Ghost's Tobias Forge equates modern conservatism with "stupidity", blasts Trump(Peter Thiel once said:Dems are the evil party/GOP is the stupid party)

True conservatism, not "modern" conservatism, IS progress. Individual liberty is progress. Collectivism and authoritarian central govts are as old as civilization is.
True conservatism, not "modern" conservatism, IS progress. Individual liberty is progress. Collectivism and authoritarian central govts are as old as civilization is.
you should read George Will's book The Conservative Sensibility. it's long but good
True conservatism, not "modern" conservatism, IS progress. Individual liberty is progress. Collectivism and authoritarian central govts are as old as civilization is.
In the aftermath of the various scandals of Warren Harding’s fabulously corrupt administration, it was discovered that many of the malefactors “felt morally justified” about their cronyism because that was simply the way business was done in the private sector. And the Harding administration was all about business. “I speak for . . . the omission of unnecessary interference of Government with business,” Harding had blustered in his 1921 inaugural address, “for an end to Government’s experiment in business, and for more efficient business in Government administration.”

More business in government, less government in business. Harding mangled the phrase, but at the time this was a basic and well-known principle of American conservatism, an official slogan of no less an institution than the Chamber of Commerce.

There was nothing mystifying or elusive about the concept of a conservative state in those days. Conservatism was the natural creed of American government, regardless of whether Republicans or Democrats controlled it. Conservatism was “normalcy,” in Harding’s famous description. Everyone knew what conservatism was, whom it answered to, what it did, and what it stood for: control of the state by the people who obviously should control it. The successful, the powerful, and the wealthy—men of means who had the most at stake. Conservatism knew the rules of God and of nature; it knew how society was meant to be organized; it knew the rightful role of bankers, industrialists, legislators, workers, and even intellectuals, whose job was to justify and explain, rather than question or criticize

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