Germany, resistance to Covid-1984 dictatorship. "Wir machen auf" ("We're opening up")


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
When the scamdemic will end?
After enslaved peoples stop to follow demands of criminal politicians.
What can do not more as 10,000 criminals worldwide against 6 billions?
No one traitorous 'police' - the modern SS troupe can save them.

Translation from German

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses from the retail sector and, above all, the restaurant and hotel industry no longer want to stand idly by and watch the destruction of their livelihoods, born of arbitrariness and without any scientific basis for decision-making. They plan the revolt: After the model of the Netherlands now also countless German self-employed persons want to open their stores on 11 January - despite prohibition and also if tomorrow - which is as safe as the Amen in the church - the semi-dictatorial federal state round will decide the already third Lockdown extension block beyond 10 January.

In the Netherlands, entrepreneurs from 60 cities and regions have already organized to open their doors on Jan. 17 - with restaurateurs in particular going back to "no matter what Corona rules the government tells them to follow," according to the Rheinische Post newspaper. An almost identical initiative is now spilling over into Germany - and public interest (in terms of sympathy) is growing for the campaign, which is currently spreading rapidly on the web according to the grassroots principle: Under the hashtag "Wir machen auf" ("We're opening up"), many compulsorily shutdown company owners are planning a courageous form of civil disobedience, albeit mostly born of sheer desperation.

One thing is beyond question: If the campaign is successful and many stores and pubs really do open, then this deserves the greatest possible support and show of solidarity from the population in any case. Because on the real infection happening and the politically-medially permanently hysterisierten Pandemie had and/or has the Lockdown with its total shutdown of the catering trade (despite their only in the summer expensively installed hygiene concepts) and still more the retail trade no measurable influence. It only causes infinitely more suffering - and economic giga-damages.

As the "Nordkurier" writes, the response to the new movement is already exceeding all dimensions. On Twitter, the hashtag "#wirmachenauf" is extremely popular, and the Telegram group "Wir machen auf - Kein Lockdown mehr", in which those willing to participate, supporters and other interested parties network, has grown to almost 50,000 members within a few hours of its founding the night before yesterday. Similar offshoots exist in the meantime also in Switzerland and Austria. In the group description it says: "Trade operators, gastro, retail, cosmetics, hairdresser... From 11 January I open the doors. Any further extension will not be accepted".

Anger and despair of many suffering entrepreneurs are huge - especially in view of the second lockdown and the salami tactics of an either incompetent or deliberately lying policy, which postpones own schedules time after time and thus not only underlines the nonsense of its own forecasts as well as the ineffectiveness of its measures, but also undermines any planning security for the traders and their employees. Many of the likely participants in the action have little or nothing left to lose, which becomes clear in statements like this one: "The legal situation should not and must not be a reason not to take part in this action... because what would be the alternative? Bankruptcy through bans and restrictions? Shouldn't we rather take the risk of a fine, which can also be legally challenged?". By the way, this is exactly the essential decision that is demanded of every citizen at a certain point - when it comes to regaining one's own freedom and self-determination and standing up to a Corona regime. A regime that presumes to protect "life" far from any proportionality by destroying existences - directly economically, indirectly also physically. (DM)

If none press the Chinese about C-19 source in nature, they can set back and let this bioweapon evolve. It’s obvious they can control it. The best way to do that is to know its biology. If other countries knew its biology, this game would be over much sooner. Who else knows, the vaccine makers?
When the scamdemic will end?
After enslaved peoples stop to follow demands of criminal politicians.
What can do not more as 10,000 criminals worldwide against 6 billions?
No one traitorous 'police' - the modern SS troupe can save them.

Translation from German

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses from the retail sector and, above all, the restaurant and hotel industry no longer want to stand idly by and watch the destruction of their livelihoods, born of arbitrariness and without any scientific basis for decision-making. They plan the revolt: After the model of the Netherlands now also countless German self-employed persons want to open their stores on 11 January - despite prohibition and also if tomorrow - which is as safe as the Amen in the church - the semi-dictatorial federal state round will decide the already third Lockdown extension block beyond 10 January.

In the Netherlands, entrepreneurs from 60 cities and regions have already organized to open their doors on Jan. 17 - with restaurateurs in particular going back to "no matter what Corona rules the government tells them to follow," according to the Rheinische Post newspaper. An almost identical initiative is now spilling over into Germany - and public interest (in terms of sympathy) is growing for the campaign, which is currently spreading rapidly on the web according to the grassroots principle: Under the hashtag "Wir machen auf" ("We're opening up"), many compulsorily shutdown company owners are planning a courageous form of civil disobedience, albeit mostly born of sheer desperation.

One thing is beyond question: If the campaign is successful and many stores and pubs really do open, then this deserves the greatest possible support and show of solidarity from the population in any case. Because on the real infection happening and the politically-medially permanently hysterisierten Pandemie had and/or has the Lockdown with its total shutdown of the catering trade (despite their only in the summer expensively installed hygiene concepts) and still more the retail trade no measurable influence. It only causes infinitely more suffering - and economic giga-damages.

As the "Nordkurier" writes, the response to the new movement is already exceeding all dimensions. On Twitter, the hashtag "#wirmachenauf" is extremely popular, and the Telegram group "Wir machen auf - Kein Lockdown mehr", in which those willing to participate, supporters and other interested parties network, has grown to almost 50,000 members within a few hours of its founding the night before yesterday. Similar offshoots exist in the meantime also in Switzerland and Austria. In the group description it says: "Trade operators, gastro, retail, cosmetics, hairdresser... From 11 January I open the doors. Any further extension will not be accepted".

Anger and despair of many suffering entrepreneurs are huge - especially in view of the second lockdown and the salami tactics of an either incompetent or deliberately lying policy, which postpones own schedules time after time and thus not only underlines the nonsense of its own forecasts as well as the ineffectiveness of its measures, but also undermines any planning security for the traders and their employees. Many of the likely participants in the action have little or nothing left to lose, which becomes clear in statements like this one: "The legal situation should not and must not be a reason not to take part in this action... because what would be the alternative? Bankruptcy through bans and restrictions? Shouldn't we rather take the risk of a fine, which can also be legally challenged?". By the way, this is exactly the essential decision that is demanded of every citizen at a certain point - when it comes to regaining one's own freedom and self-determination and standing up to a Corona regime. A regime that presumes to protect "life" far from any proportionality by destroying existences - directly economically, indirectly also physically. (DM)

Germany Gets it, I hope America wakes up soon
If none press the Chinese about C-19 source in nature, they can set back and let this bioweapon evolve. It’s obvious they can control it. The best way to do that is to know its biology. If other countries knew its biology, this game would be over much sooner. Who else knows, the vaccine makers?
Two can play at this game.

Say, what virus attacks arrogant rich Progressive pricks?
When the scamdemic will end?
After enslaved peoples stop to follow demands of criminal politicians.
What can do not more as 10,000 criminals worldwide against 6 billions?
No one traitorous 'police' - the modern SS troupe can save them.

Translation from German

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses from the retail sector and, above all, the restaurant and hotel industry no longer want to stand idly by and watch the destruction of their livelihoods, born of arbitrariness and without any scientific basis for decision-making. They plan the revolt: After the model of the Netherlands now also countless German self-employed persons want to open their stores on 11 January - despite prohibition and also if tomorrow - which is as safe as the Amen in the church - the semi-dictatorial federal state round will decide the already third Lockdown extension block beyond 10 January.

In the Netherlands, entrepreneurs from 60 cities and regions have already organized to open their doors on Jan. 17 - with restaurateurs in particular going back to "no matter what Corona rules the government tells them to follow," according to the Rheinische Post newspaper. An almost identical initiative is now spilling over into Germany - and public interest (in terms of sympathy) is growing for the campaign, which is currently spreading rapidly on the web according to the grassroots principle: Under the hashtag "Wir machen auf" ("We're opening up"), many compulsorily shutdown company owners are planning a courageous form of civil disobedience, albeit mostly born of sheer desperation.

One thing is beyond question: If the campaign is successful and many stores and pubs really do open, then this deserves the greatest possible support and show of solidarity from the population in any case. Because on the real infection happening and the politically-medially permanently hysterisierten Pandemie had and/or has the Lockdown with its total shutdown of the catering trade (despite their only in the summer expensively installed hygiene concepts) and still more the retail trade no measurable influence. It only causes infinitely more suffering - and economic giga-damages.

As the "Nordkurier" writes, the response to the new movement is already exceeding all dimensions. On Twitter, the hashtag "#wirmachenauf" is extremely popular, and the Telegram group "Wir machen auf - Kein Lockdown mehr", in which those willing to participate, supporters and other interested parties network, has grown to almost 50,000 members within a few hours of its founding the night before yesterday. Similar offshoots exist in the meantime also in Switzerland and Austria. In the group description it says: "Trade operators, gastro, retail, cosmetics, hairdresser... From 11 January I open the doors. Any further extension will not be accepted".

Anger and despair of many suffering entrepreneurs are huge - especially in view of the second lockdown and the salami tactics of an either incompetent or deliberately lying policy, which postpones own schedules time after time and thus not only underlines the nonsense of its own forecasts as well as the ineffectiveness of its measures, but also undermines any planning security for the traders and their employees. Many of the likely participants in the action have little or nothing left to lose, which becomes clear in statements like this one: "The legal situation should not and must not be a reason not to take part in this action... because what would be the alternative? Bankruptcy through bans and restrictions? Shouldn't we rather take the risk of a fine, which can also be legally challenged?". By the way, this is exactly the essential decision that is demanded of every citizen at a certain point - when it comes to regaining one's own freedom and self-determination and standing up to a Corona regime. A regime that presumes to protect "life" far from any proportionality by destroying existences - directly economically, indirectly also physically. (DM)

Germany Gets it, I hope America wakes up soon

After peoples become free all politicians, cops and securities, all those who supported Corona insanity shall be tried and sentenced for genocide.
The gang has already murdered ten of millions in the world, so these criminals shall have the fate of Hitler SS butchers after 1945

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