendas and anti-white programs like multiculturalism,third world immigration,the promotion of homosexuality and inter-racial marriage which the media and TV Hollywood keep trying to push, and make it appear as normal. Of course there are the dummy whites out there who will try to make this post appear to be nothing more than trying to push white racism, which is the contrary. Too want to talk about being white and being proud of your white heritage and race is suppose to be racist then so be it.

Personally, I take it as an honor when someone calls me a racist because I know that I am just pissing off another lieberal who hates the white race. Aw too bad, so sad.
A single race does not represent one single culture...

European Culture has been white for many thousands of years, from art to music to architecture to literature etc.

Blacks and Muslims have contributed zero to European Culture, they have no right to be part of our Continent. I don't wish them harm, they need to all go back to their own natural habitats amongst their own people and their own whatever culture.

Europe for Europeans. Africa for Africans. Muslim for Islamic nations.
Yet Muslims have been part of Europe's history as have the Jews..Yet the Europeans have treated both harshly....
Flood Europe with them, ramp up the so-called "White Guilt" and encourage further mixing in the form of getting white girls to lay down with Muslims and Africans and produce a non-white baby, thus further reducing the white race.

Whites with whites they want this in itself to be considered racist, when it's actually completely natural to produce children with your own kind and it's actually perfectly immoral to reject your own kind and lay down with alien kinds......

Wow, you are one frightened little micro-dick loser. Find something else to piss yourself over.
I question her race.

(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?
I prefer the word sociopath...

Who for Merkel? Well I agree that Merkel obviously displays sociopathic tendencies, but she is a full-on traitor.
People that have no conscience about killing or harming other humans are sociopaths..

Which is why I agree that Merkel is also a sociopath. She obviously doesn't care if the German people nor any European nations people are now in potential danger because of her unilateral open invitation for our Continent to be swamped by many hundreds of thousands and x amount of terrorists amongst them.
Flood Europe with them, ramp up the so-called "White Guilt" and encourage further mixing in the form of getting white girls to lay down with Muslims and Africans and produce a non-white baby, thus further reducing the white race.

Whites with whites they want this in itself to be considered racist, when it's actually completely natural to produce children with your own kind and it's actually perfectly immoral to reject your own kind and lay down with alien kinds......

Wow, you are one frightened little micro-dick loser. Find something else to piss yourself over.

Being a girl of course, I don't have a dick darling.
(X)She certainly appears to be an enemy and traitor to her own race. How can anybody allow over 800,000 Arabs into her country, and think that all will go well. The woman needs help.

Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?

(X)Whites are the only racists on earth according to the lame duck zionist lieberal media. We can never do anything right. 80% of new immigrants coming to Canada are coming from non-white countries, and this has been going on for several decades, starting with the lieberals and punk kid Turdeau's old man Pierre, the destroyer of Canada. Talk about wanting to commit racial suicide, eh? Multiculturalism does not unite and it will destroy all the white countries of the world if they do not unite as a people, and start standing up and fighting for our race. Caucasians are approx. 8-9% of world population which makes us a minority already in the world. And we are going down every year thanks to agendas and anti-white programs like multiculturalism,third world immigration,the promotion of homosexuality and inter-racial marriage which the media and TV Hollywood keep trying to push, and make it appear as normal. Of course there are the dummy whites out there who will try to make this post appear to be nothing more than trying to push white racism, which is the contrary. Too want to talk about being white and being proud of your white heritage and race is suppose to be racist then so be it.

Personally, I take it as an honor when someone calls me a racist because I know that I am just pissing off another lieberal who hates the white race. Aw too bad, so sad.
A single race does not represent one single culture...

European Culture has been white for many thousands of years, from art to music to architecture to literature etc.

Blacks and Muslims have contributed zero to European Culture, they have no right to be part of our Continent. I don't wish them harm, they need to all go back to their own natural habitats amongst their own people and their own whatever culture.

Europe for Europeans. Africa for Africans. Muslim for Islamic nations.
Yet Muslims have been part of Europe's history as have the Jews..Yet the Europeans have treated both harshly....

Islam has never been part of Europe, they tried, that's what all those Crusades were about.

This entire disaster that Merkel has caused, this will inevitably result in one last Crusade to remove them....we thought the Gates of Vienna was the end of it....unfortunately thanks to Merkel it wasn't.
Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide.

Merkel IS a Traitor, not only to Germany, but yes to the white race. All Multiculturists are traitor to the white race and the word Racism is a code word for anti-white people.

Notice how ONLY white people are called "racist"? Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter, they can say "kill all white people", yet they never get called racist by the pathetic media and the mentally ill Leftists do they?

(X)Whites are the only racists on earth according to the lame duck zionist lieberal media. We can never do anything right. 80% of new immigrants coming to Canada are coming from non-white countries, and this has been going on for several decades, starting with the lieberals and punk kid Turdeau's old man Pierre, the destroyer of Canada. Talk about wanting to commit racial suicide, eh? Multiculturalism does not unite and it will destroy all the white countries of the world if they do not unite as a people, and start standing up and fighting for our race. Caucasians are approx. 8-9% of world population which makes us a minority already in the world. And we are going down every year thanks to agendas and anti-white programs like multiculturalism,third world immigration,the promotion of homosexuality and inter-racial marriage which the media and TV Hollywood keep trying to push, and make it appear as normal. Of course there are the dummy whites out there who will try to make this post appear to be nothing more than trying to push white racism, which is the contrary. Too want to talk about being white and being proud of your white heritage and race is suppose to be racist then so be it.

Personally, I take it as an honor when someone calls me a racist because I know that I am just pissing off another lieberal who hates the white race. Aw too bad, so sad.
A single race does not represent one single culture...

European Culture has been white for many thousands of years, from art to music to architecture to literature etc.

Blacks and Muslims have contributed zero to European Culture, they have no right to be part of our Continent. I don't wish them harm, they need to all go back to their own natural habitats amongst their own people and their own whatever culture.

Europe for Europeans. Africa for Africans. Muslim for Islamic nations.
Yet Muslims have been part of Europe's history as have the Jews..Yet the Europeans have treated both harshly....

Islam has never been part of Europe, they tried, that's what all those Crusades were about.

This entire disaster that Merkel has caused, this will inevitably result in one last Crusade to remove them....we thought the Gates of Vienna was the end of it....unfortunately thanks to Merkel it wasn't.
Ever hear of a play called Othello? Evidently Muslims were part of society in Europe..
Flood Europe with them, ramp up the so-called "White Guilt" and encourage further mixing in the form of getting white girls to lay down with Muslims and Africans and produce a non-white baby, thus further reducing the white race.

Whites with whites they want this in itself to be considered racist, when it's actually completely natural to produce children with your own kind and it's actually perfectly immoral to reject your own kind and lay down with alien kinds......

Wow, you are one frightened little micro-dick loser. Find something else to piss yourself over.

Being a girl of course, I don't have a dick darling.

You've probably never 'had' one, you frightened, irrelevant heifer.
Europe for Europeans. Africa for Africans. Muslim for Islamic nations.

There is no place for cowards like you. Grow the fuck up.

You need to educate yourself. Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi would be a start....the EU Commission WORSHIP this man....being a paedophile amongst other things doesn't seem to bother them. His wife Ida Roland-Coudenhove-Kalergi was 13 years-old when he married her.

Snip....THIS is called White genocide, where actual white people cease to exist and are replaced by some mixed hybrid that eradicates the Caucasion:

"In his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism), he wrote:[42]

“ The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."

Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The EU give out an award to those who believe in and help to forward this destruction. Here's the previous EU Commission President Herman Van Rumpoy babbling in his acceptance speech at getting the European Prize Coudenhove-Kalergi in 2012:

European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Vienna, 16 November 2012 President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy Acceptance speech on the occasion of the Award of the European Prize Coudenhove-Kalergi 2012 "Peace and the European idea"

Here's the current EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker posing with the same award they gave him on May 7 2014:


This isn't even a Conspiracy, it's reality. I WISH it was a Conspiracy I really do, but it's not....the proof is right in the pudding.

This is why the EU has ignored public opinion and even ignored their OWN EU rules on the subject of migrants....they WANT as many as this crowd in as possible, this way, as you can read from the links creates THE long-held dream of not only of the complete lunatic Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi but also of his equally lunatic followers....self-hating white people.

This is their insane plan to stop so-called "racism", by destroying the ethnic white European and replacing them with a mixed-race group as dreamed up by Coudenhove-Kalergi himself.

The truth doesn't lie.
Flood Europe with them, ramp up the so-called "White Guilt" and encourage further mixing in the form of getting white girls to lay down with Muslims and Africans and produce a non-white baby, thus further reducing the white race.

Whites with whites they want this in itself to be considered racist, when it's actually completely natural to produce children with your own kind and it's actually perfectly immoral to reject your own kind and lay down with alien kinds......

Wow, you are one frightened little micro-dick loser. Find something else to piss yourself over.

Being a girl of course, I don't have a dick darling.

You've probably never 'had' one, you frightened, irrelevant heifer.

No I never had a dick, I was BORN female....I'm NOT a Transgender freak.

Maybe you are Transgender I don't know, you seem rather confused about what constitutes the female biological anatomy.

Flood Europe with them, ramp up the so-called "White Guilt" and encourage further mixing in the form of getting white girls to lay down with Muslims and Africans and produce a non-white baby, thus further reducing the white race.

Whites with whites they want this in itself to be considered racist, when it's actually completely natural to produce children with your own kind and it's actually perfectly immoral to reject your own kind and lay down with alien kinds......

Wow, you are one frightened little micro-dick loser. Find something else to piss yourself over.

Being a girl of course, I don't have a dick darling.

You've probably never 'had' one, you frightened, irrelevant heifer.

No I never had a dick,....

I'm sure you haven't. Who would want to go near a filthy, cowardly heifer like you?
At this point I question Merkels sanity.

It's not just Merkel's sanity and it's not just her who's a Traitor. All the Leftists including the nutty Green Party are Traitors. Watch the short clip within this link, hear the Traitor Green lunatic....personally I want bitches like her dumped into the "refugee" centres with the doors locked, her ilk deserve the Cultural Enrichment the savages give:

GERMANY: Far left ‘GREENS’ party politician is thrilled that the white population is being replaced by Muslims - Walid Shoebat

Here's some of the comments from the 'um Comments Section:


richinnameonly BayouCoyote9 hours ago

What a team, Merkel and Soros. Insanity guaranteed

Michael Powella day ago
The applause wasn't exactly overwhelming.

Jean Robertsona day ago
the coudenhove kalergi white genocide project. Angela Merkel received the Kalergi European Prize. They sure do hate the white skin colour.

Kamau4118 hours ago
Well, this far left wing liberal woman in a few years will not be thinking having a 'super cultural' society will be a great 'change' when she will be forced to wear a burqa. I wonder where did we hear the word 'change' before? We know where that has gotten us today.

Ellie10 hours ago
The US Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980 gave the US refugee program to the UN to run. In order to be eligible for admission to the US the refugee must live in an officially run UN refugee camp. Problem is that the refugee camps are many times run by Muslims and usually are full of Muslims. No Christian or minority can safely live in one of the UN camps. Therefore the US gets only Islamic refugees. A perfect set up.
Everyone in Europe knows that the people invading their countries are NOT refugees. They are Muslims from all over the middle east and Africa! They have been recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood to come get the refugee benefits being offered and to take the west for "allah!"
We are seeing Europe and the US being flooded with Islamic terrorists while Christians and other minorities are facing GENOCIDE! "

If people haven't heard of Walid Shoebat, here's his biography....he's a former Radical Muslim, he's former PLO, he converted to Christianity 21 years ago. We need the Walid Shoebat's of this world, they deserve our respect and friendship, they saw the wrong and turned away from it and decided to be friends of humanity instead of enemies, as such they are our brothers and sisters. Unlike the Green Party bitch above in the clip, her ilk need tarring and feathering and locking in a dungeon....THEY are our enemies, THEY are humanities enemies, THEY are not only aiding our common enemy THEY are bringing our common enemy to live amongst us....history tells us that has never worked, that it's always ended in bloodshed. Centuries of history is our warning, we don't forget history, which is why millions of us across Europe, including the whole of Eastern Europe are sounding the warning bell....we will prevail, our Lord is with us.

Snip, in his own extremely honest words:

Who is Walid?
Biography of Walid Shoebat

For the record, my name is Walid Shoebat. I used to be a radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad until I converted to Christianity in 1994. As a member of the PLO I was involved in terror activity, and was imprisoned in Jerusalem for three weeks. In prison, I was recruited to plant a bomb in Bethlehem as a result of which, thank God, no one was injured. My mother was an American and my father a Palestinian Arab. My parents sent me in 1978 to the United States to study at Loop College in Chicago Illinois. There I was recruited at a hotel “Terror Conference” by Jamal Said, a founder of the IAP (Islamic Association of Palestine) and Imam at one of the largest mosques in Chicago. The IAP was a forerunner to today’s Hamas terror organization and also to the terror front group CAIR (Council for American Islamic relations). This was in the early 1980s when I was being trained for Jihad activities in the USA along with many other young foreigners as well as US citizens. The Imams were the prime recruiters for terrorism then as they are still today and terror conferences are held all over the USA to this day."

The link to the rest of his biography:

Who is Walid? - Walid Shoebat
Flood Europe with them, ramp up the so-called "White Guilt" and encourage further mixing in the form of getting white girls to lay down with Muslims and Africans and produce a non-white baby, thus further reducing the white race.

Whites with whites they want this in itself to be considered racist, when it's actually completely natural to produce children with your own kind and it's actually perfectly immoral to reject your own kind and lay down with alien kinds......

Wow, you are one frightened little micro-dick loser. Find something else to piss yourself over.

Being a girl of course, I don't have a dick darling.

You've probably never 'had' one, you frightened, irrelevant heifer.

No I never had a dick,....

I'm sure you haven't. Who would want to go near a filthy, cowardly heifer like you?

Are you completely unable to respond without resorting to name-calling? You really are that utterly devoid of any sort of intelligence?

Seems I struck a nerve, what are you? Muslim, black, Transgender, gay or what....I mean you're overtly sensitive it seems, so you must be some type of "minority" or are you just a Leftist self-hating white who are as bad as the "minority" crowd due to feeling guilty about even being alive and always loving the "victim" of something or other.

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