Get Woke -- Go Broke


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
Well here's a pleasant surprise. Apparently, the buying public is sick of corporations forcing their woke nonsense on them. The numbers don't lie.




And all 3 of the stocks he posted in the OP out preformed the market as a whole today.
I get updates about GOOG and META. I'm sure dozens of woke companies are out performing the market as are dozens of unwoke companies. Just as I'm sure dozens of woke and un-woke companies are under performing. It has nothing to do with the stock prices in the overwhelming majority of cases.
I get updates about GOOG and META. I'm sure dozens of woke companies are out performing the market as are dozens of unwoke companies. Just as I'm sure dozens of woke and un-woke companies are under performing. It has nothing to do with the stock prices in the overwhelming majority of cases.

People like AJ just post what they are told to post. There is no thought involved with them

Dominion CEO Says 'It's Just A Matter Of Time' Before They Go Out Of Business​

"The CEO of voting software company Dominion Voting Systems shared a grim prediction about his business’ future, even after last month’s massive legal settlement with Fox News.

Dominion settled its defamation case against the conservative cable network for $787.5 million on April 18, just before trial.

But CEO John Poulos said Dominion suffered lasting damage from Fox News lies about the 2020 presidential election, saying “it’s just a matter of time” before the company loses all its clients."

They went woke (by aiding in a coup attempt as well as a few coups) so they'll be going broke. Bye bye you cheaters!!

Dominion CEO Says 'It's Just A Matter Of Time' Before They Go Out Of Business​

"The CEO of voting software company Dominion Voting Systems shared a grim prediction about his business’ future, even after last month’s massive legal settlement with Fox News.

Dominion settled its defamation case against the conservative cable network for $787.5 million on April 18, just before trial.

But CEO John Poulos said Dominion suffered lasting damage from Fox News lies about the 2020 presidential election, saying “it’s just a matter of time” before the company loses all its clients."

They went woke (by aiding in a coup attempt as well as a few coups) so they'll be going broke. Bye bye you cheaters!!

They just won a court case proving what you just posted is a lie, but you will post it anyhow, as that is what your party masters tell you to do.

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