Girl shaves head to support friend with cancer....Banned from school

Do private schools have school boards?

They have a Board of Directors who is calling each other right now saying...What the fuck did we do and how do we get out of this one?

Brought to their knees by a Third Grader

Not the same concept as a school board, which usually is an elected body used to separate direct government control over public schools for more local resident based control.

Regardless of whether they were elected or appointed.......they got some splain'n to do
Just another example of bureaucratic idiocy.
What a bunch of airheaded morons.
And generally speaking, this is expected nonsense from school boards.
Girl's act of compassion violates school dress code

When a young girl decided to shave her head to support her friend, who is battling cancer, she meant it as a gesture of solidarity.

"It felt like the right thing to do," Kamryn Renfro said.

But Kamryn's family members say her school didn't see it that way and said her shaved head violated its dress code policy.

With her parents' permission, Kamryn shaved her head in support of her cancer-stricken friend, 11-year-old Delaney Clements. She lost her hair because she is undergoing chemotherapy in her fight against neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer.

Delaney loved what her friend did.

"It made me feel very special and that I'm not alone," she said.

In a statement, Caprock Academy said its dress code policy is clear.

"Caprock Academy does have a detailed dress code policy, which was created to promote safety, uniformity, and a non-distracting environment for the school's students. Under this policy, shaved heads are not permitted," said Catherine Norton Breman, President and Chair of Caprock Academy Board of Directors.

However, when Kamryn tried to go back to school at Caprock Academy on Monday, she wasn't allowed in.

Isn't it amazing how intolerant those teachers are?
What a STUPID rule. I shave my head because I am going bald on top and personally it feels and looks better shaved off. Not clean shaven but just no guards on the clippers to cut it off..
I hope parents pull their kids from that school. Who would want morons teaching their children?
I hope parents pull their kids from that school. Who would want morons teaching their children?

I can't understand what those administrators are thinking. Anyway you look at this they lose. What parent would be proud to send their kid to that school? Any parent checking out the school would find this story

A third grader does a noble thing to help a,friend with cancer and they expel her?
Girl's act of compassion violates school dress code

When a young girl decided to shave her head to support her friend, who is battling cancer, she meant it as a gesture of solidarity.

"It felt like the right thing to do," Kamryn Renfro said.

But Kamryn's family members say her school didn't see it that way and said her shaved head violated its dress code policy.

With her parents' permission, Kamryn shaved her head in support of her cancer-stricken friend, 11-year-old Delaney Clements. She lost her hair because she is undergoing chemotherapy in her fight against neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer.

Delaney loved what her friend did.

"It made me feel very special and that I'm not alone," she said.

In a statement, Caprock Academy said its dress code policy is clear.

"Caprock Academy does have a detailed dress code policy, which was created to promote safety, uniformity, and a non-distracting environment for the school's students. Under this policy, shaved heads are not permitted," said Catherine Norton Breman, President and Chair of Caprock Academy Board of Directors.

However, when Kamryn tried to go back to school at Caprock Academy on Monday, she wasn't allowed in.


that is just so wrong on the schools part on so many levels..... it makes my head spin.
Caprock Acadamy is meeting right now on this issue. I don't know if it is a public or private session

Like to see how they try to spin this one. I'm sure they will claim it was a big misunderstanding
This is just a sad way to handle a situation. You would think adults would have thought out their actions first.
U'know...most schools r top-heavy with administrators who make significantly more than teachers...Superintendents, assistant supes, principals, VPs, Directors of curricula, Special Ed directors..etc....all making in 3 figures..yet they never seem to have time to consider disciplinary cases individually... Relying simply in whatever blanket policy formula has been put in place...
I think these fat cats r NOT doing their job...issues for the youth under their care don't always neatly fit the policies "in place"; and require individual consideration...and perhaps some time off the long lunches and other perks these administrators take to distract from their jobs...

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