Germany must end "welcome culture" for refugees

A prominent ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel stepped up his criticism of her refugee policy on Saturday, demanding an end to the "Willkommenskultur" that has encouraged record numbers of migrants to seek asylum in Germany.

A day after criticising Merkel - as she stood uncomfortably beside him on stage - for refusing to put a cap on the number of refugees entering Germany, Bavarian leader Horst Seehofer called for "a culture of reason, not a culture of welcome."

Merkel berated over refugee policy by key ally, who says Germany must end "welcome culture" for refugees -

Ending the policy would be a massive victory for ISIS.

Why does the right wing want ISIS to win?

(X)The right-wing warmongers in the West make lots of money from keeping ISIS around. It benefits them big time. Flooding Germany and Europe with non-whites will eventually result in the end of the Caucasian peoples in Europe as a majority in a few decades to come. Non-white immigration needs to stop now.
.....Whites marrying non-whites today are now being deemed to be race traitors. ......

By whom, chicken shit?

... I guess me for one. ...

In other words, nobody. What a pathetic coward you are.

(X)Sure. Anybody that does not agree with people like you and your ilk, and your warped way of thinking, has to be somehow a pathetic coward. But that coming from you,will be taken as a compliment. Thank you. Btw, up yours, loser.
...A little of a hundred years ago whites were well into the majority here in North America.....

"North America" isn't a country, genius (although I understand the insecurity of you Canadians). By the way, and 'whites' are still in the majority in the US (for whatever the hell that matters).

Get a handle on your fears.

Stunned, where did I say that North America was a country....

You must have failed the stormfront writing program, eh moron?

(X)I have visited Stormfront in the past, and I see nothing wrong in what their members have to talk about. They are fighting for the survival of the Caucasian race, a race which your ilk want to destroy and eliminate. Good luck, loser. Ha-ha.

What "ilk" is that, coward?
...A little of a hundred years ago whites were well into the majority here in North America.....

"North America" isn't a country, genius (although I understand the insecurity of you Canadians). By the way, and 'whites' are still in the majority in the US (for whatever the hell that matters).

Get a handle on your fears.

Stunned, where did I say that North America was a country....

You must have failed the stormfront writing program, eh moron?

(X)I have visited Stormfront in the past, and I see nothing wrong in what their members have to talk about. They are fighting for the survival of the Caucasian race, a race which your ilk want to destroy and eliminate. Good luck, loser. Ha-ha.

(X)Your ilk.

What "ilk" is that, coward?
European Culture has been white for many thousands of years, from art to music to architecture to literature etc.

Blacks and Muslims have contributed zero to European Culture, they have no right to be part of our Continent. I don't wish them harm, they need to all go back to their own natural habitats amongst their own people and their own whatever culture.

Europe for Europeans. Africa for Africans. Muslim for Islamic nations.
Yet Muslims have been part of Europe's history as have the Jews..Yet the Europeans have treated both harshly....

(X)Suppose that there was a massive white European exit where tens of thousands of white Europeans started to emigrate to some Arab countries, and some of those Europeans in some of those countries started to demand that some of their values and religious beliefs be foisted on the people there, what do you think would happen to them? I will bet you that those Europeans would start to be treated harshly by the people of those countries. Forcing several races together is a recipe for disaster. Over in Europe the white Europeans are being forced to assimilate into the non-white race and their culture and religion rather than the other way around. It's bloody nuts.
Darling they'd probably chop all of the heads know, like they have the disturbing habit of doing.

The races should always stay separate, I'm not advocating killing people, the logical method of keeping everyone permanently safe and happy is actual segregation of the different races. I'm perfectly okay with associating with each other but NOT living together in the SAME nations or Continents in this particular case.

Oil and water don't mix. Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide. Racism is a code word for anti-white.

White people apparently, well we have NO right to keep our Centuries old Cultures or our Centuries old religions or even our Centuries old nations....wanting to preserve ALL of these is according to the Politically Correct Multiculturists considered "racist"....many of the latter are themselves white, but self-hating whites driven almost insane by some bizarre notion of "white guilt" et al.

The memo is ONLY white people are's shouting about their culture and proudness at being black, THIS isn't racist, when of course it IS as they themselves immediately at the drop of a hat draw attention to their blackness.

I don't say "hello, I'm a proud white woman", as I'm white and obviously proud to be, I feel no need to publically announce such a thing....unlike the blacks who have to announce how they're "black and proud".
I'm sure you haven't. Who would want to go near a filthy, cowardly heifer like you?

Are you completely unable to respond without resorting to name-calling? You really are that utterly devoid of any sort of intelligence?

Seems I struck a nerve, what are you? Muslim, black, Transgender, gay or what....I mean you're overtly sensitive it seems, so you must be some type of "minority" or are you just a Leftist self-hating white who are as bad as the "minority" crowd due to feeling guilty about even being alive and always loving the "victim" of something or other.

(X)This white hater is probably one of those Zionists who when confronted with the truth, and they cannot debate or reply properly, they then resort to attacks and name calling as that is all they have left that they can resort too, the Marxist losers. Why these white hating losers have a problem with a white person who wants to save his/her race is beyond me, and indeed the white race needs to fight back if it is going to survive assimilation into the dark world, Maybe he is transgender, and is totally living in a confused and screwed up who the hell am I world. Keep up the good work, and don't let freaks like this loser get to you. Wear his attacks as a badge of honor. Cool.

To be honest, I found his/her attitude incredibly aggressive and hostile, not to say rather strange. They definitely just flipped, as I commented I obviously hit some nerve there.

The thing is the Multiculturalists have an unhealthy obsession with trying to almost shame whites into having children primarily with blacks and anyone saying no to this is "racist"

Within actual black communities, a black being with a white and having children is looked down on, blacks producing with whites are considered "race traitors", they believe that the black man should be having children instead with a black woman and I happen to agree with them....yet I'd be considered a "racist" whilst they wouldn't be considered a "racist"

The whole thing is absolutely absurd in the extreme, not to mention hypocritical in the most shocking and blatant way.

He/she hasn't gotten to me, I'm never going to change my beliefs, I know many millions agree with me and I see no reason why white people should give in to Multicultural bullying.

(X)Whites marrying non-whites today are now being deemed to be race traitors. They have lost all their pride in who they are and their people. White people make up about 8% of world population, and that puts us well into minority status already. With all white countries bringing in more non-white people than white people they are asking for their demise. White countries need to put a moratorium in place and slow down or stop the third world invasion in their countries for years. Indeed, you are not alone.

I agree 100%. The average European couple has 2 children, the Muslims between 6-8 children per family I read the other day. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the mathematics, within 30 years ethnic Europeans are going to be in the minority within 70 years we'll make up 10% on our OWN Continent, by then of course it won't belong to us anymore after many Centuries, within a 100 years we won't even exist.

This IS the genocide of the white European race and it's being actually encouraged by self-hating whites, Leftists, Marxists's completely criminal....where's the UN with their anti-Genocide rule....oh I forgot the UN are helping the white genocide along also.

How can anyone not believe that there's an evil Agenda here....ALL other races deserve to exist well into the future, except the white race apparently. We're against it, we're already clued-up, the thing is thanks to the Cultural Marxism they've brainwashed many whites into becoming self-hating whites on a permanent White Guilt Trip and as such these moronic individuals are cheerleading even their own ultimate demise.

It's not just Europe, it seems the whites in America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia have to be thinned out also....yet the African Continent their encouraged to keep having between 10-15 children each family, mouths they can't even feed but again the white people are MADE to pay for this also thanks to our Governments Overseas Aid whites are getting shafted from all angles.
You know damn well you are inviting the killer muslims into Germany so they can help the Germans finish off killing the Jews.

How ridiculous is it that a nation hell bent on killing every Jew on earth welcomes in another savage species with the same goal.
Since it has been brought up.

As someone with Jewish roots, I am going to testify something. The Germans disgust me with all their ultra contemporary liberal shit about Jews. Why the fuck would a Jew even want to live there? All one could expect is a never-ending silent pity party. Is there anything more degrading than that? Being a Jew tin Germany is equivalent to being subhuman, because you are going to get treated differently, and not in a good way or anything. Kind of like how grown men with mental retardation are treated like children.

At very least I am grateful that doesn't happen with conservative Muslims. They just openly hate you for your heritage and background.
Since it has been brought up.

As someone with Jewish roots, I am going to testify something. The Germans disgust me with all their ultra contemporary liberal shit about Jews. Why the fuck would a Jew even want to live there? All one could expect is a never-ending silent pity party. Is there anything more degrading than that? Being a Jew tin Germany is equivalent to being subhuman, because you are going to get treated differently, and not in a good way or anything. Kind of like how grown men with mental retardation are treated like children.

At very least I am grateful that doesn't happen with conservative Muslims. They just openly hate you for your heritage and background.

(X)Many Jewish organizations have been behind and pushing for more multiculturalism and non-white immigration into all Caucasian countries around the world. If you don't believe me then check the internet. I didn't make this up. Alternative media did.
Since it has been brought up.

As someone with Jewish roots, I am going to testify something. The Germans disgust me with all their ultra contemporary liberal shit about Jews. Why the fuck would a Jew even want to live there? All one could expect is a never-ending silent pity party. Is there anything more degrading than that? Being a Jew tin Germany is equivalent to being subhuman, because you are going to get treated differently, and not in a good way or anything. Kind of like how grown men with mental retardation are treated like children.

At very least I am grateful that doesn't happen with conservative Muslims. They just openly hate you for your heritage and background.

(X)Many Jewish organizations have been behind and pushing for more multiculturalism and non-white immigration into all Caucasian countries around the world. If you don't believe me then check the internet. I didn't make this up. Alternative media did.

Oh no! Watch out for the poisoned well water!

Pathetic, anti-Semitic fool. :rolleyes:
Since it has been brought up.

As someone with Jewish roots, I am going to testify something. The Germans disgust me with all their ultra contemporary liberal shit about Jews. Why the fuck would a Jew even want to live there? All one could expect is a never-ending silent pity party. Is there anything more degrading than that? Being a Jew tin Germany is equivalent to being subhuman, because you are going to get treated differently, and not in a good way or anything. Kind of like how grown men with mental retardation are treated like children.

At very least I am grateful that doesn't happen with conservative Muslims. They just openly hate you for your heritage and background.

You make an interesting point, I agree, why would they? Why wouldn't they want to live in Israel instead? Perhaps you could attempt to answer this question, it's not just me who's curious, there are many who are equally curious.

I know no Jews myself, so I'm unable to have this conversation with an actual Jew face-to-face.
Since it has been brought up.

As someone with Jewish roots, I am going to testify something. The Germans disgust me with all their ultra contemporary liberal shit about Jews. Why the fuck would a Jew even want to live there? All one could expect is a never-ending silent pity party. Is there anything more degrading than that? Being a Jew tin Germany is equivalent to being subhuman, because you are going to get treated differently, and not in a good way or anything. Kind of like how grown men with mental retardation are treated like children.

At very least I am grateful that doesn't happen with conservative Muslims. They just openly hate you for your heritage and background.

(X)Many Jewish organizations have been behind and pushing for more multiculturalism and non-white immigration into all Caucasian countries around the world. If you don't believe me then check the internet. I didn't make this up. Alternative media did.

This is equally curious, almost every European Jewish organisation has been almost obsessively supporting the Multicultural thing, and as obsessively they oddly don't want their own communities to receive any of the Muslims OR the Sub-Saharan Africans....there's a particular, almost psychopathic woman named Barbara Lerner Specter, there is actual film footage of her almost licking her lips and from her own mouth not only DEMANDING multiculturism but also from her own mouth saying that it's Jews who are behind the whole plan to get as many non-Christians and non-whites into Europe.

The film is available online.

Barbara Lerner Specter is an Israeli citizen, I wonder why she's turned up in Sweden....her nation is Israel NOT Sweden, personally she should be deported back to Israel....trouble-causers pro-Multicultural aliens who are NOT Europeans citizens should ALL be deported back to nation of what it states on their passport.
Yet Muslims have been part of Europe's history as have the Jews..Yet the Europeans have treated both harshly....

(X)Suppose that there was a massive white European exit where tens of thousands of white Europeans started to emigrate to some Arab countries, and some of those Europeans in some of those countries started to demand that some of their values and religious beliefs be foisted on the people there, what do you think would happen to them? I will bet you that those Europeans would start to be treated harshly by the people of those countries. Forcing several races together is a recipe for disaster. Over in Europe the white Europeans are being forced to assimilate into the non-white race and their culture and religion rather than the other way around. It's bloody nuts.
Darling they'd probably chop all of the heads know, like they have the disturbing habit of doing.

The races should always stay separate, I'm not advocating killing people, the logical method of keeping everyone permanently safe and happy is actual segregation of the different races. I'm perfectly okay with associating with each other but NOT living together in the SAME nations or Continents in this particular case.

Oil and water don't mix. Multiculturism is a code word for white genocide. Racism is a code word for anti-white.

White people apparently, well we have NO right to keep our Centuries old Cultures or our Centuries old religions or even our Centuries old nations....wanting to preserve ALL of these is according to the Politically Correct Multiculturists considered "racist"....many of the latter are themselves white, but self-hating whites driven almost insane by some bizarre notion of "white guilt" et al.

The memo is ONLY white people are's shouting about their culture and proudness at being black, THIS isn't racist, when of course it IS as they themselves immediately at the drop of a hat draw attention to their blackness.

I don't say "hello, I'm a proud white woman", as I'm white and obviously proud to be, I feel no need to publically announce such a thing....unlike the blacks who have to announce how they're "black and proud".
Are you completely unable to respond without resorting to name-calling? You really are that utterly devoid of any sort of intelligence?

Seems I struck a nerve, what are you? Muslim, black, Transgender, gay or what....I mean you're overtly sensitive it seems, so you must be some type of "minority" or are you just a Leftist self-hating white who are as bad as the "minority" crowd due to feeling guilty about even being alive and always loving the "victim" of something or other.

(X)This white hater is probably one of those Zionists who when confronted with the truth, and they cannot debate or reply properly, they then resort to attacks and name calling as that is all they have left that they can resort too, the Marxist losers. Why these white hating losers have a problem with a white person who wants to save his/her race is beyond me, and indeed the white race needs to fight back if it is going to survive assimilation into the dark world, Maybe he is transgender, and is totally living in a confused and screwed up who the hell am I world. Keep up the good work, and don't let freaks like this loser get to you. Wear his attacks as a badge of honor. Cool.

To be honest, I found his/her attitude incredibly aggressive and hostile, not to say rather strange. They definitely just flipped, as I commented I obviously hit some nerve there.

The thing is the Multiculturalists have an unhealthy obsession with trying to almost shame whites into having children primarily with blacks and anyone saying no to this is "racist"

Within actual black communities, a black being with a white and having children is looked down on, blacks producing with whites are considered "race traitors", they believe that the black man should be having children instead with a black woman and I happen to agree with them....yet I'd be considered a "racist" whilst they wouldn't be considered a "racist"

The whole thing is absolutely absurd in the extreme, not to mention hypocritical in the most shocking and blatant way.

He/she hasn't gotten to me, I'm never going to change my beliefs, I know many millions agree with me and I see no reason why white people should give in to Multicultural bullying.

(X)Whites marrying non-whites today are now being deemed to be race traitors. They have lost all their pride in who they are and their people. White people make up about 8% of world population, and that puts us well into minority status already. With all white countries bringing in more non-white people than white people they are asking for their demise. White countries need to put a moratorium in place and slow down or stop the third world invasion in their countries for years. Indeed, you are not alone.

I agree 100%. The average European couple has 2 children, the Muslims between 6-8 children per family I read the other day. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the mathematics, within 30 years ethnic Europeans are going to be in the minority within 70 years we'll make up 10% on our OWN Continent, by then of course it won't belong to us anymore after many Centuries, within a 100 years we won't even exist.

This IS the genocide of the white European race and it's being actually encouraged by self-hating whites, Leftists, Marxists's completely criminal....where's the UN with their anti-Genocide rule....oh I forgot the UN are helping the white genocide along also.

How can anyone not believe that there's an evil Agenda here....ALL other races deserve to exist well into the future, except the white race apparently. We're against it, we're already clued-up, the thing is thanks to the Cultural Marxism they've brainwashed many whites into becoming self-hating whites on a permanent White Guilt Trip and as such these moronic individuals are cheerleading even their own ultimate demise.

It's not just Europe, it seems the whites in America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia have to be thinned out also....yet the African Continent their encouraged to keep having between 10-15 children each family, mouths they can't even feed but again the white people are MADE to pay for this also thanks to our Governments Overseas Aid whites are getting shafted from all angles.
You know damn well you are inviting the killer muslims into Germany so they can help the Germans finish off killing the Jews.

How ridiculous is it that a nation hell bent on killing every Jew on earth welcomes in another savage species with the same goal.

You make an interesting point, I agree, why would they? Why wouldn't they want to live in Israel instead? Perhaps you could attempt to answer this question, it's not just me who's curious, there are many who are equally curious.

I know no Jews myself, so I'm unable to have this conversation with an actual Jew face-to-face.

Many were born German. They consider themselves German. I was born American. I likewise consider myself American.

I am not a fan of dividing up the earth into where people can and cannot live. Any piece of land that you can work on and provide for your family with, can be considered home.

Ethnicity and culture should have nothing to do with it. That's why so many people over history have been saying "Fuck you, I have been here just as long!" in response to all the rampant xenophobia. I mean, Israel is a great place and all, but America is also a great place and many Jews would prefer to create their welfare here.
You make an interesting point, I agree, why would they? Why wouldn't they want to live in Israel instead? Perhaps you could attempt to answer this question, it's not just me who's curious, there are many who are equally curious.

I know no Jews myself, so I'm unable to have this conversation with an actual Jew face-to-face.

Many were born German. They consider themselves German. I was born American. I likewise consider myself American.

I am not a fan of dividing up the earth into where people can and cannot live. Any piece of land that you can work on and provide for your family with, can be considered home.

Ethnicity and culture should have nothing to do with it. That's why so many people over history have been saying "Fuck you, I have been here just as long!" in response to all the rampant xenophobia. I mean, Israel is a great place and all, but America is also a great place and many Jews would prefer to create their welfare here.

So don't you think it's strange therefore, that nearly every Jewish organisation in Europe is not only welcoming but also encouraging that even MORE Muslims from the Middle East come charging into Europe?

It's certainly a WTF?!
Since it has been brought up.

As someone with Jewish roots, I am going to testify something. The Germans disgust me with all their ultra contemporary liberal shit about Jews. Why the fuck would a Jew even want to live there? All one could expect is a never-ending silent pity party. Is there anything more degrading than that? Being a Jew tin Germany is equivalent to being subhuman, because you are going to get treated differently, and not in a good way or anything. Kind of like how grown men with mental retardation are treated like children.

At very least I am grateful that doesn't happen with conservative Muslims. They just openly hate you for your heritage and background.

(X)Many Jewish organizations have been behind and pushing for more multiculturalism and non-white immigration into all Caucasian countries around the world. If you don't believe me then check the internet. I didn't make this up. Alternative media did.

Oh no! Watch out for the poisoned well water!

Pathetic, anti-Semitic fool. :rolleyes:

(X)Yup, dare to challenge or question anything that has to do with Judaism, and one becomes and is always labelled anti-Semitic. How dare someone do such a terrible thing. They are always treated as pampered pooches in society. Your kind of ilk always think that Jews can do no wrong. Stunned fool. I think that you have been drinking too much of their poisoned(feel sorry for us)well water a little too much. They are suppose to be seen as only too funny,too caring, and too loving and poor persecuted people.
Since it has been brought up.

As someone with Jewish roots, I am going to testify something. The Germans disgust me with all their ultra contemporary liberal shit about Jews. Why the fuck would a Jew even want to live there? All one could expect is a never-ending silent pity party. Is there anything more degrading than that? Being a Jew tin Germany is equivalent to being subhuman, because you are going to get treated differently, and not in a good way or anything. Kind of like how grown men with mental retardation are treated like children.

At very least I am grateful that doesn't happen with conservative Muslims. They just openly hate you for your heritage and background.

(X)Many Jewish organizations have been behind and pushing for more multiculturalism and non-white immigration into all Caucasian countries around the world. If you don't believe me then check the internet. I didn't make this up. Alternative media did.

This is equally curious, almost every European Jewish organisation has been almost obsessively supporting the Multicultural thing, and as obsessively they oddly don't want their own communities to receive any of the Muslims OR the Sub-Saharan Africans....there's a particular, almost psychopathic woman named Barbara Lerner Specter, there is actual film footage of her almost licking her lips and from her own mouth not only DEMANDING multiculturism but also from her own mouth saying that it's Jews who are behind the whole plan to get as many non-Christians and non-whites into Europe.

The film is available online.

Barbara Lerner Specter is an Israeli citizen, I wonder why she's turned up in Sweden....her nation is Israel NOT Sweden, personally she should be deported back to Israel....trouble-causers pro-Multicultural aliens who are NOT Europeans citizens should ALL be deported back to nation of what it states on their passport.

(X)I saw that video of that biotch, and I wanted to puke just listening to her. In that video she did say that Jews were behind the push for multiculturalism for all white nations. And look at what multiculturalism has done for Sweden? Over 90% of the rapes being committed in Sweden are being done by Muslim men. The Zionist media will never report this on the mainstream controlled lame duck media because it just might wake up the white people around the world. Cannot allow that to happen. Although, I believe it is starting to happen, and it is starting in Sweden by the Swedish people who have had enough of this multiculturalism bull chit, and are starting to fight back.

But again our useless media will never report this. Sweden must be kept and be seen as a role model for the wonders and joys of multiculturalism. Of course the Unkotare types of this world will never bother to go check out the facts. It is much easier to remain politically correct and stunned and just attack and hope that will shut people down whom they don't agree with. But it's not working anymore because people are starting to see what the hell is going on, especially the Swedes. The game will soon be over.

An alternative media website called "The Political Cesspool" is a great website for those interested in what is going on in the real world, and a website for anyone who wants to learn and know more about who and what are behind the programs and agendas such as multiculturalism. The website is for people with an open mind.
You make an interesting point, I agree, why would they? Why wouldn't they want to live in Israel instead? Perhaps you could attempt to answer this question, it's not just me who's curious, there are many who are equally curious.

I know no Jews myself, so I'm unable to have this conversation with an actual Jew face-to-face.

Many were born German. They consider themselves German. I was born American. I likewise consider myself American.

I am not a fan of dividing up the earth into where people can and cannot live. Any piece of land that you can work on and provide for your family with, can be considered home.

Ethnicity and culture should have nothing to do with it. That's why so many people over history have been saying "Fuck you, I have been here just as long!" in response to all the rampant xenophobia. I mean, Israel is a great place and all, but America is also a great place and many Jews would prefer to create their welfare here.

So don't you think it's strange therefore, that nearly every Jewish organisation in Europe is not only welcoming but also encouraging that even MORE Muslims from the Middle East come charging into Europe?

It's certainly a WTF?!

(X)It is not only Muslims that are flooding white countries but every other race and culture is also. Many white cities are starting to look more like non-white cities. We can thank those many Jewish organizations for that. And now Jews are starting to cry anti-semitism because of racism and hatred acts now being committed against them. Well they are now going to reap what they have sown, and they will deserve it. When one starts to chit on others, then the chit will eventually get back too them. Cool.

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