Gingrich not a fan of unabridged free speech!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Amazing. Simply amazing! Gingrich was in favor of having the federal government regulating the political content of tv and radio talk shows, a power exercised by every dictator and communist country, and it is a non issue in deciding the Republican’s nomination for president? Something is very wrong with our “conservatives” when they ignore Gingrich’s desire to have folks in government regulating the political content of radio and tv talk shows. Let us review some history.

The "Fairness Doctrine” goes back to 1949 and would have folks in government determining if contrasting viewpoints on any controversial issue were being met. In the early 1980's, Mark Fowler, FCC Chairman appointed by Reagan concluded that the doctrine did not serve the public interest because it encouraged broadcasters to avoid coverage of hot button political issues. The FCC then repealed the doctrine.

Our progressive crowd then went into court to have it re-established but the court upheld the repeal. Our Progressive crowd then came up with the Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1987 which would have allowed un-elected political appointees determining if tv and talk radio stations were providing “a reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views on issues of public importance.

And Gingrich co-sponsored placing this dictatorial power in the hands of folks in government! Why are people ignoring Gingrich’s desire to have folks in government ignore our Constitution’s command that Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances ?

In any event Gingrich, in supporting government control over the political content of radio and tv talk shows was in company with RINOs, Progressives, and other snakes who wanted to exercise a power which every oppressive government now exercises. CLICK HERE for a partial list of our domestic enemies of an unabridged free speech!

This is the real Newt Gingrich!


Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me
Has anyone here heard any one of the following “conservative” talk show hosts call out Newt Gingrich for supporting folks in government regulating the political content of radio talk shows? Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Schnitt, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, Bill O'rielly, Mike Gallagher, Lee Rodgers, Neal Boortz. Tammy Bruce, Monica Crowley.

Something stinks when our “conservative” media gives Gingrich a pass on such an extremely important issue!

Republicans will stop talking about the Fairness Doctrine, if they haven't already, since Newt supports it.

Kinda like welfare, big spending, debt, none of that stuff matters to them when a republican is doing it.
All these years under Obama has driven the right insane. Newt, Paul, Bachmann---hey it does not matter--as long as the name does not begin with a Vowel, end with a Vowel, and sound non-American!

I wonder--would they call Hillary a "conservative" if she was running against Obama?

Anyway--Newt is this months conservative Flavor. Next Month, we are going on Tutti Fruiti!
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All these years under Obama has driven the right insane. Newt, Paul, Bachmann---hey it does not matter--as long as the name does not begin with a Vowel, end with a Vowel, and sound non-American!

I wonder--would they call Hillary a "conservative" if she was running against Obama?

Anyway--Newt is this months conservative Flavor. Next Month, we are going on Tutti Fruiti!

Hillary is just as conservative as some of the GOP candidates.

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