Germany’s Green Energy Switch ‘About To Collapse’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Germany’s switch to renewable energy is bound to fail with consumer prices at a 15-year high while wholesale prices are languishing, the chief executive of Austrian energy group Verbund said. Germany’s market, due to its retreat from nuclear power after Japan’s 2011 Fukushima disaster, was ‘about to collapse’, Wolfgang Anzengruber said, citing a lack of necessary investment that is compounding a broken pricing model.—Reuters, 30 January 2013

Read more @ Germany?s Green Energy Switch ?About To Collapse?

Gee – think that might happen here?
Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News

Make no mistake.......part of what is happening here is the curtain is being pulled open on the Wizard of Oz operation faster than the globalist assholes wanted. They have been trying to proceed in incremental fashion to dupe the public into opening their wallet to take care of the end of the world concerns. But people are saying "meh" because there are far more pressing fiscal issues going on in all ovf the advanced countries. Rile up the masses to much and the government gets the boot out the door, by revolution if necessary. No government wants to go there. Offuckingcourse nations are going to cheap energy so they can keep their asses governing. Only the k00k OC's cant connect the dots to figure this dynamic out.
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Interesting article. It does make some valid points, but if you look at statistics about renewable energy generation in Germany, the country has is certainly moving in the right direction. I've worked with some German grid operators and they maintain that although the switch is difficult, the idea of a doomsday scenario for German power is far-fetched.

Even though they are leaving nuclear power generation, they will still happily import from Dutch, French and Czech nuclear power plants in the case of any sort of collapse. Also, the pace of the switch is certainly looking good and most in the German energy industry are convinced they can switch over, unless some sort of freak deep freeze leads to power cuts.
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