"Ghost Town": Shocking Dystopian Video Of NYC Shows An Abandoned And Boarded Up 5th Avenue

Stunning. Bill de Blasio is such a piece of shit. He single handedly ruined a great city.
Its just amazing to me how all the wonderful work Guiliani did in NYC has been completely ruined by the communist Mayor Diblasio. Congrats, New Yorkers. Please stay the fuck out of Florida! We dont need you fucking up our state too.

:eek: Wow! That is bad! Yes, Stay away from FL, New Yorkers!
Florida alligators and sharks prefer New Yorker meat! Plus it's as hot as Beelzelbub's balls here and you will break out in some kinda weird heat rash where your blood boils.

LMAO good one and yes Florida heat is unbelievable. I live here so I know. Thank God for AC. LOL
Noel, Missouri has boarded up windows and locked doors because of a decaying of the infrastructure due to a loss of revenue and commercial business and it has been ran by Republicans for fifty years. Neighborhoods have rotten structures called houses and laws go unenforced. It is a majority white city ran by white Republicans...

Yeah, apples and diesel engines there troll boy. Missouri's problems are NAFTA related.
Noel, Missouri has boarded up windows and locked doors because of a decaying of the infrastructure due to a loss of revenue and commercial business and it has been ran by Republicans for fifty years. Neighborhoods have rotten structures called houses and laws go unenforced. It is a majority white city ran by white Republicans...

Wow, you are comparing a town of 1800, whose sole industry is a Tyson food processing plant employing a bunch of Spmalis and Sudanese with the city of New York and it's millions of people.

That has got to be the most racist comment I have ever heard you make.

What's the matter, you lose your job to a African?
Want to see ghost towns try driving through rural Kansas, the whole country has problems, why pick just on states that are primarily populated by one political party? you do know that EVERY state has citizens of both party's don't you?
Want to see ghost towns try driving through rural Kansas, the whole country has problems, why pick just on states that are primarily populated by one political party? you do know that EVERY state has citizens of both party's don't you?

Yes, they are empty because the people moved away for better jobs. And dishonest you tries to compare that with people leaving to save their lives!

What contemptible pieces of shit you progressives are.
You keep forgetting to prove that the people responsible for the destruction vote for Democrats

NYC is overwhelmingly Democrat you troll.
You still have not proven that those that did the damage vote at all...All you can do is call names and not prove statements with facts only opinions.



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Its just amazing to me how all the wonderful work Guiliani did in NYC has been completely ruined by the communist Mayor Diblasio. Congrats, New Yorkers. Please stay the fuck out of Florida! We dont need you fucking up our state too.

:eek: Wow! That is bad! Yes, Stay away from FL, New Yorkers!
Florida alligators and sharks prefer New Yorker meat! Plus it's as hot a Beelzelbub's balls here and you will break out in some kinda weird heat rash where your blood boils.

They love moving here and trying to fuck it up by voting the way they voted when they fucked up New York. Its literally retarded.

And that's what I hate!

I hate it! the same happens when the Left moves from Cali to Texas.

and they start doing it all over again! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:mad:

There should be a law against that lol.....( but I really mean it)

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Its just amazing to me how all the wonderful work Guiliani did in NYC has been completely ruined by the communist Mayor Diblasio. Congrats, New Yorkers. Please stay the fuck out of Florida! We dont need you fucking up our state too.

Yeah heard about this,thanks for posting it,the lamestream media of course is totally covering it up blacking out this news,trying to fool everyone that things are going to be okay.its so bad in new York that we all know how it’s always bumper to bumper there and the city is so crowded you can’t turn around without running into someone,those days are over with.this video I have seen shows this car driving through the city at a high speed because there are no other cars around and the streets are empty,it’s like a ghost town.

Did any of us ever think things would get THIS bad that New York would look like this. This is right out of a Stephen king novel,we always figured that would happen to other countries but not us.I really hate saying this but we are in our final days,I don’t expect mankind to be around past ten years from now and this is coming from someone non religious who does not believe in a higher power.

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