Get ready for a sharp rise of school shootings in Texas

Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?
Because, to the far right, guns +more guns+crazy people with guns=peace
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?
Because, to the far right, guns +more guns+crazy people with guns=peace

See we understand something that people on the left are incapable of, unless they are stoned or drunk.

If they are stoned or drunk.... they get it.

Banning drugs, hasn't worked. You look at all the crime caused by drugs being illegal, and they get it. Suddenly, they grasp that banning stuff doesn't work. If banning stuff worked, why didn't prohibition work? Why hasn't banning drugs worked even to this day?

The left all gets it then.

But magically, when you refer to guns... suddenly all those brain cells that were firing a minute ago, die off.

If only we banned guns, or had gun control, or gun laws, or gun-free zones.... why... all the criminals and murderers would just "aww shucks" and go back to a life of honest labor and social harmony.

Instead the reality is exactly the same as before. Guns can be had on the black market very easily. Every gun control measure passed in other countries that drastically reduced the ability of people to defend themselves, has been followed by a rise in crime.

Why? Same reason you can still get weed after years of the war on drugs. As long as there is money to be made, and buyers willing to purchase, there will be someone who will supply those weapons.

Which this video, at least to 40 seconds. Home made fully automatic, sub-machine guns. Looks like 50 round mags.

How do you stop that? People making weapons from their home, in their basement, and selling them on the black market. No identifiers, no serial numbers.

There are videos on Youtube, right now that show you step by step, how to build a gun, and even make your own bullets, with your own gun powder.

What law would you suggest, will make that impossible, and why would it work better than the laws against growing pot at home that have worked so well?
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???

Are you supporting it?

I don't denounce UK gun control, or French gun control, or Australian gun control, or any other countries gun control. Not at all.

I may cite evidence from those countries, showing that it doesn't work.... And I highly doubt it will work for Israel either.

But I have never considered it my duty to denounce every country on the planet, that has a policy I don't agree with.

I'm not worried about laws in Israel. I'm worried about laws in the country where I live.

Nor do I assume that a policy that does not work here, will not work anywhere.

If Israel can find a way to eliminate all guns from all criminals, I would LOVE to see that.

If there was a system that could eliminate all guns from the hands of criminals, and thus never have a need for lawful citizens like myself to have a gun..... I would consider supporting that system. Absolutely I would.

The problem thus far is, your system never has that result. The result of leftist gun-control measures, has always been that it disarms the public, in the face of armed criminals. It simply allows more people to be abused. That's all your gun control laws have ever accomplished.

Adam Lanza, Cho Seung Hui, and Charles Whitman, all three were on Federally protected, gun free zones. It was completely illegal to have a gun in any of those locations. And sure enough, none of the law abiding citizens did have guns there.

The law worked perfectly. Not a single victim had any ability to defend themselves, and thus Adam, Cho and Charles were all completely safe from being shot.

You killed those people, as much as they did, because you made sure it was safe for Adam Cho and Charles to murder those people.
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???

Are you supporting it?

I don't denounce UK gun control, or French gun control, or Australian gun control, or any other countries gun control. Not at all.

I may cite evidence from those countries, showing that it doesn't work.... And I highly doubt it will work for Israel either.

But I have never considered it my duty to denounce every country on the planet, that has a policy I don't agree with.

I'm not worried about laws in Israel. I'm worried about laws in the country where I live.

Nor do I assume that a policy that does not work here, will not work anywhere.

If Israel can find a way to eliminate all guns from all criminals, I would LOVE to see that.

If there was a system that could eliminate all guns from the hands of criminals, and thus never have a need for lawful citizens like myself to have a gun..... I would consider supporting that system. Absolutely I would.

The problem thus far is, your system never has that result. The result of leftist gun-control measures, has always been that it disarms the public, in the face of armed criminals. It simply allows more people to be abused. That's all your gun control laws have ever accomplished.

Adam Lanza, Cho Seung Hui, and Charles Whitman, all three were on Federally protected, gun free zones. It was completely illegal to have a gun in any of those locations. And sure enough, none of the law abiding citizens did have guns there.

The law worked perfectly. Not a single victim had any ability to defend themselves, and thus Adam, Cho and Charles were all completely safe from being shot.

You killed those people, as much as they did, because you made sure it was safe for Adam Cho and Charles to murder those people.
Why is gun control in Israel, even more drastic in Palestine, acceptable? Aren't guns for protection?

And as an aside, as a Christian, are you allowed to kill someone, ever?
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?
Because, to the far right, guns +more guns+crazy people with guns=peace

Now that's a proper straw man fallacy.
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???

Gun control? Every Israeli is in the militia and has a automatic weapon in his home.
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???

Palestinians are murderous criminal savages. We don't allow ex-cons in this country to carry guns, so why should Israel allow their criminals to carry guns?
Bullies and cowards want to attack the weak, not the strong.
That is why the Zionists have never let Palestine develop or even arm themselves. That would make it a fair fight eh? You should be very opposed to that right, Israel's ban on weapons for others? Don't they have the right to arm themselves? The right to, wait for it..................................., protection?

Why should the Israelis make it a far fight? Do we give arms to criminals so it's fair fight between them and the police.

You realize you're a fucking ignorant baboon, don't you?
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???

Palestinians are murderous criminal savages. We don't allow ex-cons in this country to carry guns, so why should Israel allow their criminals to carry guns?
Well just look at that, you do believe in gun control, for others. Don't they have the right to "protect" themselves?
Bullies and cowards want to attack the weak, not the strong.
That is why the Zionists have never let Palestine develop or even arm themselves. That would make it a fair fight eh? You should be very opposed to that right, Israel's ban on weapons for others? Don't they have the right to arm themselves? The right to, wait for it..................................., protection?

Why should the Israelis make it a far fight? Do we give arms to criminals so it's fair fight between them and the police.

You realize you're a fucking ignorant baboon, don't you?
Countries aren't allowed to be armed, to have weapons, armies, to be on an equal basis with each? My, just look at how helpful that is to you, weapons for us but not you, you might pose a threat, to us...
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???

Are you supporting it?

I don't denounce UK gun control, or French gun control, or Australian gun control, or any other countries gun control. Not at all.

I may cite evidence from those countries, showing that it doesn't work.... And I highly doubt it will work for Israel either.

But I have never considered it my duty to denounce every country on the planet, that has a policy I don't agree with.

I'm not worried about laws in Israel. I'm worried about laws in the country where I live.

Nor do I assume that a policy that does not work here, will not work anywhere.

If Israel can find a way to eliminate all guns from all criminals, I would LOVE to see that.

If there was a system that could eliminate all guns from the hands of criminals, and thus never have a need for lawful citizens like myself to have a gun..... I would consider supporting that system. Absolutely I would.

The problem thus far is, your system never has that result. The result of leftist gun-control measures, has always been that it disarms the public, in the face of armed criminals. It simply allows more people to be abused. That's all your gun control laws have ever accomplished.

Adam Lanza, Cho Seung Hui, and Charles Whitman, all three were on Federally protected, gun free zones. It was completely illegal to have a gun in any of those locations. And sure enough, none of the law abiding citizens did have guns there.

The law worked perfectly. Not a single victim had any ability to defend themselves, and thus Adam, Cho and Charles were all completely safe from being shot.

You killed those people, as much as they did, because you made sure it was safe for Adam Cho and Charles to murder those people.
So this thing that you say is for protection only matters here? Good to know.
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???

Palestinians are murderous criminal savages. We don't allow ex-cons in this country to carry guns, so why should Israel allow their criminals to carry guns?
Well just look at that, you do believe in gun control, for others. Don't they have the right to "protect" themselves?
They aren't white enough.
Bullies and cowards want to attack the weak, not the strong.
That is why the Zionists have never let Palestine develop or even arm themselves. That would make it a fair fight eh? You should be very opposed to that right, Israel's ban on weapons for others? Don't they have the right to arm themselves? The right to, wait for it..................................., protection?
And yet, somehow, the Paletinians keep showing up carrying weapons, rockets keep pouring into Jewish cities, etc. You should also cheer the Israeli's for inhabiting land they won in a DEFENSIVE war and are using as a buffer zone against those who would kill as many Jews as possible. Tell me this, how many other nations who took land they won by driving off invaders are under pressure to just "give it all back"?
The Zionists are the invaders, which is why they strictly control guns for the people who would fight them. In your thinking that makes them bullies right, the strong picking on the weak, stealing their land?

People who can't get arms to defend themselves, you should be dead set against Israel and all others who won't arm the Palestinians...

Except that they somehow keep getting weapons. This illustrates a fundamental truth about gun control attempts. They only work on the law-abiding. Criminals always manage to get the weapons they want to get. Now, you should cheer the Israelis for using land as a defense as well as the weapons they are known to have, yet don't use. See, weapons are defensive, even if they are not used.
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???
Israel is applying the law of common sense, which applies to gun ownership. If you are armed while preventing a potential assailant from being armed, you have the advantage and can protect yourself much more easily from attack. This is simple self-preservation, and is the reason Israel took the land in the first place. If you recall, Israel was attacked by surrounding nations. After she sent those nations running back home in a purely defensive war, she needed a buffer zone to make destruction much less likely. The Palestinians should consider themselves lucky, because throughout history a victorious nation that needed a buffer zone would simply erase all inhabitants of the area.
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???
Israel is applying the law of common sense, which applies to gun ownership. If you are armed while preventing a potential assailant from being armed, you have the advantage and can protect yourself much more easily from attack. This is simple self-preservation, and is the reason Israel took the land in the first place. If you recall, Israel was attacked by surrounding nations. After she sent those nations running back home in a purely defensive war, she needed a buffer zone to make destruction much less likely. The Palestinians should consider themselves lucky, because throughout history a victorious nation that needed a buffer zone would simply erase all inhabitants of the area.
So, the unarmed, by law, Palestinians, living next to a fully armed nation should consider themselves lucky just to alive and not worry about defending themselves or protection using what you want nearly everyone here to have, a gun, so they can fight a bully, like a much bigger and strong attacker right next door? It's amazing how guns for the Israelis are protection but the Palestinians have no such right? How great for Israel eh, when rights apply to only certain people...
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???
Israel is applying the law of common sense, which applies to gun ownership. If you are armed while preventing a potential assailant from being armed, you have the advantage and can protect yourself much more easily from attack. This is simple self-preservation, and is the reason Israel took the land in the first place. If you recall, Israel was attacked by surrounding nations. After she sent those nations running back home in a purely defensive war, she needed a buffer zone to make destruction much less likely. The Palestinians should consider themselves lucky, because throughout history a victorious nation that needed a buffer zone would simply erase all inhabitants of the area.
So, the unarmed, by law, Palestinians, living next to a fully armed nation should consider themselves lucky just to alive and not worry about defending themselves or protection using what you want nearly everyone here to have, a gun, so they can fight a bully, like a much bigger and strong attacker right next door? It's amazing how guns for the Israelis are protection but the Palestinians have no such right? How great for Israel eh, when rights apply to only certain people...
And yet, somehow, the Palestinians keep coming up with deadly weapons. Strange, isn't it, how laws against weapons are so ineffective?

If I was surrounded by neighbors who publicly, repeatedly, and emphatically wanted me dead and repeatedly tried to kill me, I would do everything I could to disarm those neighbors and keep them off my doorstep. The fact that the Palestinians are not a grease spot on the driveway of history is testament to Israel's restraint.
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???
Israel is applying the law of common sense, which applies to gun ownership. If you are armed while preventing a potential assailant from being armed, you have the advantage and can protect yourself much more easily from attack. This is simple self-preservation, and is the reason Israel took the land in the first place. If you recall, Israel was attacked by surrounding nations. After she sent those nations running back home in a purely defensive war, she needed a buffer zone to make destruction much less likely. The Palestinians should consider themselves lucky, because throughout history a victorious nation that needed a buffer zone would simply erase all inhabitants of the area.
So, the unarmed, by law, Palestinians, living next to a fully armed nation should consider themselves lucky just to alive and not worry about defending themselves or protection using what you want nearly everyone here to have, a gun, so they can fight a bully, like a much bigger and strong attacker right next door? It's amazing how guns for the Israelis are protection but the Palestinians have no such right? How great for Israel eh, when rights apply to only certain people...
And yet, somehow, the Palestinians keep coming up with deadly weapons. Strange, isn't it, how laws against weapons are so ineffective?

If I was surrounded by neighbors who publicly, repeatedly, and emphatically wanted me dead and repeatedly tried to kill me, I would do everything I could to disarm those neighbors and keep them off my doorstep. The fact that the Palestinians are not a grease spot on the driveway of history is testament to Israel's restraint.
Yes, wonderful generous Israel, the squatter fans of gun control for others who bully the weak who are unable to even defend themselves. Your guns are for protection argument is as dead as a duck. Apparently guns kill people, which is why you support people who control them. And that, is a wrap kiddos.
Funny, no answers as to why Israel imposing gun control is good? I guess the Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves since guns are only for protection, right boys? Since Israel is strong and they are weak they should have guns because that's what guns are for according to most here, and yet, no one is denouncing Israeli gun control? Now, why is that???
Israel is applying the law of common sense, which applies to gun ownership. If you are armed while preventing a potential assailant from being armed, you have the advantage and can protect yourself much more easily from attack. This is simple self-preservation, and is the reason Israel took the land in the first place. If you recall, Israel was attacked by surrounding nations. After she sent those nations running back home in a purely defensive war, she needed a buffer zone to make destruction much less likely. The Palestinians should consider themselves lucky, because throughout history a victorious nation that needed a buffer zone would simply erase all inhabitants of the area.
So, the unarmed, by law, Palestinians, living next to a fully armed nation should consider themselves lucky just to alive and not worry about defending themselves or protection using what you want nearly everyone here to have, a gun, so they can fight a bully, like a much bigger and strong attacker right next door? It's amazing how guns for the Israelis are protection but the Palestinians have no such right? How great for Israel eh, when rights apply to only certain people...
And yet, somehow, the Palestinians keep coming up with deadly weapons. Strange, isn't it, how laws against weapons are so ineffective?

If I was surrounded by neighbors who publicly, repeatedly, and emphatically wanted me dead and repeatedly tried to kill me, I would do everything I could to disarm those neighbors and keep them off my doorstep. The fact that the Palestinians are not a grease spot on the driveway of history is testament to Israel's restraint.
Yes, wonderful generous Israel, the squatter fans of gun control for others who bully the weak who are unable to even defend themselves. Your guns are for protection argument is as dead as a duck. Apparently guns kill people, which is why you support people who control them. And that, is a wrap kiddos.
Except for being 100% incorrect, your post is interesting. Tell me, when in history has a nation that annexed land as the result of winning a DEFENSIVE war face such international pressure to just give it all back? When?

As I've shown repeatedly, guns do not have to be discharged to perform a defensive function. You're just plain wrong. I don't know why it's so hard for you to acknowledge it.

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