Ghetto Woman goes Insane for being Charged 20 cents for Water

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
[ame=]Ghetto Lady Snaps on Foreigners For Charging 20 cents For Water @LilFacebsf - YouTube[/ame]
She talks about crack cocaine, reparations, hair salons, racism, underground pipes, slavery, and everything else her deranged mind can come up with. .. :cuckoo:

Yea, Jeremiah, I have no doubt that you and her are a lot alike. . :lol: :lol:
I've been through this.

People who feel the African Americans are owed reparations as a class
either work to set up a way to benefit the community to overcome disparity
or those who "can't forgive the past" often
PROJECT this karmic debt onto anything or anyone else that reminds them of the injustice.

I saw someone get their grant money taken and used for other people
because they felt entitled. There were men with a nonprofit who misdirected
another grant, and never took responsibility for paying it back because
they were 'doing whatever they could to get by.' Just availing themselves
of whatever "reparations" comes their way.

I had people abuse my help given to the community
because they felt they were owed it anyway.
It didn't matter where it came from. They even argued over the help,
blaming me if I gave more help to someone else besides them!

Never worrying about paying it back, but assuming my labor
doesn't count that went into earning the money, because I came from a family with
more advantages, education and privileges than they had,
so somehow I owe them the help anyway since I have more to give?

So it was NOT "okay" for African Americans to be treated "as slaves"
and expect to "work for their own reparations."

But it WAS okay to shift the burden to Asian Americans to work
for African American reparations because Asians start with the same advantages that
white people have, and thus owe it to Blacks who came from slavery,
especially Asian immigrant families (or descendants because I was born
in America) who somehow OWE our privileges to African Americans
who are ALL assumed to be descendants of slaves and/or treated
as unequal citizens because the laws were not changed until 1865 and 1964.

Sorry, still trying to understand where this karma comes from.

Since "white people" are not paying reparations
then as an "Asian American" who benefited when my immigrant parents
came here, then I am held responsible since nobody else has offered to help.

Been there, done that, still doing it and trying to get out of it.
Karma is a Botch!
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