Get yer hands off our stars 'n bars license plates

The Civil War was the most apocryphal event in American history, and you degenerates think you can just sweep that national legacy under a rug because you might crap your panties if you see a Confederate battle flag?

I don't think you actually understand what "apocryphal" means.

But, yes, we should treat the Stars and Bars the way we treat the swastika.

So a bunch of your dumb-shit poor ancestors went out there and fought a war you couldn't possibly have won so a few rich assholes could keep owning slaves, and you call that a "heritage".

I realize your knowledge of history is nil, but the Confederacy came MUCH closer than most people realize to winning independence.
To quote Hillary, "What difference does it matter at this point".

I'll worry about the Joe B.s when they get the balls to try to desecrate cemeteries and confiscate flags.
Of course the Left misses the whole point.
Why should states be able to say this viewpoint is acceptable and we can sponsor it and that one isn't acceptable?
Would the lefties here be OK with a license plate that said


So a bunch of your dumb-shit poor ancestors went out there and fought a war you couldn't possibly have won so a few rich assholes could keep owning slaves, and you call that a "heritage".

I realize your knowledge of history is nil, but the Confederacy came MUCH closer than most people realize to winning independence.

Yep, if Lee wasn't such a dumb ass at Gettysburg history would have been different.
I realize your knowledge of history is nil, but the Confederacy came MUCH closer than most people realize to winning independence.

The Confederacy never stood a chance. Their whole brilliant plan was that the British would side with them.
To quote Hillary, "What difference does it matter at this point".

I'll worry about the Joe B.s when they get the balls to try to desecrate cemeteries and confiscate flags.

Evenutally, you won't be able to display a Confederate Flag in polite company.

IT's long overdue.
Get yer hands off our stars 'n bars license plates

Nobody is proposing placing the "stars 'n bars" on license plates. Stars 'n bars is a descriptive reference to the First National flag of the Confederate States.
They are arguing for equal access for placing the logo of the Sons of Confederate Veterans on vanity plates.
The SCV logo has as its centerpiece the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia.
Their asses were so thouroughly kicked that the conquering North decided to take pity. They should have let Sherman run amock for a few more years then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.
. You are advocating the genocide of every Southerner. Fucking wow man! That's Nazi talk.
Obviously hate symbols shouldn't be supported with public monies. F~cking duh.
Just remember, it was the leftists and southern democrats who had slaves. Then again with out civil rights movements, it was the leftists who were exploiting blacks. It's no wonder that they're trying to run from their own abomination.
The Right is defending the Confederate flag.
And the left constantly tries to eliminate speech that they don't agree with.

Guess which one is as a gross violation of my rights and which one has nothing to do with me at all but rather an individuals personal decisions?

Washington and Lee University To Remove Confederate Flags Inside Lee Chapel

No place for that traitorous rag in America

they should also
bulldoze every confederate traitorous monument and dig lee's body up an put it in a landfill where it belongs
Yes, because the government certainly should enforce strict laws against anyone that might offend you or another person.

Do you understand what freedom actually entails?

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