Gingrich brands Democrats 'party of food stamps'

It is a great call. Motivate them to get jobs and not use food stamps.
Gingrich is a great poster boy for the old fat white dude club.
especially since he was outed for shitting on his 7 wives.
Yep, cut food stamps when millions of Americans are losing their jobs. Great call, Obama.

I thought food stamps was socialist overspending on lazy people to you or did Obama cut your food stamps? LOL, j/k.

There are millions of Americans out of work through absolutely no fault of their own. There are millions of them who need help to survive - until they can get back on their feet. I support helping those people. I support helping people who see food stamps as a temporary solution to a serious problem. I do not support it as a career option.

Fortunately, I have been blessed never to have needed that kind of support. But that doesn't make me immune to it, nor does it make me too heartless to want to help my fellow Americans.... I'll give them a 'hand up' - not a 'hand out'.... (as another great poster so brilliantly put it)
Yep, cut food stamps when millions of Americans are losing their jobs. Great call, Obama.

I thought food stamps was socialist overspending on lazy people to you or did Obama cut your food stamps? LOL, j/k.

It's the irrational obsession with attacking Obama no matter what he does.

If you bothered to read WHY I think it was a bad call, then you'd know it wasn't about attacking Obama - it was about the moral responsibility to help Americans who cannot find jobs..... Because the Government fucked up the economy.
Gingrich brands Democrats 'party of food stamps' - Yahoo! News

Which is funny considering that Obama cut food stamps to free up money to pay teachers to provide better education so that people don't end up on food stamps later on.

This is another example of Gingrich trying to be outrageous enough to get attention in an environment where the outrageous absurdities of his fellow rightwingers grab the media's attention on a daily basis.

Back when the world was slightly saner and had a slightly higher degree of dignity and decorum, Gingrich used to have notoriety as a bombthrower and a firebrand.

Now he's just a fat old toad trying to keep up.
I thought food stamps was socialist overspending on lazy people to you or did Obama cut your food stamps? LOL, j/k.

It's the irrational obsession with attacking Obama no matter what he does.

If you bothered to read WHY I think it was a bad call, then you'd know it wasn't about attacking Obama - it was about the moral responsibility to help Americans who cannot find jobs..... Because the Government fucked up the economy.

You're sounding like the left the administration is complaining about.
It is a great call. Motivate them to get jobs and not use food stamps.
Do you realize that the jobs aren't there? Why merely assume that people are lazy when they lose their jobs and can't feed their families?

Of course, we all know why Conservatives fall back on that old poorly arrived at assumption, don't we? Some might think it's because falling back on that assumption is the intellectually easy way to go and thus more attractive to Conservatives. Some might think that it's because Conservatives have no experience being unemployed and are therefore out of touch with real life conditions.

But I think it's because Conservatives want to abate as much guilt as possible for the economic conditions they champion. Conditions which favor by legislative fiat companies that outsource work overseas. Conditions that reward the rich while ignoring the poor. Conditions that shut off basic services in the name of constitutional responsibility while granting millions in corporate welfare.

Motivate them to get jobs. As if the next jobs are just sitting there waiting to be filled but for the lazy Americans on food stamps. What crap.
So what? Newt is one of the biggest hypocrites in the pseudo-conservative movement.

He is a bold face liar. Right up there with Limbaugh, Hannity and a host of other pseudo-con talking heads.
Newt had about what? 5 years as Speaker with a Republican majority,

to defund the food stamp program.
Yep, cut food stamps when millions of Americans are losing their jobs. Great call, Obama.

I thought food stamps was socialist overspending on lazy people to you or did Obama cut your food stamps? LOL, j/k.

There are millions of Americans out of work through absolutely no fault of their own. There are millions of them who need help to survive - until they can get back on their feet. I support helping those people. I support helping people who see food stamps as a temporary solution to a serious problem. I do not support it as a career option.

Fortunately, I have been blessed never to have needed that kind of support. But that doesn't make me immune to it, nor does it make me too heartless to want to help my fellow Americans.... I'll give them a 'hand up' - not a 'hand out'.... (as another great poster so brilliantly put it)

With that I gather you're a Colin Powell type conservative.
The EPA outsources most American jobs overseas.

Newt's Congress (under Clinton) ended welfare and created a budget surplus.

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