Germany Scales Back on Wind Energy Because Its Not Working

All discussions of US-Americans about Germans and/or with Germans about all possible themes seem always only to end with "Hitler". I will never understand why this unimportant mass murdering gnome is so fascinating for you. It exist much more interesting Germans than Hitler.

Because it could happen again.

I know, structural Nazi. Otherwise I would ignore idiots like you, who like to speak about this theme, although it has absolutelly nothing to to do with nothing in this context here.

"Structural Nazi".

Meaningless buzzwords. Dismissed.
... Yup, you fucked up.
... The greatest thing about President Trump is he makes leftists shit their pants in incoherent rage.
no comment
It's true.

Nothing what you said to me up to now had anything to do with truth. And in gerneral to use the word "truth" in context of Donald Trump sounds blasphemic in my ears. This man never had anything to do with truth. From my point of view this man is a stupid criminal and/or criminal stupid.
I said "President Trump is he makes leftists shit their pants in incoherent rage", and you screech NUH UH!! and proceed to shit your pants in incoherent rage.

Take a shower, kid.

Example: Mr. Donald Trump is not president of the USA - and it's not the job of anyone else to have to correct your mistakes, bad intentions and all other nonsense, which you say,
Germany has enough problems of her own.

¿Her? ... Female? ... Germany? ... We use three grammatical genders in our langugae - but in the moment I don't think any of this three genders fits with the German expression for Germany "Deutschland". It's indeed impossible to use an article with the word "Deutschland" in our own language. It makes no sense to say "der", "die" or "das Deutschland". So this expression seems to be without any grammatical gender at all.

You clean your own house first, then, maybe, I might ask for your opinion.

Are you an idiot? The USA is a garbage dump - not so Germany.

This is an American message board. It's a standard English construct to refer to nations as "she".

No idea what you think and feel by using this construct. We use for everything three grammatical genders - but not for our country ... nor for other countries as far as I see. In the moment I do not find any exception in this context, although German is a language which uses normanly about 50% exceptions from the rules. No idea why you think countries are female - and no idea why we think countries have no gender at all. Both is strange and needs an explanation, which I don't know now.

And protip: If you let comedians do you thinking for you, not much actual thinking gets done.

Hmm ... The comedian Karl Valentin suggested under Hitler to let English bombers bomb down England and German bombers bomb down Germany, because of the waste of aviation fuel, if they first have to fly to the other country. A good idea. What about the idea to let US-American bombers bomb down the USA while we try to start our bomber, if we have one at all. Do we?

Why are you talking to me?
The birds in Germany will be damn glad the Krauts have come to their senses.

Let me inform you were the expression "the Krauts" came from. In war the US-Americans saw in their pow camps how German soldiers tried to survive by eating all forms of plants (="Kraut") which they were able to eat, before they died on hunger.
... My father hated the Krauts ...

Fine. He hated us because Germany never in history did do anything bad to the USA. And we hated it to have to eat Kraut and to die on hunger in the pow camps of US-Americans. But we took our hate with us into our graves. And you continued to hate us - and your hate grew. That's the way it is - and that's why I think all soldiers of the USA without any exception should leave Germany forever. You are not able to defend what you hate.
Germany declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941.

Hitler did do so after Pearl Harbor. Seems to me he needed the USA to be in war with Germany. For Germany itselve it was impossible to attack the USA.

The US declaration was in response to Germany's declaration.

You can stop pretending to be the victim.

This declarations were somehow a joke. You was in war with Germany by supporting the Brits a long time before any declaration of war. By the way: The whole "Aryan" nonsense from the Nazis came from the English speaking world. Same with the darwinistic ideas of the Nazis.

Could be interesting to know what had happened, if the USA had not reacted to the declaration of war by Hitler.
Well, maybe y'all shouldn't have let him come to power,

Aha. Could be a little late this hint. Before it happenend we Germans told you not to start the war in Iraq - you ignored what we said. We told you not to vote for Donald Trump nor to follow this enemy of the western world, when he was president of your country - you ignored what we said. We told you to let it be to make declarations of war - ah sorry: you call this "sanctions" - against Germany in context of your absurde ideas about the "energy safety of Europe" - but you still prefer that Russian gas comes the way over Turkey and the Ukraine to Europe - and you still attack Germany after the build of the pipeline Nord Stream 2 had started a long time ago and had costed about 10 billion dollar - only because this pipeline goes directly from Russia to Germany on reason of the real energy safety of Europe. We warned you not to stop disarmament and peace projects worldwide - but you ignored what we said. And so on and so on and so on. Result of your deafness and numbness - also your emotional numbness - the USA is one the main threats for world peace.

and then looked the other way when he started killing his own people.

No one in my family during the so called "third empire" was able to look in any other way, because the Nazis murdered from time to time always again a member of my family, idiot, extremly dirty and ugly one. You are the structural Nazi on your own, who you call others not to be.
It's funny the way you insist Americans should give a shit what Germans say.

I have an idea: No.
All discussions of US-Americans about Germans and/or with Germans about all possible themes seem always only to end with "Hitler". I will never understand why this unimportant mass murdering gnome is so fascinating for you. It exist much more interesting Germans than Hitler.

Because it could happen again.

I know, structural Nazi. Otherwise I would ignore idiots like you, who like to speak about this theme, although it has absolutelly nothing to to do with nothing in this context here.

"Structural Nazi".

Meaningless buzzwords. Dismissed.

Not really. I know very well why I say so.
... Yup, you fucked up.
... The greatest thing about President Trump is he makes leftists shit their pants in incoherent rage.
no comment
It's true.

Nothing what you said to me up to now had anything to do with truth. And in gerneral to use the word "truth" in context of Donald Trump sounds blasphemic in my ears. This man never had anything to do with truth. From my point of view this man is a stupid criminal and/or criminal stupid.
I said "President Trump is he makes leftists shit their pants in incoherent rage", and you screech NUH UH!! and proceed to shit your pants in incoherent rage.

Take a shower, kid.

Example: Mr. Donald Trump is not president of the USA - and it's not the job of anyone else to have to correct your mistakes, bad intentions and all other nonsense, which you say,
Germany has enough problems of her own.

¿Her? ... Female? ... Germany? ... We use three grammatical genders in our langugae - but in the moment I don't think any of this three genders fits with the German expression for Germany "Deutschland". It's indeed impossible to use an article with the word "Deutschland" in our own language. It makes no sense to say "der", "die" or "das Deutschland". So this expression seems to be without any grammatical gender at all.

You clean your own house first, then, maybe, I might ask for your opinion.

Are you an idiot? The USA is a garbage dump - not so Germany.

This is an American message board. It's a standard English construct to refer to nations as "she".

No idea what you think and feel by using this construct. We use for everything three grammatical genders - but not for our country ... nor for other countries as far as I see. In the moment I do not find any exception in this context, although German is a language which uses normanly about 50% exceptions from the rules. No idea why you think countries are female - and no idea why we think countries have no gender at all. Both is strange and needs an explanation, which I don't know now.

And protip: If you let comedians do you thinking for you, not much actual thinking gets done.

Hmm ... The comedian Karl Valentin suggested under Hitler to let English bombers bomb down England and German bombers bomb down Germany, because of the waste of aviation fuel, if they first have to fly to the other country. A good idea. What about the idea to let US-American bombers bomb down the USA while we try to start our bomber, if we have one at all. Do we?

Why are you talking to me?

Why not? Your ideas about windcraft and Germany are interesting for me and define my relation to you and your country. A question in the background is for me for example: "Is the USA a threat for the survival of all mankind?"

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Wind turbines are not environmentally friendly as tree huggers are led to believe. What happens to decommissioned turbines!

Wind turbines are not environmentally friendly as tree huggers are led to believe. What happens to decommissioned turbines!

Here a picture of a wing of a rotor - because most people don't have a real idea about the size of such rotors.


The rotors are not able to be recyceld in the moment. But this is not a big problem compared with radioactive substances and other problems of "normal" power plants as for example also the production of titanic masses of CO2. The material is normally a mix of carbon with plastic and foam and balsa wood in a sandwich technology. The problem to seperate all this materials is still not solved.
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Wind turbines are not environmentally friendly as tree huggers are led to believe. What happens to decommissioned turbines!

Here a picture of a wing of a rotor - because most people don't have a real idea about the size of such rotors.


The rotors are not able to be recyceld in the moment. But this is not a big problem compared with radioactive substances and other problems of "normal" power plants as for example also the production of titanic masses of CO2. The material is normally a mix of carbon with plastic and foam and balsa wood in a sandwich technology. The problem to seperate all this materials is still not solved.

Did you know, if you take the waste from all the American nuclear plants for the last 60 years, it would cover a soccer pitch 11 feet deep.

I'd imagine that's already been surpassed by the volume of wind turbines, then you would have to factor in the decay times of nuclear waste, plastic and fibreglass.

Both wind and nuclear have cons, no one denies that, but the pros for nuclear dwarf wind turbines, as the Germans have found out.
Wind turbines are not environmentally friendly as tree huggers are led to believe. What happens to decommissioned turbines!

Here a picture of a wing of a rotor - because most people don't have a real idea about the size of such rotors.


The rotors are not able to be recyceld in the moment. But this is not a big problem compared with radioactive substances and other problems of "normal" power plants as for example also the production of titanic masses of CO2. The material is normally a mix of carbon with plastic and foam and balsa wood in a sandwich technology. The problem to seperate all this materials is still not solved.

Did you know, if you take the waste from all the American nuclear plants for the last 60 years, it would cover a soccer pitch 11 feet deep.

I'd imagine that's already been surpassed by the volume of wind turbines, then you would have to factor in the decay times of nuclear waste, plastic and fibreglass.

Both wind and nuclear have cons, no one denies that, but the pros for nuclear dwarf wind turbines, as the Germans have found out.

Do you compare here radioactive substances with simple plastic? And what did we find out? We will eliminate as well nuclear power plants as well as we will eliminate so called "conventional" power plants. The future are alternating concepts. But to do so will need some time with innovations - and also with throwbacks from time to time. Thoughts are always faster than deeds.

Take hydrogen as an example. The people discuss about green and grey hydrogen for example - but it will need both concepts - with a growing part of green hydrogen. What I hate meanwhile in Germany very much is the "anglification" of the thoughts. The anglo-american form to discuss - perhaps better to say the "anglo-fucking" way to discuss - is extremely "black and white" - without greyscales and colors.
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This is yet another example of the Costanza Rule for evaluating the Leftwing Agenda. Whatever the Lefties say, assume the opposite is true.

Germany has had years of brown outs and lower income people turning off their electricity and heating for part of the day because costs have skyrocketed.

France, on the other hand, has gone almost full nuclear power, with no problems.

Which one should we emulate and which one do the Lefties choose?
like what happened in Texas this year. too fking funny.
Do you compare here radioactive substances with simple plastic? And what did we find out? We will eliminate as well nuclear power plants as well as we will eliminate so called "conventional" power plants. The future are alternating concepts. But to do so will need some time with innovations - and also with throwbacks from time to time. Thoughts are always faster than deeds.
not in your lifetime, nor your children's. Maybe never, who knows, maybe the next stage of inventions. but what is around today is a failure on so many levels. Coal, Nuclear and Natural Gas are still reliable by 100s over the crap you promote.
Do you compare here radioactive substances with simple plastic? And what did we find out? We will eliminate as well nuclear power plants as well as we will eliminate so called "conventional" power plants. The future are alternating concepts. But to do so will need some time with innovations - and also with throwbacks from time to time. Thoughts are always faster than deeds.
not in your lifetime, nor your children's.

What a nonsense to say so. I personally reduced in the last 20 years about 80% of the CO2 emissions of my family. Now I will start to reduce the last 20% to 0%. This will not happen today - and also not tomorrow ... but it will have been happened one day. And it will be a good life to do so.

Maybe never, who knows, maybe the next stage of inventions. but what is around today is a failure on so many levels. Coal, Nuclear and Natural Gas are still reliable by 100s over the crap you promote.

What exactly do you like to hear from me now? That it is better to do suicide because anyway everyone will die?

Salz auf unserer Haut

Eine Pritsche unter Deck
Und ein Seesack pro Mann
Wer nichts hat, hat nichts zu fürchten
Komm mit und heuer an
Halte Stand vor dem Sturm
Halte Stand vor den Wellen
Und horch wenn die Männer Geschichten erzähl'n

Mit dem Salz auf unsrer Haut
Und dem Wind im Gesicht
Fahr'n wir raus weit in die Ferne
Wir fürchten uns nicht
Bis ans Ende der Welt
Bis ans Ende der Zeit
Der Sonne stets entgegen
In die Unendlichkeit

Unser Ziel ist unser Weg
Auf den Wellen an Deck
Eine Mannschaft eine Seele
Ein Bug und ein Heck
Wir sind Herren der Winde
Und Männer der See
Nur Meer bis zum Himmel
Nach Luv und nach Lee

Mit dem Salz auf unsrer Haut
Und dem Wind im Gesicht
Fahr'n wir raus weit in die Ferne
Wir fürchten uns nicht
Bis ans Ende der Welt
Bis ans Ende der Zeit
Der Sonne stets entgegen
In die Unendlichkeit

Wir ziehen durch Gewitter
Wir ziehen durch den Sturm
Die Meere sind unser zu Haus
Wir brechen die Wellen
Wir reiten den Wind
Die Sehnsucht sie zieht uns hinaus

Mit dem Salz auf unsrer Haut
Und dem Wind im Gesicht
Fahr'n wir raus weit in die Ferne
Wir fürchten uns nicht
Bis ans Ende der Welt
Bis ans Ende der Zeit
Der Sonne stets entgegen
In die Unendlichkeit

Mit dem Salz auf unsrer Haut
Und dem Wind im Gesicht
Fahr'n wir raus weit in die Ferne
Wir fürchten uns nicht
Bis ans Ende der Welt
Bis ans Ende der Zeit
Der Sonne stets entgegen
In die Unendlichkeit

Der Sonne stets entgegen
In die Unendlichkeit

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Do you compare here radioactive substances with simple plastic? And what did we find out? We will eliminate as well nuclear power plants as well as we will eliminate so called "conventional" power plants. The future are alternating concepts. But to do so will need some time with innovations - and also with throwbacks from time to time. Thoughts are always faster than deeds.
not in your lifetime, nor your children's.

What a nonsense to say so. I personally reduced in the last 20 years about 80% of the CO2 emissions of my family. Now I will start to reduce the last 20% to 0%. This will not happen today - and also not tomorrow ... but it will have be happened one day. And it will be a good life to do so.

Maybe never, who knows, maybe the next stage of inventions. but what is around today is a failure on so many levels. Coal, Nuclear and Natural Gas are still reliable by 100s over the crap you promote.

What exactly do you like to hear from me now? That it is better to do suicide because anyway everyone will die?

I’m happy for ya! What exactly did that do?

btw, I cut my usage by 50% working from home! So funny what. What are you expecting?
Do you compare here radioactive substances with simple plastic? And what did we find out? We will eliminate as well nuclear power plants as well as we will eliminate so called "conventional" power plants. The future are alternating concepts. But to do so will need some time with innovations - and also with throwbacks from time to time. Thoughts are always faster than deeds.
not in your lifetime, nor your children's.

What a nonsense to say so. I personally reduced in the last 20 years about 80% of the CO2 emissions of my family. Now I will start to reduce the last 20% to 0%. This will not happen today - and also not tomorrow ... but it will have be happened one day. And it will be a good life to do so.

Maybe never, who knows, maybe the next stage of inventions. but what is around today is a failure on so many levels. Coal, Nuclear and Natural Gas are still reliable by 100s over the crap you promote.

What exactly do you like to hear from me now? That it is better to do suicide because anyway everyone will die?

I’m happy for ya! What exactly did that do?

btw, I cut my usage by 50% working from home! So funny what. What are you expecting?

Read again what I wrote and answer again. I live in another time frame and another complexity than you are doing.
Do you compare here radioactive substances with simple plastic?
No. But you can compare quantity of waste produced by each source v generated output. Nuclear wins hands down. Renewables won't save the planet, nuclear will. Funny how tree huggers wish to harness the sun via solar panels, the sun being a large nuclear reactor, yet in the same breath, they detest nuclear. Funny ole souls.
The proximity to the nuclear reactor we solar panel enthusiasts use is much less a problem than the one that Fuku Breath uses.
Do you compare here radioactive substances with simple plastic?
No. But you can compare quantity of waste produced by each source v generated output. Nuclear wins hands down. Renewables won't save the planet, nuclear will.

What's nonsense, as far as I am able to see. First of all exists the danger of a nuclear overkill if everyone lives in growing amount of nuclear materials, which need decades of thousands of years to lose toxicity. And I fear in general we should not try to use more energy in the surface of our planet than comes from the sun.

Funny how tree huggers wish to harness the sun via solar panels, the sun being a large nuclear reactor, yet in the same breath, they detest nuclear. Funny ole souls.

It's nice that you "think" something. This shows you are still not dead. But what do you "think" if a "funny ole soul" will tell you that a simple extrapolation from the gowing use of energy in general would mean that in the year 2600 the globe will glow? We need not onyl more harmlöess forms for the produciton of energy - we will need also a miuch more intelligent use of energy. What do you say are your ideas about the storage of energy?

Dort im Südrandkrater, hinten an der Zwischenkieferwand
Wo im letzten Jahre noch das Pärchen Brennesseln stand
Wo es immer, wenn der Mond sich überschlägt, so gellend lacht
Drüben haust in einem Panzer aus der allerletzten Schlacht
Jener Kerl mit lauter Haaren auf dem Kopf und im Gesicht
Zu dem, wenn es Neumond ist, unser ganzer Stamm hinkriecht
Jener schlägt ein Instrument aus hohlem Holz und Stacheldraht
Und erzählt dazu, was früher sich hier zugetragen hat
In den guten alten Zeiten
In den guten alten Zeiten

Damals konnte, wer da wollte, auf den Hinterkrallen stehn
Doch man fand das Kriechen viel bequemer als das Aufrechtgehn
Der Behaarte sagt, sie seien sogar geflogen, und zwar gut
Aber keiner fand je abgebrochene Flügel unterm Schutt
Über Tage und in Herden lebten sie zur Sonnenzeit
Doch zum Paaren schlichen sie in Höhlen, immer nur zu zweit
Ihre Männchen hatten Hoden und ein bißchen mehr Gewicht
Doch ansonsten unterschieden sie sich von den Weibchen nicht
In den guten alten Zeiten
In den guten alten Zeiten

Damals wuchsen fette Pflanzen überall am Wegesrand
Doch sie abzufressen galt als äußerst unfein in dem Land
Man verzehrte Artgenossen, selbst das liebenswerte Schwein
Doch die aufrecht gehen konnten, fraß man nicht, man grub sie ein
Manchmal durfte man nicht töten, manchmal wieder mußte man
Ganz Genaues weiß man nicht mehr, aber irgendwas ist dran
Denn wer Tausende verbrannte, der bekam den Ehrensold
Doch erschlug einen einz? lnen, hat der Henker ihn geholt
In den guten alten Zeiten
In den guten alten Zeiten

Wenn ein Kind ganz nackt und lachend unter einer Dusche stand
Dann bekam es zur Bestrafung alle Haaren abgebrannt
Doch war? s artig, hat? s zum Beispiel einen Panzer gut gelenkt
Dann bekam es zur Belohnung um den Hals ein Kreuz gehängt
Man zerschlug ein Kind, wenn es die Füße vom Klaver zerbiß
Doch man lachte, wenn? s dem Nachbarkind ein Ohr vom Kopfe riß
Blut? ge Löcher in den Köpfen zeigte man den Knaben gern
Doch von jenem Loch der Löcher hielt man sie Hieben fern
In den guten alten Zeiten
In den guten alten Zeiten

Alle glaubten an den unsichtbaren gleichen Manitu
Doch der Streit darüber, wie er aussah, ließ sie nicht in Ruh
Jene malten ihn ganz weiß und andre schwarz oder gar rot
Und von Zeit zu Zeit, da schlugen sie sich deshalb einfach tot
Ob die Hand ganz rot von Blut war und die Weste schwarz von Dreck
Das war gleich, wenn nur die Haut ganz weiß war, ohne jeden Fleck
Und den Mischer zweier Farben federte und teerte man
Oder drohte ihm für nach dem Tode Feuerqualen an
In den guten alten Zeiten
In Den guten alten Zeiten

Und wer alt war, galt als weise, und wer dick war, galt als stark
Und den fetten Greisen glaubte man aufs Wort und ohne Arg
Und wenn Wolken sich am Abend färbten, freute man sich noch
Und man fraß ganz ruhig weiter, wenn die Erde brandig roch
Denn vom Himmel fiel noch Wasser, und die Sonne war noch weit
Und der große Bär, der schlief noch, in der guten alten Zeit
Und die Erde drehte sich nicht plötzlich rückwärts und im Kreis
Doch man schaffte rüstig, bis es dann gelang, wie jeder weiß
Und da war Schluß mit jenen Zeiten
In den guten alten Zeiten

Und so hocken wir bei Neumond an der Zwischenkieferwand
Wo im letzten Jahre noch das Pärchen Brennesseln stand
Und wir lauschen dem Behaarten, der sein Instrument laut schlägt
Und wir lauschen, lauschen, lauschen nächtelang und unbewegt
Und wir träumen von den guten alten Zeiten und dem Land
Wo man überall und jederzeit genug zu fressen fand
Unsere Stammesmutter streichelt unser Jüngstes mit den Zehn
Manchmal seufzt sie:? O ihr Brutgenossen, war das früher schön
In den guten alten Zeiten
In den guten alten Zeiten

Franz Josef Degenhardt
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Dumbass #198: Everyone knows you can write English. Therefore, you’re an arrogant nazi c.u.n.t. for not translating the German you post.
Dumbass #198: Everyone knows you can write English. Therefore, you’re an arrogant nazi c.u.n.t. for not translating the German you post.

One moment please: Do you call me here a "Nazi", Nazi?
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