Germany must end "welcome culture" for refugees

The expanding Muslim population in Germany will strain the welfare programs, the education system and the healthcare system. I cannot fathom what Merkel was thinking.

(X)It would appear as though Merkel is one of so many other politicians in the world who have do as they are told or else. If they do not then they are, as Trump use to say on his TV show, "your fired". That is how things are done in the world of the elites. We are just pawns on the chessboard, and here to serve and protect our elite masters.
Many were born German. They consider themselves German. I was born American. I likewise consider myself American.

I am not a fan of dividing up the earth into where people can and cannot live. Any piece of land that you can work on and provide for your family with, can be considered home.

Ethnicity and culture should have nothing to do with it. That's why so many people over history have been saying "Fuck you, I have been here just as long!" in response to all the rampant xenophobia. I mean, Israel is a great place and all, but America is also a great place and many Jews would prefer to create their welfare here.

So don't you think it's strange therefore, that nearly every Jewish organisation in Europe is not only welcoming but also encouraging that even MORE Muslims from the Middle East come charging into Europe?

It's certainly a WTF?!

(X)It is not only Muslims that are flooding white countries but every other race and culture is also. Many white cities are starting to look more like non-white cities. We can thank those many Jewish organizations for that. And now Jews are starting to cry anti-semitism because of racism and hatred acts now being committed against them. Well they are now going to reap what they have sown, and they will deserve it. When one starts to chit on others, then the chit will eventually get back too them. Cool.

"White countries"? "White cities"? You are a yellow belly.

(X)You certainly do lack what is very obvious. I am a "white" belly. Chuckle-chuckle.

You're an irrational coward, chuckles.

(X)I think that I should be taking that as a compliment seeing that it is coming from you? Anyway, I still think that you are two sandwiches shy a picnic, chuckle-chuckle.
The expanding Muslim population in Germany will strain the welfare programs, the education system and the healthcare system. I cannot fathom what Merkel was thinking.

65% of the Muslim horde are males between the ages of 18-34, they are also ALL single, thus, single young men of military age, for a start this screams TROUBLE.

As Karl-Theodor zu Guttenburg has already said, 90% of ALL of them are not educated enough for German standards, thus are going to be 100% useless to the German economy, a bunch of male welfare queens.

Traitor previous years, she'd have already been dealt with.
, Marxist loser?

Oh look, you're wrong again. Seems to be all you're good at is being wrong and making an ass of yourself.

(X)C'mon, you are just saying that because it is not true, eh? chuckle-chuckle.

He's still coming back for more huh? Astonishing.

(X)Ya, and I am starting to get the feeling that he really does likes me. Yikes. :wink_2:

You know, I'm going to have to take him off ignore....:dev2:
The expanding Muslim population in Germany will strain the welfare programs, the education system and the healthcare system. I cannot fathom what Merkel was thinking.

65% of the Muslim horde are males between the ages of 18-34, they are also ALL single, thus, single young men of military age, for a start this screams TROUBLE.

As Karl-Theodor zu Guttenburg has already said, 90% of ALL of them are not educated enough for German standards, thus are going to be 100% useless to the German economy, a bunch of male welfare queens.

Traitor previous years, she'd have already been dealt with.

(X)They are nothing more than economic migrants. Refugees my butt. Refugees don't have phones. Donald Trump made a good point. How or who are they paying for these phones if they are refugees? Something is really wrong here with this picture. Personally, it is all just a bunch of :bsflag: if you ask me.
, Marxist loser?

Oh look, you're wrong again. Seems to be all you're good at is being wrong and making an ass of yourself.

(X)C'mon, you are just saying that because it is not true, eh? chuckle-chuckle.

He's still coming back for more huh? Astonishing.

(X)Ya, and I am starting to get the feeling that he really does likes me. Yikes. :wink_2:

You know, I'm going to have to take him off ignore....:dev2:

(X)Right on. Join in the fun and start :dance:.
Oh look, you're wrong again. Seems to be all you're good at is being wrong and making an ass of yourself.

(X)C'mon, you are just saying that because it is not true, eh? chuckle-chuckle.

He's still coming back for more huh? Astonishing.

(X)Ya, and I am starting to get the feeling that he really does likes me. Yikes. :wink_2:

You know, I'm going to have to take him off ignore....:dev2:

(X)Right on. Join in the fun and start :dance:.

I can't find him to take him off ignore *sigh*
You make an interesting point, I agree, why would they? Why wouldn't they want to live in Israel instead? Perhaps you could attempt to answer this question, it's not just me who's curious, there are many who are equally curious.

I know no Jews myself, so I'm unable to have this conversation with an actual Jew face-to-face.

Many were born German. They consider themselves German. I was born American. I likewise consider myself American.

I am not a fan of dividing up the earth into where people can and cannot live. Any piece of land that you can work on and provide for your family with, can be considered home.

Ethnicity and culture should have nothing to do with it. That's why so many people over history have been saying "Fuck you, I have been here just as long!" in response to all the rampant xenophobia. I mean, Israel is a great place and all, but America is also a great place and many Jews would prefer to create their welfare here.

So don't you think it's strange therefore, that nearly every Jewish organisation in Europe is not only welcoming but also encouraging that even MORE Muslims from the Middle East come charging into Europe?

It's certainly a WTF?!

(X)It is not only Muslims that are flooding white countries but every other race and culture is also. Many white cities are starting to look more like non-white cities. We can thank those many Jewish organizations for that. And now Jews are starting to cry anti-semitism because of racism and hatred acts now being committed against them. Well they are now going to reap what they have sown, and they will deserve it. When one starts to chit on others, then the chit will eventually get back too them. Cool.

"White countries"? "White cities"? You are a yellow belly.
The expanding Muslim population in Germany will strain the welfare programs, the education system and the healthcare system. I cannot fathom what Merkel was thinking.

(X)She obviously can't think. Or the other reason being is that someone else thinks for her, and she is told to open the immigration doors and allow all those illegal refugees to come on in. But maybe there is some other big plans in the works for allowing all these so-called refugees into the country. I can see a race war in the making, and someone may be looking to benefit from it. And I am pretty sure that it is the ordinary people of those countries who will not benefit from it. Never trust a politician. They lie a lot.
Since it has been brought up.

As someone with Jewish roots, I am going to testify something. The Germans disgust me with all their ultra contemporary liberal shit about Jews. Why the fuck would a Jew even want to live there? All one could expect is a never-ending silent pity party. Is there anything more degrading than that? Being a Jew tin Germany is equivalent to being subhuman, because you are going to get treated differently, and not in a good way or anything. Kind of like how grown men with mental retardation are treated like children.

At very least I am grateful that doesn't happen with conservative Muslims. They just openly hate you for your heritage and background.

(X)"They(Muslims)just openly hate you for your heritage and background". And sometimes they like to blow up innocent people once in a while. Sometimes their hate goes a little too far. There are a lot of good Germans around. Why they all seem to disgust you is beyond belief. What has any German done to you lately that has harmed you? Over to you.

And why are the German people the butt of hatred all the time by the mainstream media when the Japanese were just as cruel if not worse towards their prisoners. They supported Nazism in the war, but are never demonized as much as Germans are. If you are going to pick on one, then why not pick on the other?

Personally, maybe the reason for that has to do with the color of ones skin. If one is white, attack them. If non-white, then ignore them. The MSM always shows it's true colors. The color of :bsflag:

And why are the German people the butt of hatred all the time by the mainstream media when the Japanese were just as cruel if not worse towards their prisoners. They supported Nazism in the war, but are never demonized as much as Germans are. If you are going to pick on one, then why not pick on the other?

Personally, maybe the reason for that has to do with the color of ones skin. If one is white, attack them. If non-white, then ignore them....

That is some crazy, paranoid, reality-denying nonsense. You've gotta get off the drugs.

And why are the German people the butt of hatred all the time by the mainstream media when the Japanese were just as cruel if not worse towards their prisoners. They supported Nazism in the war, but are never demonized as much as Germans are. If you are going to pick on one, then why not pick on the other?

Personally, maybe the reason for that has to do with the color of ones skin. If one is white, attack them. If non-white, then ignore them....

That is some crazy, paranoid, reality-denying nonsense. You've gotta get off the drugs.


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