Get the message RINO


Ol' Deadeye
Dec 19, 2013
Wide Open Spaces
John McCain Censured by Arizona Republicans in Landslide Vote | Top Right News

John McCain Censured by Arizona Republicans in Landslide Vote

McCain subject of unprecedented embarrassment

The Maricopa County Republican Committee, the state’s largest Republican group, censured Senator John McCain for “a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats.”

This official censuring of McCain happened during the annual mandatory meeting of the Maricopa County Republican Committee. Nearly 1,500 precinct committeemen (PCs) were in attendance. The vote to censure McCain passed overwhelmingly — 1,150 in support with only 351 opposed.

The censure concluded that “until he consistently champions our Party’s Platform and values, we, the Republican leadership in Arizona will no longer support, campaign for or endorse John McCain as our U.S. Senator.”

After McCain held several closed door town halls on amnesty last year, state Republicans expressed their outrage with his stance on rewarding illegal aliens with citizenship.

McCain betrayed the state by proclaiming his intent to “Complete the Dang Fence” when running in his 2010 primary, then turning around and pushing through last year’s “Gang of 8″ Senate amnesty bill that would gut border security and hand tens of millions of illegals instant legalization.

McCain also opposed attempts to defund ObamaCare, pushed to arm Al Queda-backed “rebels” in Syria, and shamed his state when he was photographed with a Syrian terrorist who had kidnapped and tortured 11 civilians.

Maricopa County is the 4th largest county in the U.S., and represents over 60% of Arizona’s population.

Arizona’s entire Republican Congressional delegation attended the meeting. U.S. Reps. Paul Gosar, (CD-4); Matt Salmon, (CD-5); David Schweikert, (CD-6) and Trent Franks (CD-8) were warmly received by the committeemen. The Representative gave rousing speeches that resonated with the PCs.

As always, popular Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was greeted with loud cheers.

Kiss my butt McCain. You and the rest of the RINOs. Join the democraps if you're going to be a liberal. WE DON'T WANT YOU.
Get the message RINO the far right RINOs LeadButt are you and your ilk.

Step off.
Get the message RINO the far right RINOs LeadButt are you and your ilk.

Step off.

Step us off boy.

Nope. We in the mainstream GOP have our collective foot on your political necks on the far right, and you will heel, or you will remain in that position.

You have cost the GOP the Presidency in 2012, lost us the Senate in 2010 and 2012, lost us House seats in 2012.

That will not be permitted to happen again.
I understand that you and Antares are butt groove of the party, not the mainstream.
You don't get it: censures by far right RINOs mean absolutely nothing.
McCain is a great American hero who has served his country well
You don't get it: censures by far right RINOs mean absolutely nothing.
It was all the republicans in the State did you not read the article? It means nothing unless you consider that this will be McCain's last term served as an Arizona senator as being "nothing". :lol:

The Maricopa County Republican Committee, the state’s largest Republican group, censured Senator John McCain for “a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats.”


The vote to censure McCain passed overwhelmingly — 1,150 in support with only 351 opposed.


Arizona’s entire Republican Congressional delegation attended the meeting.
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Get the message conservatives:

If the fractions of the GOP remain divided, the next president will be a Democrat.
Get the message RINO the far right RINOs LeadButt are you and your ilk.

Step off.

Step us off boy.

Nope. We in the mainstream GOP have our collective foot on your political necks on the far right, and you will heel, or you will remain in that position.

You have cost the GOP the Presidency in 2012, lost us the Senate in 2010 and 2012, lost us House seats in 2012.

That will not be permitted to happen again.

Nigga you try and put your boot anywhere near me and you'll lose a foot.

You assholes are on the ropes and you know it.
Step us off boy.

Nope. We in the mainstream GOP have our collective foot on your political necks on the far right, and you will heel, or you will remain in that position.

You have cost the GOP the Presidency in 2012, lost us the Senate in 2010 and 2012, lost us House seats in 2012.

That will not be permitted to happen again.

Nigga you try and put your boot anywhere near me and you'll lose a foot.

You assholes are on the ropes and you know it.

Nope, you are down with your butts up in the air.

Your day has come and gone.

You RINOs are merely pathetic.

Ain't nothing you can do about it, son.
Yes, the RINOS are the far right reactionary wing nuts like you, Lead and Anty.

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