Getting Bin Laden: If GOP had known, would they have stopped Obama?



Until Obama took out Bin Laden, Romney and McCain insisted we should not carry out a military operation into another country to get Bin Laden.

Now, of course, since Obama did it, it's apparently a "no brainer". If, by law, some Republicans had to know of the impending operation, would they have tried to stop Obama? They've already proven they hate Obama more than they love America. Considering how many still claim to celebrate the Confederacy or have openly talked of secession, would it really be all that much of a surprise? After all, 9/11 happened in a Northern State and Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. Hey, I'm only going by what they say they did. We know from Bush to Romney, Republicans have said Bin Laden wasn't important. Their failures never are.

Watching bits of the Brian Williams special on Morning Joe, I was struck at the difficult decision the president had to make. They will be airing a special on the entire event. I suspect most Republicans won't watch it for two reasons. They don't want to know anything good this president did and they believe Obama was only able to get Bin Laden because of illegal torture by the Republican leadership, a claim John McCain has vehemently denied.

As Robert Draper's book proves, after the secret meeting between Republicans to bring down this president, the enormous damage they have caused this country, way beyond anything their policies did during the Bush years, is it a stretch to believe they would have stopped Obama from getting Osama if given the chance?
Obama took out Bin Laden?

Damn, fucking media told me it was SEAL 6. Fucking lying media.

Oh and.... just so you know... books don't 'prove' jack shit. You can lie in a book.
Obama took out Bin Laden?

Damn, fucking media told me it was SEAL 6. Fucking lying media.

Oh and.... just so you know... books don't 'prove' jack shit. You can lie in a book.
if that's the case then how many have you read believing they're true and turn out to be false.
Obama took out Bin Laden?

Damn, fucking media told me it was SEAL 6. Fucking lying media.

Oh and.... just so you know... books don't 'prove' jack shit. You can lie in a book.
if that's the case then how many have you read believing they're true and turn out to be false.
It's hard to give credence to anything that comes from an entity that has been caught lying time and time again, such as the United States government and it's "elected" officials. At least for the most discerning among us.

Dead Men Don’t Talk-
The wiping out of 30 US special forces in the Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan comes at a time when Washington’s official version of how it carried out the assassination of Osama bin Laden was falling apart from incredulity.

Among the 38 dead in the helicopter disaster – the biggest single loss of American lives in the 10-year Afghanistan war of occupation – are believed to have been 17 US Navy Seals. The dead also include other members of US special forces and Afghan commandos.

From 2009-
Many people claim that Bin Laden died a long time ago. According to Israeli intelligence, World Israeli intelligence: Bin Laden is dead, heir has been chosen
Pakistani intelligence, Report: Bin Laden Already Dead | Fox News
and other sources, The Death of bin Ladenism - Op-Ed -
Bin Laden is dead. Has been for quite some time. He dies well before the fake raid last year.

According to video experts Researcher: Bin Laden's beard is real, video is not | News Blogs - CNET News
and and top Bin Laden experts,Expert Goes On Record: Bin Laden 9/11 Confession Is Bogus
recent Bin Laden videos are fake.

So if Bin Laden is alive, American leaders have to explain why they have repeatedly chosen not to pull the trigger.

And if he is dead, they have to explain why they are claiming that he’s alive and authenticating his videos.
As we noted in 2008, Bin Laden was useful to the U.S. as a prop in the so-called war on terror:
Four Stories This Week Prove that the War On Terror Is a Farce - Washington's Blog

Former deputy national intelligence officer for transnational threats, a 23-year senior CIA analyst, who “drafted or was involved in many of the government’s most senior assessments of the threats facing our country [and who] devoted years to understanding and combating the jihadist threat”, writes today in the Washington Post that the neocons have whipped us into an irrational fear of the terrorism.
Glenn L. Carle - Overstating Our Fears

This is no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. The BBC produced a documentary called The Power of Nightmares in 2005 that showed that politicians were greatly exaggerating the terrorist threat for political ends.
BBC NEWS | Programmes | The Power of Nightmares: Baby It's Cold Outside

They needed the public to believe he was still alive somewhere to justify the BS war on terror, and to justify the squashing of American freedoms.

A United States Congressman claims that the Bush administration intentionally let Bin Laden escape in order to justify the Iraq war.
Rep. Hinchey: Bush Administration 'Intentionally Let bin Laden Get Away' In Order To Justify Iraq War

Some US military intelligence officials also lament that bin Laden was not taken alive – and privately wonder whether concerns about the political “headaches” involved in trying detainees may have led the Obama administration to favor killing rather than capturing the architect of 9/11.
The opportunity to glean valuable intelligence from the leader of a powerful terrorist organization was lost, ...
Military interrogators: Waterboarding didn't yield tips that led to bin Laden -

If we continue to give up the freedoms the "terrorists", according to Bush, hate us for...will doing so make us all
Stupid people...Think about this...
We tortured a bunch of innocent farmers, children, grandparents and reporters … supposedly to get information ABOUT Bin Laden. But it doesn’t seem like the government was very interested in ACTUALLY interrogating Bin Laden himself.
OBL would have possibly blown the lid on all the 9-11 OCT story if captured "alive" and paraded throughout the world wide media.

Osama Bin Laden: Everyone Is Missing the Big Picture
[ame=]Osama Bin Laden Videos Released By The Pentagon Are a Hoax, Man In TV Video Identified - YouTube[/ame]
someone said the sit room picture was contrived. the republicans would have stop biden from giving bad advice to "the president".
Whacking Osama was a "difficult decision"?


Obama Fluffers say the funniest things
Until Obama took out Bin Laden, Romney and McCain insisted we should not carry out a military operation into another country to get Bin Laden.

Now, of course, since Obama did it, it's apparently a "no brainer". If, by law, some Republicans had to know of the impending operation, would they have tried to stop Obama? They've already proven they hate Obama more than they love America. Considering how many still claim to celebrate the Confederacy or have openly talked of secession, would it really be all that much of a surprise? After all, 9/11 happened in a Northern State and Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. Hey, I'm only going by what they say they did. We know from Bush to Romney, Republicans have said Bin Laden wasn't important. Their failures never are.

Watching bits of the Brian Williams special on Morning Joe, I was struck at the difficult decision the president had to make. They will be airing a special on the entire event. I suspect most Republicans won't watch it for two reasons. They don't want to know anything good this president did and they believe Obama was only able to get Bin Laden because of illegal torture by the Republican leadership, a claim John McCain has vehemently denied.

As Robert Draper's book proves, after the secret meeting between Republicans to bring down this president, the enormous damage they have caused this country, way beyond anything their policies did during the Bush years, is it a stretch to believe they would have stopped Obama from getting Osama if given the chance?

rdean: NO.

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