Girls as young as 10 dragged from families by hair, beaten, raped by ISIS fighters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Girls as young as ten dragged away from their families by their hair and forced to endure beatings and rapes at the hands of ISIS fighters: Yazidi survivor reveals hell she suffered before escaping
  • ISIS snatched dozens of girls after storming the town of Sinjar last August
  • Taken to warehouse where they were lined up and hand picked by fighters
  • Survivor says she shakes with fear when she sees 'someone with a beard'

PUBLISHED: 04:56 EST, 15 April 2015 | UPDATED: 06:57 EST, 15 April 2015

A Yazidi teenager has told how Islamic State fighters stormed her town with shocking brutality, dragging girls as young as ten by their hair and carting them off like cattle to become sex slaves.

Hanan, 19, was snatched from her family, suffered regular beatings and taken to a warehouse in Mosul, Iraq, where hundreds of women were lined up and hand picked by jihadist militants.

She and six others were then taken to a house in a nearby village where they met a fellow Yazidi girl who had been incarcerated there for the last two months, she told CNN's Arwa Damon.

The girl told them she had been beaten, handcuffed and raped and their captors warned they would soon suffer the same fate.

'The youngest with us was just 10. We were all crying. They said we are going to marry you off, you will forget your family.'

Hanan is now recovering at the Shariya refugee camp in Dohuk Iraqi Kurdistan, where hundreds of other Yazidis have fled, but says she shakes with fear every time she sees 'someone with a beard'.

Tens of thousands of Yazidis were forced to flee for their lives - many of them into the nearby Sinjar mountains and then into Kurdish-held regions of northern Iraq during the ISIS offensive in August.

Read more: Yazidi survivor reveals hell she suffered before escaping ISIS Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Just give you an idea of the confusing behavior of these sandNIGGERS, just a few weeks ago they stoned a couple to death for having premarital sex.

Yet, they gleefully and joyfully rape ten year old girls.

Put a post about this in the Iraq group the other day. Putting it in Politics makes it seem like the limit of your interest is making political hay out of it.
Put a post about this in the Iraq group the other day. Putting it in Politics makes it seem like the limit of your interest is making political hay out of it.

It is.

Afterall, didn't the Lying Cocksucker in Chief call ISIS the JV Team?

Why yes, he did.

Didn't we have a thread posted just today that demanded we all bow down to the Lying Cocksucker in Chief because he destroyed al Qaeda. Of course, nobody's thought to tell al Qaeda that they're destroyed.

This is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY Political.

This is what happens when you get faggot in the White House that thinks he's smarter than everybody since, and including, FDR.

That only he is wonderful enough to cure the world's ills and solve its problems.

We're giving Iran a green light for nukes, the Russians are sending them S300 Missile System that will make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to attack them, he's lost Iraq, Libya, Yemen, will probably lose Asscrackistan, the Chinese are on the march, Russia is giving us the mighty:dev3: finger and nobody respects us anymore.

This is what happens when you put a completely unqualified scumbag in the White House.

And we're going to pay for it.

You're children and grandchildren will pay, and maybe even die, because of this scumbag.

I don't know how much more political it can get than this
Well, of course Obama sent an email to ISIS to rape kids. Everybody knows that.

And that makes it political! QED.
The department store down the street didn't have some shoes I like in my size.

I blame Obama. That makes it political!
The department store down the street didn't have some shoes I like in my size.

I blame Obama. That makes it political!

You ignorant scumbag.... Did obama pull the shoe department out of the store?

The Lying Cocksucker pulled American Troops -- AGAINST ALL ADVICE, out of Iraq.

You really are a pathetic little piece of fucking shit.

Little girls being raped and murdered and all you got is to make stupid fucking jokes.

Eat a Glock motherfucker
This type of behaviour has been happening for the last 50 years in Africa... It is great of OP to show concern now.

I am sure he was just as concerned when Reagan and the Bushes were in charge.

Saying that this is an article in the Daily Mail... You know they just make up sh*t..
Girls as young as ten dragged away from their families by their hair and forced to endure beatings and rapes at the hands of ISIS fighters: Yazidi survivor reveals hell she suffered before escaping
  • ISIS snatched dozens of girls after storming the town of Sinjar last August
  • Taken to warehouse where they were lined up and hand picked by fighters
  • Survivor says she shakes with fear when she sees 'someone with a beard'

PUBLISHED: 04:56 EST, 15 April 2015 | UPDATED: 06:57 EST, 15 April 2015

A Yazidi teenager has told how Islamic State fighters stormed her town with shocking brutality, dragging girls as young as ten by their hair and carting them off like cattle to become sex slaves.

Hanan, 19, was snatched from her family, suffered regular beatings and taken to a warehouse in Mosul, Iraq, where hundreds of women were lined up and hand picked by jihadist militants.

She and six others were then taken to a house in a nearby village where they met a fellow Yazidi girl who had been incarcerated there for the last two months, she told CNN's Arwa Damon.

The girl told them she had been beaten, handcuffed and raped and their captors warned they would soon suffer the same fate.

'The youngest with us was just 10. We were all crying. They said we are going to marry you off, you will forget your family.'

Hanan is now recovering at the Shariya refugee camp in Dohuk Iraqi Kurdistan, where hundreds of other Yazidis have fled, but says she shakes with fear every time she sees 'someone with a beard'.

Tens of thousands of Yazidis were forced to flee for their lives - many of them into the nearby Sinjar mountains and then into Kurdish-held regions of northern Iraq during the ISIS offensive in August.

Read more: Yazidi survivor reveals hell she suffered before escaping ISIS Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Just give you an idea of the confusing behavior of these sandNIGGERS, just a few weeks ago they stoned a couple to death for having premarital sex.

Yet, they gleefully and joyfully rape ten year old girls.


dimocraps are the lowest form of life in the history of this planet.

total scum


Way to go, another rational post.... You know you need help... The way you sound you probably blame the Democrats if it rains...

You have lost objectivity a long time ago, you lack reasoning...

You know Regan is more liberal than Obama on a number of issues?
Put a post about this in the Iraq group the other day. Putting it in Politics makes it seem like the limit of your interest is making political hay out of it.
Read the thread title and knew for sure Delta4 would come running to it.

Way to go, another rational post.... You know you need help... The way you sound you probably blame the Democrats if it rains...

You have lost objectivity a long time ago, you lack reasoning...

You know Regan is more liberal than Obama on a number of issues?

How does obama's ass taste, scumbag?

View attachment 39802
You're just another anonymous little punk playing internet bad ass. In real life, you are the biggest fucking pussy around.
dimocraps are the lowest form of life in the history of this planet.

total scum

Interesting that you hold ISIS in higher esteem than you do of probably half the people in your community.
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We all respect and appreciate the Art left to us by ancient civilizations.

We all understand the science left to us by people like Euclid, Archimedes, Ptolemy and Galen.

The Pyramids, the Great Wall of China.... All these things have something in common.....

They were all part of great Civilizations that were protected by Great Militaries.

In fact, some of them are better known for their Military prowess than their Arts and Sciences. But that would be a mistake. Rome, for instance. The engineering that came out of Rome is staggering

We ALL want to live better through science and engineering. We all appreciate the arts.

But only the grown-ups among us appreciate that NONE of these things are possible without a strong Military.

How many great achievements came about through weak civilizations with a weak Military?

Try -- None.

Now look at ALL the great achievements in all the history of Mankind......

Every one of them came about through great civilizations protected by a great Military.


Ancient Civilizations and ancient Rulers were intelligent enough to understand this.

dimocrap scum are not.

Without a great Military to protect the 'artists' and scientists, what will become of them?

They will cease to exist. That is what will become of them.

dimocrap scum should try reading more Kipling and less -- Well, they don't read very much of anything, actually. The occasional subtitle, maybe

But Kipling did a paper on it one time and someone came with a slogan that read -- "Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"

Forget that and lose your civilization

Way to go, another rational post.... You know you need help... The way you sound you probably blame the Democrats if it rains...

You have lost objectivity a long time ago, you lack reasoning...

You know Regan is more liberal than Obama on a number of issues?

How does obama's ass taste, scumbag?

View attachment 39802

I don't think you get it Edgetho.

In a debate if you have to resort to childish insults you have lost. Edgetho you are offering nothing, you didn't even say I was wrong, you just went to your default, insult the poster.
There was no real reference to what I said, just an insult.
Could I in future ask you to at least address the topic we are discussing.
Interesting that you hold ISIS in higher esteem than probably half the people in your community.

Another lying scumbag of a dimocrap piece of fucking filth.

I despise ISIS and everything they stand for.

Even more than I despise scum like you.

You're too cowardly to become violent..... Unless you're in a mob situation. Then I bet you're badass, huh?
I don't think you get it Edgetho.

In a debate if you have to resort to childish insults you have lost.

Not insults, scumbag.

Observations. Accurate ones. You people truly are the scum of the earth. I am NOT being insulting. You are that and worse.

How many times have you reported this thread in an attempt to get it moved?

I know this tune, scumbag. Start a shit-slinging contest in a thread you don't like and then get all your butthole buddies to report it to the moderators.

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