get Ready to Be sued

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
Landmark 2nd Circuit Ruling May Open Gates for Climate Cases -

Climate change lawsuits gained new urgency for environmentalists and industry groups alike last week when a federal appeals court issued a ruling that both sides see as a potential game changer.

Hurricane Katrina Victims Have Standing To Sue Over Global Warming - Law Blog - WSJ

The suit was brought by landowners in Mississippi, who claim that oil and coal companies emitted greenhouse gasses that contributed to global warming that, in turn, caused a rise in sea levels, adding to Hurricane Katrina’s ferocity

So all of you who drive a car, burn oil or natural gas to heat your homes etc can be named in a class action suit in the near future.

i wonder if these hypocrites that are wasting the court's time and our money with this stupid law suit are going to hold themselves culpable as well because after all, if they weren't buying the electricity the electric companies wouldn't be burning coal to produce it.

I propose we also name all the environmentalist wackos who are responsible for the complete halt to the growth of our nuclear electric generation capacity. If we had more electricity generated by fission then we would burn less coal.
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Landmark 2nd Circuit Ruling May Open Gates for Climate Cases -

Climate change lawsuits gained new urgency for environmentalists and industry groups alike last week when a federal appeals court issued a ruling that both sides see as a potential game changer.

Hurricane Katrina Victims Have Standing To Sue Over Global Warming - Law Blog - WSJ

The suit was brought by landowners in Mississippi, who claim that oil and coal companies emitted greenhouse gasses that contributed to global warming that, in turn, caused a rise in sea levels, adding to Hurricane Katrina’s ferocity

So all of you who drive a car, burn oil or natural gas to heat your homes etc can be named in a class action suit in the near future.

i wonder if these hypocrites that are wasting the court's time and our money with this stupid law suit are going to hold themselves culpable as well because after all, if they weren't buying the electricity the electric companies wouldn't be burning coal to produce it.

I propose we also name all the environmentalist wackos who are responsible for the complete halt to the growth of our nuclear electric generation capacity. If we had more electricity generated by fission then we would burn less coal.

It wouldn't make a difference- Nuclear waste has to be stored for thousands and thousands of years before it loses its toxicity. We don't have any way of doing this, feasibly, so what would end up happening is that people would simply get third-arms and tails and other such mutations, when the containers holding the waste finally disintegrated to enough of a point that the waste leaked out.

I am just happy that the oil companies are finally getting payback for all the crap they have been pulling with us and overseas as well, for the past 50 years or so..

Someone had to find an excuse to sue the bastards.
Landmark 2nd Circuit Ruling May Open Gates for Climate Cases -

Climate change lawsuits gained new urgency for environmentalists and industry groups alike last week when a federal appeals court issued a ruling that both sides see as a potential game changer.

Hurricane Katrina Victims Have Standing To Sue Over Global Warming - Law Blog - WSJ

The suit was brought by landowners in Mississippi, who claim that oil and coal companies emitted greenhouse gasses that contributed to global warming that, in turn, caused a rise in sea levels, adding to Hurricane Katrina’s ferocity

So all of you who drive a car, burn oil or natural gas to heat your homes etc can be named in a class action suit in the near future.

i wonder if these hypocrites that are wasting the court's time and our money with this stupid law suit are going to hold themselves culpable as well because after all, if they weren't buying the electricity the electric companies wouldn't be burning coal to produce it.

I propose we also name all the environmentalist wackos who are responsible for the complete halt to the growth of our nuclear electric generation capacity. If we had more electricity generated by fission then we would burn less coal.

It wouldn't make a difference- Nuclear waste has to be stored for thousands and thousands of years before it loses its toxicity. We don't have any way of doing this, feasibly, so what would end up happening is that people would simply get third-arms and tails and other such mutations, when the containers holding the waste finally disintegrated to enough of a point that the waste leaked out.

I am just happy that the oil companies are finally getting payback for all the crap they have been pulling with us and overseas as well, for the past 50 years or so..

Someone had to find an excuse to sue the bastards.

Actually, you're wrong about nuclear waste

There Is No Such Thing as Nuclear Waste -

And you do realize that the oil companies will pass on any judgment against them to us don't you?

And if you weren't buying the oil and electricity that these so called evil companies produced then there would be no case.

So if you want to point the finger at the guilty party start with yourself.
I'm going to be like so many people were as the bank, manufacturer, judges and out of control "have gun will travel" sheriff were to me. So what. Not my problem. I'm thinking horse and buggy anyhow since we are right in the middle of a bunch a Amish here. We have hay enough for at least two. We will be in style. A few solar panels and walla a bit of electric for the fridge.
It wouldn't make a difference- Nuclear waste has to be stored for thousands and thousands of years before it loses its toxicity. We don't have any way of doing this, feasibly

Probably because Yucca Mountain isn't up and running yet.

so what would end up happening is that people would simply get third-arms and tails and other such mutations, when the containers holding the waste finally disintegrated to enough of a point that the waste leaked out.

I mean hell I don't remember 3rd arms or tails coming out of 3 mile island or Chernobyl or hell even radiation coming from Hiroshima.
It wouldn't make a difference- Nuclear waste has to be stored for thousands and thousands of years before it loses its toxicity. We don't have any way of doing this, feasibly

Probably because Yucca Mountain isn't up and running yet.

so what would end up happening is that people would simply get third-arms and tails and other such mutations, when the containers holding the waste finally disintegrated to enough of a point that the waste leaked out.

I mean hell I don't remember 3rd arms or tails coming out of 3 mile island or Chernobyl or hell even radiation coming from Hiroshima.
no but they get cancer or about the fact that Handford here in Washington was nuclear weapons testing site for years, some say one of the most polluted sites in the country and we have one the highest MS rates per capita.
It wouldn't make a difference- Nuclear waste has to be stored for thousands and thousands of years before it loses its toxicity. We don't have any way of doing this, feasibly

Probably because Yucca Mountain isn't up and running yet.

so what would end up happening is that people would simply get third-arms and tails and other such mutations, when the containers holding the waste finally disintegrated to enough of a point that the waste leaked out.

I mean hell I don't remember 3rd arms or tails coming out of 3 mile island or Chernobyl or hell even radiation coming from Hiroshima.

All you have to do is to type 'chernobyl victims' and 'hiroshima victims' into google images. Don't do this while you're eating, please. Then you'll see some horrible display of birth-defects and radiation-related illnesses. Also, you might need a while alone in a fetal position somewhere after seeing them ....
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It wouldn't make a difference- Nuclear waste has to be stored for thousands and thousands of years before it loses its toxicity. We don't have any way of doing this, feasibly

Probably because Yucca Mountain isn't up and running yet.

so what would end up happening is that people would simply get third-arms and tails and other such mutations, when the containers holding the waste finally disintegrated to enough of a point that the waste leaked out.

I mean hell I don't remember 3rd arms or tails coming out of 3 mile island or Chernobyl or hell even radiation coming from Hiroshima.

All you have to do is to type 'chernobyl victims' and 'hiroshima victims' into google images. Don't do this while you're eating, please. Then you'll see some horrible display of birth-defects and radiation-related illnesses. Also, you might need a while alone in a fetal position somewhere after seeing them ....

Jesus, talk about scare tactics

Chernobyl was an accident that happened how many years ago?

It was also a type of reactor that is no longer in use.

Tell me how many nuclear accidents France has had in their 30 or so years of producing over 70% of their electricity via nuclear power? And do you realize that the entirety of the nuclear waste France has produced is stored under the floor of a single room in the Hague?

would you like to see a montage of every person horribly maimed and disfigured in car accidents over the last 30 years and would you use those images in making a determination of whether or not you drove a car?
Let me see if I've got this straight. First Katrina was Bush's fault because he didn't go down to NO and stand on the Levies and make the storm go away, then it was FEMA's fault, well, just because someone has to be to blame for the storm, now they're going after big Corps for contributing to Global Warming and causing the storm to get bigger as it traveled across sea water (which by the way is when ALL Hurricanes strengthen) and kicked their butts when she made landfall. So far none of the first mentioned worked out to well for them, so if suing these corporations doesn't work out for them, what's next? God? For allowing the storm to form in the first place?

Why do we STILL have so many people who want to place blame SOMEWHERE for what they went through during Hurricane Katrina? What makes the people of NO so much more special, or that they suffered more than people who went through any other big Hurricane? What about all those folks that lost everything during Ike? Why do you hear NOTHING about all of those folks who STILL have no homes, lost everything they had, lost loved ones (some have never been nor will they ever be, found) and are still struggling to rebuild?

I've lived on the coast of SC/NC pretty much all my life. Been through MANY major Hurricanes. Sat and watched ducks swimming around in my front yard a good 7 days after Floyd put huge chunks of NC under water. There are still people that were unable to rebuild completely after Floyd and that's been, hell, 10 years ago. There are farmers that were NEVER able to come back from the devastation and losses they suffered. You don't hear them whining and wanting to sue anyone. You have the people of the midwest that went through horrendous suffering after tornados and flooding yet you don't hear them wanting to sue somebody or something. Again, what the hell makes the people of NO so much more deserving than any of the other millions of people in this country that have lost so much during NATURAL DISASTERS?

Now, I know that I'm probably going to catch a lot of flack for these words and so be it. After having gone through so many Hurricanes in my life, Hazel, Fran, Bertha, Hugo, Floyd, Connie, Jeanne.......just to name a few I've learned that if they even HINT that a hurricane of cat 2 or better is going to make landfall anywhere close to where I live, I'M GETTING THE HELL OUTTA DODGE. So many say that the people of NO had NO WAY to leave. Sorry, I'm not buying it. Some will say they didn't have time. Again, not buying it. They had over a week. Some will say they didn't have the money or transportation or some other "pass the buck" reason. AGAIN, not buying it. Then of course you have the standard, "it's all Bush's fault" line that always causes me to laugh out loud. When I ask just what the hell he could have done to stop what happened I, of course, get NO answers. I do hear, "well he was playing golf when the storm hit". WHO CARES? What was he supposed to be doing? Standing on the levies with his arms in the air acting like the God so many liken him to and making the storm go in a different direction?

Here's a thought. Why not blame the Govt. of NO? Why not blame the people that said, "oh it can't be that bad, it's just a storm" and stayed in their BELOW SEA LEVEL homes while Katrina barreled down on top of them? Why are the people that were REALLY to blame not held accountable? I can with all confidence say can bet your sweet bippy that if another storm of that magnitude heads for NO people will be leaving in droves WAY ahead of the storm and won't be so quick to say "oh it can't be that bad, it's just a storm". They won't be waiting for their local govt. or the federal govt. to save them. They'll actually take responsibility for their own safety and get the hell out of their BELOW SEA LEVEL homes. Oh, and just to give those that will immediately jump in with some kind of insult for my suggesting the people of NO take responsibility for their own inactions, my final words on the matter are, "Being poor is no excuse for sitting on your ass until the last minute and then screaming to be saved. Being poor is no excuse for stupidity!"
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Probably because Yucca Mountain isn't up and running yet.


I mean hell I don't remember 3rd arms or tails coming out of 3 mile island or Chernobyl or hell even radiation coming from Hiroshima.

All you have to do is to type 'chernobyl victims' and 'hiroshima victims' into google images. Don't do this while you're eating, please. Then you'll see some horrible display of birth-defects and radiation-related illnesses. Also, you might need a while alone in a fetal position somewhere after seeing them ....

Jesus, talk about scare tactics

Chernobyl was an accident that happened how many years ago?

It was also a type of reactor that is no longer in use.

Tell me how many nuclear accidents France has had in their 30 or so years of producing over 70% of their electricity via nuclear power? And do you realize that the entirety of the nuclear waste France has produced is stored under the floor of a single room in the Hague?

would you like to see a montage of every person horribly maimed and disfigured in car accidents over the last 30 years and would you use those images in making a determination of whether or not you drove a car?

I was responding to Father Time's allegation that "I don't remember 3rd arms or tails coming out of 3 mile island or Chernobyl or hell even radiation coming from Hiroshima." By those pictures I simply proved to him that much worse things than "3rd arms or tails" happened thanks to the nuclear radiation.

I was not actually advocating anything...

... however, I did notice a lot of people have a curious problem with reality. That really did happen and it can happen again.
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All you have to do is to type 'chernobyl victims' and 'hiroshima victims' into google images. Don't do this while you're eating, please. Then you'll see some horrible display of birth-defects and radiation-related illnesses. Also, you might need a while alone in a fetal position somewhere after seeing them ....

Jesus, talk about scare tactics

Chernobyl was an accident that happened how many years ago?

It was also a type of reactor that is no longer in use.

Tell me how many nuclear accidents France has had in their 30 or so years of producing over 70% of their electricity via nuclear power? And do you realize that the entirety of the nuclear waste France has produced is stored under the floor of a single room in the Hague?

would you like to see a montage of every person horribly maimed and disfigured in car accidents over the last 30 years and would you use those images in making a determination of whether or not you drove a car?

I was responding to Father Time's allegation that "I don't remember 3rd arms or tails coming out of 3 mile island or Chernobyl or hell even radiation coming from Hiroshima." By those pictures I simply proved to him that much worse things than "3rd arms or tails" happened thanks to the nuclear radiation.

I was not actually advocating anything...

... however, I did notice a lot of people have a curious problem with reality. That really did happen and it can happen again.

A lot of things can happen but to base a decision on whether to use nuclear power on Chernobyl or Hiroshima (which has absolutely nothing to do with nuclear power) is silly.

As I said earlier if you live your life making decisions that way, you'd never get in a car or plane again because accidents could happen again. Not to mention you are simply ignoring any and all technological advancements over the last 20 plus years that have greatly improved the safety of nuclear reactors.
I have not made up my mind on Nuclear energy. Many swear by it, many want to see it gone - now.

I don't know. Not a scientist. However, I do prefer other - more earth/life friendly methods of generating energy. Something that can't have such horrific effects in case something goes wrong (viz. Chernobyl). Wind, hydro, solar, etc. energy is simply and quite logically much more preferable to me than the possibility of several generations dying at the ripe old age of 30 due to cancer or at birth due to horrific birth defects.

Yes, Chernobyl scares me SHITLESS. After all, I was 3 and lived in eastern part of CZ when it happened and I distinctly remember red rainwater (my grandparents collected rainwater to water the garden) ... Even Scandinavia was affected by the blast - the wind took the nuclear dust all the way to northern parts of Norway and Sweden ... the shit's at least effin' scary to any rational human being.
I have not made up my mind on Nuclear energy. Many swear by it, many want to see it gone - now.

I don't know. Not a scientist. However, I do prefer other - more earth/life friendly methods of generating energy. Something that can't have such horrific effects in case something goes wrong (viz. Chernobyl). Wind, hydro, solar, etc. energy is simply and quite logically much more preferable to me than the possibility of several generations dying at the ripe old age of 30 due to cancer or at birth due to horrific birth defects.

Yes, Chernobyl scares me SHITLESS. After all, I was 3 and lived in eastern part of CZ when it happened and I distinctly remember red rainwater (my grandparents collected rainwater to water the garden) ... Even Scandinavia was affected by the blast - the wind took the nuclear dust all the way to northern parts of Norway and Sweden ... the shit's at least effin' scary to any rational human being.

And I was a (much older) kid growing up in Pennsylvania when Three Mile Island happened. My parents kept the car packed and sitting in the driveway ready to run at a moment's notice for a couple weeks, it was scary stuff. I know nuclear power is far more advanced than it was then, but humans aren't entirely rational creatures.
Jesus, talk about scare tactics

Chernobyl was an accident that happened how many years ago?

It was also a type of reactor that is no longer in use.

Tell me how many nuclear accidents France has had in their 30 or so years of producing over 70% of their electricity via nuclear power? And do you realize that the entirety of the nuclear waste France has produced is stored under the floor of a single room in the Hague?

would you like to see a montage of every person horribly maimed and disfigured in car accidents over the last 30 years and would you use those images in making a determination of whether or not you drove a car?

I was responding to Father Time's allegation that "I don't remember 3rd arms or tails coming out of 3 mile island or Chernobyl or hell even radiation coming from Hiroshima." By those pictures I simply proved to him that much worse things than "3rd arms or tails" happened thanks to the nuclear radiation.

I was not actually advocating anything...

... however, I did notice a lot of people have a curious problem with reality. That really did happen and it can happen again.

A lot of things can happen but to base a decision on whether to use nuclear power on Chernobyl or Hiroshima (which has absolutely nothing to do with nuclear power) is silly.

As I said earlier if you live your life making decisions that way, you'd never get in a car or plane again because accidents could happen again. Not to mention you are simply ignoring any and all technological advancements over the last 20 plus years that have greatly improved the safety of nuclear reactors.

I mostly agree with your statement.

However, Father Time didn't have his facts straight and I helped him out in that regard.

I'd really have to conduct a long and grueling research in order to decide whether I'm for or against nuclear energy. Before that happens ... I'll just say: it scares the bejeesus outta meh!
I have not made up my mind on Nuclear energy. Many swear by it, many want to see it gone - now.

I don't know. Not a scientist. However, I do prefer other - more earth/life friendly methods of generating energy. Something that can't have such horrific effects in case something goes wrong (viz. Chernobyl). Wind, hydro, solar, etc. energy is simply and quite logically much more preferable to me than the possibility of several generations dying at the ripe old age of 30 due to cancer or at birth due to horrific birth defects.

Yes, Chernobyl scares me SHITLESS. After all, I was 3 and lived in eastern part of CZ when it happened and I distinctly remember red rainwater (my grandparents collected rainwater to water the garden) ... Even Scandinavia was affected by the blast - the wind took the nuclear dust all the way to northern parts of Norway and Sweden ... the shit's at least effin' scary to any rational human being.

First, and again, Chernobyl is still the worst example ... and not how you think. It's literally the worse case scenario, as in what would happen if the program was under funded, used inferior technology, and didn't pay maintain it.

Secondly, nuclear energy is everywhere really, nothing more natural than it. Remember the law that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, merely it's form changed. Nuclear energy is really just collecting scattered, already present, sources then changing it from radiation to electricity. The "waste" is really just dead material now, with modern technology, so the whole waste argument falls flat, for what little energy remains in the "waste" we have a location that is ready to receive, and it would only take about 50 years for what's left to become completely inert. The possible damage to people and the environment from nuclear is far less than what we are currently seeing from coal.
I have not made up my mind on Nuclear energy. Many swear by it, many want to see it gone - now.

I don't know. Not a scientist. However, I do prefer other - more earth/life friendly methods of generating energy. Something that can't have such horrific effects in case something goes wrong (viz. Chernobyl). Wind, hydro, solar, etc. energy is simply and quite logically much more preferable to me than the possibility of several generations dying at the ripe old age of 30 due to cancer or at birth due to horrific birth defects.

Yes, Chernobyl scares me SHITLESS. After all, I was 3 and lived in eastern part of CZ when it happened and I distinctly remember red rainwater (my grandparents collected rainwater to water the garden) ... Even Scandinavia was affected by the blast - the wind took the nuclear dust all the way to northern parts of Norway and Sweden ... the shit's at least effin' scary to any rational human being.

And I was a (much older) kid growing up in Pennsylvania when Three Mile Island happened. My parents kept the car packed and sitting in the driveway ready to run at a moment's notice for a couple weeks, it was scary stuff. I know nuclear power is far more advanced than it was then, but humans aren't entirely rational creatures.

This is the sort of issue that requires hours upon hours of personal inquiry - a research of reliable sources - in order to reach a useful opinion. Not just an article or two from WSJ. I simply won't jump on any ideologue's bandwagon in regards to this issue.
I have not made up my mind on Nuclear energy. Many swear by it, many want to see it gone - now.

I don't know. Not a scientist. However, I do prefer other - more earth/life friendly methods of generating energy. Something that can't have such horrific effects in case something goes wrong (viz. Chernobyl). Wind, hydro, solar, etc. energy is simply and quite logically much more preferable to me than the possibility of several generations dying at the ripe old age of 30 due to cancer or at birth due to horrific birth defects.

Yes, Chernobyl scares me SHITLESS. After all, I was 3 and lived in eastern part of CZ when it happened and I distinctly remember red rainwater (my grandparents collected rainwater to water the garden) ... Even Scandinavia was affected by the blast - the wind took the nuclear dust all the way to northern parts of Norway and Sweden ... the shit's at least effin' scary to any rational human being.

And I was a (much older) kid growing up in Pennsylvania when Three Mile Island happened. My parents kept the car packed and sitting in the driveway ready to run at a moment's notice for a couple weeks, it was scary stuff. I know nuclear power is far more advanced than it was then, but humans aren't entirely rational creatures.

This is the sort of issue that requires hours upon hours of personal inquiry - a research of reliable sources - in order to reach a useful opinion. Not just an article or two from WSJ. I simply won't jump on any ideologue's bandwagon in regards to this issue.

I deleted that link, but I had such a link ... whoever sent it to me may be nice enough to post it here now. But the reality is that people over reacted to it, and still over react. You do realize how dangerous our current power plants are, right? If a coal plant explodes you are talking about a devastating aftermath, and a coal plant is more likely to actually explode, nuclear would most likely just "melt" (thus the term "meltdown") until the energy from the material cools naturally (a slow but relatively short process). Again, people fear only what they do not understand.
I have not made up my mind on Nuclear energy. Many swear by it, many want to see it gone - now.

I don't know. Not a scientist. However, I do prefer other - more earth/life friendly methods of generating energy. Something that can't have such horrific effects in case something goes wrong (viz. Chernobyl). Wind, hydro, solar, etc. energy is simply and quite logically much more preferable to me than the possibility of several generations dying at the ripe old age of 30 due to cancer or at birth due to horrific birth defects.

Yes, Chernobyl scares me SHITLESS. After all, I was 3 and lived in eastern part of CZ when it happened and I distinctly remember red rainwater (my grandparents collected rainwater to water the garden) ... Even Scandinavia was affected by the blast - the wind took the nuclear dust all the way to northern parts of Norway and Sweden ... the shit's at least effin' scary to any rational human being.

And I was a (much older) kid growing up in Pennsylvania when Three Mile Island happened. My parents kept the car packed and sitting in the driveway ready to run at a moment's notice for a couple weeks, it was scary stuff. I know nuclear power is far more advanced than it was then, but humans aren't entirely rational creatures.

This is the sort of issue that requires hours upon hours of personal inquiry - a research of reliable sources - in order to reach a useful opinion. Not just an article or two from WSJ. I simply won't jump on any ideologue's bandwagon in regards to this issue.

you have years and years of data but you would rather ignore it because you are afraid because one accident with a poorly maintained, nearly obsolete at the time reactor in Russia melted down.

again I ask you how many accidents has any other country using nuclear power had in the past 2 decades?
Want something to be more worried about?

Worst US Mine Disasters
Coal Mining Disasters - The Dangers of Coal mining
NIOSH Mining: Mining Fact Sheets | CDC/NIOSH


Nuclear: None after Three Mile Island

Which is worse?

Note: The ones in the image from the CDC are US only, nuclear, as Skull Pilot said, has been in use world wide for decades with only two major incidents in history.
Nuclear energy is the cleanest, most cost efficient, and in the long run, safest form of energy out there. Priced having solar panels installed lately? Middle class America can't afford it. That is why you don't see more wide spread use of solar energy. Wind farms? Great idea!!! BUT, for all the talk of it and all the proclaiming of how great it would be, entirely to many bleeding heart liberals fight against it every single time there is talk of installing a wind farm ANYWHERE that is weather condusive to them. We don't want to hurt anyone's view ya know. Barnwell, SC has been the home of one of this countries largest nuclear waste disposal sites for over 20 years. In all that time there have been NO accidents, people are not dying of cancer at 30 years old, there has been NO increase of birth defects, etc etc etc. There are nuclear power plants still in operation today. There has NOT been any major accidents at any of them for as far back as I can remember. Actually, the ONLY accident was at 3 Mile Island and there has been no discernable long term affects from that one.

Three Mile Island
On March 28, 1979, a nuclear accident occurred at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station in south-central Pennsylvania. The accident began when the plant experienced a total loss of feed water and the main turbine shut down. The reactor core did not receive enough cooling water, so it experienced a melt down. As a result, about 40 percent of the radioiodine was released from the core into the reactor building, but only a small portion of it escaped to the environment. Potassium iodide was rushed to the area three days after the accident, but never needed to be distributed to the public. In a 20-year follow-up study of mortality data on residents living within a five-mile radius of Three Mile Island during the incident, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health found no significant increase overall in deaths from cancer.
Until people are willing to really make the decision to be more "energy concious" in this country and not just give lip service to the thought we will stay in the situation we are in right now. Until people are willing to do MORE than just talk and complain about the Oil companies hold on America we will continue to be dependant on Oil. You can talk about it all day long but until YOU are willing to do more than just talk about the problem, the problem will NEVER go away. I would like to see everyone in this country go ONE week without using anything that is petroleum based in their daily lives and see just how many would be willing to go without completely to "fix" this dependancy on oil that this country suffers from. What entirely to many DO NOT understand is that everything you use to make your life more comfortable depends on the Oil companies staying in operation. Look around you. Unless you live in a cave and wear animal skins for clothing, eat only foods you get out of the woods, and sleep on the ground you are dependant on Oil to maintain your lifestyle. We definately need alternate energy sources. BUT it's got to be an across the board thing. We can't continually shoot down good ideas because of the "view". We can't continually shoot down good ideas due to misplaced fear of the unknown. We, as a whole, will have to all get on the same page. Until that happens, "Big Oil" will hold the monopoly and will continue to be the guiding force in our day to day lives.

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