Get the message RINO

The mainstream GOP does not want the far right wing nut reactionaries trying to foist losers like Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, Newt, Palin, etc, on the party again.

We have your vote, but we can't win without the center.
The mainstream GOP does not want the far right wing nut reactionaries trying to foist losers like Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, Newt, Palin, etc, on the party again.

We have your vote, but we can't win without the center.

Yo Aunt Jemima....dream on.
The mainstream GOP does not want the far right wing nut reactionaries trying to foist losers like Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, Newt, Palin, etc, on the party again.

We have your vote, but we can't win without the center.


How is it a "mainstream" nigga like yoself supports Bammy at every turn...Repubs jus don't do that shit nigga.
The mainstream GOP does not want the far right wing nut reactionaries trying to foist losers like Santorum, Cain, Bachmann, Newt, Palin, etc, on the party again.

We have your vote, but we can't win without the center.

I disagree. I use the McCain run at it and Romney's run at it to clearly show that republicans need to move away from the RINOs and stick to a conservative ticket.

Now, you may be right jake I'll give you that. Yet, on a personal note, I won't be voting for "moderate" republicans anymore.

I'll vote my conscience and if I go down in flames so be it but at least I voted for the candidate that represents me.
This is jus a lil game Jake plays.....he pretends to be straight and we pretend to believe her.
You don't get it: censures by far right RINOs mean absolutely nothing.
It was all the republicans in the State did you not read the article? It means nothing unless you consider that this will be McCain's last term served as an Arizona senator as being "nothing". :lol:

The Maricopa County Republican Committee, the state’s largest Republican group, censured Senator John McCain for “a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats.”

The vote to censure McCain passed overwhelmingly — 1,150 in support with only 351 opposed.

Arizona’s entire Republican Congressional delegation attended the meeting.

And if you wonder why I'm not a Republican anymore, this is pretty much why.

They've pretty much collectively lost their fucking minds.

John McCain is a war hero, a former Presidential candidate. And apparently, he's just not crazy enough for the modern GOP.
I have been called all sorts of things. But the GOP has been hijacked by the crazies.

Once upon a time, to be "conservative" was to want less gov't intrusion and interference in our lives. It meant you wanted less and fairer taxation. It was about the gov't spending less.

That brand of conservatism could sweep the nation. But instead, we get the vitriolic hatred of those who want to make it about gays, minorities, prayer, eliminating social programs, and other venues of social conservatives.

If the GOP would stick with a platform of fiscal conservatism and stay out of the social arena, they would win big.
You don't get it: censures by far right RINOs mean absolutely nothing.
It was all the republicans in the State did you not read the article? It means nothing unless you consider that this will be McCain's last term served as an Arizona senator as being "nothing". :lol:

The Maricopa County Republican Committee, the state’s largest Republican group, censured Senator John McCain for “a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats.”

The vote to censure McCain passed overwhelmingly — 1,150 in support with only 351 opposed.

Arizona’s entire Republican Congressional delegation attended the meeting.

And if you wonder why I'm not a Republican anymore, this is pretty much why.

They've pretty much collectively lost their fucking minds.

John McCain is a war hero, a former Presidential candidate. And apparently, he's just not crazy enough for the modern GOP.

Only the RINO wackos in the non-mainstream conference voted against McCain.

The far right RINOs no longer matter in national politics and are being downgraded in many of the Red States locally.
the big money now knows they have to fight the tea tards.

we will have a clown car fight.

its going to be great
McCain is a great American hero who has served his country well

And we thank him, but he will never be a Prez because he is Obama Lite.

He is now too old

But would make a better President than anyone the Republicans currently have. McCain lost because voters saw him as George Bush lite
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He lost because the financial slippage began three weeks too soon.

Otherwise, he would have won.
He lost because the financial slippage began three weeks too soon.

Otherwise, he would have won.

NO, he wouldn't have.

Except for his convention bounce, McCain was never ahead of Obama in the polls.

McCain is a good man, and he got a raw deal, but the fact is, Bush messed up everything so bad, and McCain couldn't really differentiate himself.
He lost because the financial slippage began three weeks too soon.

Otherwise, he would have won.

NO, he wouldn't have.

Except for his convention bounce, McCain was never ahead of Obama in the polls.

McCain is a good man, and he got a raw deal, but the fact is, Bush messed up everything so bad, and McCain couldn't really differentiate himself.

I would have supported the Maverick McCain in 2000. But not the version that ran in 2008
I have been called all sorts of things. But the GOP has been hijacked by the crazies.

Once upon a time, to be "conservative" was to want less gov't intrusion and interference in our lives. It meant you wanted less and fairer taxation. It was about the gov't spending less.

That brand of conservatism could sweep the nation. But instead, we get the vitriolic hatred of those who want to make it about gays, minorities, prayer, eliminating social programs, and other venues of social conservatives.

If the GOP would stick with a platform of fiscal conservatism and stay out of the social arena, they would win big.

TRUE fiscal conservatism. Stop with the corporate welfare, helping the rich get richer, the war machine, and so on. Spending is not bad when it enriches our country, i.e highways, bridges, light rail transport, etc.

I want us to think outside the box, and I want us to be a standard-bearer again.
Get the message conservatives:

If the fractions of the GOP remain divided, the next president will be a Democrat.

as much as I agree with that statement, the choice of McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012 were the reason for the loss of the Presidency.

If Romney have been chosen in 2008 - he might have been the president, but the boring and unappealing McCain pushed a lot of people to vote for obama - just to taste something new.
We have your vote, but we can't win without the center.

nope, you don't.

that is exactly the reason Romney lost.

he did not get the conservatives vote.

they stayed home.

you had the center, btw. did it help you much?

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