Getting To Know Pete Seeger


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Mr. Seeger passed away several weeks ago.
When he died, there was a general outpouring of affection for the man and his musical talents.

For some of us, myself included, it was a matter of self-discipline to refrain from revealing the truth about the man.
Enough time has elapsed so that I feel I can reveal more than hagiography.

Begin with the period with which Seeger was most associated.

"Hollywood Blacklisting had nothing to do with McCarthy. ...When anti-communism took its toll in Hollywood, the blacklisting took the “deadly” form of not having ones name in the credits, or living in Paris, or not being able to sell a teleplay for as much as three years. This for folks who had no problem with Ukrainian farmers and their children eating their shoes."

Coulter was reminding all that communists in America were in support of the most deadly, most psychotic regime the world has ever seen. Communism slaughtered over 100 million human beings.

Ron Radosh grew up with Seeger.....and he wrote the following upon the opening of Jim Brown's documentary, "Pete Seeger: The Power of Song,"

1. "I also asked why, after supporting Stalin's tyranny for most of his life, Mr. Seeger had never written a song about the Gulag. He often introduces his song "Treblinka" by saying how we cannot forget the past. Yet he still says nothing critical about Fidel Castro's Cuba, or any other "socialist" regimes.

2. . .... Bruce Springsteen calls Mr. Seeger a great "citizen-activist" on camera. There are more accolades from all the usual suspects — Bonnie Raitt, Natalie Manes of the Dixie Chicks, Joan Baez, and Peter Yarrow and Mary Travers. But when it comes to specifically addressing Mr. Seeger's politics, whom do we see on camera? First comes Charlene Mitchell, a former Communist Party leader and Presidential candidate, and then Henry Foner, a union official and lifelong fellow traveler.

3. . The film's most egregious moment comes when it tells us that Mr. Seeger joined the Communist Party in 1939, and drifted out of it a decade later. It relates how in 1941 he joined the first folk music group, the Almanac Singers, which sang for the labor movement and the CIO.

4. Nowhere does this documentary describe the Almanac Singers' very first album, "Songs for John Doe." .... in August 1939 Hitler and Stalin signed a pact and became allies. Overnight the communists took a 180-degree turn and became advocates of peace, arguing that Nazi Germany, which the USSR had opposed before 1939, was a benign power, and that the only threat to the world came from imperial Britain and FDR's America, which was on the verge of fascism. Those who wanted to intervene against Hitler were servants of Republic Steel and the oil cartels.

5. In the "John Doe" album, Mr. Seeger accused FDR of being a warmongering fascist working for J.P. Morgan. He sang, "I hate war, and so does Eleanor, and we won't be safe till everybody's dead."

Another song, to the tune of "Cripple Creek" and the sound of Mr. Seeger's galloping banjo, said, "Franklin D., Franklin D., You ain't a-gonna send us across the sea," and "Wendell Willkie and Franklin D., both agree on killing me."

6. The film does not tell us what happened in 1941, when — two months after "John Doe" was released — Hitler broke his pact with Stalin and invaded the Soviet Union. As good communists, Mr. Seeger and his Almanac comrades withdrew the album from circulation, and asked those who had bought copies to return them. A little later, the Almanacs released a new album, with Mr. Seeger singing "Dear Mr. President," in which he acknowledges they didn't always agree in the past, but now says he is going to "turn in his banjo for something that makes more noise," i.e., a machine gun.

As he says in the film, we had to put aside causes like unionism and civil rights to unite against Hitler.

7. For years, Mr. Seeger used to sing a song with a Yiddish group called "Hey Zhankoye," which helped spread the fiction that Stalin's USSR freed the Russian Jews by establishing Jewish collective farms in the Crimea. Singing such a song at the same time as Stalin was planning the obliteration of Soviet Jewry was disgraceful. It is now decades later. Why doesn't Mr. Seeger talk about this and offer an apology?

8. ... one of Mr. Seeger's greatest accomplishments was his tour with third-party Presidential candidate Henry A. Wallace in 1948. Viewers are told only that Wallace was a peace candidate opposed to the America-created Cold War, and that he was falsely accused of being a communist. Nowhere do we learn that Wallace's campaign was in fact a Communist Party-run affair, and that had he been elected, Wallace announced he was going to appoint men to his Cabinet who we now know were bona fide Soviet agents.

Instead, we are asked to assume that every position taken by the old pro-Soviet left wing has been proved correct.

9. Mr. Seeger went to visit North Vietnam in 1972, and came away ecstatic about the beautiful country and the peace-loving people there. We hear nothing about the political prisoners, the boat people, or about Ms. Baez's lone protest after the war's end against political oppression on the part of those she called "aging Stalinist leaders," a protest that Mr. Seeger, for once, took no part in. Instead we see the video of him singing his anti-war hit, "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy."

.... Seeger says he slowly drifted away from the Communist Party because he didn't like its top-down organization. He does not address the policies for which it stood. He never pauses to criticize the communist regimes he once backed, nor the few that still exist, like Castro's prison camp in Cuba. Mr. Seeger's cries for peace and his opposition to every American foreign and military policy (even ousting the Taliban from Afghanistan) show that he has learned little from the past.

a. Mr. Brown's film lionizes him, and lets viewers believe that his old causes were on target, that his opponents were in essence war criminals.

10. A sympathetic but accurate film would .... dare to criticize him for his anachronistic and false political views. We come out of the film viewing Mr. Seeger as a man who always stood for peace. The truth was that he called for peace when the Party line demanded it, changed to supporting military intervention when the Party line changed, and then resumed the campaign for peace during the Cold War, when he regularly endorsed disarming America and excusing the Soviet arms buildup. Now, he constantly tells interviewers that he is a communist with a small c. He has finally gotten off the Stalinist bandwagon — a little late to make any difference, ...." Time for Pete Seeger To Repent - The New York Sun

That's who Pete Seeger was, comrade.
[ame=]Pete Seeger: Waist Deep in the Big Muddy - YouTube[/ame]
he was always performing around the area i live. he was big into the whole river watch thing
American Communists like Pete Seeger, whose popular image suggested irreverence and independence, was in fact a lockstep Stalinist. He crooned for peace from ’39 to ’41, when Soviets and Nazis were allies. But when the Nazis invaded Russia, Seeger began to let his voice ring out for war- and for the ‘second front’ Stalin was demanding.

He sang odes to Stalin, and later to Ho Chi Minh.
Ron Radosh » 2009 » April
Seeger had no problem with Hitler until this masters in Moscow told him to do so.

The same can be argued as true of Franklin Roosevelt.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48
The music and philosophy of Pete Seeger was the warm and subtle embrace of world communism. It is the velvet glove hiding the mailed fist.

Seeger and his ilk supported the gulags and the Terror Famines. He was the precursor of the Weathermen, who agreed that 25 million Americans needed to be exterminated when they took over.

[ame=]Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube[/ame]

A couple of weeks ago there were a ton of Seeger fans.

Not so much today..... got your tongue?
The music and philosophy of Pete Seeger was the warm and subtle embrace of world communism. It is the velvet glove hiding the mailed fist.

Seeger and his ilk supported the gulags and the Terror Famines. He was the precursor of the Weathermen, who agreed that 25 million Americans needed to be exterminated when they took over.

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube

A couple of weeks ago there were a ton of Seeger fans.

Not so much today..... got your tongue?
Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger are even less credible than your sources for your lies about Shaw! Have you no shame???

It is so obvious that the liar in your video is lying you have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know it! In the sixties there were less than 200 million people, the US did not reach the 250 million the liar quoted until the 1990s, long after the passing of the Weather Underground. It is obviously a completely made up "conversation" with himself.
The music and philosophy of Pete Seeger was the warm and subtle embrace of world communism. It is the velvet glove hiding the mailed fist.

Seeger and his ilk supported the gulags and the Terror Famines. He was the precursor of the Weathermen, who agreed that 25 million Americans needed to be exterminated when they took over.

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube

A couple of weeks ago there were a ton of Seeger fans.

Not so much today..... got your tongue?
Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger are even less credible than your sources for your lies about Shaw! Have you no shame???

It is so obvious that the liar in your video is lying you have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know it! In the sixties there were less than 200 million people, the US did not reach the 250 million the liar quoted until the 1990s, long after the passing of the Weather Underground. It is obviously a completely made up "conversation" with himself.

The only liar here-about is you.

I chalk it up to your ignorance.

I post facts, you post 'is not, is not.....waaaaaaa!'
The music and philosophy of Pete Seeger was the warm and subtle embrace of world communism. It is the velvet glove hiding the mailed fist.

Seeger and his ilk supported the gulags and the Terror Famines. He was the precursor of the Weathermen, who agreed that 25 million Americans needed to be exterminated when they took over.

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube

A couple of weeks ago there were a ton of Seeger fans.

Not so much today..... got your tongue?
Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger are even less credible than your sources for your lies about Shaw! Have you no shame???

It is so obvious that the liar in your video is lying you have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know it! In the sixties there were less than 200 million people, the US did not reach the 250 million the liar quoted until the 1990s, long after the passing of the Weather Underground. It is obviously a completely made up "conversation" with himself.

The only liar here-about is you.

I chalk it up to your ignorance.

I post facts, you post 'is not, is not.....waaaaaaa!'
Your link claimed that while he was infiltrating the Weather Underground there were 250 million people in the US. That is a lie, not a fact and you posted it.

I chalk it up to your gullibility

As I pointed out the US did not reach a population of 250 million until the 1990s, long after the Weather Underground was history. It is obvious he was never in the Weather Underground and made up that bullshit well after the fact.
Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger are even less credible than your sources for your lies about Shaw! Have you no shame???

It is so obvious that the liar in your video is lying you have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know it! In the sixties there were less than 200 million people, the US did not reach the 250 million the liar quoted until the 1990s, long after the passing of the Weather Underground. It is obviously a completely made up "conversation" with himself.

The only liar here-about is you.

I chalk it up to your ignorance.

I post facts, you post 'is not, is not.....waaaaaaa!'
Your link claimed that while he was infiltrating the Weather Underground there were 250 million people in the US. That is a lie, not a fact and you posted it.

I chalk it up to your gullibility

As I pointed out the US did not reach a population of 250 million until the 1990s, long after the Weather Underground was history. It is obvious he was never in the Weather Underground and made up that bullshit well after the fact.

Let's school you in the use of the language.

Stating the number was 250 million may have been an 'error,' or an 'exaggeration.'
But hardly a 'lie,' and no reason to doubt his FBI experience.

Your attempting to hide the fact.....fact......that George Bernard Shaw was a believer in slaughter of any he deemed unfit, in the face of the proof that I provided......that is a 'lie.'

You refusing to accept that the Weathermen, and all of their permutations, would have had any problem with the same kinds of genocide practiced by other totalitarians, is ignorance and stupidity.

Your lack of education is, while, sadly, not restricted to yourself, is the reason this nation is in the trouble that it is.
The only liar here-about is you.

I chalk it up to your ignorance.

I post facts, you post 'is not, is not.....waaaaaaa!'
Your link claimed that while he was infiltrating the Weather Underground there were 250 million people in the US. That is a lie, not a fact and you posted it.

I chalk it up to your gullibility

As I pointed out the US did not reach a population of 250 million until the 1990s, long after the Weather Underground was history. It is obvious he was never in the Weather Underground and made up that bullshit well after the fact.

Let's school you in the use of the language.

Stating the number was 250 million may have been an 'error,' or an 'exaggeration.'
But hardly a 'lie,' and no reason to doubt his FBI experience.

Your attempting to hide the fact.....fact......that George Bernard Shaw was a believer in slaughter of any he deemed unfit, in the face of the proof that I provided......that is a 'lie.'

You refusing to accept that the Weathermen, and all of their permutations, would have had any problem with the same kinds of genocide practiced by other totalitarians, is ignorance and stupidity.

Your lack of education is, while, sadly, not restricted to yourself, is the reason this nation is in the trouble that it is.
That you provided proof to support your lie is a lie. You only proved your ignorance and gullibility.

Your know-it-all pompous stupidity is the reason this nation is in the trouble that it is.
The music and philosophy of Pete Seeger was the warm and subtle embrace of world communism. It is the velvet glove hiding the mailed fist.

Seeger and his ilk supported the gulags and the Terror Famines. He was the precursor of the Weathermen, who agreed that 25 million Americans needed to be exterminated when they took over.

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube

A couple of weeks ago there were a ton of Seeger fans.

Not so much today..... got your tongue?
Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger are even less credible than your sources for your lies about Shaw! Have you no shame???

It is so obvious that the liar in your video is lying you have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know it! In the sixties there were less than 200 million people, the US did not reach the 250 million the liar quoted until the 1990s, long after the passing of the Weather Underground. It is obviously a completely made up "conversation" with himself.

"Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger...."

Yet you didn't disclose any of 'em.....

"Still, Seeger acknowledges his support of Marxist principles. "I still call myself a communist," hesaid in 1995, "because communism is no more what Russia made of it than Christianity is what the churches make of it."

In 2000, Seeger reiterated: "I am still a Communist." And in an interview with Mother Jonesmagazine four years later, he elaborated: “I’m still a communist, in the sense that I don’t believe the world will survive with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.”
Pete Seeger - Discover the Networks

Do you know the communist methodology for dealing with folks that didn't acquiesce?

Yup...just what Shaw said to do with 'em.

Seems to be a pattern in the folks you support, huh?
The music and philosophy of Pete Seeger was the warm and subtle embrace of world communism. It is the velvet glove hiding the mailed fist.

Seeger and his ilk supported the gulags and the Terror Famines. He was the precursor of the Weathermen, who agreed that 25 million Americans needed to be exterminated when they took over.

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube

A couple of weeks ago there were a ton of Seeger fans.

Not so much today..... got your tongue?
Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger are even less credible than your sources for your lies about Shaw! Have you no shame???

It is so obvious that the liar in your video is lying you have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know it! In the sixties there were less than 200 million people, the US did not reach the 250 million the liar quoted until the 1990s, long after the passing of the Weather Underground. It is obviously a completely made up "conversation" with himself.

"Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger...."

Yet you didn't disclose any of 'em.....

"Still, Seeger acknowledges his support of Marxist principles. "I still call myself a communist," hesaid in 1995, "because communism is no more what Russia made of it than Christianity is what the churches make of it."

In 2000, Seeger reiterated: "I am still a Communist." And in an interview with Mother Jonesmagazine four years later, he elaborated: “I’m still a communist, in the sense that I don’t believe the world will survive with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.”
Pete Seeger - Discover the Networks

Do you know the communist methodology for dealing with folks that didn't acquiesce?

Yup...just what Shaw said to do with 'em.

Seems to be a pattern in the folks you support, huh?
Shaw said let the women choose who to mate with and their choices will create the Superman. He SATIRIZED those who didn't "acquiesce."
Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger are even less credible than your sources for your lies about Shaw! Have you no shame???

It is so obvious that the liar in your video is lying you have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know it! In the sixties there were less than 200 million people, the US did not reach the 250 million the liar quoted until the 1990s, long after the passing of the Weather Underground. It is obviously a completely made up "conversation" with himself.

"Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger...."

Yet you didn't disclose any of 'em.....

"Still, Seeger acknowledges his support of Marxist principles. "I still call myself a communist," hesaid in 1995, "because communism is no more what Russia made of it than Christianity is what the churches make of it."

In 2000, Seeger reiterated: "I am still a Communist." And in an interview with Mother Jonesmagazine four years later, he elaborated: “I’m still a communist, in the sense that I don’t believe the world will survive with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.”
Pete Seeger - Discover the Networks

Do you know the communist methodology for dealing with folks that didn't acquiesce?

Yup...just what Shaw said to do with 'em.

Seems to be a pattern in the folks you support, huh?
Shaw said let the women choose who to mate with and their choices will create the Superman. He SATIRIZED those who didn't "acquiesce."

Newspapers at the time quoted Shaw as endorsing Hitler, Mussolini, and eugenics.

There are letters between Shaw and Margaret Sanger agreeing with the progressive views on extermination of 'undesirables.'

Just lucky for you that you didn't live under Shaw's purview.
You're exactly who he had in mind.....
"Your sources for your lies about Pete Seeger...."

Yet you didn't disclose any of 'em.....

"Still, Seeger acknowledges his support of Marxist principles. "I still call myself a communist," hesaid in 1995, "because communism is no more what Russia made of it than Christianity is what the churches make of it."

In 2000, Seeger reiterated: "I am still a Communist." And in an interview with Mother Jonesmagazine four years later, he elaborated: “I’m still a communist, in the sense that I don’t believe the world will survive with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.”
Pete Seeger - Discover the Networks

Do you know the communist methodology for dealing with folks that didn't acquiesce?

Yup...just what Shaw said to do with 'em.

Seems to be a pattern in the folks you support, huh?
Shaw said let the women choose who to mate with and their choices will create the Superman. He SATIRIZED those who didn't "acquiesce."

Newspapers at the time quoted Shaw as endorsing Hitler, Mussolini, and eugenics.

There are letters between Shaw and Margaret Sanger agreeing with the progressive views on extermination of 'undesirables.'

Just lucky for you that you didn't live under Shaw's purview.
You're exactly who he had in mind
Yeah, newspapers, like you, pretended he wasn't satirizing Eugenicists, but honest people knew he was. Shaw used satiric irony in order to mock those who took eugenics to inhumane extremes, similar to Jonathan Swift making his proposal that babies of the poor could be used as food, and some commentators have deliberately failed to take this into account. Regarding the quote the dishonest CON$ cite, that you parroted, it was an example of Shaw satirically employing the reductio ad absurdum argument against the non-Shavian eugenicists' wilder dreams. Many in the Right-Wing press took his words out of their satirical context. Dan Stone wrote: "Either the press believed Shaw to be serious, and vilified him, or recognized the tongue-in-cheek nature of his lecture."

So you think I'm the type of man a woman would choose to mate with in order to produce the Superman. I'm flattered, but you are not my type. Thank you anyway for the high compliment. In 1910, he wrote that natural attraction, rather than consideration of wealth or social class, should govern selection of marriage partners, hardly the same as the eugenics adopted by the National Socialists of Germany that the GOP hate mongers try to brand him with. Anyone who ever read his works would know better.
In An Unsocial Socialist he condemned the democratic system of his time, saying that workers, ruthlessly exploited by greedy employers, lived in abject poverty and were too ignorant and apathetic to vote intelligently. In the first act of Buoyant Billions his protagonist asks:
"Why appeal to the mob when ninety-five per cent of them do not understand politics, and can do nothing but mischief without leaders? And what sort of leaders do they vote for? For Titus Oates and Lord George Gordon with their Popish plots, for Hitlers who call on them to exterminate Jews, for Mussolinis who rally them to nationalist dreams of glory and empire in which all foreigners are enemies to be subjugated.
In Man and Superman he argued that this deficiency would ultimately be corrected by the emergence of long-lived supermen with experience and intelligence enough to govern properly. He called the developmental process elective breeding, referred to as Shavian Eugenics, because he thought it was driven by a "Life Force" that led women—subconsciously—to select the mates most likely to give them superior children. The outcome Shaw envisioned is dramatized in Back to Methuselah, a play depicting human development from its beginning in the Garden of Eden until the distant future.

OTOH, you are probably too illiterate and ignorant to know you were giving me a compliment having never read "Man And Superman" or anything else by Shaw.
Shaw said let the women choose who to mate with and their choices will create the Superman. He SATIRIZED those who didn't "acquiesce."

Newspapers at the time quoted Shaw as endorsing Hitler, Mussolini, and eugenics.

There are letters between Shaw and Margaret Sanger agreeing with the progressive views on extermination of 'undesirables.'

Just lucky for you that you didn't live under Shaw's purview.
You're exactly who he had in mind
Yeah, newspapers, like you, pretended he wasn't satirizing Eugenicists, but honest people knew he was. Shaw used satiric irony in order to mock those who took eugenics to inhumane extremes, similar to Jonathan Swift making his proposal that babies of the poor could be used as food, and some commentators have deliberately failed to take this into account. Regarding the quote the dishonest CON$ cite, that you parroted, it was an example of Shaw satirically employing the reductio ad absurdum argument against the non-Shavian eugenicists' wilder dreams. Many in the Right-Wing press took his words out of their satirical context. Dan Stone wrote: "Either the press believed Shaw to be serious, and vilified him, or recognized the tongue-in-cheek nature of his lecture."

So you think I'm the type of man a woman would choose to mate with in order to produce the Superman. I'm flattered, but you are not my type. Thank you anyway for the high compliment. In 1910, he wrote that natural attraction, rather than consideration of wealth or social class, should govern selection of marriage partners, hardly the same as the eugenics adopted by the National Socialists of Germany that the GOP hate mongers try to brand him with. Anyone who ever read his works would know better.
In An Unsocial Socialist he condemned the democratic system of his time, saying that workers, ruthlessly exploited by greedy employers, lived in abject poverty and were too ignorant and apathetic to vote intelligently. In the first act of Buoyant Billions his protagonist asks:
"Why appeal to the mob when ninety-five per cent of them do not understand politics, and can do nothing but mischief without leaders? And what sort of leaders do they vote for? For Titus Oates and Lord George Gordon with their Popish plots, for Hitlers who call on them to exterminate Jews, for Mussolinis who rally them to nationalist dreams of glory and empire in which all foreigners are enemies to be subjugated.
In Man and Superman he argued that this deficiency would ultimately be corrected by the emergence of long-lived supermen with experience and intelligence enough to govern properly. He called the developmental process elective breeding, referred to as Shavian Eugenics, because he thought it was driven by a "Life Force" that led women—subconsciously—to select the mates most likely to give them superior children. The outcome Shaw envisioned is dramatized in Back to Methuselah, a play depicting human development from its beginning in the Garden of Eden until the distant future.

OTOH, you are probably too illiterate and ignorant to know you were giving me a compliment having never read "Man And Superman" or anything else by Shaw.

"After visiting the USSR in 1931 and meeting Joseph Stalin, Shaw became a supporter of the Stalinist USSR."
George Bernard Shaw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In this Shaw was managing to synthesize eugenics with socialism, his best-loved political doctrine."

You're a dunce.
I love these types of slanders. First, the dude was a private citizen. He did not hold any public office or even attempt to do so. If you really think that trying to tie Pete Seeger to politics is going to make him look bad, you clearly spend far too much time consumed by politics. He wasn't into politics. He was an artist and an all around nice guy. That he flirted with communism via the communist party says nothing of his character or his acomplishments.
The music and philosophy of Pete Seeger was the warm and subtle embrace of world communism. It is the velvet glove hiding the mailed fist.

Seeger and his ilk supported the gulags and the Terror Famines. He was the precursor of the Weathermen, who agreed that 25 million Americans needed to be exterminated when they took over.

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube

A couple of weeks ago there were a ton of Seeger fans.

Not so much today..... got your tongue?

No it wasn't. :lmao:

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