Giss says 2nd hottest August on record. Jma has it as the hottest!

Granny says, "Den what about all dat snow we just had?...

Record hot years almost certainly caused by man-made warming
25 Jan.`16 - A record-breaking string of hot years since 2000 is almost certainly a sign of man-made global warming, with vanishingly small chances that it was caused by random, natural swings, a study showed on Monday.
Last year was the hottest since records began in the 19th century in a trend that almost all scientists blame on greenhouse gases from burning of fossil fuels, stoking heat waves, droughts, downpours and rising sea levels. "Recent observed runs of record temperatures are extremely unlikely to have occurred in the absence of human-caused global warming," a U.S.-led team of experts wrote in the journal Scientific Reports. Written before 2015 temperature data were released, it estimated the chance of the record run - with up to 13 of the 15 warmest years all from 2000 to 2014 - was between one in 770 and one in 10,000 if the series were random with no human influence.

Lead author Michael Mann, a professor of meteorology at Pennsylvania State University, told Reuters that the group's computer simulations indicated those odds including 2015 had widened to between one in 1,250 and one in 13,000. "Climate change is real, human-caused and no longer subtle - we're seeing it play out before our eyes," he wrote in an e-mail. Natural variations include shifts in the sun's output or volcanic eruptions, which dim sunlight. "Natural climate variations just can't explain the observed recent global heat records, but man-made global warming can," Stefan Rahmstorf, a co-author from the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact, said in a statement.

The scientists tried to account for factors including that heat from one warm year spills over into the next. And temperatures in many years are almost identical, making it hard to rank their heat with confidence. Last month, almost 190 nations agreed at a summit in Paris to the strongest deal yet to shift from fossil fuels towards cleaner energies such as wind and solar power to limit warming.

Separately on Monday, the U.N.'s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirmed U.S. and British data showing 2015 was by far the hottest year on record and noted that a powerful El Nino event, warming the surface of the Pacific Ocean, had stoked extra heat. "The power of El Nino will fade in the coming months but the impacts of human-induced climate change will be with us for many decades," WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said.

Record hot years almost certainly caused by man-made warming
Noaa reported with .88c which is the hottest August on record by far.

Year is .84c....

is this the same NOAA that reported the average temperature for 1997 at 4F warmer than 2015?

What are you talking about? Do you just pull things out of the air or something??? Seriously.
you haven't been following the forum I see. Otherwise you'd know that the NOAA stated that 1997 was 62F. And that 2015 was 58F so 2015 is warmer than 1997 according to NOAA. So frank's post is about how 58 is greater than 62. so if they can't get that right, why should anyone think they got this OP right?
Record heat in India...

India records its hottest temperature ever at 123.8 F
May 20, 2016 - One local man said his cell phone stopped working in the heat, and had to be revived with a cool cloth.
The heat wave in the town of 45,000, located in the northern state of Rajasthan, exceeds the 1956 record of 123.1 F in Alwar, Rajasthan. While the weeks leading up to India's monsoon season are typically hot, temperatures this high are not usual. In the last four years, 4,204 people have died as a result of heat waves.


The India Meteorological Department issued a heat wave watch for much of the area. Meteorologists said there will not be relief for several days. "The (heat) intensity is likely to reduce thereafter and gradually abate during May 27 to 31. The maximum day and minimum night temperatures are likely to remain markedly above normal over entire northwest, west and central India during May 17 to 27. They are likely to fall to their respective normal or below normal values between May 27 and June 1," meteorologists said.

Murari Lal Thanvi, a local resident, told the BBC he struggled to stay outdoors on Friday. "Even my mobile phone gave up and stopped working when I was trying to take pictures today," he said."I was able to switch my mobile phone on after putting a wet cloth on it for about 20-25 minutes."

India records its hottest temperature ever at 123.8 F

See also:

April Temperatures Break Previous Monthly Heat Records
May 20, 2016 — Global warming, the driving force behind record heat, may be happening at a faster pace than previously predicted
The World Meteorological Organization reports that in April, a new monthly record was set for high temperatures on land and the ocean, indicating that global warming may be happening at a faster pace than previously predicted. The WMO has issued a number of alarming reports on the state of the climate in recent days. The report on record-setting temperatures indicates April marked the 12th month in a row in which temperature records have been broken. Spokeswoman Clare Nullis says this is the longest such streak in 137 years in which records have been shattered. “What is particularly concerning is the margin in which these records are being broken...They are being smashed and on a fairly consistent basis,” said Nullis.


People cool themselves off during a heat wave in Islamabad, Pakistan​

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, reports the combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for April was 1.10 degrees Celsius above the 20th century average. Nullis says this is a very big margin and explains the warmth in Arctic areas over large parts of Russia. “The heat that we saw in 2015 - hit the headlines at the time - we were alarmed about it. The heat that we are seeing in 2016 - it makes 2015 pale by comparison,” said Nullis. A major factor contributing to scorching temperatures around the world was the powerful El Nino weather phenomenon. WMO reports El Nino, which triggers severe drought, heavy rains and other extreme weather conditions, is fading rapidly and probably will give way later in the year to La Nina, which has a cooling influence.


Rain drops bead on a car window below the Golden Gate Bridge, Jan. 5, 2016, in Sausalito, Calif. El Nino storms lined up in the Pacific, promising to drench parts of the West for more than two weeks.​

WMO’s Clare Nullis, however, cautions against raising hopes that El Nino’s departure will result in a better turnaround anytime soon. “The impacts of El Nino and particularly the drought, they will carry on for many months,” said Nullis. "So, for instance, southern Africa is particularly badly affected by drought and their main rainy season is not going to come now for a number of months. So, what the humanitarian agencies call the lean season in southern Africa will be very, very lean.” The WMO says the main driving force behind unprecedented warmth is global warming caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases. The agency is urging the rapid implementation of the Paris Climate Change agreement to head off the worst.

Record-setting heat waves this year make soaring temperatures in 2015 look pale by comparison
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Death Valley gets hotter, but, as the saying goes, it's a dry heat.

India, they're seeing 60% humidity with that. That's getting near lethal wet bulb temperatures.
Death Valley gets hotter, but, as the saying goes, it's a dry heat.

India, they're seeing 60% humidity with that. That's getting near lethal wet bulb temperatures.

Death Valley was there BEFORE the white man came to America you fucking retard
AGW really is just taking the top weather story and shrieking, "MANMADE GLOBAL WARMING!!! DEATH TO THE DENIERS!! WE HAVE 97% CONSENSUS!!!"
Death Valley was there BEFORE the white man came to America you fucking retard

Have you been drinking again, or is there some other explanation for that bizarre outburst?

That is, please explain why you thought it necessary to declare Death Valley pre-existed european settlement, and how that related to my post in any way.
Death Valley gets hotter, but, as the saying goes, it's a dry heat.

India, they're seeing 60% humidity with that. That's getting near lethal wet bulb temperatures.

Death Valley was there BEFORE the white man came to America you fucking retard

No shit. Still his point stands that 99% of the time when the humanity gets much above 30% the temperature is no where near 120+ there. What really matters is the habitual zone maybe shifting to the hot side in some parts of our world the more our planet warms and I seriously doubt the population density and such conditions have occurred the past 10,000 years.
Death Valley was there BEFORE the white man came to America you fucking retard

Have you been drinking again, or is there some other explanation for that bizarre outburst?

That is, please explain why you thought it necessary to declare Death Valley pre-existed european settlement, and how that related to my post in any way.

Because you're a loonytoon who mentioned Death Valley as if it being hot was something new or different

Because you're a loonytoon who mentioned Death Valley as if it being hot was something new or different

No, I mentioned Death Valley and the dry heat there to point out how humidity is nearly as important as temperature when determining the how many people are killed by heat waves. If the wet bulb temperature climbs past about 35C, the people die, even if they're soaking wet and resting in the shade next to a fan, because they can't shed body heat. Same for all the large animals.

That's what places like India and Pakistan are in for in the near future. In the farther future, the midwestern USA will start seeing days like that.

And you seem okay with that. Is it that you want to kill everyone, or were you thinking that only brown people would die, and it was okay for that reason?
this is last August...........nobody cares.

But in New York, it has been "FREEZE YOUR BALLS OFF IN SPRING" THIS month!!! And last month, record cold days up the ying-yang.

Oh.....that's right........the northeast doesn't count on the map!!!:banana:
Because you're a loonytoon who mentioned Death Valley as if it being hot was something new or different

No, I mentioned Death Valley and the dry heat there to point out how humidity is nearly as important as temperature when determining the how many people are killed by heat waves. If the wet bulb temperature climbs past about 35C, the people die, even if they're soaking wet and resting in the shade next to a fan, because they can't shed body heat. Same for all the large animals.

That's what places like India and Pakistan are in for in the near future. In the farther future, the midwestern USA will start seeing days like that.

And you seem okay with that. Is it that you want to kill everyone, or were you thinking that only brown people would die, and it was okay for that reason?

God are you stupid Frank. Do you EVER have anything meaningful to say
It's the most hotterest May EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Arctic warmed from -36 to -35.1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Deep ocean warmed from 32 to 32.2


Praise Allah that President Trump will zero out the Phony fake fucking EnviroMarxist douchebag "science" called AGW
According to the GISS, August 2015 was the 2nd warmest on record after 2014.
Top 5

2014 0.82C
2015 0.81C
2011 0.74C
2006 0.71C
1998 0.69C

Warmest summer on record

Top 5

2015 0.78C
1998 0.72C
2009 0.69C
2011 0.69C
2014 0.69C

The last 4 months of this year would need to be quite a bit cooler than the average of the last 10 years to avoid the warmest year on record.

JMA reporting in now. They have August 2015 as the warmest on record by a huge margin (as far as records go), at +0.45C above the 81-10 average, and +0.12C higher than the previous record set last year.


Five Warmest Years (Anomalies)

1st. 2015 (+0.45°C),
2nd. 2014 (+0.33°C),
3rd. 1998 (+0.28°C),
4th. 2013, 2012, 2009 (+0.23°C)

At +0.42C, this summer is also the warmest on record, +0.1C above the previous record set last year.


1st. 2015 (+0.42°C),
2nd. 2014 (+0.32°C),
3rd. 1998 (+0.28°C),
4th. 2012, 2010 (+0.23°C)

So what?

None of that proves that man has anything to do with it.
According to the GISS, August 2015 was the 2nd warmest on record after 2014.
Top 5

2014 0.82C
2015 0.81C
2011 0.74C
2006 0.71C
1998 0.69C

Warmest summer on record

Top 5

2015 0.78C
1998 0.72C
2009 0.69C
2011 0.69C
2014 0.69C

The last 4 months of this year would need to be quite a bit cooler than the average of the last 10 years to avoid the warmest year on record.

JMA reporting in now. They have August 2015 as the warmest on record by a huge margin (as far as records go), at +0.45C above the 81-10 average, and +0.12C higher than the previous record set last year.


Five Warmest Years (Anomalies)

1st. 2015 (+0.45°C),
2nd. 2014 (+0.33°C),
3rd. 1998 (+0.28°C),
4th. 2013, 2012, 2009 (+0.23°C)

At +0.42C, this summer is also the warmest on record, +0.1C above the previous record set last year.


1st. 2015 (+0.42°C),
2nd. 2014 (+0.32°C),
3rd. 1998 (+0.28°C),
4th. 2012, 2010 (+0.23°C)

So what?

None of that proves that man has anything to do with it.

They say it does, isn't that how science works?

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