Getty Releases Millions of Images for Free Use


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I tried bookmarking the site but Firefox wouldn't let me while Opera did. It's here and changes so fast it's hard to keep up. The article from The Telegraph is @ Getty releases millions of free images in fight against copyright - Telegraph

This brings up a personal question. Forums have rules in their FAQs about not infringing a copyright by posting. I've studied copyright laws and, IMHO, these laws are designed to prevent OTHERS from making financial gain off the idea and artistic creations of the originators. So, is posting an image that is still covered by copyright an infringement if it's only to provide information for free to others/

What's your take on that?
"Information yearns to be free."

Copyrights are usualy only cited when another party wants to make money using something they don't own the rights to. 'End-user' use isn't typically about that as per 'fair use' distinctions.

Images in particular, if photographs at least are hard to justify owning (being a moment in time captured on film.) As opposed to something completely fabricated by an artist. Citing an old Vietnam picture recently I bumped up against this very issue referencing the 'naked girl running down a road' after a US naplam attack burned her clothes right off her body. That's a famous and copyrighted image. Another time I referenced a National Geographic cover showing some arab sorta woman with very striking eyes. Also copyrighted. But using them in a discussion falls under 'fair use' definitions. And as long as you give proper credit to the copyright holder you're allowed to use it (I think.) But you wouldn't be allowed to make any monies off their use.

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