Gitmo Terrorists Coming to a Prison Near You

Try them all and release the ones you can't convict
Crates? That seems so boring. Since you're making this fantasy up as you go along, can't they have a space ship, or at the very least a bean stalk? Maybe a singing goose?

Tell that to George Soros. Maybe he can dispute the charges with his credit card company.

You tell him. Its your made up fantasy. All I ask is if you're going to pull nonsense out of your ass, at least make it interesting. You need to have a hook. Something to draw your audience in.

I've got it! A box full of puppies. Everyone loves puppies.
Either try them or release them. This shit is inhumane and NONE of us would want it done to us. Imagine if someone invaded the US and you fought back and they declared you a terrorist and detained you for 15 years without trial or charge.

I feel the same way. We pulled them out of their country. And then held them without charges or trial for 15 years.

That's nuts. That's not us. We're a nation of laws. Try them or release them.

Wow....completely clueless.......they were not gentle sheep hearders, and they are violent, dangerous murderers....if they get out I hope they move to your town.
They defended themselves against a foreign invasion. YOU would do same thing if China or Mexico or Canada or ANYONE invaded your country.

No...wrong....and really stupid wrong. They are terrorists, unlawful combatants who committed war crimes against civilian populations by both rape, torture and murder and engaging in war without being a part of a national military. They are terrorists, not soldiers or resistance......

To compare Americans or any other citizen from any other country whose country is invaded as an act of war, vs. terrorists raping, torturing and murdering innocent shows how stupid you are, and that you lack anything resembling a moral compass, an understanding of good and evil and right and also shows why people like you and the politicians you support should never be put in positions of power in our country.
Union army did same damn thing the Taliban and Al Qaeda did.
I've got it! A box full of puppies. Everyone loves puppies.

This true!

Especially your darkish Messiah who seems to like them with a bit of ketchup or maybe salsa if it's the wetback vote He's courting....
That's your Messiah. As you're the one who keeps using the term. So your Messiah, who is apparently 'darkish', a box full of puppies and an invisible dragon that sings show tunes!

Now that's interesting.
Try them all and release the ones you can't convict

Why is this such a controversial idea for some conservatives? I mean,its the basis of our entire system of law.

But not for a war. POWs are held till the war is over...these guys, the war ain't over for them and it never will what do you do with them? And how exactly do you try them for crimes committed in a foreign country? So they will walk, and go right back to murdering, raping and torturing people.
Either try them or release them. This shit is inhumane and NONE of us would want it done to us. Imagine if someone invaded the US and you fought back and they declared you a terrorist and detained you for 15 years without trial or charge.

I feel the same way. We pulled them out of their country. And then held them without charges or trial for 15 years.

That's nuts. That's not us. We're a nation of laws. Try them or release them.

Wow....completely clueless.......they were not gentle sheep hearders, and they are violent, dangerous murderers....if they get out I hope they move to your town.
They defended themselves against a foreign invasion. YOU would do same thing if China or Mexico or Canada or ANYONE invaded your country.

No...wrong....and really stupid wrong. They are terrorists, unlawful combatants who committed war crimes against civilian populations by both rape, torture and murder and engaging in war without being a part of a national military. They are terrorists, not soldiers or resistance......

To compare Americans or any other citizen from any other country whose country is invaded as an act of war, vs. terrorists raping, torturing and murdering innocent shows how stupid you are, and that you lack anything resembling a moral compass, an understanding of good and evil and right and also shows why people like you and the politicians you support should never be put in positions of power in our country.
Union army did same damn thing the Taliban and Al Qaeda did. are that fucking stupid.
Either try them or release them. This shit is inhumane and NONE of us would want it done to us. Imagine if someone invaded the US and you fought back and they declared you a terrorist and detained you for 15 years without trial or charge.
Uh...fuck Muslims caught on the battlefield shooting at Americans.
Either try them or release them. This shit is inhumane and NONE of us would want it done to us. Imagine if someone invaded the US and you fought back and they declared you a terrorist and detained you for 15 years without trial or charge.

I feel the same way. We pulled them out of their country. And then held them without charges or trial for 15 years.

That's nuts. That's not us. We're a nation of laws. Try them or release them.

Wow....completely clueless.......they were not gentle sheep hearders, and they are violent, dangerous murderers....if they get out I hope they move to your town.
They defended themselves against a foreign invasion. YOU would do same thing if China or Mexico or Canada or ANYONE invaded your country.

No...wrong....and really stupid wrong. They are terrorists, unlawful combatants who committed war crimes against civilian populations by both rape, torture and murder and engaging in war without being a part of a national military. They are terrorists, not soldiers or resistance......

To compare Americans or any other citizen from any other country whose country is invaded as an act of war, vs. terrorists raping, torturing and murdering innocent shows how stupid you are, and that you lack anything resembling a moral compass, an understanding of good and evil and right and also shows why people like you and the politicians you support should never be put in positions of power in our country.

Bingo and I agree.

You can't cure stupid and boy is he one stupid motherfucker.

They should shoot every one of those dirtbags at Gitmo and take no more prisoners. Kill them all before shit for brains in the WH releases them so they can go back to killing anyone they can.

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