Gettings from a newbie...


Oct 8, 2012
Hello all, I'm new here. I love to learn all sides to a debate. I find it gets me closer to the truth.
I wanted to post a question about DOMA, but was not clear on which forum would be the best one. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hello all, I'm new here. I love to learn all sides to a debate. I find it gets me closer to the truth.
I wanted to post a question about DOMA, but was not clear on which forum would be the best one. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Welcome to USMB, alisty. Since DOMA is an act, you could post your question at USMB Congress Boards . If it is from an ethical or religious view, or you would like people's religious opinions, you might consider USMB Religion & Ethics boards. If your question is from a legal aspect, and your question is of a legal nature, you could post your question at USMB Law & Justice Boards.

You're always welcome at the USMB coffee shop and The Tavern, or to scroll through archives and find possibly a discussion in which your question may have been answered to your satisfaction. That's a little harder, but just use "search" and try for finding a thread or go direct by clicking on posts, which may be in most recent dates first in search. Hope that helps.

Best wishes, and welcome aboard. :)
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Make sure the title of your op is spilled correctly.

We have some real spilleng nizas around here.

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