Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

Are all the prisoners at Gitmo American citizens? Are any of them American citizens? Were any of them captured someplace other than an active battlefield? Do you not understand the difference between a firefight and an assassination?

obama's policy is not to capture anyone. He has a kill list of men he is afraid might be captured by someone and questioned.
^ :tinfoil:

link? gawd but you're an idiot, a partisan idiot.
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Are all the prisoners at Gitmo American citizens? Are any of them American citizens? Were any of them captured someplace other than an active battlefield? Do you not understand the difference between a firefight and an assassination?

obama's policy is not to capture anyone. He has a kill list of men he is afraid might be captured by someone and questioned.

What does any of this matter?
Sunshine says that it has already been established that terrorism should be dealt with in a court of law.
So be it, bring them to the States and try them.

You do realise of course that 86 of the 166 detainees have been cleared for release so there will only be 80 to deal with.
Are all the prisoners at Gitmo American citizens? Are any of them American citizens? Were any of them captured someplace other than an active battlefield? Do you not understand the difference between a firefight and an assassination?

obama's policy is not to capture anyone. He has a kill list of men he is afraid might be captured by someone and questioned.

What difference does that make? :confused:
Why not drop them out of a airplane? They want to kill us. Why not do it to them first before they get the chance.
And which position would that be?

Gingrich is the one that's incredibly naive about this..

So let's see, in two post you can't dispute his point's, are you good for a third???

I'm sure you can...

What point?

Bush used the actions of a handful of stateless criminals to further the PNAC agenda of knocking over the oil rich Iraq to keep their resources from falling into the hands of the Chinese and the Russians.

But that sort of metastasized into something else..something that Osama Bin Laden was actually looking for..a global war between the west and the arab world.

Bush's nation building exercise failed miserably in both Afghanistan and Iraq. What it very nearly did was create an all out civil war in Iraq. And Afghanistan is still in ruins.

This all war all the time footing has created a great deal of animosity as well and radicalized a good many people. I suppose this is great for those who's business it is to support wars but it's bleeding the country dry. And it never needed to be that way.

Had Bush's reaction been proportional to the threat and had he made the necessary moves to assuage the outrage, this would have been squashed long ago.

Instead he left a crap sandwich for Obama to deal with.

OK, I will try this one last time, we are talking about Gingrich's statement in the video, can you make a comment in regards to his position?

If it's to difficult I understand...
The Civil War would have been quite a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win if he'd only had the power to arrest Confederate combatants.

The civil war was a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win. However, unlike you and your messiah, Lincoln knew the difference between war and the rules of war, and crime and the due process of law.

Your messiah wants to use the rules of war to kill the enemy with drones, yet, use the criminal justice system for those caught alive. When he claims we are no longer at war, he loses the right to kill people under the rules of war.

Obama wants to arrest and try those responsible for Benghazi, but if he fails to gain their arrest will he just kill them?
The Civil War would have been quite a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win if he'd only had the power to arrest Confederate combatants.

The civil war was a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win. However, unlike you and your messiah, Lincoln knew the difference between war and the rules of war, and crime and the due process of law.

Your messiah wants to use the rules of war to kill the enemy with drones, yet, use the criminal justice system for those caught alive. When he claims we are no longer at war, he loses the right to kill people under the rules of war.

Obama wants to arrest and try those responsible for Benghazi, but if he fails to gain their arrest will he just kill them?

Lincoln suspended habeus corpus

And you complain about Obama ?
The Civil War would have been quite a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win if he'd only had the power to arrest Confederate combatants.

The civil war was a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win. However, unlike you and your messiah, Lincoln knew the difference between war and the rules of war, and crime and the due process of law.

Your messiah wants to use the rules of war to kill the enemy with drones, yet, use the criminal justice system for those caught alive. When he claims we are no longer at war, he loses the right to kill people under the rules of war.

Obama wants to arrest and try those responsible for Benghazi, but if he fails to gain their arrest will he just kill them?

Lincoln suspended habeus corpus

And you complain about Obama ?

Lincoln was extremely wrong too. :eusa_hand:
The Civil War would have been quite a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win if he'd only had the power to arrest Confederate combatants.

The civil war was a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win. However, unlike you and your messiah, Lincoln knew the difference between war and the rules of war, and crime and the due process of law.

Your messiah wants to use the rules of war to kill the enemy with drones, yet, use the criminal justice system for those caught alive. When he claims we are no longer at war, he loses the right to kill people under the rules of war.

Obama wants to arrest and try those responsible for Benghazi, but if he fails to gain their arrest will he just kill them?

What is it with you wingnuts calling the POTUS a Messiah? Pretty sure it's not in our national interest to have religious figures as Chief Execs, so why do you want be so anti-American?
The Civil War would have been quite a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win if he'd only had the power to arrest Confederate combatants.

The civil war was a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win. However, unlike you and your messiah, Lincoln knew the difference between war and the rules of war, and crime and the due process of law.

Your messiah wants to use the rules of war to kill the enemy with drones, yet, use the criminal justice system for those caught alive. When he claims we are no longer at war, he loses the right to kill people under the rules of war.

Obama wants to arrest and try those responsible for Benghazi, but if he fails to gain their arrest will he just kill them?

What is it with you wingnuts calling the POTUS a Messiah? Pretty sure it's not in our national interest to have religious figures as Chief Execs, so why do you want be so anti-American?

That's the way you people see him.:eek:
The Civil War would have been quite a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win if he'd only had the power to arrest Confederate combatants.

The civil war was a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win. However, unlike you and your messiah, Lincoln knew the difference between war and the rules of war, and crime and the due process of law.

Your messiah wants to use the rules of war to kill the enemy with drones, yet, use the criminal justice system for those caught alive. When he claims we are no longer at war, he loses the right to kill people under the rules of war.

Obama wants to arrest and try those responsible for Benghazi, but if he fails to gain their arrest will he just kill them?

obama is following some plan in his head that makes sense to him but may not to others. Al Awlaki gets a drone strike. The attack by Nidal Hassan isn't even an attack. The regime is warned about Tamarlan Tsarnaev but lets him into the country anyway. We really don 't have enough information as to what goes into obama's decisions as to who lives and who dies. Why did he have four Americans killed in drone strikes and serve up Ambassador Stevrns as a sacrifice? obama had Stevens killed just like the other four were killed. Only the method was different.
The civil war was a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win. However, unlike you and your messiah, Lincoln knew the difference between war and the rules of war, and crime and the due process of law.

Your messiah wants to use the rules of war to kill the enemy with drones, yet, use the criminal justice system for those caught alive. When he claims we are no longer at war, he loses the right to kill people under the rules of war.

Obama wants to arrest and try those responsible for Benghazi, but if he fails to gain their arrest will he just kill them?

What is it with you wingnuts calling the POTUS a Messiah? Pretty sure it's not in our national interest to have religious figures as Chief Execs, so why do you want be so anti-American?

That's the way you people see him.:eek:

Wow, how perceptive you wingnuts are. I always thought he was a politician who I supported, if for no other reason the other side's policies were totally unacceptable to me, but apparently I see him as a religious figure. And I'm not even religious.

I think nuking the middle east until it's a lake of glass is a good idea. Who else will agree? ;) I fucking hate Islam. I'm not lying.

A religion of shit it is. They don't want peace? well, that's ok with me.
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