Get a load of Fauci's financial statements. This will tell you a lot

Unless you're a college football coach of course.
No one is concerned about CEOs making 400k a year. They're concerned about CEOs making 400m a year.

It's not that much money.

Nonsense. That's what we pay Republicans for.
What's the going rate for someone who manages to kill millions?
I don't see how you could even begin to defend them.
I honestly don't give a shit about CNN. I've been on record saying I have no love for any cable news. I think it's sensationalist and too knee jerk.

I prefer long form print journalism.
Unless you're a college football coach of course.
No one is concerned about CEOs making 400k a year. They're concerned about CEOs making 400m a year.

It's not that much money.

Nonsense. That's what we pay Republicans for.
no one makes a salary of 400m a year. you're truly a fked up lamb.
Fraudci funded GOF at Wuhan, lied about it under oath, was exposed by documentation from the NIH as having funded GOF at Wuhan, then lied about it again under oath. And during all of this the NIH tried to covertly change their definition of GOF on their website to cover their tracks.

. I don't remember having any initial take on the Smollet incident and I don't think I posted anything in support of it. Have you seen me post anything regarding it?

No, I have no idea what your opinion was on the Smollet case. I just know that many leftist on this boards bought the story sold by the MSM because it fit nicely into the false narrative they wish to promote.

Take for instance this whole issue with gain of function. Fauci says they didn't fund gain of function research. He's right. Because when you talk about things, you need to know how they are defined. The NIH and Fauci defined gain of function as when an organism gets a function that it didn't previously have. Enhancement of existing function would not be considered a gain of function. That kind of nuance goes over the head of the right wing outrage machine who seize upon this to paint Fauci as deceitful. There are numerous instances of attempts to paint him as deceitful by using out of context information.

So as a result we get the "plandemic" conspiracy which is doing ACTUAL harm to the country.

Politicians and government agencies dancing around and re-writing definitions to suit their agenda. Nothing more.

As opposed to the Smollett case.

The Smollett case certainly did damage. It enhanced a narrative creating an even larger racial and political divide. Because the left-wing media jumped to conclusions, many were left with the idea that Smollett was actually beat up by Trump supporters because he was black. The retractions by CNN and much of the MSM were buried. This is the intent of pushing a false narrative. It works as most only read the headlines. This is exactly how the media frames false narratives that many continue to believe.
I prefer long form print journalism.

Examples of your sources? If they align more often than not with CNN then alarm bells should be going off. The problem is, many look for new sources that simply codify their deeply held beliefs, instead of actually investigating and using a little common sense. Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of this at times, myself included, however, if something doesn't pass the smell test, I can put my politics aside. Most of the stories I see from the left-wing media stink to high heavens. Some of the right-wing media sources do the same. In short, I have found that Democratic politicians simply lie more often and are much more manipulative and conniving than their counterparts.
No, I have no idea what your opinion was on the Smollet case. I just know that many leftist on this boards bought the story sold by the MSM because it fit nicely into the false narrative they wish to promote.

Politicians and government agencies dancing around and re-writing definitions to suit their agenda. Nothing more.

The Smollett case certainly did damage. It enhanced a narrative creating an even larger racial and political divide. Because the left-wing media jumped to conclusions, many were left with the idea that Smollett was actually beat up by Trump supporters because he was black. The retractions by CNN and much of the MSM were buried. This is the intent of pushing a false narrative. It works as most only read the headlines. This is exactly how the media frames false narratives that many continue to believe.
One false story does not make a narrative false. You wish to believe that there is no racism in the country, and will use an example of Smollett to disbelieve the entirety of the argument when that was anywhere near a central component of. This is an example of motivated reasoning. You wanted to believe something and so you will use logical shortcuts to justify that belief.

No one re-wrote the definition.

Claiming the retractions were burried is ridiculous since Smollett's criminal proceedings were covered. This was not simply a case of a simple retraction as the story continued through the prosecution of Smollett. Smollett's prosecution doesn't change the way that the criminal justice system is geared against black men. It doesn't change the way that black individuals are not perceived the same way in society as others. It doesn't change anything that is the root of this problem.

But again, the Smollett case does not compromise the entirety of the narrative of social injustice. That would be absurd to think so.

On the other hand, we have one false narrative after another about Fauci, leading to the point of people wanting him executed for crimes against humanity or some such nonsense.
Examples of your sources? If they align more often than not with CNN then alarm bells should be going off. The problem is, many look for new sources that simply codify their deeply held beliefs, instead of actually investigating and using a little common sense. Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of this at times, myself included, however, if something doesn't pass the smell test, I can put my politics aside. Most of the stories I see from the left-wing media stink to high heavens. Some of the right-wing media sources do the same. In short, I have found that Democratic politicians simply lie more often and are much more manipulative and conniving than their counterparts.
I've been reading more and more books lately. I also read the Alantic, WaPo, NYTimes. I'm thinking of subscribing to the WSJ, but haven't yet.

I don't care for on air anchors. I care about people who actually have the time and commitment to actually understand issues. I find the news anchors or pundits simply too chronically uniformed and too chronically interested in amping up ratings with sensationalism and by provoking content.

If you think that MOST of these stories stink, maybe it's less about them actually stinking and more about you not wanting their content to be true.
Sure dude. Because you definitely have all the fundamental knowledge to know how to do that.
Well common sense tells you, not to lock an entire society down. Over a virus with an over 99% survival rate. We are still paying the price for his mistake.
Claiming the retractions were burried is ridiculous since Smollett's criminal proceedings were covered. This was not simply a case of a simple retraction as the story continued through the prosecution of Smollett. Smollett's prosecution doesn't change the way that the criminal justice system is geared against black men. It doesn't change the way that black individuals are not perceived the same way in society as others. It doesn't change anything that is the root of this problem.

False narratives work. You have bought it as have many gullible Americans.

I also read the Alantic, WaPo, NYTimes. I'm thinking of subscribing to the WSJ, but haven't yet.

That Atlantic, WaPo and particularly the NY Times are liberal rags. The WSJ is the closest to the center. That will help you some, but no wonder you believe as you do.

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