Ghana Invites African Americans to ‘Come Home‘ in Wake of US Protests

sounds good to me!

Two things for Barby O-G.

The only racist deadly pandemic in America is, primarily, young black thugs killing other young black thugs and occasional bystanders.

You’re welcome to all the disgruntled Americans with African roots who wanna come. Just know their pocket money will be light their monthly U S taxpayers’ stipend.
I was in the hospital a couple of years ago for surgery and one of the health care workers was from Ghana.
We talked a lot about his life back in Ghana and how it compared to living in the U.S., it was quite interesting.
He told me his fellow immigrants would laugh when they would hear African Americans talking about moving back to the motherland of Africa, because with their "give me everything for free and don't want to work lazy attitude", they would die of starvation in a week. .. :lol: :lol:
sounds good to me!

Doubt many takers on that.

The Portuguese were the first to arrive. By 1471, under the patronage of Prince Henry the Navigator, they had reached the area that was to become known as the Gold Coast because Europeans knew the area as the source of gold that reached Muslim North Africa by way of trade routes across the Sahara. The initial Portuguese interest in trading for gold, ivory, and pepper so increased that in 1482 the Portuguese built their first permanent trading post on the western coast of present-day Ghana. This fortress, Elmina Castle, constructed to protect Portuguese trade from European competitors and hostile Africans, still stands.

With the opening of European plantations in the New World during the 1500s, which suddenly expanded the demand for slaves in the Americas, trade in slaves soon overshadowed gold as the principal export of the area. Indeed, the west coast of Africa became the principal source of slaves for the New World. The seemingly insatiable market and the substantial profits to be gained from the slave trade attracted adventurers from all over Europe. Much of the conflict that arose among European groups on the coast and among competing African kingdoms was the result of rivalry for control of this trade.
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If the 10 million most disgruntled were paid $25,000 each to relocate that’s about 1/4 population yet these mist disgruntled miscreants account for 75% of all crime so even with a price tag of 250 billion it would be a super bargain very quickly
If the 10 million most disgruntled were paid $25,000 each to relocate that’s about 1/4 population yet these mist disgruntled miscreants account for 75% of all crime so even with a price tag of 250 billion it would be a super bargain very quickly
I’d support this, but they must relinquish their citizenship and US passport and never return to America.
I was in the hospital a couple of years ago for surgery and one of the health care workers was from Ghana.
We talked a lot about his life back in Ghana and how it compared to living in the U.S., it was quite interesting.
He told me his fellow immigrants would laugh when they would hear African Americans talking about moving back to the motherland of Africa, because with their "give me everything for free and don't want to work lazy attitude", they would die of starvation in a week. .. :lol: :lol:
No white people to tax and leech off of, they would have to work.
I doubt they will get a dozen to actually go.
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If the 10 million most disgruntled were paid $25,000 each to relocate that’s about 1/4 population yet these mist disgruntled miscreants account for 75% of all crime so even with a price tag of 250 billion it would be a super bargain very quickly
I’d support this, but they must relinquish their citizenship and US passport and never return to America.
Put your money and life where your hateful riotous mouth is. Take the money and go and tear up that country when your feelings are out of joint
I love Ghana, they are a productive mans new best friend.
I was in the hospital a couple of years ago for surgery and one of the health care workers was from Ghana.
We talked a lot about his life back in Ghana and how it compared to living in the U.S., it was quite interesting.
He told me his fellow immigrants would laugh when they would hear African Americans talking about moving back to the motherland of Africa, because with their "give me everything for free and don't want to work lazy attitude", they would die of starvation in a week. .. :lol: :lol:

Yup, my friends from Kenya and Botswana say the same.
To be fair, almost NO American wants to actually go back to the old country.

It's fun to talk about how much affection one has for the country of his/her ancestors, but almost no one would want to live there. (That's why I agree it would be cruel to force the Dreamers to return to their parents' countries.)

Most Americans realize that despite the problems that we face (e.g., the growing antagonism between two certain ethnicities that is being whipped up by unscrupulous individuals), most Americans want to stay right here.

Oh, sure, it's fun to have parades celebrating Irish or Chinese or African roots, but parades and special days are the limit to such pride. No one is going anywhere. We are stuck with one another.
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To be fair, almost NO American wants to actually go back to the old country.

It's fun to talk about how much affection one has for the country of his/her ancestors, but almost no one would want to live there. (That's why I agree it would be cruel to force the Dreamers to return to their parents' countries.)

Most Americans realize that despite the problems that we face (e.g., the growing antagonism between two certain ethnicities that is being whipped up by unscrupulous individuals), most Americans want to stay right here.

Oh, sure, it's fun to have parades celebrating Irish or Chinese or African roots, but parades and special days are the limit to such pride. No one is going anywhere. We are stuck with one another.
“Most Americans” aren’t bitching and Moaning, looting and pillaging, about America while sucking at the teat of it. Your offering is discredited.
some of my favorite soccer players: Memphis Depay, Wakaso and Mario Balotelli are from Ghana

NBA Star Joel Embiid is from neighboring Cameroon

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