Get the message RINO

Get the message conservatives:

If the fractions of the GOP remain divided, the next president will be a Democrat.

as much as I agree with that statement, the choice of McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012 were the reason for the loss of the Presidency.

If Romney have been chosen in 2008 - he might have been the president, but the boring and unappealing McCain pushed a lot of people to vote for obama - just to taste something new.

The reason why Romney didn't get the nomination in 2008 is that the Christian Crazies didn't like his brand of Mormon Crazy.

I think that you trivialize why people voted for Obama. Didn't vote for him in 2008, did in 2012

They voted for Obama because

1) He was the first guy to come out and say the Iraq War was a HORRIBLE idea.
2) Bush screwed up the economy.

Both of which are completely valid reasons.
Get the message conservatives:

If the fractions of the GOP remain divided, the next president will be a Democrat.

as much as I agree with that statement, the choice of McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012 were the reason for the loss of the Presidency.

If Romney have been chosen in 2008 - he might have been the president, but the boring and unappealing McCain pushed a lot of people to vote for obama - just to taste something new.

The reason why Romney didn't get the nomination in 2008 is that the Christian Crazies didn't like his brand of Mormon Crazy.

I think that you trivialize why people voted for Obama. Didn't vote for him in 2008, did in 2012

They voted for Obama because

1) He was the first guy to come out and say the Iraq War was a HORRIBLE idea.
2) Bush screwed up the economy.

Both of which are completely valid reasons.

Not true. The reason was that the idiotic way of republican party is that all ole guys have to have their shot when they have been in the line for long enough.

Faith issues have absolutely no meaning in all of that.

If the option would not be McCain but Romney much more people from the right would turn out for the election - it was basically sit out for McCain in 2008 as in 2012 it was for Romney.

Every fruit has it's own time.

youe #1 reason had some meaning in 2008, but neither in 2008 nor in 2012 # 2 had any meaning - as in 2008 it was too early to reflect on the crisis of 2008 which just started and in 2012 obama's failures in economy were all too glaring in comparison to Bush times, when the economy was booming.
But the candidate was not appealing, and the candidate himself made so many mistakes in the campaign, it is ridiculous. It was 2012, not 1972, for heaven's sake.
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I have been called all sorts of things. But the GOP has been hijacked by the crazies.

Once upon a time, to be "conservative" was to want less gov't intrusion and interference in our lives. It meant you wanted less and fairer taxation. It was about the gov't spending less.

That brand of conservatism could sweep the nation. But instead, we get the vitriolic hatred of those who want to make it about gays, minorities, prayer, eliminating social programs, and other venues of social conservatives.

If the GOP would stick with a platform of fiscal conservatism and stay out of the social arena, they would win big.

So conservatives like myself have no voice? Pathetic.

Not true. The reason was that the idiotic way of republican party is that all ole guys have to have their shot when they have been in the line for long enough.

Not really true. It's just that usually the Old guys know how to play the game better than new guys.

Faith issues have absolutely no meaning in all of that.

I think if you had spent time on conservative message boards in 2008, where a lot of these Fundie Christians simply were not going to vote for a Mormon, you know that isn't true. When Huckabee won Iowa (where McCain hadn't even bothered to play, and Romney sunk MILLIONS) the GOP establishment completely shit themselves. Huckabee scared them because he was a populist Christian who didn't think Jesus' central message was tax cuts for rich people.

McCain was the guy both sides could live with.

Now, by 2012, the Christian Funditards got over the Mormon thing because there was a Negro commie in the White House.

If the option would not be McCain but Romney much more people from the right would turn out for the election - it was basically sit out for McCain in 2008 as in 2012 it was for Romney.

Every fruit has it's own time.

Again, you are really working on the assumption there were that many GOP/Conservative votes to actually get. To put in in perspective for you. McCain got 59 Million votes, George W. Stupid got 62 million in 2004 and Romney got 60 million. McCain and Romney didn't lose "conservatives", they lost moderates who realized what a huge honking mistake they made voting for Bush in 2004.

youe #1 reason had some meaning in 2008, but neither in 2008 nor in 2012 # 2 had any meaning - as in 2008 it was too early to reflect on the crisis of 2008 which just started and in 2012 obama's failures in economy were all too glaring in comparison to Bush times, when the economy was booming.

First of all, everyone realized the bottom was already falling out in 2007, and when the crash hit in September 2008, everyone knew how bad it really was.

As for Obama's failure in the economy, most Americans were fair enough to realize he had been handed a mess and had done the best he could with it, and all Romney was proposing was more of what got us into the mess to start with.

But the candidate was not appealing, and the candidate himself made so many mistakes in the campaign, it is ridiculous. It was 2012, not 1972, for heaven's sake.

But you have to ask WHY was Romney so unappealing?

Maybe because he was a heartless rich douchebag with a crazy religion.

I find that pretty unappealling, and so did most people.

But for the Crazy Anti-Obama type, Romney could have been a follower of Dread C'Thulhu and they'd have still voted for him.


"MY GOD, HE'S released the GREAT OLD ONES!!! The WORLD IS DOOMED!!!"

"Yeah, but at least we got the N****r out of the White House!"

Not true. The reason was that the idiotic way of republican party is that all ole guys have to have their shot when they have been in the line for long enough.

Not really true. It's just that usually the Old guys know how to play the game better than new guys.
well, the result is the same, so it doesn't really matter - I just summarized it ironically

I think if you had spent time on conservative message boards in 2008, where a lot of these Fundie Christians simply were not going to vote for a Mormon, you know that isn't true. When Huckabee won Iowa (where McCain hadn't even bothered to play, and Romney sunk MILLIONS) the GOP establishment completely shit themselves. Huckabee scared them because he was a populist Christian who didn't think Jesus' central message was tax cuts for rich people.

McCain was the guy both sides could live with.

people on the boards are not the main people who sit out the elections.

Again, you are really working on the assumption there were that many GOP/Conservative votes to actually get. To put in in perspective for you. McCain got 59 Million votes, George W. Stupid got 62 million in 2004 and Romney got 60 million. McCain and Romney didn't lose "conservatives", they lost moderates who realized what a huge honking mistake they made voting for Bush in 2004.

Nope, they lost the conservatives, especially Romney. Moderates voted for Romney - they have had enough of the leftard shit we have in the WH
First of all, everyone realized the bottom was already falling out in 2007, and when the crash hit in September 2008, everyone knew how bad it really was.

absolutely NOT TRUE. 2007 was still pretty good and unemployment was low and perspectives for the simple people seemed PERFECT
As for Obama's failure in the economy, most Americans were fair enough to realize he had been handed a mess and had done the best he could with it, and all Romney was proposing was more of what got us into the mess to start with.
BULLSHIT. he created the mess and extended it

But you have to ask WHY was Romney so unappealing?

Maybe because he was a heartless rich douchebag with a crazy religion.

I find that pretty unappealing, and so did most people.

Nope. He was simply DULL and almost without a life.
The only time he showed teeth and his ratings skyrocketed.

But his advisers with advising him to be careful and God forbid, do not aggressively pursue the shot in the WH let him to be this unappealing dull candidate - and THAT was a failure.

Plus one can not be so unprepared to deal with the leftard shit as he was on his last debate when that bitch Crowley astonished him with her big lie and he was not prepared to deal with that lie

That was the last straw.
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Nope, they lost the conservatives, especially Romney. Moderates voted for Romney - they have had enough of the leftard shit we have in the WH

I just have to ask, which "Consevatives" do you really think Romney lost?

Who are they? Because every conservative and republican I know, even the ones who hated Romney in 2008, got behind the guy.

Self-Described "Conservatives" went 84% for Bush, 78% for McCain and 82% for Romney. Romney did just fine with Conservatives.

Self-Described Republicans went 93% for Bush, 90% for McCain and 92% for Romney. Romney had no problem with the base.

By comparison, Self described Moderates went 45% for Bush, 39% for McCain and 41% for Romney.

absolutely NOT TRUE. 2007 was still pretty good and unemployment was low and perspectives for the simple people seemed PERFECT

I don't know where you get that from. I was out job hunting in 2007, and the prospects were HORRIBLE. No one was adding to staff then.

But you have to ask WHY was Romney so unappealing?

Maybe because he was a heartless rich douchebag with a crazy religion.

I find that pretty unappealing, and so did most people.

Nope. He was simply DULL and almost without a life.
The only time he showed teeth and his ratings skyrocketed.

But his advisers with advising him to be careful and God forbid, do not aggressively pursue the shot in the WH let him to be this unappealing dull candidate - and THAT was a failure.

Plus one can not be so unprepared to deal with the leftard shit as he was on his last debate when that bitch Crowley astonished him with her big lie and he was not prepared to deal with that lie

That was the last straw.

he wasn't.

He claimed that Obama didn't call Benghazi terrorism, when he specifically called it an act of terror the next day. He made a specific accusation that turned out to be wrong.

The real problem Romney had was that Obama accomplished what Bush couldn't- Killing Bin Laden.

The things that made Romney unappealling was that he came off as a clueless rich guy who talks about half the country being "Moochers" while talking to other clueless rich guys who paid more than an average family makes in a year for a single plate at lunch. And one of those moochers caught him on tape doing it.
Romney lost moderates by 56-41. Moderates were 45% of the electorate. There were 127 million voters. 45% of 127 million is 57.2 million. 15% of 57.2 million is 8.6 million. 8.6 million more moderates voted for Obama than for Romney. Romney lost by 5 million votes. Ergo, Romney lost because he lost moderates.

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