Germany needs to ban alcohol - to prevent further sexual violence and help immigrants integrate

You assume people that are upset with Merkel and the immigration policy will all embrace your fascism for the answer to those problems. They will not.

We're cute darling, it's not being called's being called Patriotism, saving the Nation, saving the Culture, saving the Heritage, saving Europa....and protecting the People with Charity Begins At Home.

They are not only going to embrace it, they are beginning now to embrace it.
Islam says its a sin to drink. If Merkle holds to that well, better buy that prayer rug.

You know, it seems like they're deliberately just BEGGING for it now, meaning the Civil War....when not if, when it happens the payback is going to be brutal, no mercy is going to be shown.
You remember when I wrote just a few days ago about the islamic symbol over the GERMAN flag on a TV logo. That truly WAS the day Germany fell.

Then what? Two days later Merkle uses fire hoses on CITIZENS? Tell you something about REAL Americans. They would blown that hose shooter right OFF the damn truck. GONE! HISTORY!

That is WHY our "left" is still afraid. We got GUNS.

Germany hasn't "fallen", within 6'll watch The Uprising.
I hope so I really do.

Meine Ehre heißt Treue - My honour is called loyalty.

I couldn't resist this comment, as Wheelie Addict's brain could be spinning with this comment! But you know in all seriousness, loyalty to one's people is a good thing. We the people should stand together.
You assume people that are upset with Merkel and the immigration policy will all embrace your fascism for the answer to those problems. They will not.

We're cute darling, it's not being called's being called Patriotism, saving the Nation, saving the Culture, saving the Heritage, saving Europa....and protecting the People with Charity Begins At Home.

They are not only going to embrace it, they are beginning now to embrace it.
Your extreme ideology will not be embraced by the majority. And if it somehow does prepare to lose again.


  • MuslimStern compared women to 'naked antelope' presented before 'lions'
  • The group said banning alcohol inGermany would help resolve the issue
  • German women were told to dress like the Virgin Mary and not Lady Gaga
  • The group accused the women of being responsible for their own attacks

Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks

What they need to ban is islam and muslims, then the problems would all go away. What you are saying is give in to muslims yet again and hope they don't rape your wife/sister/daughter.
Yeah, guys, ban the beer, perform another step to the Islam :)))

Muslim didn't drink any alcohol in mass. But smoke cannabis...

It would be so ridiculous, but it sad... First step to avoid Islamist's extremism - learn, who, why and how perform it. Your government and leaders do nothing in it... :(
Germany has to ban crosses....etc! NOTHING!

what a nerve of the savages invading Europe!! :mad-61:

It's the savages who have to become civilized!

otherwise stay home in the caves where you belong!

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