Getting rid of minority voters

With the realization that 28% of the voters are minorities and they vote Democrat 70% of the time, the Grand Ole Party has to do something. Obviously, keeping them out of the voting booth is the simplest way to handle the problem. However with minorities becoming the new majority, that's not going to be a long term fix.

That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard yet. "Keeping people out of the voting booth", huh? Seems to me the only ones who even attempted such were the Black Panthers when they stood outside brandishing clubs and made threatening remarks. If any citizen wishes to vote, there is nothing that will keep them from doing so. Illegal aliens are the losers here and I can't believe anyone would compare them to minority citizens.

I am so sick of the notion that minorities are too fucking stupid to obtain an ID. No way does that claim hold up to the light of day. The only people who see ID as an obstacle are those here illegally and I suspect it's that group the left is trying to accomodate by fighting any measure that would ensure the sanctity of our voting rights. Asking for ID is the only way to ensure that we, and we alone, have a right to vote and that no one can steal away our vote. Remember the guy who walked in a poll in Chicago and managed to walk out with Emanuel's ballot? Yea, it's that easy. Protecting that ballot meant for each citizen is a must and not safeguarding that is what would disenfranchise millions.

Stop trying to claim that minorities are so backwards that they don't drive cars, get loans, have credit, fly on airlines, join the military or make purchases that require ID cards. It is assinine to keep claiming that, but the left is so hellbent on making sure illegal aliens can walk into a voting booth that they'll say anything.

But Clementine --- if Lefties had to abandon the belief that tthey alone stand between the "poor and stupid" and their demise --- they'd have nothing left to believe in..
You obviously don’t understand. Voting is a fundamental right, any impediment to that right, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to you, must be justified by the state with a compelling reason, supported by evidence, absent animus.

Fortunately for you -- you get to pick what rights are fundamental. Because if I applied this C_Jones paradigm to the 4th, 5th or 2nd amendments we'd all start agreeing. But the "right to vote" has seen REAL judicial modification since the founding. And I DON'T believe that IDENTIFYING a voter is a hindrance to exercise of the right to vote.

As for your "rare" observation in terms of fraud. It's only important in races that were tight to begin with CORRECT?????? Remember any critical tight races recently? Al Franken maybe? Maybe 200 votes either way.. The magnitude of fraud "doesn't matter" except when it actually does. And sure enough it can matter in a tight race or in a race so low in voter turnout -- that only the fraud actually counts..
Both statements can be true. Most poor people do have ID and many poor people don't have ID. The issue isn't the photo ID. The issue is that Republicans are using ID, early voting and same-day voting as a way to suppress the minority and youth vote. They see the coming flood and they want to hold it back as long as possible.

well i cant relate to any of this because in California you can vote by mail.....which is what i do....and they just go on my signature and my voter ID number on my envelope.....
Voting by mail, which provides little if any protection against voter id fraud, is available in most all states and is the primary method of voting in some states.

its rare, i could not find any in California using votes by mail....everyone has their own personal Voter ID Number on their Envelope along with a bar code .....dont have that envelope,you dont vote by mail....
Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.
Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

sure they do Chris.....ask some of your Democratic leaders if they want Blacks and Hispanics to move in next door...then watch the stuttering....
well i cant relate to any of this because in California you can vote by mail.....which is what i do....and they just go on my signature and my voter ID number on my envelope.....
Voting by mail, which provides little if any protection against voter id fraud, is available in most all states and is the primary method of voting in some states.

its rare, i could not find any in California using votes by mail....everyone has their own personal Voter ID Number on their Envelope along with a bar code .....dont have that envelope,you dont vote by mail....
I was referring to absentee voting which is available by mail in most states.
Democrats Charged in 'Massive' Voter Fraud Case - Politics - Fox Nation
Before I post the names of those arrested for voting more than once in an election, they are ALL registered Democrats:

Tina Johnson was arrested on 10 counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, and two counts of absentee ballots and voting violations.
Johnson Jr. was charged with 11 counts of fraud in connection with casting votes, as well as corruptly influencing voting, and perjury by false written declaration.
Williams was charged with 17 counts of neglect of duty and corrupt practices for allowing the distribution of these absentee ballots.
The following Madison residents were each charged with one count of proving a false report to law enforcement as well addition charges as listed:
• Shalonda Michaelle Brinson, 36, nine counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote
• Judy Ann Crumitie, 51, four counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote
• Laverne V. Haynes, 57, two counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, two counts of perjury by false written declaration
• Ora Bell Rivers, 41, seven counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, three counts of perjury by false written declaration
• Raven Simona Williams, 20, two counts of fraud in connection with casting a vote, two counts of perjury by false written declaration

DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud | Specfriggintacular's Blog
California Republicans Arrested for Voter Fraud.

California Republican Arrested for Voter Fraud | | AlterNet
Voting by mail, which provides little if any protection against voter id fraud, is available in most all states and is the primary method of voting in some states.

its rare, i could not find any in California using votes by mail....everyone has their own personal Voter ID Number on their Envelope along with a bar code .....dont have that envelope,you dont vote by mail....
I was referring to absentee voting which is available by mail in most states.

its the same least out here it is.....what you get is the same setup....ballets look exactly alike....
With the realization that 28% of the voters are minorities and they vote Democrat 70% of the time, the Grand Ole Party has to do something. Obviously, keeping them out of the voting booth is the simplest way to handle the problem. However with minorities becoming the new majority, that's not going to be a long term fix.

Proving you are who you say you are is preventing someone from voting? How? Noone is putting up a blockade, so how are they not being allowed to vote?
its rare, i could not find any in California using votes by mail....everyone has their own personal Voter ID Number on their Envelope along with a bar code .....dont have that envelope,you dont vote by mail....
I was referring to absentee voting which is available by mail in most states.

its the same least out here it is.....what you get is the same setup....ballets look exactly alike....
In Washington, I get a ballot through the mail for ever election. In Florida and Texas, I called the registrar's office and they mailed me one. No photo id needed.
Ah...........the preliminary victimhood card

Who could have guessed moronic libs would be misled, disenfranchised, and robbed in their imaginations this early in the election cycle.........

Next thing you know those blue state intellectuals will be complaining about "confusing"
Voter Purge, Minority Voting Rights Flashpoints Of New Showdown In Florida

So, uh, rw's ... even though the only cases of real voter fraud have been when silly Jimmy O'Keefe got caught, I s'pose you're all in favor of the r's using corruption and lies to get their puppet into office.

That is, if buying the presidency doesn't work.

Since buying the presidency worked for the bush regime, why do you think these scum have resorted to blatant voter suppression? Could it be for the same reason they threw out the Constitution and changed the rules of filibuster?

I mean, we can't just leave these things to the voters, right?

Laugh if you want but it pisses me off to watch the (%^%^$ GObP pounding nails in the coffin of the USofA while the idiot rw's applaud.

Yes we need to get rid of the minority voters but those dead people seem to come alive every election year when the democrats feel threaten about losing a major election.

I recommend salt mixed with wolvesbayne and silver.

Please give us some "credible" proof of dead people actually voting. Remember, I said "credible" proof.

You know they cannot, it is typical republican rightwing voter fraud. Try to keep the progressives from voting by any means.
With the realization that 28% of the voters are minorities and they vote Democrat 70% of the time, the Grand Ole Party has to do something. Obviously, keeping them out of the voting booth is the simplest way to handle the problem. However with minorities becoming the new majority, that's not going to be a long term fix.

Proving you are who you say you are is preventing someone from voting? How? Noone is putting up a blockade, so how are they not being allowed to vote?
Photo id requirements do not prevent anyone from voting; they just makes it a little harder for some legitimate voters. The primary purpose of Photo id requirements, literacy tests, poll taxes, and rigged registration procedures are too keep people from voting. The target is always the same, minorities and the poor.
With the realization that 28% of the voters are minorities and they vote Democrat 70% of the time, the Grand Ole Party has to do something. Obviously, keeping them out of the voting booth is the simplest way to handle the problem. However with minorities becoming the new majority, that's not going to be a long term fix.

Proving you are who you say you are is preventing someone from voting? How? Noone is putting up a blockade, so how are they not being allowed to vote?
Photo id requirements do not prevent anyone from voting; they just makes it a little harder for some legitimate voters. The primary purpose of Photo id requirements, literacy tests, poll taxes, and rigged registration procedures are too keep people from voting. The target is always the same, minorities and the poor.

Get the proper paperwork and vote.
Don't get the ID and don't vote...
I really don't care.
People have had about a year to get this done...:eusa_boohoo:
As NOTORIOUS as republicans for voter suppression?

No one is suppressing anyone.

Requiring an ID to vote is a logical requirement....

If you're too fucking stupid to NOT have an ID than you're too fucking stupid to vote.....

Does my retired military ID count, proven liar?

Would HELP, but it does not prove citizenship since non-citizens can choose to serve.
Shouldn't need anything but your signature on election day. All this ID crap should be resolved when you register (once in your life)..
I was referring to absentee voting which is available by mail in most states.

its the same least out here it is.....what you get is the same setup....ballets look exactly alike....
In Washington, I get a ballot through the mail for ever election. In Florida and Texas, I called the registrar's office and they mailed me one. No photo id needed.
here you get an Envelope to mail back with your own personal voter ID number with a bar code stamped on it and when you first apply to get it, you have to fill out a form with your Drivers license # or State ID #....and your signature....under penalty of death if you falsify anything.....

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