Germany, WWI, to the Third Reich


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
In undergrad, I read some historians who posited the following: had reparations not further stangled the Germany economy before and during the Great Depression, the Weimar Republic might have had a chance, or at least the Reich could have been quashed in the 30s. Any history buffs have an opinion?
In undergrad, I read some historians who posited the following: had reparations not further strangled the Germany economy before and during the Great Depression, the Weimar Republic might have had a chance, or at least the Reich could have been quashed in the 30s. Any history buffs have an opinion?
100% correct. .. :cool:
Without the harsh degree of reparations hanging over the German economy, Hitler would not have had much of an audience.
The problem with that theory is that Germany actually paid little in the way of reparations, not enough to ruin its economy. What ruined its economy was the Allied insistence on 'privatizing' the Reich bank, which led to the bank's managers speculating on stock exchanges and generating a much higher inflation rate in Reichmarks, in an attempt to pay off war loans and private debt with an almost worthless currency.

The reparations weren't that large, and were spread out over decades, and not a real problem for an economy the size and productivity of Germany's. France paid reparations to Germany and its allies in the 1870's that were just as large relative to the size of its economy, and paid them off fairly quickly. Plus, The U.S. made arrangements to loan Germany most of the money at low interest right after the Versailles negotiations. The reparations weren't going to crush Germany; that was just the propaganda some Germans used to fool their own people as to the cause of their distress in the early '20's. In any case, Hitler refused to pay them once in power, so they weren't an issue even then.

There are charts that show the payments by year out there, along with American loans, etc.. It's easy to see its a myth; no opinions needed. One of the reasons France moved into western Germany was to get their reparations in goods, coal, etc., instead of waiting on German stalling on paying them.
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I have to disagree that it's a myth.

The German jewish leaders made a deal with the English that if Palestine was given to the jewish people.

They would use their influence with the American jews to persuade the U.S. government to enter the war against Germany.

England signed the Balfour Declaration giving the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine.

And subsequently America entered the war.

Which resulted in Germany losing the war. .. :doubt:
I have to disagree that it's a myth.

The German jewish leaders made a deal with the English that if Palestine was given to the jewish people.

They would use their influence with the American jews to persuade the U.S. government to enter the war against Germany.

England signed the Balfour Declaration giving the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine.

And subsequently America entered the war.

Which resulted in Germany losing the war. .. :doubt:

I always wonder why the all powerful Jewish leaders can't simply pay off all the psychos to not start all the crap in the first place.
That's why the Jewish Conspiracies fail the smell taste.
They simply make no sense.
I have to disagree that it's a myth.

The German jewish leaders made a deal with the English that if Palestine was given to the jewish people.

They would use their influence with the American jews to persuade the U.S. government to enter the war against Germany.

England signed the Balfour Declaration giving the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine.

And subsequently America entered the war.

Which resulted in Germany losing the war. .. :doubt:

The Germans weren't even defeated on the battlefield. The Allies were still 450 miles from Berlin. They were pissed that they had to pay anything at all.
I have to disagree that it's a myth.

The German jewish leaders made a deal with the English that if Palestine was given to the jewish people.

They would use their influence with the American jews to persuade the U.S. government to enter the war against Germany.

England signed the Balfour Declaration giving the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine.

And subsequently America entered the war.

Which resulted in Germany losing the war. .. :doubt:

The Germans weren't even defeated on the battlefield. The Allies were still 450 miles from Berlin. They were pissed that they had to pay anything at all.
The main "back stabbing" came from the jewish German bankers who were complicit in causing the loss of the war.

The average German citizen knew of the jewish treason years before there was a Nazi Party or a politician named Hitler. .. :cool:
I have to disagree that it's a myth.

The German jewish leaders made a deal with the English that if Palestine was given to the jewish people.

They would use their influence with the American jews to persuade the U.S. government to enter the war against Germany.

England signed the Balfour Declaration giving the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine.

And subsequently America entered the war.

Which resulted in Germany losing the war. .. :doubt:

The Germans weren't even defeated on the battlefield. The Allies were still 450 miles from Berlin. They were pissed that they had to pay anything at all.
The main "back stabbing" came from the jewish German bankers who were complicit in causing the loss of the war.

The average German citizen knew of the jewish treason years before there was a Nazi Party or a politician named Hitler. .. :cool:

To the tune of The Twilight Zone...
"You are entering...The Idiot Zone".
England signed the Balfour Declaration giving the Jews the land called Palestine on 2 Nov. 1917.

And as the Jews promised, America entered the war 6 months later. .... :cool:

Why not just not have a Holocaust?
Or did the f*ing Jews WANT a Holocaust because...well, because.
Why not just pay off the British to give them the whole kit and kabooble without all the bullshit?
Wait! I'm trying to get Sunni Man to make sense!
What the hell was I thinking?
When the National Socialist Party emerged with a platform of making the Jews pay for their treachery during WWI.

The German people didn't have to be convinced of anything......they already knew the truth. .. :cool:
Germany has never had a problem finding a scapegoat for their aggression. It was the Allies reparations (which they did not pay, for the most part). It was the Jews. It was the Poles who raided Germany that caused WW2 to start. It was the communists that forced them to ban all political parties except National Socialism. If the Belgium's had not have fought back when Germany invaded them in 1914, the Germans would not have had to line them up against the wall, and shoot them. It was the world wide depression. It was the galloping inflation of the 1920's. It was the world wide Jewish banker conspiracy.

The truth of the matter is that, like Texans and politicians, Germans and guns is not a good combination
Germany has never had a problem finding a scapegoat for their aggression. It was the Allies reparations (which they did not pay, for the most part). It was the Jews. It was the Poles who raided Germany that caused WW2 to start. It was the communists that forced them to ban all political parties except National Socialism. If the Belgium's had not have fought back when Germany invaded them in 1914, the Germans would not have had to line them up against the wall, and shoot them. It was the world wide depression. It was the galloping inflation of the 1920's. It was the world wide Jewish banker conspiracy.

The truth of the matter is that, like Texans and politicians, Germans and guns is not a good combination

Throw enough shit at the wall and something is likely to stick.
In undergrad, I read some historians who posited the following: had reparations not further stangled the Germany economy before and during the Great Depression, the Weimar Republic might have had a chance, or at least the Reich could have been quashed in the 30s. Any history buffs have an opinion?

Treaty of Versailles helped Hitler rise to power because it was very unfair to Germany. The real kicker was when the economy collapsed in 1930 and Weimar Republic (that had been living on borrowed US Dollars) saw hyperinflation. Hitler was a lone voice in the darkness warning of the implications of borrowing $$$ from USA.
What was 'unfair' about the Treaty? Wilhelm kicked off the war, Germany followed him into it, and they themselves demanded reparations from others before WW I fro those they defeated. They screwed themselves after the War as well. They also deliberately destroyed the parts of France they occupied when they left, mines, industrial equipment, etc. in an act of vandalism and spite. They certainly owed Belgium a lot in compensation, for massacres, destruction, etc.

The German Pity Party was a load of nonsense. They were defeated, despite their fantasy to the contrary. They were responsible for attacking their neighbors. They were not 'victims'.

The real error of WW I was not occupying Germany, and thus proving to the German people they did indeed lose the war, something they never heard from their politicians and leaders. This is why they could be deluded into thinking the Versailles Treaty was 'unfair', since they believed they had an 'armistice' instead of a defeat. The latter is another topic in itself, the Allied political disarray, in no small part the fault of Woodrow Wilson's incompetence at diplomacy and working with the Allies.

If anybody got screwed at Versailles, it was Italy.
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Hitler's plan, as outlined in the 1920's in his book, was never so modest as to "...right the wrongs that had been done to Germany by the Treaty of Versailles". From the beginning, he planned on nothing less that the defeat of the Soviet Union, and occupation of it to the Caucasians, to give the Fatherland "Living room".
The problem with that theory is that Germany actually paid little in the way of reparations, not enough to ruin its economy. What ruined its economy was the Allied insistence on 'privatizing' the Reich bank, which led to the bank's managers speculating on stock exchanges and generating a much higher inflation rate in Reichmarks, in an attempt to pay off war loans and private debt with an almost worthless currency.

The reparations weren't that large, and were spread out over decades, and not a real problem for an economy the size and productivity of Germany's. France paid reparations to Germany and its allies in the 1870's that were just as large relative to the size of its economy, and paid them off fairly quickly. Plus, The U.S. made arrangements to loan Germany most of the money at low interest right after the Versailles negotiations. The reparations weren't going to crush Germany; that was just the propaganda some Germans used to fool their own people as to the cause of their distress in the early '20's. In any case, Hitler refused to pay them once in power, so they weren't an issue even then.

There are charts that show the payments by year out there, along with American loans, etc.. It's easy to see its a myth; no opinions needed. One of the reasons France moved into western Germany was to get their reparations in goods, coal, etc., instead of waiting on German stalling on paying them.

Part of the "punishment"; the Allies learned after WWII, built the Axis in the image of the Allies.
Hitler's plan, as outlined in the 1920's in his book, was never so modest as to "...right the wrongs that had been done to Germany by the Treaty of Versailles". From the beginning, he planned on nothing less that the defeat of the Soviet Union, and occupation of it to the Caucasians, to give the Fatherland "Living room".

Absolutely---and the misery that Germany was in following WWI made it all that much easier to rally the crowds to listen to him.

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