Germany's At It Again


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
The more things change, the more they remain the same......

1. "German Government Brands Goods Made in Factories That Are Owned by Jews

2. ... the German government recently decided to back an initiative which singles out Jewish-owned businesses and targets them for detrimental treatment.

3. Joining 13 other European Union members, Berlin has reportedly agreed to support efforts aimed at applying special labels of origin to products manufactured by Jewish owned factories in Judea and Samaria.

4. The goal is to harm the livelihood of Jewish businessmen and entrepreneurs as a way of undermining the settlement enterprise. Needless to say, goods made by Palestinian-run plants in the territories will not similarly be branded.

5. ....the government of Angela Merkel should be ashamed of itself for going along with such a discriminatory practice. Whatever one may think of the peace process and the two-state solution, it should be obvious that treating merchandise differently simply because the person who owns the factory where it was made is a follower of Moses rather than Muhammad is an act of pure bigotry.

6. .... it was 80 years ago, in April 1933, that the Nazis launched a nationwide assault on Jewish owned businesses throughout Germany, painting yellow-and-black Stars of David on storefronts and discouraging people from patronizing them.

7. ....“Kauft nicht bei Juden!” (Don’t buy from Jews!). Hence, for any German government to stand up and declare: “Don’t buy from Jews,” even if the proposal is limited to the Jews of Judea and Samaria, is downright chilling and should send a shiver down everyone’s spine.

8. What makes this exercise so exceptionally absurd is that those it harms the most are in fact the Palestinians....more than 23,000 permits were granted to Palestinians to work in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in 2012. Many Palestinian Arabs can be found working for Israeli companies based in one of the nearly 20 industrial zones located throughout the area.

9. .... nearly half of these Palestinian workers are between the ages of 18 and 29, which means that the Jewish settlements are a major source of employment and income for young Palestinians joining the workforce.

a. Moreover, their average daily pay is 88% higher than what their fellow Palestinians are making in the Palestinian-controlled areas

10. such campaigns are being contemplated for Chinese products made in Tibet, Russian items manufactured in Chechnya or Spanish goods from Catalonia. Only when it comes to the Jewish state do the liberals of Europe insist on drawing a line in the sand ."
German Government Brands Goods Made in Factories That Are Owned by Jews - The New York Sun
Germany is resisting bailouts for the Euro but the "anti-semite" attacks don't work like they used to.

"Oh that's quite a stretch" you say?:

German High Court Considers Challenge to ECB Bond Purchases - SPIEGEL ONLINE
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Germany's Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe will rule on the euro crisis aid measure that Draghi announced last fall. As Draghi and his monetary experts on the executive floor of the bank were told by their constitutional experts long ago, this court decision could have an enormous impact on the bank's policies -- and potentially spell the end of the euro.
Germany is resisting bailouts for the Euro but the "anti-semite" attacks don't work like they used to.

"Oh that's quite a stretch" you say?:

German High Court Considers Challenge to ECB Bond Purchases - SPIEGEL ONLINE
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Germany's Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe will rule on the euro crisis aid measure that Draghi announced last fall. As Draghi and his monetary experts on the executive floor of the bank were told by their constitutional experts long ago, this court decision could have an enormous impact on the bank's policies -- and potentially spell the end of the euro.

"and potentially spell the end of the euro."

I sure hope so.

I'm a proponent of national sovereignty.
Germany is anti-Semitic because they are abetting those who wish to boycott ?
Neoconservative chicken littles are always going around saying " the Jews are falling ! the Jews are falling!".
Germany is anti-Semitic because they are abetting those who wish to boycott ?

I found this dispositive on the topic:
" such campaigns are being contemplated for Chinese products made in Tibet, Russian items manufactured in Chechnya or Spanish goods from Catalonia. Only when it comes to the Jewish state do the liberals of Europe insist on drawing a line in the sand ."
The more things change, the more they remain the same......

1. "German Government Brands Goods Made in Factories That Are Owned by Jews

2. ... the German government recently decided to back an initiative which singles out Jewish-owned businesses and targets them for detrimental treatment.

3. Joining 13 other European Union members, Berlin has reportedly agreed to support efforts aimed at applying special labels of origin to products manufactured by Jewish owned factories in Judea and Samaria.

4. The goal is to harm the livelihood of Jewish businessmen and entrepreneurs as a way of undermining the settlement enterprise. Needless to say, goods made by Palestinian-run plants in the territories will not similarly be branded.

5. ....the government of Angela Merkel should be ashamed of itself for going along with such a discriminatory practice. Whatever one may think of the peace process and the two-state solution, it should be obvious that treating merchandise differently simply because the person who owns the factory where it was made is a follower of Moses rather than Muhammad is an act of pure bigotry.

6. .... it was 80 years ago, in April 1933, that the Nazis launched a nationwide assault on Jewish owned businesses throughout Germany, painting yellow-and-black Stars of David on storefronts and discouraging people from patronizing them.

7. ....“Kauft nicht bei Juden!” (Don’t buy from Jews!). Hence, for any German government to stand up and declare: “Don’t buy from Jews,” even if the proposal is limited to the Jews of Judea and Samaria, is downright chilling and should send a shiver down everyone’s spine.

8. What makes this exercise so exceptionally absurd is that those it harms the most are in fact the Palestinians....more than 23,000 permits were granted to Palestinians to work in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in 2012. Many Palestinian Arabs can be found working for Israeli companies based in one of the nearly 20 industrial zones located throughout the area.

9. .... nearly half of these Palestinian workers are between the ages of 18 and 29, which means that the Jewish settlements are a major source of employment and income for young Palestinians joining the workforce.

a. Moreover, their average daily pay is 88% higher than what their fellow Palestinians are making in the Palestinian-controlled areas

10. such campaigns are being contemplated for Chinese products made in Tibet, Russian items manufactured in Chechnya or Spanish goods from Catalonia. Only when it comes to the Jewish state do the liberals of Europe insist on drawing a line in the sand ."
German Government Brands Goods Made in Factories That Are Owned by Jews - The New York Sun

I'm not surprised to learn about this. I told the people on Israel and Palestine board a couple of weeks ago that Germany is the one country the Israelis should never permit to be involved in their political decisions. Never again can they trust Germany. Period. They should be excluded from any mediation whatsover concerning the Palestinians. At that time one of the people over there were discussing how far Germany had come and what a remarkable comeback it was. While I do admire that persons optimism it was based on false hope. As we can read here - it was all a facade. Thanks for bringing the truth out about this country.

- Jeri
I have a hard time believing this.

I would like to hear what [MENTION=19535]L.K.Eder[/MENTION] has to say, if he hasn't deserted this place completely.
I have a hard time believing this.

I would like to hear what [MENTION=19535]L.K.Eder[/MENTION] has to say, if he hasn't deserted this place completely.

I certainly hope you are right....but:

"BERLIN – The Israeli embassy slammed the German Green Party on Wednesday for its Bundestag efforts to label products from the West Bank, calling those efforts “another try to negatively single out Israel while promoting an economic boycott of it.”
I have a hard time believing this.

I would like to hear what [MENTION=19535]L.K.Eder[/MENTION] has to say, if he hasn't deserted this place completely.

I certainly hope you are right....but:

"BERLIN – The Israeli embassy slammed the German Green Party on Wednesday for its Bundestag efforts to label products from the West Bank, calling those efforts “another try to negatively single out Israel while promoting an economic boycott of it.”

That's political, not anti-Semitical.
Well, to put things back into the right perspective:
The Green Party did a so called "Kleine Anfrage" in Parliament (= brief enquiry) to the Federal Government, what the government has decided to do in the question of labelling products from the occupied territory of the West Bank as "Made in Israel" (btw, South Africa does the same).

Products from occupied territories are labelled as Made in Israel, therefore the Greens claim, that no consumer can decide not to buy products from the settlements there.

So, the Green Party dropped a clanger with open eyes.

The true background is, that Israel has an agreement with the EU, that it´s products get preferred customs tariffs. This does not apply to products from the palestine territories, as they are not part of Israel.
In 2010 the European Court in Luxemburg has affirmed a court decision from the German Federal Finance Court.
German Customs officials have refused lower customs tariffs for a german importer for goods from the Westbank which were labelled as Made in Israel. As the Westbank is not part of the territory of Israel (correct me here), the German Federal Finance Court decided, that the reduced custom tariffs were not applicable. This was confirmed in 2010 in Luxemburg.

As we can see, now a bureaucratic decision, confirmed by two High Courts, lead the way to a political minefield.

Is this antisemitism?

Just keep in mind, that whatever you may think of Germany today, it is definitely not a Nazi Dictatorship.
If Israel wants to file a case, there are several possibilities.

It is much easier to claim, that Nazi methods are used and that this is antisemitism as to answer the question of the legal status of the israeli settlements on the occupied territory and of the status of the territory occupied by Israel.

For us Germans it is clear, that we have to tread lightly here, but personally, I can not see, why a product from a territory which is under every international law not part of Israel should be treated from members of the European Union as such. And get unfair advantage by paying much lower custom tariffs.
Seen from this perspective, any product from palestinian farms or factories has to pay higher custom tariffs than these from the israeli setlements and the latter therefore have certain advantages in selling at a lower price than the the Palestinians.

And: do not mix apples and peas.
Catralonia is, at least yet, part of the Kingdom of Spain. Chechnya is part of the Russian Federation (even if the Russians brutally quelled any opposition) and even Tibet´s status is internationally not questioned (at least I do not know of any state, who has recognized the tibet exile government). But I share at least on this point a certain uneasiness.

So, to summarize:
Labelling goods from occupied territories as Made in Isreal is, accorduíng to several court decisions, incorrect in so far, as these products come from a territory, which is - by all international standards - not part of Israel.
That the greens were so stupid to mix the word boycott with Israel and Jews is dumb enough, but not the point.
I still agree in so far, as I would like to have the right to buy products from the settlements for their support or not to buy these in order to boycott them. At least it would be my decision as a consumer.

Kind regards
ze germanguy
Germany is resisting bailouts for the Euro but the "anti-semite" attacks don't work like they used to.

"Oh that's quite a stretch" you say?:

German High Court Considers Challenge to ECB Bond Purchases - SPIEGEL ONLINE
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Germany's Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe will rule on the euro crisis aid measure that Draghi announced last fall. As Draghi and his monetary experts on the executive floor of the bank were told by their constitutional experts long ago, this court decision could have an enormous impact on the bank's policies -- and potentially spell the end of the euro.

Again: to put the things right:

The German Constututional Court has to decide, if the ECB decision to buy state bonds is either method to finance a state (not covered by the Treaties) or to safaguard a stable Euro (which is covered by the treaties).
First question now is, if the Bundesverfassungsgericht is the right court to decide this.
If it does decide, it is not, the case will go to the European Court.
But this would possibly weaken the position of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (as some claim).

Second is, if any of the Federal Institutions are touched by the decision of Draghi.

Complex stuff, as the constitutional dimension is not very clear.

A Court decision is to be expected end of the year and nobody properly knows how they will decide.

We will see....
I personally believe in the three basic rules the people in my region have to pass through life:
It is as it is
What has to happen will happen
And in the end all went somehow well

kind regard
ze germanguy

Personally I do expect a "Yes, but ..." decision. As usual with anything which Karlsruhe had to decide regarding the European Union.
The thing is, that the Weimar Republic in 1918 failed 1933, among a lot of other reasons, because the constitution had no safeguards against radicals.
In 1948, when the West German Basic Law was discussed by the Parliamentary Council, everybody agreed, that it was necessary to make the constitution more stable and to put in more safeguards.


- all basic rights are direct applicable law, not only rights.
- all basic rights can only be limited by law, their core can not be touched.
I.e. the right of free speech
- that Germany is a democratic and social federal state is not allowed to change
- against everybody who tries this every german has, if all other measures fail, the right of resistance.
- state citizenship can not be revoked, citizens are not allowed to be extradidet
- Basic rights can be forfeited by decision of the Constitutional Court only and only if a person uses the basic rights for combat against the free democratic order.

A Constitutional Court was installed, as guardian of the Constitution. Only this Court can prohibit a political party and only if this partys program is directed against the democratic order or the constitutional order.

Also, as cabinets were notoriously unstable in the Weimar Republic, the Basic Law (our Constitution) allows not kick out a single minister by a vote of confidence lost.
Federal Ministers (=secretaries of state) are directly responsible to the Federal Chancellor only.

Also the position of the Chancellor was strenghtend. Parliament can only conduct a successful vote of misconfidence by electing a new chancellor. Thus, governments stay stable.

The experiences of the Weimar Republic was, that Radicals from the Left and the Right can easily block Parliament, when they simply undermine parliamentary work.
Because of this, in elections only parties, which represent more than five percents of the votes (not voters!) get seats in Parliament. A Parliament in the Weimar Republic had in general 15 -30 parties sitting. The now Parliament five.

I could go on more, but my point is, that after the II. WW a lot of things were done to prevent the failure of the republic again. Lot´s of these were institutional safeguards.
Others were, that the Germans have learned, as far as I can see, to be "citoyens" not subjects.
Perfect? Far from that, but we try. And so far the republic is working. Not perfect, but I live in the freest, most liberal Germany in our history.

And please - the Nazi Club is so outdated, please simply use something else.

ze germanguy
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I have a hard time believing this.

I would like to hear what @L.K.Eder has to say, if he hasn't deserted this place completely.

it's all true.

i spent the last month in a concentration camp hospital with no access to truthiness. now my leg is healed, and the watchtowers are upgraded to meet the labor safety standards.

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