Girl Shoved Into A Wall For Not Saying The Pledge Of Allegiance

Does anyone know if it was a male teacher, or a female teacher? Neither sex should be whamming kids against the wall, but it is worse if it's abuse from an adult male.

The kid wasn't "whammed" against the wall. Did you not even watch the video?
Well, was it a male teacher or a female teacher who whammed her against the wall? I think they are trying to hide that.
She wasn't "whammed" against the wall.
You don't know the answer, do you? And you don't want to admit it.

I think they are trying to hide it. It's more of a problem (she'll get more money) if it was a man knocking her around.
You don't know the answer, do you? And you don't want to admit it.

I think they are trying to hide it. It's more of a problem (she'll get more money) if it was a man knocking her around.

I watched the video, and she wasn't whammed against the wall.
I watched the video, and she wasn't whammed against the wall.
Why are you evading the question of whether it was a man or a woman doing this? I suppose you don't know, but being a man, you can't stand to admit there's something you don't know.

Does anyone know if the teacher was a man or a woman? It's going to make a difference in the dollar amount of the award.
You don't know the answer, do you? And you don't want to admit it. I think they are trying to hide it. Why are you evading the question of whether it was a man or a woman doing this?
:blahblah:Completely irrelevant. Being 'whammed against the wall' has no gender .... not even 'a gentle shove'. Trying to turn the issue into a sexist rant is nearly always perpetrated by someone who doesn't care about the facts at all.
I suppose you don't know …
But you do, right? 🎶
… being a man, you can't stand to admit there's something you don't know..
And there you have the sexist rant. Exactly as I said. :death:

Ohh look more lies by people that think they can get rich by doing it. The student wasnt pushed and she wasnt stopped for not saying the pledge. So much for that claim.
Every time the media seizes upon a story involving a black person, I just assume there is more to the story since the media has a dishonest agenda.

There are no longer the fourth column. They are now the fifth estate.
Every time the media seizes upon a story involving a black person, I just assume there is more to the story since the media has a dishonest agenda.

There are no longer the fourth column. They are now the fifth estate.

If a black person is being reported as being wronged in pretty much fashion by anyone first I think "ok, tell me the entire story" and secondly I think "are they trying to gain something from it?".

Even if I see a headline saying "black man gunned down by 4 white police officers" first thing I say is "well, he did something to deserve it" and 99% of the time he absolutely did something to deserve it.

Blacks have turned me into a hardcore victim blamer anytime it concerns blacks. Just like women have turned me into a victim blamer most times when they cry foul. Pretty much now the only people I don't victim blame are non black men, Asian people and Mexican people. Everyone else I automatically do not believe.

Blacks can fuck off. I no longer have their back and don't even care enough to let one out in front of me in traffic.
No one has a problem when blm tries to force people to go along with their fists in the air thing and say blacks are gods.
When did BLM state that black folks were Gods?
No sues when people tell others they are racist just for being white.
No one has ever said if your white you are automatically a racist.
No one sues when people with maga hats get man handled or arrested or threatened.
When does that happen?
No one cares about a lot of stuff, except when it can be perceived as a negative for white people or make America look bad.
Did slavery make America look bad?

How about Jim Crow, did that make America look bad?

How about lynching, did that make America look bad?

How about wiping the Native American, did that make America look bad?

How about blatant racism and discrimination, did that make America look bad?
True that's not acceptable behavior and no one should be forcing anyone to do anything but what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Who started the fire?
Every other Country had slaves as well and most were involved in killing indigenous peoples somewhere, why should we be singled out and made the worst for it? Hell, black countries STILL have slaves.

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