Gilligans Island -- I have questions!!

Ah, a true deep thinker. These are indeed the questions driving the search for knowledge of mankind and this board or should be.:icon_rolleyes:

A post made in fun, but actaully legitimate questions.

I have just as many questions about Star Wars as well. But thats another post for another time.

These are just common sense questions asked by many people over the years who have watched G.I. tired of the political crap for a bit. LOL
The answer is both. Lol. If ya are gunna bother dreaming I say dream big!
You can have Ginger.

I'll take Mary Ann

I have QUESTIONS!!!!

1. Why couldn't they be found? Don't boats and ships have beacons on them or location devices?
2. WHY were two millionaires on a private "for hire" tour boat instead of their own yacht??
3. Why did two millionaires bring several trunks of clothes for a 3 hour tour???
4. Why was a movie star wearing a sequined gown on a boat tour?
5. Why weren't all the smoke from the fires they made for heat and cooking ever seen by fishermen, cruise ships, or naval vessels?
6. If they were close enough to get a clear radio signal on that small transistor radio, SOMEBODY HAD to have seen them from one of the other islands or flying over, or crusing by.
7. How did their clothes stay so fresh and new?
8. Where did all the other clothes they wore come from?
9. WHY would a professor bring his LAB EQUIPMENT on a 3 hour cruise?
10. WHY was Maryanne SO FREEKING ADORABLE????

His yacht was back in Newport while he was vacationing with his wife in Hawaii.

I have QUESTIONS!!!!

1. Why couldn't they be found? Don't boats and ships have beacons on them or location devices? That would lead to poor ratings and a short-lived series.
2. WHY were two millionaires on a private "for hire" tour boat instead of their own yacht?? The reason they were so rich is because they were tight wads.
3. Why did two millionaires bring several trunks of clothes for a 3 hour tour??? Because ultra rich people are arrogant snobs that don't wear the same cloths twice.
4. Why was a movie star wearing a sequined gown on a boat tour? To "turn-on" the men on the boat.
5. Why weren't all the smoke from the fires they made for heat and cooking ever seen by fishermen, cruise ships, or naval vessels? It was a special, invisible smoke not seen by the naked eye.
6. If they were close enough to get a clear radio signal on that small transistor radio, SOMEBODY HAD to have seen them from one of the other islands or flying over, or crusing by. The locals were smoking pot and not paying attention to their surroundings.
7. How did their clothes stay so fresh and new? Gilligan was a closet homo and a clean freak.
8. Where did all the other clothes they wore come from? Gilligan was a closet homo who liked to sew.
9. WHY would a professor bring his LAB EQUIPMENT on a 3 hour cruise? Selling Meth is lucrative in that region.
10. WHY was Maryanne SO FREEKING ADORABLE???? Because she has a nice butt, boobs, and face.
Answers in red. Click to expand.
Lots of people saw them. The russians in the space capsule. the mad scientist who switched their bodies, the robot. walter the homing pigeon...And the ghost.

And lest we forget...Bingo, Bango, Bongo and Irving :banana:
And Harold Hekubah the producer.

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