Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

Maybe Obama can sign a peace treaty with the terrorist... Yeah that'll do it..."No more war" what an idiot :cuckoo: Gingrich should have been our president


President Barack Obama's counterterrorism speech last was "stunningly, breathtakingly naive," former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich says.

"He says at one point, wars have to end," Gingrich said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union. "Well, (Leon) Trotsky said, 'You may not care about war, but war cares about you.'"

Gingrich said both Obama's and President George W. Bush's administrations have refused to admit radical Islam is on the offense across the planet. "It is what killed people in Boston. It is what just killed a soldier in London," he said.

The president announces cheerfully, 'The war's going to end because I'm not happy being a war president,'" Gingrich said. Pointing to problems in northern Nigeria, the Chinese volunteering to send troops to Mali, and problems in Libya, Gingrich said the United States will never again see the pre-1941 sense of peace that it isn't being threatened.

Gingrich: Obama Terror Speech 'Breathtakingly Naive'

Ginky as President my ass! The guy's a jerk. Back when Clinton was trying to do something about terrorism back in the 90's that asshole was too busy impeaching him. He, and also the other Republicans, didn't want to stop the attacks while they were happening under a Democratic President. Once a Republican got in and we had 9/11 they then gave Bush the exact same stuff they had refused to give Clinton. Plus his big idea when he was running for President was to take jobs away from people
There is nothing mysterious about how Obama thinks and deals with issues. Be it foreign policy weakness or domestic scandals...he was weaned on communist theories, educated about racial injustices, taught to resent capitalism and live off the plight of the poor...and last but not least he ascended to power the Chicago way. So what did you expect?..

Check out Orelly's "talking Points Memo" tonite...I know it's painful...but he hits the nail on its head...
The Civil War would have been quite a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win if he'd only had the power to arrest Confederate combatants.

The civil war was a challenge for Lincoln and the North to win. However, unlike you and your messiah, Lincoln knew the difference between war and the rules of war, and crime and the due process of law.

Did you ever hear of the Nuremberg trials?

Do you realize we are in a war with Al Qaeda?
I think nuking the middle east until it's a lake of glass is a good idea. Who else will agree? ;) I fucking hate Islam. I'm not lying.

A religion of shit it is. They don't want peace? well, that's ok with me.

No better or worse than any other religion.

If you think our problems with the middle east are about religion, you're just whacked.

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